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Show iks irB)nPRpxlH(sK Enjoy outstanding membership privileges like these! The Superb Longines Symphonette Choice of any record from any field of music -f- rom 50 top labels! Member's cred 'ard allowing you to charge ail your purchases! Free, ninthly magazine with articles and stories about top recording stars of today! otters available only to Club members! Exclusive money-savin- g Your right to examine all selections before you pay for them! A free record for every record you buy, after trial membership. mark ii full-col- or . Stereo Phonograph . . . $1498 Chocss your first sc faction from thsso great albums wmernm OBBI 1 i 930-5-3 with membership in Capitol Record Club r' ' jt i. f, This extraordinary $79.98 stereo phonograph is truly the musical bargain of the decade! Superbly engineered by Longines Symphonette, it is fully portable, AC operated, with 2 detachable speaker units (2 permanent-magn4" speakers 28-3- 0 et in all)... elegant wood-grai- n case ... solid-sta- te amplifier... diamond stylus and ceramic cartridge ... separate volume unconditional warranty! You get all this controls... plus 90-dfor only $14.98 plus small shipping-handlin- g charge! (Deluxe Model featuring automatic record changer just $4.98 additional.) ay Jdbm vVAtNf, I MOS 93007 93040 930-2- 7 is$5 M r Now Join America's Fastest Growing Record Club! As a member youll receive the Clubs monthly magazine, KEYNOTES, which ists the Selection of the Month in your own musical division, plus many, many more albums from which you may choose. If you want only the regular selection, you need do nothing it will be shipped automatically. Or you may order any other album offered... or take no album at all simply by returning the convenient selection notice by the date specified. You also receive a members special credit card allowing you to charge all your purchases, as well as exclusive money-savin- g offers available to members only! What better way to build that stereo collection youve always wanted... and take advantage of the stereo phonograph bargain of the decade, at the same time! Choose your first Club selection now, fill in the order card and mail it today! WtIMf 1 92053 93064 EsttyEshishn 33-6-0 93061 93029 29-2- 8 MluV tv ( KglliuOttT 913-6- 3 0 Unfergsttablt NAT KINS COLE tenor Mt. Man ln r'XITiJ'EtlST HGfWTXw . iiaiAa ntouxcT Mtra, is lvj ln Sanyltow capiioi 905-1- 0 V "( f Cray Baa Msm Vvfl S rf-r?- r IRAPPKSS 92061 915-9- 8 c- -f i V4 ms$ foj8 M 93039 .. ' Anj. r JL 916-0-4 riMn&a-is- OLD VVIERD n HAROLD s a-- sr far-- -- " 92017 12 29-7- 2 8 ThoDostof Dlll GQSD7 ca BsmNanOdi He ewc3ar Wtat 915-8- MMPHIIW TF3iEEsi MAMA TRIED bcci of 'Tcc:e My 7 itM f.tTU thi fcrj 'J 906-2- 2 FAT ALBERT i a--a nwDssi fesaiSa 1-- 916-6- 6 ,s WARNER BR0S.-917-7- 2 7 ARTS 914-4- 4 920-8- 1 917-1- 7 PARADE APRIL 19. 19 |