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Show c Gel Fill o! advice from the garden doctor l weed stfaird ceuradeofl mow by Dr. Arvil L. Stark Tribune Garden Consultant UUL illli! Why root dandelions out by hand when you can spray them away? Kill them fast and effectively the easy way. Gei AnircP imm 'i Vid D33M3 KEsp A f squeeze ;n weed mmmm puumm-PfHftO- ivf , ATOCH1CKWRK0 KELLER; Em j'uaiJWP'Jeei.iiwoBi L8JL G GOD SOIL grows big weeds. Poor soil also produces a good crop of weeds. Unpaved sidewalks, roadsides, and other heavily trafficked areas are often covered With weeds. Fence lines are usually fringed with weeds. Weeds flourish in ditches and on ditch banks. Weeds thrive in vacant lots. They prosper in flower and vegetable-gardens, and even some lawns have weeds. They thrive wherever plants will grow and often do well where cultivated plants fail. Hoeing and pulling weeds is necessary in the home vegetable garden and in some flower borders, but there are herbicides that will control weeds in most other situations much faster and bet'er than hoeing or cultivation. It is an exasperatexperiing and ence to hoe weeds on a gravelly roadside or a play area, or in a tangled fence line, or in irrigation ditches or drainage channels. This is a job we often assign to a mischievous small boy as a form of puni hment, or do it grudgingly ourselves with complete absence of gusto or enthusiasm. Fortunately there is now a better way of controlling weeds in these difficult situations than . . hoeing. MOWING is a good way to keep weeds down where this is possible. Most roadsides and vacant lots that are smooth and free from trash and rubbish will eventually become covered with grass if weeds are kept down by repeated and continuous mowing. The time to start the mowing is when the weeds are 4 to 6 inches high. This-- is also the time to start spraying with contact herbicides for weed control. Iowk out the window, your weeds may be high enough to mow right now. hard-surface- d ? H 'I ? RrevF. Squeeze can kills following 18 weeds: Dandelion, Plantain, Pol Ivy, Chickweed, Knot weed, Goldenrod, Wild Mus tard, Pennywort, Ragweed son Shepherd's Purse, Thistle Dock, Wild Morning Glory Wild Carrot, Poison Oak, Bindweed and Sumac, Brambles. Guaranteed to work or you get your money back. another ill osreamj product from spraying for weeds is easier than hoeing also faster. Delaying control until weeds are knee high complicates control, and waiting until they reach the hemline of a mini skirt makes control very difficult indeed. An excellent device for weed spraying on a home lot is a two or three gallon pressure sprayer equipped with a fan type nozzle so that you can see exactly where the spray is being applied. Label the sprayer for weeds only and adhere to the label. A weed sprayer used for control of bugs often creates some embarrassing situations and plant damage. SOME SATISFACTORY her- and furnace oil. These are contact herbicides and kill only the plants that are actually hit with the spray. Tender young weeds are easier to control than old tough plants. Getting the weeds while they are small also eliminates unsightly residues which may present a fire hazard if the foliage is dry. Spraying for weeds is faster than hoeing. It is also easier and' cheaper if your time is worth anything. Weeds in curbs, drives, sidewalks, terraces, and other places difficult to cut with a hoe are easily and quickly controlled with a proper herbicide in a sprayer, and it is so much more modern and scientific in appearance than the old method. Purchase a sprayer to match your wifes gardening outfit so she will feel comfortable and in 'while spraying. Ask her to read and carefully follow directions on the label of the herbicide container before spraying rather than after. BiWYflKD SFC2T possible! A private putting green, croquet or badminton court of beautiful, thick turf so dense it strangles weeds, so tough it withstands traffic beautifully. Until now, 0217 Brand Fylking Kentucky lawn has been available only for country clubs, golf courses and parks. A far superior lawn grass for all lawn purposes, Fylking forms a dense turf of greenest green, beginning in early spring and lasting into late fall. Fylking thrives when cut low as Vz Inch. Fylking sod can be installed so you can have instant lawn. blue-gra- You can provide better supervision if you, too, have read the label before issuing orders. ANSWER teat nuhed to the match hardy bluegrass originating Sweden, Fylking is more drought and winter tough, disease resistant Its superior performance has been proven by over 12 years of international tests. You will find Fylking seed andor sod at sod landscape distributors, seed and garden supply centers. For the most beautiful lawn ever, specify Fylking, the revolutionary new lawn. in hoe- - HCURS WERE NUMBERED (Jumble appears on page bicides for spraying weeds in difficult.' situations around the home lot and elsewhere are Ansar, Phytar, Dinitro General 4) Svalof, FYLKING MOBIL TREE-HE- KENTUCKY ET KEEP THE FROST off your FRUIT BLUEGRASS HOLT OIL CO. CONSERVE YOUR PRECIOUS HOLD-A-HIL- Dial 355-283- U I. Ptawt rate IMF 8 L0 MAIL THIS MONEY - SAVING SALE - BEAUTIFUL Safr&JRimnl BIG COUPON' 50 Large Shade Trees $500 24' J4MJp to ' deep Home SOILI USE ss A BEHALF FERVOR MAGPIE HERALD UNEASY PURPLE Why the nut-dot- en timepiece ITS its Now FREHNER'S Mountain West Gardens PHONE 277-208- 1 Now V. rm ONLY Lake Salt The Lifetime Liner Child Safe Vmyl covered cham link Alcoa Aummum WaH fence surrounds pool 1? 000 gal capacity Bo Properly Tar Removable when you move ruLL mo: $i4ti No Mtri IncUdes everytkini charges with oonoal iostalljtioo. Phone 078-00- 13 Use the Daily 00 N Want Ads - Peacock Orchids IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND FREE Coupon brings SO medium sin GiadtoJus already 2W to 3 circumference imported from expert Hoiljod growers where many have already bloomed one season A ramfeow ef darting reds, yellows, purples, whites, crimson, etc. as available, now reedy for 2nd year booms on spikes 2 to 4 feet tall Satisfaction er return within 10 days for purchase price refund Must boom this season er replacement free. (Acidantheraf Holland bulbs boom in 2 tone beauty 3 without ertta cost with every 50 glads. 50 Gtads 3 Peacock Orchids $1 00 100 Glads Peacock Orchids $1 98 12 Peacock Orchids Q 200 Gtads $3 75 8 Dahlias (Brilliant Color M) i 00 Remittance enclosed Add 35c we ship postpaid Send C.O 0 postage mitre. DAHLIAS 8 For $1.00 Asst (iant decorative and double ball Mjsed colors as available -t .... ... NAME ADDRESS CITY MICHKM nil Cl. ,t STATE. CO 1171. ..ZIP, tnH tlda, 4. N! mnm; |