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Show ' V, b mm : You'll find peaceful Weiiem hospitality in the heart of Utah's Monument Valley at Goulding's Trading Post and Lodge. Adjacent to colorful Navajo Tribal Park, the lodge sends daily jeep tours, with NEW fully drive vehicles into a photographer's wonderland. Photograph Navajo weaving, cliff dwellings, fan- tastic rock formations, mesas, buttes and breath-tokin- g sunsets, feel the "hushed spirit of enchantment" omid the most scenic valley in the Southwest. For colorful brochure write: Waterways, stylish homes and friendly residents characterize the picturesque section of Long Beach known as Naples, circular island interlaced with canals. IidNM'En joeq? Read Today s Classified Ads dame subdUies smog PLANNED FOR YOU BY THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW AMERICA BEST! 0 N A CLEAR DAY you can see Catalina, and possibly forever from Long Beach, California, where the weather can be described as perpetual springtime. s. In Long Beach you can enjoy a balmy twilight hour, with a slight hint of breeze rising up from tire Pacific summer, winter, spring or autumn. The marvelous climate enables you to bask on the golden sands of an eight-milarc of beach or enjoy boating or sportfishing all year 'round. e in THIS IDEAL weather ranges the 70s during the summer and 50s in the winter months. The yearly average, according to the U.S. Weather Bureau, is M degrees, always clear and tefreshing. Scientists call it the most perfect climate for health- ful living. Part of explanation the geographical for Long Beach's temperate climate, even more gentle than neighboring Southern California communities, is her sheltered location. Low coastal hills like the Palos Ver-de- s and Signal Hill, form natural barriers which protect Long Beach from the southwestern trndewinds that blow from the Pacific Ocean. Catalina Island, which lies in full view of the Pacific, 22 miles to the west, bansforms the winds into n warm land bieezo that comes up in the late afternoon. THESE for Long Beachs clear, blue skies as well. A recent survey of the Southern California area, made by the National Network, rated Long Beach number one in smogless-nesThis factor not only brings visitors from all over the counfrom but refugees try, of communities smogged-iSouthern California too. BREEZES not only temper the climate, but account Here are just a few of our 1 65 escorted and unescorted vacations throughout the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico. Check off the placet that interest you, fill out the couporv mail the whole ad to ut for full information. VOIlO on Hop See snow in Long Beach although the nearby San Gabriel Mountains are most of the w inter and occasiont ally, as low as the level. The setup makes it possible to sun bathe in Lcng Beach in the morning and ki in the San Gabriels during the afternoon. 7eas, Caltf Meiico as ol w Ati? like you Metco Then to . 2 davs 18 days rom Phoem hop UNIQUE AMtRtCANA 23 CARROUSFL the circle in Ja k.onvtlle, CManrio, Cl Miami or Tampa St Pete See what you like. Hop oil when you wish. One day from $19 IS tO to 8 days horn . from Jacksonville .$226 50 days Join $19 25 $494 10 $402 55 ftoifl n Long Beach has an average yearly rainfall of less than 13 inches. Between May and October the average is about a third of an inch, with virtually no precipitation in the summer. n as muih oM 3 dav$ rtORlDA carpousil $i9 i ESCORTED VACATIONS Fiom $M IN) Mom$jS4t,5 dan Hm Valtle) Cape Cid h cavs tom New York) omalV 'gtma 7 days from Washington, DC) Colcrful Co.oiadc 6 davs fiom Denvet) 1 Vw t'ic and i7 d?vs tom New Yotk) Cat adian fiosk Glaoet PaiM7 davs Horn Seattle) CO i'ea tasle'n C.t es 15 days Horn Chicago) Grat Lakes Courts (5 das fiom Chicago) ' 8 fisn Cc'jn-- t a ittc Northwest U davs Horn Portland) Z) Yosem te SoureT. Toirtotnu 9 days from San ftanosco) L2 C " $10 90 fiom $.17 35 60 fiom $. From Cf esi P Ff $4-- ;fcm $(.' 85 jj The .. Califoma chm 11 $;v 85 I 95 0 frM Kff $ snow-covere- d Salt J. iif 2.500-foo- THE INVIGORATING climate makes Long Beach one of the most outstanding recreational areas in the world. The Long Beach Marina is the largest publicallv owned matina in the woild, with over 2.000 small craft berth. And the offshore area is recognized as the number one sjH)it fishing preserve in the world, teaming with tiOO pound bass and 000 pound marlin. Long Beach is also flower-line- d amply sprinkled with courses. and golf parks Whenever you come to Long Beach, it's bound to bo a beautiful day! ftetr VACATIONS UNESCORTED It doesn't H iom$7M5 f'om$46?5 For S1V 60 L ifirstone Utah fiom ... 5 $. $ 8 I-ake 95 3 days 4 days ....... Paks Gfird Caryon 'ates per pefon rm SaM lake City unless shown otherwise tels t n 'ocm a rimrMdaiwni, MgbKeeing spe ti lealw'es. fAf iwt 1a hiding T;l'5 t'anpr 'fat. on, ho- ) See your travel agent or phone 355-468- 4 vacatKas Amazing LAND, SEA, ftom GREYHOUND AIRj-rCn- y April GREYHOUND AMAZING AMERICA VACATIONS 160 West South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 Please send me information on the trips I hove checked obove. Other trips not shown- J9, 1970 hlnm. Address ... ........ - - Slot City My travel ogent is . 40 |