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Show ion Erring to Speak Locitirc to Focus on Guatemala The Salt Like Tribunr. Sundar. Aorll IS. 19! Havenl Registered? You Been thinking of signing the petition to put a repeal of the Common Day of Rest Act (Sundav Closirg) on the No- ember ballot so you and the people of Utah tan vote on it? If you've moved sne you last voted and need lo get your legist! alum ormted or if you need to register for so your name the fust time on the petition u ul not be disqualified fin get n Tlioie'll be no av you can piopetly sign the peiiiion The l'Ki9 Legisl.it ute passed Sign Closing Petition, Either Cant-Ca- nt regulation ait whiuh votirg district agents home limned registration to registration agents. Before then, you could go to the county cleiks office at almost any time, other then a registration day. and register to vote or charge your on those days. And the next statutory day is Aug. 4, a full month after the Detition must be completed and turned In to the secretary cf state's office The act once read, "The lounty clerk srnll regisier at his office during regular office hours on any day except Sunday and hU.days and regular registiation days and a period excepting immediately preceding any election, all persons applying for registiation who, on election day, will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voter By Dave Jomson Tribune Staff Writer regis-tiatio- Must Take Oath But the charge mean Ihe o h pci sons who can now rrgMor at Ihe ilcrhs oflue aie those are wiling who y to sign an oath that they'll be out of the (oun'y on all regular legislation days or aie disabled and unable lo it a vi-- Thursday to district in accords to the provisions of the law under which such election may be held. Proper Days Only Now, tacked onto that statute are the woids ". . . if such applicant shall take the of tne other any election specific dates. But the new act precludes ary attempts to make an earlier correction of registration in order to Sign that petition, which Secy, of State Clyde L. Miller, according to law, must accept no later than July 3. The Legislature, in passing the law m 13, of cour-- e had no knowledge an liututne petition Vould come up this year, though it might have been suspected during the 1970 budget session when the closing law was being considered and public con novei spy and talk of the initiative following oath . . . (related to disability or absence from the county on ALL of the following statutory registiation daysi. The effect is that all tno-- e qualified to vote in this fall's elections will, as always, be able to vote if they get to their agents on Aug. 4 or any arose. V. Ik S'atJcy B MXaJv pfs-LcSoof me Utah Auuj-jviillustrated an wdl give ciety, lecture on tne natural history and ecologu al aspects of Tuesday at 8 p.r.i. at for large- - buds are fit's. w. - . Dinner Club Gua-teni- Di. Henry E;nng. d proiessor of chemistry and metallurgy at the Uni- - Associated Garden Center, 1650 E. 2100 ecological which the farming methods of that country produce. ty Goods Recovered t! e Utah ersity of m Cub South. Dr. Mula.k and a group of Audubon Society membeis recorded 279 species of buds count w dining a Smh laige numbers of Utah, will coe out the University Dinner Gub series for UuS-7- 0 ThJrrda.v. He is sdied-the Union pano r a m a Feb-ruar- 10-d- situations of snowmobiles and a stolen from Johnny 1779 Foothill Dr, Quong, early in the year, have been reco ered according to Salt Two trailer Lake County sheriff's reports. m room folio Dr. tyring dinner at 6 43 p m mg He is dean emeutus of the University of Utah Giaduate School and has taught at many of the nation s leading colleges and universities. w- Sears (ill! (I ft 6) JJrnX TO m 4 V' i i e 0 IU0MYMUS ORTHO-GR- O '2-'- 5 to mm ' ' EUONYMUS 24.30" VARIGATEN n-j4- " SPECIAL SALE 1 PLUS IEOH and SULFUR 22-4- -4 9 fertil- Fast acting, izer contains nitrogen phosphorus and potash plus iron and sulfur. Fast dissolving pellets. long-lastin- 6,000 g 139.99 Scars 5 Co. Ft. SQ. FT. Kefrlgerator reg- - 5.95 SAVE MS) 20 Walnut Grain laminated top Decorator coppertone finish Door shches for extra space wide Only 33-ihigh, 21-in. 's n. w SQ- - FT. 12,000 reg. 10.95 for WHIRLYB1RD Fast and easy to use! Spreods a uni pattern 8- - to t. wide. 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Repair kit for accidental punctures. Assorted Slim Coppertone 7.7 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator le decorator colors. Push-butto- reg. 9.99 pet ot n defrosting! Adjustable Flush door opening 3 h door iheKe Sear Low Pries cold-contr- tto- - ' .2,7,1 i full-widt- Satitaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back SHOP AT SEARS Seim Downtown 7.14 Sonlli Mat. AND SAVE Ibont Sears SA S. vs'. V j, .v S & v4s VC frr jt4 ip 1 (EARS, ROEBUCK AND CO 355-bt5- 1 |