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Show The Salt Lake TriLune, Sunday, April 13, 10 A 1379 Its Only 1970, But Keeping Tabs on the U.S. Citizenry. Says Sociologist Vance Packard, May Turn Government Into George Orwells Big Brother Dictatorship of 1984 - WASHINGTON the dosed door of Room 2439, a handful of government dorks searches through iadi-ca- l methodic-all- y new.xpapeis, snipping out names. are hunting The clerks menAmericans favorably tioned by the publications of dis'-ent- others. The cards do not state anything about a person; they are more like a bibliography, citing publications which mention him. Until evaluated, the dipraw pings are considered data and are kept in other filing cabinets. In Raw Data One name in the raw data is that of William Kunstler, civil rights attorney who represented the defendants in the Chi- Behind . Found, snipped, checked, reviewed, the names are conveyed down a wide clean corridor to be fed into a subversive activities' data bank bulging with names of (Jenernmcni files contain mountains of information on American citizens. In most eaes, data goes into tire files routinely, like when you answer the census, and is held in confidence. But in some eases, information is gathered into data Lanks and dossiers, then shared by federal agencies. This dispatch, written by John S. Lang, is based on a comprehensive study by the Associated Press Special Assignment Team. 1.5 million citizens. The name-hunter- in Room s servants of aie the (.nil Service Commission, the agency set up to oversee federal employment. Indicative of Natch 2179 low-lev- The comnu-sioii- 's secunty not to be confused dossiers with its sepaiate files on the 10 million persons who have sought federal jobs since 1939 are indicative of the watch the government keeps on Americans in this age of dissent and social turmoil. An Associated Press study sliowed : Mi111ary intelligence agents have spied on civilian political activities and kept secret computerized files on thousands of individuals and organizations although Pentagon counsel cannot cite any law authorizing this surveillance. The Anny lias kept a so- - Tile the Articles called olacklist which included the names, descriptions and pictures of civilians who might be involved in civil disturbance situations. A Second List A second list iias been circulated by the Pentagons Intelligence Analysis Division as ' a yellow covered, iccM'csf publication c'tled Organizations and Cities of ' Interest and Individuals of Interest according to a court suit. The FBI, with the most extensive security files and 194 million sets of fingerhas infiltrated the prints, leadership of virtually every radical organization in the United States. Agents of the FBI, Naval Intelligence and local police have seized citizens garbage in hunts for incriminating evidence. In one case Navy examined agents gaibage By Dr. Max Rafferty I've had occasion to comment wistfully before about a 11 the money spent on educa-- t i o nal gim- - nicks the years, f g t g t j J3 .ft 2? sizes and Dr. Rafferty bigger leather salaries. The Lancastrian method, the coie curriculum, group dynamic. programmed instruction; you name it. and we educators at one time or another have hailed it a the answer to the riddle of the ages. Most of the.--e ancient fads and foibles are as dead as Harold Stassens presidential possibilities, but this doesnt prevent other hardy peicnni-al- s from springing up from time to time to take their place, flowering and burgeoning all over the landscape like so many king-sizVenus Flytraps. Latest in the long line of educational gins and pitfalls is the seductive if somewhat concept sappy called semitivity training. It's to make you achieve e ar.d w inks this wav : You show up with their taxes, answer the census, contribute for social security, serve in the military, or apply for a passport. In fact, a Senate subconimi-te- e calculated that the names of U.S. citizens appear 2.8 billion times in federal recoids. This means, the panel said, that the statistical odds are that a dozen different agencies have files on the typical g citizen. Much c? this data is held in strictest confidence. Census for example, questionaires, can be inspected only by Cenand sus Eureau employes they're sworn to secrecy. Federal income tax returns also are considered confidential by the IRS. But they may be seen by the heads of federal agencies, some congressional commitees, the governors of every state and by a special counsel to President Nixon. A proposal three Years ago to gather file of all agencies into a National Data Bank others who are as inwardly secure as you are. Theres a group leader called a facilitator whose main job is to egg all of you on to insult each other right up to the point of actual fisticuffs. 2. You walk up to the politest and gentlist fellow you can find in the crow d. and out of a clear sky you accuse him of being a dirty hypocrite, actually eaten up with vicious hate which lies concealing cravenly behind a mask of courtesy. 3. Then vou turn to 'he little lady sweetly smiling with the quiet manner and ou tell tier to w ipe that silly gun off her face because it makes her iook phony 4. About this time, two or it 14 of 15 . three of your sado-masochist- Looking in Garbage Yields Raw Data and do gence agencies can share the information they gather. For example, investigative agencies of the executive branch have access to the subversive activities data bank in the Civil Service Commissions downtown Washington headquarters. Careful Review to an official According commission the publication, data bank at present . . . contains 2.5 approximately million index cards containing information relating to Communist and other subversive activities. The document adds: No information is added to this file until it has been determined after careful review by a responsible official who is experienced in ths field that an actual question of subversive activity is involved . . Example Names A quirk thumbing through the file discloses names like: Charles Garry, a white San Francisco attorney who represents the Black Panthers. Robert Shelton, a leader of the Ku Klu Klan. Staughton Lynd, a professor and radical writer. Robert DePugh, head of the Minutemen. The files are kept as index cards In mechanized rotary cabinets. There are thick bundles of cards for some individuals, only one card for friends, tongue-lashin- and if you enjoy total strangers g and talking ad infinitum and ad nauseam about yourself to sensitivity others, then training may indeed be jour bag. There are, of course, other Inducements which may help to turn you on. One California encounmarathon ter group session, for in- stance, was held in tlie nude, on the interesting premise that clothes somehow get in the honesty. way of perfect Theres something to be said for this point of view. I gues. Certainly a pickpocket would have had a tough time practicing ins own version of dishonesty when faced with the naked facts of this particular session. Future Effects? brand vou loudly as a coward and a trickster, pietending a spurious internet m others in d order to hide your own selfishness and disregard for everybody else. Achieve Catharsis deep-roote- 5. Finally, the whole sordid, ghastly truth about vour innate depravity is borne in upon you and your partners in scurrility, and all of you hroak t. down in tears, sobbing rackirg sobs becau-- e you've been such unmitigated blackg-- guards all jour lives. Catharsis is thus achieved, everyone is happy, happy, happy, and you have at la- -t attained sensitivity. Thats how it wois', 0 and use them for statistical purposes kicked up such a furor in Congress, according to one official, that now that issue is dead as a dodo." But the AP study showed that investigative and imelli- - ' - ' i g is including the top echelon of such groups as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Ku Klux Klan, the There are lots of congress-- . men who think that probably they do have files, Edwards told an interviewer. never But the rumors ha-been proved and there have from been few complaints Black Panther Party, the Republic of New Africa, the Nation of Islam, the Revolutionary Action Movement, the Minutemen and the Third National Conference on Black e Powrer. J jf e J? y A : ' t! ? f i I i f i . vc, FjF "($ ' , Kimball Johnson, left, and Harold G. Fierce look over portion of files on some 1.5 million Americans mentioned favorably in articles from publications of a radical nature. Tlie FBI has overall respon- sibilfty and broad powers based on presidential direc- - tives dating back to 1939 matters investigating relating to espionage, sabo for Hoover aKo gave a hint of the scope of FBI security files when lie outlined how agents keep tabs on sympathieis who rontubute money to ladi-ea- l causes. Included among these, he testilied, aie a Cleveland who inis long industrialist been a Soviet apologist, tlie wife of an attorney in Chicago who is a nullionaue, an heiress in tlie New England area who Is married to an individual prominent in the academic community who has been active in New Left activities, and a wealthy New York lecturer and writer who for years had been linked to more than a score of Communist-fron- t organizations and has contributed liberally to many of them. More Than $100,000 These individuals alone have contributed more than $100,000 in support of New Left activities. Hoover also said agents ha1 e identified most of tlie writers of antiwar newspapers which he termed the work of tlie dedicated revolutionaries w lio are against ROTC and against our war effort in Vietnam and had lefened that information to the Justice Department for possible prosecution. Don Edwards, a member of a subcommittee which oversees FBI budget requests, In response to 50 congressional inquiries, the Army admitted that it: blacklist Kept a which included the names and descriptions and pictures of be who cixnlians might involved In civil disturbance situations. Operated a computer data bank for storage and retrieval of civil disturbance information. Direct Observation Used intelligent e agents in some instances for direct observation and infiltration of civilian organizations ar.d polhical meetings. But in making these admissions. the Army said that during tlie past year it has sha.p-l- v curtailed such activities after realizing they weren't needed to prepare for any civil disturbances. The Army said the blacklist a term to which it objects had been ordered withdrawn and destroyed. It said tlie computer data bank had been discontinued and that its its See Fage 11, Column 1 (P A EDE)r35? in reasonable assurance that all to be privileged persons employed in . . . government are reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and of complete and unswerving loyalty to the United States. It adds says that when any subversive information from the security file is identified with a person under investigation. the cae is lefened to the FBI for a lull field loyalty probe. Prices Slashed on ihe Most Wanted Colors, Fibers and Textures 4 v" Here is a chance to buy the Luxury Carpet you have been wanting All tins nonsense wouid be w rylv amusing were it not for two tilings; 1. More and more teach. s aie getdng caught up in this maniac; 1 maelstrom, with probable future effects upon their pupils over which sweet charity compels me to drawn an apprehensive veil. 2. Medical and psychiatric journals are beginning to document cases of peisor.s who became actively psychotic immediately after a fairly rugged encounter " and had to be hauled off to tlie funny -- farm. So I suppose we school people are wearily going to have to take up cudgels once f at a price that fits again and knock this latest example of wayoutness over its silly head. I dont know about the rest of my colleagues, but Im beginning to get a little tired of our apparently never-endin- IS congressmen. There was, however, much alarm expressed in Congress with the recent disclosure that, for the past several years, military intelligence agents have conducted of civilian political activists and have fed information on individuals and organizations into data books. Sensitivitys Showing in- California Superintendent of Public Instruction , izens. You r Oh. Say -- investigative and intelligence agencies contain but a small portion of the information the government collects on its citScraps Pour la Millions of scraps of information go into federal files routinely when citizens pay Name Hunters luu d- - to comeby cash which dev per- was needed atclv to implement such school m u s t s as smaller class fiom an eutne apartment information house to find about one tenant. Secret Service Tlie Secret Service has set up a computer with 100.000 names and 50,000 investigative dossier on persons who it says could be dangerous lo top government officials. subcommittee A Senate found that federal investigators have access to 264 million police recovda, 323 million medical histories and 279 million psychiatric dossiers. In each category, thats more numbers than there are people in the United States. And the massive files of cago 7 conspiracy tral and who faces a jail term for contempt of court. Kimball Johnson, director of the commissions Bureau of Personnel Investigations, says the security file is kept up to dae by 37 tletks, experts in the field, who read Communist publications, the Black Panther newspaper, the free pi esses, underground papeis and other publications such as Woi kers Tbe Guardian, World, The Militant and Liberation News Service. We read these and clip the names of people supported by them, Johnson says. Its all in the public domain. Its simply that unless you clip it and file it theres no one mind that can comprehend it. Wave of Hand Section Chief Pierce waves a hand toward a stack of publications on a table in his office and says: Thats what we check. Its full of subversive material. Note the Commie art. Picasso and others all tied in to communism, Asked to cite a statute pr legulation authorizing the security file, Johnson ieplied there is no specific law. But, he added: The file is an essential tool to the commission's legal function of investigating the fitness of people for federal employment for security positions. And there is Public Law 298 which shifted responsibility for making personnel investigations from the FBI to the Civil Service Commission. Of Good Conduct? The ccrrjr.if:s?cr sa,s file aids in personnel investigations which give the : ' complains that Congress does not exert proper authority over the FBI. He believes one ar stemreason for this is rufrom ming mors that tlie FBI, among many dossiers, has files on each member of Congress. Solons Believe It tage ar.d violations of neutrality laws. FBI Diiector J. Edgar Hoc ver told Congress la.-- t year his agency had placed informants and sources at ah levels yeur budget. rr i battle g with baloney. , Time to Teach ' t Wouldnt it be nice if we educators could just find some time to teach subject matter to tlie kids, instead cf squeaking and fluttering all over our cave in the wake of every gimmick that comes along? In light of the undoubted connection scnsivity training has with other cloud nine manifestations of the Now Generation such as manic muMC and absurd art. Iiowpv-e- r, I have to confess a sneakfor the unuing admiration sually appropriate name of its leading California apologist Hes a Jesuit priest, and his name is Father Rock. i j screwball Yay f , 4 . 9 i SAVE UP TO 60 on 04, fj'- - ti 4 CARPET REMNANTS jay-jay! KETCHUM LUMBER HARDWARE ELECTRICAL 2300 E. 4000 So. MILLIONS OF BARGAINS at Murray-Hollada- KETCHUM'S 4th So. 7lh W. Fh. 278-962- 5 3 Bile. y Rd, East of Mali 3S5-461- 6 1 4 C |