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Show "yn nin b tiiutaM, jjHk oa , iiu Linda Drvsdale Tell? June Date iwtto ij ''til's Puinteni Makn g plans weddirg at La Bags Discover Color In Bright. Rich Tones IN Pat New bo' to tint' Trex'er are hapjiriMg AH H tli's season and what's is all to the good' lattnirg For one thug the are bemg and t roehetod. m.tki s soft and nicely textured that , run ! o I, d l si ll!() the a i , o dll j J f i i it host (I n (olois Mrs. V. H fV- W (y y l'V r ' v .JL V t7i 'hl;S ' ' 7V In vler of icluis ( oinhinalions hi mg used Wh.it is le.dlv new is the arm hag, with a hand'e longer are than the handbag and shoitet than the shoulder bag, the best features ol the two Ileie aie thiee Vernations of the (rodieted arm bag One is shaped like an oversized envelope, sttied ana tasseled, while the gypsy hag swings with fnnge along the bottom hag is edge. A zippered-todone to a more tailored turn. To obtain direr tions for all thiee ciotlieted hags, send yom leipiest for Leaflet No AP 19 vuih 31 tents and a long stamjied, self addressed envelope to: Pat Trexler, tare of Home Serviie Department, ' ' r- v: ' k St ' - fu.nnrart S 4 v SW V N .jv 's- - tt ; sTv - t'NkX -- YYyY . and . s vX.v - - n. s , . reqairements ( ra. r. ' V s'- - in X. If you crochet t.gnter than the designer does, you will need to use a larger hook. On the oilier hand, if your work is ser, switch to a smaller , '' t yaidage fe V A J sX-.- J ered lilglitest i jt Vr e d i "7 another i & ' - Jo apply to crocheting. Just as in is gauge krattjig. if wrorg. the garment wont fit, and oil of your time will be wasted Crociet hooks are so inexpensive mat I recommend your buildmg a collection of ail sizes. Then, before you stait your garment, make a sample swatch with the suggested hook size. 4? sy hook Figure Problems We were told that several thousand women had been measured all over the country. Just about every figure problem came under scrutiny ioti-binm- g r?aKf-.- 5 s before tire booklet was published. We have ucd it and made up our basic patterns by it, so we are able to know Cnrrj a gjpsj luuulhag, left or t lie uiveiope . . . crochet them j ourself. exactly where our alterations come on any style we want to If yarn substitution puzzles The Salt Lake Tribune. IO mg as it does m knitting? I make. Besides bulletins that are Pat s Guide lo am hoping you will answer Box 807, Salt Lake Cilv, I tali vou ains" tan help tl cse questions in your tol- - available, sewing couises are 81110 being given on many phases nmn. Mis, J X G, Mooies-villyou. To obtain a t opy. send of the subject in counties all X C. m additiona1 10 tents and a over our country. Call your county extension office to find long, stamped, self addressed Hv Don Tobin Dear Mrs. G.: It is always a out how to join one of the envelofie to the same address pleasure to hear from somegioups which are learning Dear Iat: By carefully knit- one who realizes the impor- from the County Extension whatever ting sdniple swatches with a tance of gauge and is willing to Home Economist wish to know. they of I needle have to make the sizes, variety spend the fime All Considered been in swatches to achieve very successful 'e e, lire Lillie Woman achieving the correct gauge for a particular pattern using yarn other than that called for m the instructions. Besides Elsies sample the coirect gauge. The answer to both of your questions is Yes. Although tlie yarns listed in my Interchangeable Yarn Guide are gtouped according to knitted gauges, it may be used to proper substitution of yarns for crochet as well. Just iocate, in the guide, the yam called for and substitute another from the same group. Women like you have determined subjects from which the programs are being made up. All kinds of home sewing topics have been among the most popular. Low income families are under sped .1 consideration these days, so that much is being done to help stretch the clothing dollar. We saw ample proof of '70 in this at Consumerama Noith Carolina. Springmode PEKMA-PRES- T FABRICS. . hole a New World of Great Summer Fabrics Encron polyester double knits. ..the easy-carfun to wear dresses you love so much! Add these two new e OUR IS LACE-TOUCH- ULTRA-FEMINI- sfj GOWN ED styles to your fashion GIFT NE ward- robe and look your very best. Just machine-wasand tumble dry. In luscious h Vv I Vi in iVothpr s Duv only ,r. N he -- q three weecs oaov, sc h ci d! r'l' P g tl suggestion Our allurirg gown v slleer over nylon tricot with dointi yoke frosted with lace ond r bbon bows Blue, pink or blush s zes S M I BARGAIN BASEMENT "Carrinae 1 1 k xi ill" colors too. ii.i.on-yii- ard ilnn bn ilns'cs .iinl suinnnitiiiu casual outfits Il KI PIU.SF bn casv um-- c lone wash. tiiml)o div can . . . m iioning 1iitiit -- ill LINGERIE Cl ss.ll V . t 1 n U 1 M It l 50rc a vv.iioi wcatlici (tluii tliat alvvavs o t mis its sli ipo Il HM win lHI-Nl asv. no liomng i.nt bn an ill lioni ,!, u tiiiii! i (liint (boos l ollt til'll o! I lllolflll Jlllllts I'iciib ini. ( lutsr ( IIVHC.l II mi Iopul II i -- Polcstcr-50C- c jewel neck, pleated skirt, self fabric belt, size 10-1- widths Cotton luo.uli loti C Mail and ph ni onit rv ,!u! wdiu ft Jnd d , r hor ui . v in vur larai dtliun at a dial IJ s 'Xu, s(m , ai nroi zz 1W7 tn Oft tn arm 7 m fnn aca . n th 7 7 ,n nu m add in xtugi p',i4l mgareaf Mad unit r to li tax in L tali i41H 45-i- n. Ill'll ol Ctllolltil pi lilts. S)iinj;iiimle Broactcloth 'cJ-tC- low torso pant dress for play o. day. eizc 6 r.tiM-.t.-- r n vard QQC u SEVRS, u-- cars ROFBICK AND CO. 8 CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge Encron it a registered trademark of America Enka Corporation. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Bad; Sears Dnwnlimn SHOP AT SEARS 7M South Si tie AND SAVE s SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Mone Bai K a Ju e .7 O.t meTe ni Linda J. Dry dale ai d W hippie. The bride-eleis a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Drysdaie. 2276 Ramona Ave The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Verna N Whipple. 2C97 Kenwood S' and the late John X. Wh'pple Miss Drysda.e is a member of Beta S gma Phi Mi- -' the same rules for gauge aid - v ki Shop 9 30 a. in lo 9 p in. Mon , Wed., I bur., Iri. 1 ill (i p in. I ues., Sal. Phone IVj-Mi- SEARS, HOI RICK AND CO. t ; |