OCR Text |
Show It Intplcymtnf Igende TEACHERS Lrj A.'ge es Cy Scncos id Cv.r VARnET ng MANAGEMENT t &. at,$ or R7,2CO-$:OfC- SALARY fu'iv fans t!e D strict, prov.oe paid mec.can surgcai, hospital ad cer-e- l by benefits tor teachers and D- Positions to a.auapia tor &hooi year Salt Lake Interviews w M H' a', and Vr to 5 p m a D Rn q?s C.t Schecis Representative Los r g EAAP. ASN UT 433 TELLERS ' ?5 EAST 700 2 00 pr. hr, Has An Openipg For A: LEGAL SECRETARIES Maintenance-Electrici- an ACCOUNTING Fe' 5t5 nfV aTa- 353 t(J 300r Open Call. SECRETARY SUPERVISORY Judd Morgan Ext 285 Guidance and Conti ol Systems Divoon 2211 Vif. North Temple 323-224- SEE DINERS CLUB excellent npocrtumtiei, NOW in their NEW Regional Office serving the Midwest and Western U S 8101 East Prentice Eng'ewood, Colorado 801 10 or CALL: MINING SALFS REP. Sou hwest TeT. 7 B 9- Employer Cell MEDICAL Norlh Cahtornia lOLOGtCAL BUSIKESS forms Montana Terr. NO fori in exchange near town. crvir-r- , Reply P O. Box 21 3 tn rtnh CO'iPL" manse 4io mo. salary, rlus apt., no chi!' dren or pets, PFRSON to drive mobile food serv-ic- e truck, middle aoed $1 2,000 (SOM 5 , Auto Alignmtnt Autn Painting, 7225 HAPPINESS Is A Good Job person No. 521-333- BIG PROFITS MACE B1' LISTING A?E Your Service DIRECTORY : tin FOR 3 Lm 4 Lin $ Lin IN Ad ALL PAPIRS Syrdoy Evening Muring JO $38 80 $33 40 $43 00 Ad Ad Ad Everyone Gets Results In "NEED AN EXPERT" Dial 521-353- GRAVEL ROOFS 5 JUST SAY "CHARGE II" PERK'S PAINTING Decora'mo. paintma ot Free estimate, SECRETARY r emve, $4dG DIV 4 30 $450 .H.1. ssr-K'- . j CO & I a:ctg Clffk Accounts receivable. Burr, bkl tb machine, h.s. 8 to 5, So St. anw I cr:dit clepk of AH phases work, will tram commerc si s:cr:tary $htfl. 70, heavy dictaphone, law firm BUREAU OF PERSONNEL I B srrJlt S'ate, Suite Filling BEST Utan Positions BurglOT-Fi- f Fcr Over 12 Years Thru Serv.ce Intcontv Dependability S OCK iobs Repairing - S.D.I. Agency ill has THE job for YOU! WORK. 255 8414 Accounting o aconda Coipcmy hos to e aei ie Kid oaenmg ha dicck ccntioct nnnes at Butte Mont Ea e connoct lute $240, counting, Ai joo out some contract m ue earned m JI2 0C0 to $16 000 range last year, libe al beneiits per cia including hcahh and ws'fare life m u ante, hohdotS vacations, shift difierentiah, pension pan. - - DRAFTSMEN Send resume to: Mr. William OVLRSEAS Choice mtn toil, Quality and vard' ?Qe assurej 0ver 25 vr$ eoer ,n j SL area hananng delivering soil. 1266 9092. Cves. Kwaiaiem jf rumre Central XEROX r. 217 jiatejt.framinq Spraying for less PLuMBING Can or Jak BANK POWER SPRAYING WEED AND INSECT CONTROL PROBLEMS! Only the safest method EXAMINER of oroanlc insect con'roi used, state he. $627 SALARY 12 or For Circular and Application DANDELIONS, stenlue. weeds, earw Contact care. gs, Ants, Complete yard termites, etc. Trim and yard clean- STATE PERSONNEL OFFICE ing, lie. or Rav. Reliable Service Challenging position for a qualified research analyst. Must be tble to conduct basic research and wage salary comparisons, wr,e summary reports, and con-- 1 vmce top oovernment adniinisrators and legis'ators. Start $c90 a mo. afer 6 mo., $71. Liberal benefit program Submit resume tn 1j0 So 4th East,! Salt Lake City, 84102 Resumes screened before interviews granted. EXCEPTIONAL RETAIL i FAST & EFFICIENT REGLAZING, re'creemno. doors.l Plumb ng repair work. Water heatwindows. 949 S State, 378 8718 ers a &pec OR DAY DRAINS CLEANED, LOW RATES. NIGHT SERVICE, 467 0532, PtANQ teacher now accepting stu- CALL ROBINSON Banner through dents early All clumbmq needs. grades preferred Music degree Cottonwood He.ohts, PLUMBING Larqe or smaM iobs. oer.rncd. Free estimates, DRAINS UNBLOCKED, $8 90. Jet Dram Service 29 6392 television, P.oaio Repairing Installation PLUMBING "WORRIFS First preb ems7 Call COLOR SPECIALIST - Factory Trained Technicians Flowing PLOWING AND toothing Roo-til- l. cleanup. IrOTO TILLING, Cabinets work, SPRING CALLS $2.50 OPPORTUNITY assignment as assistant manager of iarqe mass merchandising unit m Boise, Idaho. Must have mm of 3 years supervisory exeort-enc- e in a Qeneral merchandise unit. Company expansion guarantees fre8 quent store manaoement npportum-- t es. Write compete particulars to PLUS PARTS AND LABOR 0. .Bqx4Qo8, Boise, Idaho. meb 'e shoo on wheels, Free est 298 2805. Compie'e V mk lawn' meWing, yd. a?. iVY v mct1el DRUG ' PO. Box 2220 Boulder, Colo. 80302 An Equal Opportunity Employer MANAGER TRAINEE The Utah district office of a promt, nan! National Insurance Company has position rvehabie tor manager trainee, no prior experience in main pemenf or funds necessary Earn moj In excess of $10 500 1st year, coit .missions with many tomoa iv benefits includinq personal company stock options rewarded each 6 months. Dignified end warding work for man who Qualify. Education and aoe not as important a factor as desire for greater income and security. Agriculture sales or small business background desirable. If you are of aood moral character and not ahaid of hard work v,e are interested in talking For personal you interview calf cn ARE YOU THIS MAN? We are seekinq mature salespeople to develop into counselors in our d proqram. Insurance, real estate on any previous public contact work would prove most helpful. Salary while treimnn; high Income potential; bonus plan and qrouD In surance. We offer securitv stability. and diqmtv. Call MEMORIAL for appt. ESTATES, TECHNICAL For pre)oro,'" WRITLR of b0,h mi11 end commercial typa technical manual. This requi.es an extensive background in electron.es os well os technical writing. Knowond provisionledge of ing documentations desirable. EDO WESTERN CORPORATION en SOUTH 2ND WEST LAKE CITY, UTAH equal opportunity employer 2645 SALT , FIBERGLASS LAMINATORS $4 per hr. salary ASSEMBLERS FOOD AND INSPECTOR reasonable.2?8-62- . Kiessimg LEHIGH DESIGN CO. Pacific TECH. REP. PECK'S PLASTERING SECURITY CLNTcR home, business tlarms free survey aniyime ac- Butte, Mont. MOFFAT BROS. SOIL 030 8-l Plastering Alarms computer counting and supervisory Send resuresoonsibility me' with salary requirements to. COMPANY OUALITY picture Wholesale, retail. (fireplace). ac- MECHANICAL ANACONDA Jery, nc. with degree ol 3 yeais' . . Licensed, minimum counting experience qutred. Experience shoc'd include budgets, costs ac- BODY"MAN Brakes ork, fireolaces, pm. ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR PAINTING, PAPER, SPRAY ' CEMENTED NEW METHOD WALL CLEANING Free est. TDCrMt NHOMESUG' house ccmmerc al sh.ELDS painters, L.nJlL-lUroVJIL CO sml. iobs Complete UC0MPLE1E J0B, t vrs t0 Dav. c'saninq-paintmLlC. Walls. car- - tic. r mi., free est iPioneer Sand and Gravel, 5600 S PAUL FITZGERALD. pets, upholMery. floors, widows 'West Ca1 299 013 for fait del enter-- 1 Dfl,nter. reas Interior Pickuos and trailers loaded Mon. yard work. Free estimates. KaticfHC-- i .or, freeest. 322 5186, reas. tion thruSat ,$2Per vd. guar., BY LICENSED UNDER HOMES EXPER. Wailtex, paoerina. PLAY sand, sand gravel, son, steer CONTRACTORS. Terms to 8 years, remod. Free est. stor EXPERT CLEANING manure, Coll Filzaeraid, CR coal, am, on pine, sm lobs, free 2400 training course reo nred. ONE CALL WILL DO IT ALL, FAST LlC. painter, lqe yard cleaning. 443 So. 5th West, '.CONSTRUCTION esl work quar. Goid pay and benefits and commercial jhoune Complete it or will do Complete remodelinq, Bac'ie.or housing on y. All' work with narhinc, PAINTING, HOUSE cleanma PAPERING, L " help you. Free estimates. 25 Free est. WAmNG.JM 4S0S. E,erV Sand!' dravH, c'av hU, smTn CLEANING, or eves., GLORAL ASSOCIATES -BSMTS. and cemented P O Box I2!5.t excavated Price; 328-958- 1 " under existmq homes. Terms to 8 Oakland, Calif, 94604 FLOORS Cat TOPSOIL, sand and gravel. CombWeTddStral cleamna years. Merlin P. Webster, rv,n, PA NJ ING specialty, low, lew work, cleanup work and demoliAn Equal Opportunity Employer REMODELING, garaqes, cement those whd seeX th, tmest! In'ured, tron. bonded, and .lie.. Free estimate, S AND H PAINTING sidewalks, patios. FERTIUTZER SOIL CONDAND or Trim Soecial. Exterior under homes. BASEMENTS DUG ITIONS R$ 2toad . jn-j- j 2 9 and cleanma EXPERT paintinq 2 , , CURTIS, PAFN'TING 278-103- 0 TOPSOIL, sand, aravel, fill ar road walls, windows. Floors wayed and no buffed. Reas Free estimates, base, Journeyman Only EARN UP TO . Drafting Servitt waitinq, Lic CaltHerman,262-4505HARPER SOIL $1,000 PER MONTH Soil clav basn. serv ce. Piano Maintenance COMPLETE housecleeninq olans. Guar. work. Free estimate, hous WORKING drawinos, wnenient TOPSOIL, sand, aravel, fil or road BODY "f'iq Unrl r New PIANO tuning, si0 50SEE BUCK ALLEN AT Destqn Service, repair and bare, "SPRING HOUSECLEANING' ' 255 4')34. 3 repulsing extra FREEJESTI MAT E CLEAN RICH soil. sand, oravet, ROY PRICE CHEV. WALL WASHING, paper cleaning, road Jwse Call Dressmaking, Tailoring Picture Framing windows, floors, etc. Open till 9 pm. DAKK TOP SOIL Delivared 7 2s5l South ..am, Loun''i 66 a ticvs week, EXPERT ALTERATIONS FRAMEO onq. oil paintings. Come 292-045- 1 in and brouse Midtown Art Gal , CEMENT, Iarae or small All patchwork, types, dnveways, guar , licensed 262 1564 CHIMNEY repair, tuck pointing of bu.idmqs, guar. GARAGES, fences, b nc k, bioc kan a js c n e 066 437. b'cck work, small icbs a f 5 Employer ALL REMODELING FINANCING TEXAS GULF SULPHUR CO. AVAILABLE. CHI 467 9421 BOX 12C3 LEAKS, repairs, entire roofs. FREE EST Licensed Must be able to pars pre employ, MOAB, UTAH 84532 PAPERING AND PAINTING ment physical eam. For employKay BQOGART, 277 3581 Sheetreck information An Eeuel Opportunity employer ment con'act your H. FAY SHIELDS CO. local state employment office. Painting All Kinds, Clean. Fast, Irq , SPRAY TEXTURE CEILINGS Small Jobs. Lie., Ins, Est. 487 9384. MILBURN DRY WALL PROF, painter avail, immed For a ELECT HFT SPECIALISTS good iob at a reas. rate call Grant Cummings, free est. 466 5172. SPRAY ceihnq, hanamq, finishing 'EXPERT painting, cleaning and paReas. Wrk, quar. 4650320. pering, very reas. No waiting, free For relocation estimates. to our office in sc-i- i. So Gravel, fert. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Should ho. PAPERING and PAINTING 5 year.' expeiience. CLARKTHOMS, HU Lie Free est Wr BOTH PROFIT Painting romod-Lie. eimg at DISCOUNT PAPERING Pointing. wainexing I KTVPUSCH 0RATOR Mm . yr. c.xp. caPcble of analyrno S37S 345 well, salary 1 ROOFING day, aft. PAINTING NUNLEY WnPETsTFunNiTUREi'g' vr ANY CAR painted, $39 95 and up. Also trucks, body, fender repairs. Glass worx. WHITE Auto Paintinq, 1532 $0. 2nd West. towinq a specialty, also body, fenaer work, auto oamtina. Schef-skC45 S. 2nd East, or ouar. mechanical PRECISION work electrical (on alt tvnes autos Free est. a ITY'bES r'yUALl REPAIRS. REASONABLE 3 36 Richard H i ves-4reroof inq. he contractor, EXP kinds aM 278-198- 1 Your Home $175 kilchen desired relrtq cdbines and aoohances. meDt of aenla' (ice furniutre. 31 74 eje Rexlndj3tris,lnc 323 PAPE RING-27- BOB'S TRANSMISSIONS 328 0683 WEST 7TH SO. (WKZRE YOU GET THE SHIFT WITHOUT GETTING THE SHAFT) Bhtd 80, type 65. some dictaphone, $50( also assist bcockeper. SXRCTARr FOR ENG DEPT. Sh d. bj, type 65 70, sou, hwest area $4j Hrs. 8 to 4 ACCOUNTING C.tRK 2 vrs. Northwest Salt Lake area p p cost system, payroll cn S50C bkkon repaired or replaced HAYLS ROOFING ON color DAYS CO - SI? Exprienced POWER and hand precision REPAIR $? UP? reroot, 10 vr., $10, del. 12 vr $15? 15 yr. $198, 2yr. sv$ reea r DiCKud snaroen nq 1,200 sq. ft ) Lie. contr, tree esi. GLEN S KEY, Iaj S Stale 355 3x13 repair, credjtcarps OK J4 hr. service and MOWER sharpening ACADEMYHOME j2fr1047 tune ups 484 250 The GUAR Anv Equal opportunity HARDROCK MINERS Roofs, Roofing LNAMLL EAKtD Calif, 940S0 er 5. Painting, Papering, Cleaning IN THiS CamiHo Real El Eurlingan'f, based prints Salary ity. We are an eauat opoortunnv employer, AiDine Metals. 577 West s a no phone calls. Helf Yej. lawn Mower 63 u 1860 rr set-u- For listing Information in thi ' Handy Business Service Guide, Coil Will A Trained EXECUTIVE MAR CETING hrs 8 to tng i.eei s and Contiaaois, be. f brake anv alignment COMPLETE service. All cars, trucks. New precision eq. assures perfect oper. Same SAFETY BRAKES day service. CO., 165 E 6th South, FEES Office Positions ( FLUOR UTAH WANTED -- Man experienced in for piie fabrication "ed sHcp, cl, nua',ea to read blue appv. Must bewill able on abilbe le Terms! awnmgs, $10 covers, Patio and up. s'dmg, root-- I mg, storm doors. SKIRTING, awning, carports, $16 COOr steps. Neet aqe sheds, porches Avmnq Sales, ALL ALUM. Porch Patio Covers, 89,000 Door Hoods 949 S. Stale. STM RECRUITERS, INC. 243 East 4th South Phone SAVE! Patio covers, caroorts, win- ooors, 'orm dow awninos, tiller air conditioners, windows, tTes01 esrirs. s;oka4e for mooilt homes, save nowl Add home sktrtina worth up to$100. $9,000 Agencies SECRETARY 80, type to fur frt ted-w- EVERY DAY SPECIALIZE! KOZY KOOL 364 7484 'ALUMINUM window $12,000' CHEMICALS Portland Base TFCHNI-CAN- Awnings 110,000 PRODUCT caetakr $hd contidene An Eoual Opoortuni v Emppvr US Ui IaENSHIP RLQUiRLD 90ft 1A94 California 4 RMS, S in 0 Bex 1340 Veqas Ntvaaa 81 4 Ray Kriese Lav it Cement serviced to 811,000 4 New expandingl TECHNICIAN f?ci'tties under construction Washoe Mdi-r-- l at Personnel Office, Center M t at Kirman Sts., Reno, Nevada 8950? East 33rd Workmanship WINDOW FOOD PRODUCTS Sa't Like base Please seno resume tr PERSONNEL DIRECTOR 10 ork ! Ceilings Air Conditioners HARDWARE to 522,000 Jenvsr Terr. Benefits in IT SPECIALIZING Air cord , central air cond. r work all types, licensed ,on orices. Air SERVICE. P a .contractor, conditioners inu.t be CONCRETE EXPERTS annually for lep oerfarmance and walls, also trouble free operation Call earlv All types fat work, sieos,est.359-9391133 patchwork. Lie., free Hansen Refngeiation, Richards Street. SUPERB WORK steps, BEST deaf it! town. Furnaces, an Driveways 6 patios, work, 363 440 , 48 conditioners, etc. 4848854. 521 2584 GOOO CEMENT WORK, cost no mo-35 yrs. e, p , drives, etc, LICENSED, concrete bld , and .repair 47 5151 aeneral or small.1 ASPHALT PAVING-la- rqe free flat concrete TOP eerkma work, quality oiivewav. work, patch areas. Cal! jest. and licensed. All. ASPHALT paving and patching. 299- - EXPERIENCED types cement work, NATIONAL COMPANIES 047, 355 5734. ASPHALT pavino, paich work, qrad iOUALITY, alf tvees, patchma. no tob too small. Lie. 3a5 3762. inq road base, 2o2 6347, INDUSTRIAL REP. to $10 800 ASPHALT patching, expertly done, WE replace all types of cement work Salt Lake bast and patch work, guar. tree estimate CHEM'ELECTRONICS 10 YEARS exoer. in asphalt con- S10 800 i California tractmg Pollard, nc. 2568j9 .ContrQCtorSOoy Of Job 3 INSTITUTIONAL. Denver Terr. Idea! candidates wilt have rruntmum 2 years' recent ex penence in bank, credit card, finance company or department store collections Ao'v resume HOLMES & NARVER, INC J ll 460-356- 7 has COKS wnte'i c: Sslss 1 FOR A AND DONNA CR EEV COMPLETE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 063 South State DENVER OPENINGS 500 THE Credit Col ections An Equal Opportunity fo send Eiectncal-Mechaivca- l ENGINFERS Civil, For western Colorado genera TUNITY EMPLOYER. c.ecr c u on miu ti desired. years experience neMeh to es-- t ty REPRESFNTIATIVE ooen benetf s. L'beal saiary tor of-- i rnioraHo-LMfplish and can on account, r Assn , Box Electric Pa- e icuto.upolirs d,t An 81401. Cclo. Montrose. IU9. S'1 03 ner hr, salary p'us comm equal opportun.tv emp'OYer 7.9774, DIMtNilONAL TE.K1 URING The Ultimate in ceilinos new and re-Codt Aio wall textures Cleamnai process far textured ceilings. 4a4- 64&9?id4362 CELINGS CO Sparkimq TAXES Bockkeepmo iervict for CUSTOM Let me keep vour sprayed texurcd ceihnqs. tMichnq i sftviil accounts ' tapmo.Jfcensedfree esls .2ts5J903 prav" texture cel!-- , TWINKLESTAR b al-- o mas camino Dperhnamn, 85 97 8 2T5P2l ''O tap nafchrq 'SPRAYING, master, taping patbh iADDRESSIMG, mail ng tvpng. . Guar 1049 32 vonib e. CENCOR Emplo er & Iris persots art Invited vou have at least 10 years proven experience selling engineering and construction rvic.s to the mining and or minerals process maustry, (hen take advantage of this opportunity Duties wiH mciuoe tup level clcnt contacts prepuation oi ialifctio .s and b ds for cherts located throughout the US ana Canaia. Fluor U ah n, a hqhiy resoeced heavy construction and e .grnecr ng firm vw h world w.oe Excellent statirg operations saiarv and beneiit proqram Interested anoticants a ft encouraged to forward th r resume to Ivan c. Coh.t, Employment, f An Accsontonti to 375 trainee' Good Solary Ad-az- efd Inf AM. AN EQUAL OPPOR- ht Fast, tefieW ADJUSTER Fftua! Opportunity OPPORTUVANCEMENT NITY MEDICAL, 0THtR BLNEFiTS. CALL G D. JEN-- I OR JOE SEN, 255-55WALLER, Old idustry experience to join headquarters stoff on the San Francisco Peninsula. PART-TIM- NEED AN EXPERT r3 tvdCt; e portion tecuire. appioc thee TRAINEE yea-s- ' e.penence in this a ea of Open vole plus a worUng knowledge RECEPTIONIST 0 400 ef eert, col theory 350 FIGURE CLERK r'9 LEGAL SECRETARY erview Aocotntrie.Tfs, DUTIES IPH'lUPS PETROLEUM CO. PCS!- FULL- - AND TiONS AVAILABLE. AD- 20a n 3uj ucS . 3Jl So. Buildirfl ' 371 ITViiit I per nionm Tvxo a n4a n end or rci,"v exis ng or roqurod vomouter ou nevt'ai prog,'ms. Cre't cui rent ownings tor t'ee trimmers who nae haca ata profi'diti whoa reve63t y, w th in n mum Sk.Derx 6on .ne sea. of eoe mce lest "'0 SD'k v irttoma tree trimmer P' rx atid ropes A ut knovb For mere curex a nd ree xuiQ?r R v w ' to Ctv intormai'Cn 3 U e'Mde Personnet Deoartment a uheMeiyitq ton 'io wh career growth ben C Rivers cf, L.. for a loo pv , 9C ni healthy and exciting Las Vegos QfUl Temporaries Ma n. Rm Jii j CLEP-- motors, trans- ITriOlO lome,5, generates panels and HO exp. neCeSS ) switcnoca ds in accordance with blueorints wmrq diagiams, etc MGR. TRAINEE fo So SECURITY EMPLOYMENT open 'CREDIT CLERK Siou'd be cbe to install, trouble ACCOUNTANTS reca r and mcm'ain p'ant CLERK TYPISTS e metrical systems and equipment (a00cj skim In ONE joNE MONTH-S- IX Ot Vo'iety Assignments 48A SO WEEK MONTHS DAY-O- NE VICTOR With Strong Mining or Minerals Process Sb77 $746 SALARY rocs pay HiGHEST bonus Ue pay G'FT And there's NO FEE 65 "i cno .ear eupe- - one. pi computer settool giaavaf sill or PS m s, en.i c p or a o vear. itminq A' ,c ui une year, :nc cn a iarae ccmcu'er, E G iB V 3ci er.e. CDC KXO senes cr ecpei u- ar l'08 proaramm on leiet df.ireo FORtRAK 4 will cons cer n pot toutmts. FORTRAN 2 Evoenen.a EG. CALuOiV'P. BENEFITS '.e pay HIGHEST SERVICE PLOYfYENT 33RD 33S Vve H SALES ENGINEER T S TRIAAMER 3o4 y Money-Money-Mone- tort-c.o- r a p n tor the A me E .erqy at emp ovment oppcfunfy for P'wg a nmp y 1'C 'into 0' QUALIFICATIONS Men TREE " BLUE COLLAR MEN needed Local reau red. Ciean. vorK references Gcod Workers. akivcD FORCES MEN lust re teaseu. Veicoms home. Immedaie h.res St 75 to S2 70 hr. 'come po'f-tln'- a os eiectriLol natl network iy a a N ver L.mmt hi the Las Vega iO 3 tor TLVAORAR ES PRODUCTION WAREHOUSE DELIVERY OFFICE PART-TIM- t BOOKKEEPER cpei 1o . tea ay South Safe 10t3 ACCENT E STENOGRAPHERS OFFICE MANAGER Epicr JR'H SCO FC Joan CENCOR PROGRESSIVE LAjT TYPIST I T PfvCs to 600 V,P SECRETART EXECULVE SECRETARIES nv Coil Wanted Men 15-- He'p PROGRAMMER STATE Help Wonted e m o KINDS LL CATA CONTROL MANAGER ATS 2160 OPERATORS NO REGS! RATION FEE SalesSource LITTON jC'1 NEwRS-A- 521-373- RODt'A AY IttN SOI 0 An Eova! CPDwrturitv ENG ENwE AL 42 reeaea IS S rs Tribune, Sunday, April 19, 1979 Help Wonted Men 15 A'lofl'iesv'U - DAY PAYDAYS t ARCHITECT DRAFTSMAN TCe-- take The Sail ' CENCOR c:ccr KEY-P- 355-75- 25 during these hou's only 10 AND E xrER JR SR ANT& - Tr AT ten ot piQv a g extra fnas tj- - taxes g adv t.gis or xoi nst rr po,e.fsJ Ue Out c' tve skills as a ' TCP RAT j lcr i FK ChClCc As;GNfc VS NG .DATA TAPE LIBRARIAN OPERATORS exp. Tel E CONFIDENT. APPOINTMENT ONLY BY bs he'd APRIL 10 INDUSTRIAL sales RECENT COlLLlE SALES ,N6Ef-ER- STENOu TYPSTS RECET.ON ST OFrtCE MANAGE- R- EDiCAL SECFE i ARtE j EXEC. TRAVE LEGAL, MEDICAL echanical beq n the ACCOUN'i Br"' Giads. TRA'NEE IVGMT cs electron HEMICALS ependents, ten CO HEALTn & EEAuTY WEDiCA , HOSPTAL HAR y ACEUTtCAL DAI PROCESS NG BUS KEbS PRODUCES SALE' ENG'NfERS 4 4 aiii. Z '15 Help Wonted Men Wonted Mon elp ' CLLr.VCUTMrNIOVt! O'r.e s Need Not Ao'y MSS ON IMPOSS5lE" TECHNCAL Ca EXPENSES FOODS CCS VETO'S en are needed eve y cav to v c k O'KvfS f U 5 O.OCJftu a a rav v. arpt;Usemen joe a month aid lonoer Pavcav wees, evecd 't to t J'j ADiV.'NSRaT c $ in ei ie es sq. cia! s jq . s fore.an e:oT iangvacts d b Car preparation t.oe sa ary i,69-?scncoi veari from a m,r iny-uljs ra-t $7 2,4) to maxingtr of heai-- iVPOSSiSLL cl p c d g a ur a. tai rove g oa- - 15-H- VlN NEEDED' AVSlUOUS M'SiON SECRETARIES , 14 Employment Agencies Temporary Work 114-- Employment Agencies CAREER CENTER LCCALAT 5a. 'c::1oms LES REPS. We a'e seek rg teacn" cr Ko eiemerary coot ,,4 most GAROFNS plowd, rooHed GENTURIAN BOATS, INC w Buit i cap.nes, van. ties, gardens, $10. Free est. 484588 kitcnens, remodehnq, tormica work, 60 W lmmfltonAve. harrewina tevelma, 571 (PLOWING j free es'mite panetinq. 254 3587 4 NO. SALARY 33rd So. 363 Jawn, garden preparation EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Master and Charce SankAmencard lawn! iROTO TILLING, qarden lots For Circular and Appl. cation jLbmet ftepsir Outstanding welcome position for the man NO FEE CHARGED free est , 467 29S7. preoaration who can oirect a sales craar.zation. TV & STEREO Nationa' Personnet Associates tnc, 1ALL , ROTOVATING, disonq, WASATCH plowing, We are expanding rapidly and otter rena.reo Lioht STATE MAKfcS PERSONNEL 400 OFFICE 10 000 to $80 000! oreo ?78 3421 1,5u6 open nos complete a brillian future to the richt man. casualty underwriter and tamt& Camera (eth.. Km BoncV n excess ot $18.0 0 a year by appointment E3rninq 1d3. An4 Bldg t M 4 44 .xwrt.',3l) s,,,e ta01'01 Our o mnM for irrtn. DICTAPHONE OPR. d'alled resume only comm. Prefer married wi h cniieee of STATE OF Nevada CHIEF on j Guaranteed service honest, coior, Pruning 100. CONFIDENTIAL 8, NO FEE ! and extensive sa es framing MANPOWER AND INFORMATION biick and white and stereos. No s0 333 S. State Si. 328-963We are a eirect markei no DEALER SERV REP. to $12,175 $14,805. extra trip charce in Salt Laxe Val- RESEARCH business that sells consumer prod. Loca.ion e Carson 6 am. la f pr a Nevaoa 6 Call wre. our City, lev. check and days prices. ' RESIDENTIAL and commercial garvard cleaned, free est. NIGHT AUDITOR HANDYMAN odd KPS, minn, CLEAN UP, free estimate, dcQree in business adsmmstra ' ucts at wholesale or below. Call for 278-249- 1 16ft. er ins. Cleanups, fert., planting, SHRUBS, fruit trees, oower rakino,1 ticn or related tied gnd five (51 6DPt cat penny, teas., hut k w il hand plumbing, anv.hmg. Call prune- WRIGLEY INTERNATIONAL Free et Ccmp'e 355 7064 est yard free cleaned of MOTEL MAID technical years 465 64j, economic S2 5 HU QualYv aur yrd SUTTON TV, calls her or 265L972 mamlfnonce. W HAVE 430 OPENINGS AVAIL. research experience, Gvo (2) years, ml S Slate 5a? 1717 DUMP TRUCK Yard, bjiwriwnl, w- - LAWN power raking power xvyreo of which shall have invo ved direct- HIRT PRESSER CALL NOW! rae c.enin. hoht heavy haul- ,, q ra s hau irg a research program m rr.mnow-P- f avpv Arti' i,ng ,K0,n WUTiermg Tile Contact S'afe Personnel DivIng, broken concrete f ree prices quoted 4846805 SERVICES PDQ EMPLOYMENT UTAH DEPARTMENT .CHUCK ILLSLEY RAIN GUTTER. ision, Carsen Cdy, Nevada 89 01 HAULING 7 days a week, vard. LICENCED EMPLOYMENT AGFN1 zDrr,A.T7mr m town est. and Free KAKU HvUA'tK Lowest tret bas.mienls prices esl ' bath CERAMIC gar.g OF 1067 ( 33rd SOUTH firen'ace, mctels, saiist.ed customers, StMllcensed contractor. 2995344 cont oisc. Call 364 1180. 327 342 Comp yard service, aerate, 467 4437. $690 SALARY SFRVICE. .CERAMIC HL BEST IN THE WEST GUTTER AL'S RAIN EMPLOYMENT SECURITY FINISH CARPENTRY, painting and TRASH HAULING. YARD."BSMT NO JOB TO SMALL! DICK S GARDEN CARE CITY OF SALT LAKE 3945 298 21a7 262 2621946 or Free GARAGE Reus, ratta. CLEAN UP and odd pper raxe- orun na. tr rclinisninq. m, hrub AskforGmo 3 for in years exDrnence evil required Eaa! 355 South 486 6160. McCLEERY'S ram outter rrvice CERAMIC SHOWERS bathe remod-- ! orattinq. Salary onen dspendino on fee imtai Clerical fVrntitjnq GEN. CONSTR. AND RFMODEL1NG' iobs. Call 485 3524 DFDCr5MMFf 255 1854 UD 600 tnnmeers rit Sales Rrps (DUMP truk and loader excavating. VUYK GARDENING Leurc.on Construcnon 296 vi62 el icbs Terms arranaed experience, liberal fr.nre benefits, o sonna cman TEMPORARY AND aDOiy 312 Ctv and Ccun'v Bui'dmq 130 Stale Capitol Amp'n Parking Opn Daily REMODELING, wH paneling cabi- mov ng un. suntmer maintenance. For free, 3i5ifj4 us leek up 32S iriormation, For Personnel I 745 ?V9 fmlhr 277 :s22. Department, 7 k W44 74)7 nc e't cat AGRICULTURAL TRASH CLEANUP- - d.ns v v., FARMER'S Insurance Group one of jitemodelinq Removed Paae 189. net wok After 5 pm, jj9 m the Yellow Pani -ree eJs j84 260' lob too small, America's laraet mulioie life comy.anted SPRING CLEAN-U- P f ecossary Portra OF PERSONNEL BUREAU and commercial has a limited number of 235 West 4lh South HAULING-Tra- sh Cleaned hdUunq, Furniture yards,) professional to fun am ma ntain PAKO equ p- panies, Carpets, 1030 ? Yard Car, ATFM openings tor aoents in this area. ?rJ0692 esl F.ee FANjk' 33rd oarage. South 3 3 r 322-143with REMODELING SERVICE Will train you tor a career tn insurn,,nf Salary commensurate LICENSED contractor bonoed and experirnc rnd aoMv. ance. Tramng will not interkra 6DD insured 28 v-- . cxd sumo dooer. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS vour urr 'ovrrw'L w.'h present ""COMPARE OUR FEES .LHLNS 0 Jt PH.Crane. bend coofcard w n vour name, Box7i, Bakr, Ore 978 4 Box and rnoe number t TREES looped. oruned cr removed. LOOKING d fcr C'FiCC ,VGR. You s h O 36, ot care newscaDer micdic-aaea low as $3 50 Free estimate. e man who wan $ w il be contacted IlC-Aby our local 277-003- 2 277-250iob to Job is 18 1C83 keep busy. j c utility odd iubs. pruning, PRlUS'ON BUILDERS puTOai'te low Pi ive. 262 673 UTAH man tor car wash and camoer- GARDENING, pwr rfll. mg FLETCHER SEC. EnK.U garages and cleanup, free esf , spring trim, com-pet- e 3555 W 3500 Smjh 299 4273. ir hauling, e'ean ' J PARTS AND COUNTER MAN RUGS, carpets, uphoL neaf,eri COMPLETE fnmrn no service pas'Tnc5,'lui soBlst8Tcnla ha ements, reas 487 69c3 INVtNIORY C X'i 47J7 j your homo Freedem. EM 3 3727 S ... State yard care ,55 25,7 J63 5960 hutmg, spraying. PRICES Cieatup, FINE WORK-FA- IR n'rB Yard work, MATURE'vounq' men -'- ho.,TTF'V7-, C US'CAl NO IYK license 295 9112 or 295 ?'93 SUMMER CARE Europe. Sou h CARPETS cleaned OYLO, OVFR5F AS JOBS s unt rXTerson WN, aula ?hIS Si LRY c Pared, your home27-164i- . LICENSED CONTRACTOR e5;eq m America, Au t4i a. et 2 000 ron-nnservice id m!!sMvo2 TYPISTS Enql-net. YAR rtmod-nnq10 . wK recMust rm have O'fice, Consfruct'Pn, ,0 Kitchens, tum.lv patios good driv.ng Tee work done renoved sh.v. CLEAN EXPERT CARPET-FUS40 worn, excellent ha'Jt'na;, Apereting, pwr. rk , fert Free working cord, room ad-F ree est . No and ord IOCD SA.tS KlP reference. ca'POft' Sales, etc. $700 to SJOUO 'I garao, 299 1t55 c v k Co ao . M nday-w hw Aification hrs., LRi, Paid. Free month Expense necessary. Call for appt ,43?-33'SERVtCE.i-SSasCall Marvin Seder, Truck Equip- PARTS MOT r" POWER RAKING and fernlmn? 486ttc0739, torment rm$. Financing. A'&' EC, ALL RUG CLEANPRS 'Wi' j TREE write Overveas Jobs. InterT EDGES. for went TREES. EVERGREENS SPRAY for' PAfNTER .hlOvaECall Sa,e Company, 7IJ77S. anytiTl. 536-production 277 2.241134 1012 Free PATE.. SPECIAL estimate. Miami, national Airport, Box STOCK a opt. work, automotive or hJustrial expemmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . (YARDS, bsmtS. Cleaned, freeX Fla CLEANING, garden work, hauling rience helpful. Steady employment, POSITION CAREER dirt, reas Anything to hep. 3,3 i930 RUMPUS rm . k tchen, f.reolact, UpnOISTerinj must b 45 person wantea t dependable, recresent century Apply Carpet Instcllction est Cleaning vd., bsrnt. SPRING dean, outside Prct. prune, bsmt West 91 on South pane'ing 359 4977 old life insurance company, (n aucm mrnmmmmm (FREE 0fl r., mov.A4; iobS Odd 322 2177 fert , maintenance VVh.t, Hatnmar Servic.: YOUR FURfl rfmoa. in nuaahv. IDAHO S RTVOOKL! to tion 364-777- ? InaeoendenL complete porHohg LARGEST marketing AND INSTALLATION CARPET TPASHThAULED. CLFANUPOdd 428 S. MAIN Fand mutual tunes. 1 financing. Fas fin, AA K,t chairs.1731SState.JN meat packer needs experienced beef ot coverage PO'VFR RAKING, E'der Quorum! REPAiR, Profession, workmanship, iobs. Reasonable. IN 7 9701 Home Improvement, 3fi 8718 20 Dercent dsc Christen-- 1 UTAH S Ol DfT 298 7529. 298 920 boners and breakers. Call collect, You'll assi-- t c tents on financial UPHOL f or free estimate, cal Protect, ClFAN-Ufront-en- d tra mng and WORK Ron Nunes, Golden Va1 W15 Utahn matters. Excellent Dr loader, SPRING cleanup, pwr. rake, fert., 'LICENSE FMPI OYMT NTAgENCY sen, WE msta'I new, used carpet, mend Ut East 3rd So. Call manaoernem fertil. opportunity. Roberts, Idaho, 2U8 523 6360 aerate, prur.nq, mamt. cesjjrarpentrv 254 386?.254-436seam, burns, shift stairs. Carpet. jaradmo, all replies will b hold con-f- it NO OFFICE SKILLS? HAULING $5 load Small building Electrostatic ext. j WANTED ALL mt., ld.FO Experienced Wf Furn. remodeling PW'R"RAK1NG" EXPERT tai experllyc'eaned. er ccmmen demolrhiy! 966 90'4 If vru are re tbit. hae a good' Copier repairman, sglarDimtiro CLEAN UPCALL:55 8 42 67Y4'7.u EXPERT carpet Instailn! on, New WHOLESALE AND RETAIL sura e v. im experience. Call j voice tea hV hnd pdn' ond used. free est , n PWR. a tamely ft vou c? ire (o earn $6 25 an hr.rs e ycjrseif raking, ednirp hedhe tr.m- - REMODFt IKG pintermn, cement vvELDiNG, nortabie, aM kmoa, bQ for interview. OFFICE HELP CCMIjJ. Alf reasonable us. You revive vuante taking mmq commission minimum, or small, see 9 J5?9f54, Ltl shift HSOtinq INSTALL, repair, itatrs, reai. Permanent job. WAREHOUSEMAN pkare tr c- a from local merchants and peoAND MOrCLNG vammq tX LAWN care pwr rsk ng, lert , mow- wk.. ewce! benef ts Mas he priie. fee estimate cost recreational for reduced swenno te'enhuno rs.n f r var . ple 1704 t S E sf Call ma. mature. 33V !U ane ana teoal Ruols, r Roofing , c f 9. J8J?9S, HFAI.NG, ,urnac cr certificate . ca.l oft ' Jewel Co, Inc. h, if- m 7 D m ) Rpsv IpoWER ""rnkmg rrnair, repiac-mr- n aerating, fertiln.ng 29$ 4C8 o' 298 389, ahiits aahahe ar mlnofir vpL-Catering front B Clr Newhov. v rite C and edg ng. iPAYLLSS Home salesman. PHOTO coupon A, h urs It is a Te vertical shades Venetian, VvWC,qw s i mony plus $1 overr uc 44 1 u 400 S Mein, Sait Lae City, Utah. CHFF fcr private cocked and dm- - HoUSB Cleanma Piekuo fvmg positinn no $r60 Lon repaired TXPER. lawn maintenance. ' plant- - w noc y IT,amSena4hi7il2e,ria0J "'nK Cte hr., mIvv 3 t mo. ner Parties m vou hon.e church or Inq of an k nd $1 for The s;,,nw ?6? S Vale riMnnn aa rj7. 9n4 7,j Vale kitchen helpt wanted F'P1 OYMENT SLRVICF EiEPLRS Kmmmmmm j or ruun,. Ca foods Sner ally tr star- - Permaec it cnn " Ea 1st So , 3960,. Rvf Aopt'9 IC'" Ti'1 &"IH Bidq. i LEAVE it to Mitch tor summer vad W POB 5 HOUbELLEANING c m or office ?7?.?791, on o(G fashioned f?p BUREAU OF PLRSOiRNLL 44h Sou'h and 7a n '09 r and irnqa Immediate opening for he per EXPERIENCED .166 2626 486 7H4 fj'm deanuo, maintenance. ,Lc. Exoe'ience preferred otrset presses. 42 tor Mr Wh fe AI Jemen hoLseclTc'rma Ruoair not nev.essarv Must be mechan-ica-- v - G ar jLAWN Mower COMPL but 7 to WANTED d shwashf', morning vvek Iren' 44 645, 46'",4?i Repairs, 6 o Roo'pveif Ave X STEVE S va-leaks'cneaD ihclmeg. Excel, onportundy Ait type specaiizirp m 3, Rov cond ei '1 and Grille $.WetTcmpe working tue-- ! roefx PRECISION sharpen Juhricat service Work ouar j vard jenovatiOn, CEIL IN & bPRAYINO. piaster WAM ULAN Kin ACO UfCJ , uo TCJ VAIY JOP v TO L - T ,'98 4649 oeanuo .77 Jim4 9u e rmc oyment Add v a Publisher BEAUTICIAN waned roots reoairert 4R586? .L? c ck up del 39 nin9 iina cft. UGAR HOUSE l:CI V.ILA.IN'TOH 3939 H Qhtand Drive. 278 0451. Press, 1900 West 2300 S0Uft joo, F mnln 'Lint. hu i m 4H 1 137 Sou'h , 31st Ft $618 N.P.A. Inc. ntr iapentir STOP LOOKING! i.TTirbr 6h t, J - Freee.tPh Civil Draftsman - et TRANSPORTATION GEOGRAPHER ctatF tree UmLt moto grapher vr 'tl valley'tree or GEORGIA DAY general'remodeling bh. PRODUCTION ASSURED CLASSIGUE m t' beeh rr ELITE COX & ft. cr, Prmnt 'in S |