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Show r hh iMHjairaaii by Larry Devine Its .4 buyers .market where the Bard of Avon is concerned. With the entry of Caedmon Records there are now three companies preparing recordings of Shakespeares complete plays. Caedmons initial release is Macbeth," Spoken Word now has nine plays on the market, Avelleble netursl or plonked You can create walls of Incomparable warmth and beauty with "America's most treasured wood" genuine California Red wood-n- ow available in handy 4'x8' plywood panels. Install dramatic Redwood panels yourself, quickly, easily, for far less cost than you might imagine. Select from four handsome patterns finish to suit your taste or leave natural. See the Simpson Certified Dealer listed below and discover how little , magnificence can cost! -k its-fi- having rst been issued in 1954. London has twelve plays out (plus the sonnets). All are corded by The Marlowe Society and Professional players. They are directed by George Rylands and produced under the auspices . of the British Council. The latest is Part I of Henry IV. The London releases differ from those of Caedmon or in that the Spoken Word performers are - anonymous. Spoken Word uses the Dublin Gate Theatre productions for its series and features such stars as Michael MacLiammoir and Anew McM aster. Caedmons new series is apparently going to depend on such stars as Ralph Richardson, Michael Redgrave, Claire Bloom and others. , i . AS HAS been the case quality It identifies I I your headquarters fcm I for worth-mor- e home improvement I products! preect-beeUet- COME IN Select the nationally Prod-- , mm B ARRAU'S BUILDING CO. SUPPLY MIS HigMend Owe IN 7-- 1 to. He performs with American Fork Salt Lake City AKRON LUMBER $33 , 34 Ne. Isitutl Avbhh SK BURTON LUMBER ft HARDWARE CO. Bountiful ttM PACKARD LUMBER $e. StsWe Street PWmm IN CO. k. Main SOM Phone AX COOK'S, INC Midvale $533 Se. Stete Street Neew AM 4 MAS ECONOMY 1 MS i. 33rd Saulll Phene HU 6-- 7 1 tl RIO GRANDE EM HARDWARE 114 Na. Main Phone AM & LUMBER CO. Hi Bjr Atm mar 32 jty TV 4V 5- X - 52 7081-8mnum 273-74-7- TO SELL THINGS .YOU'RE NOT USING WITH A 4 CLASSIFIED 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 gJUY23 86-9- 0 54-5- 8 uo - JULY e c - AUG. 23 D. vwo AUG 24 SEPT. 22 D N 2- - 422 40 H SEPT. 23 OCT. 23 Of Ideol Don't Proceed Causa You . 20 21 22 23 24 Added Carefully Be Startling Day ' 25 in 26 Thot 27 Leave 28 Play 28 Shell 30 Especially ()Good 41 Avoid ' 42 Could 43 Much 44 the 45 Socially 46 Or . 47 Today 48Compony 49 Beverages 50 Entertain 51 For . 52ossessione 53 At 54 Financial 55 Expanse 56 Of 57 Sports 58 Plant 59 Operation 60 Could Advene 1- - 62 To 63 64 Help 65 You 66 In 67 Light 66 And 69 Today 70 In . 71 You ' 72 Games 73 Be 74 Helpful 75 Today 76 And 77 Possible 78 Sociability 79 Drink 80 Circulole 8 1 Anyone's 82Todoy ; 83 Gracious 84 Hand 85 Sponging 86 And 87 Freely 88 Manner 89 People 90 Transactions Neutral star-studde- 3- - SL it Of SCORPIO OCT. 24 NOV. 22 AN ALUMNUS of the Kenton band, Holman is responsible for the swingin arrangements which are the secret to the albums success. In addition, he serves as leader of a band assembled for the occasion and also Is heard on tenor said. On four of the he adds two French horns- to the usual big band Instrumentation they are most effectively used in "Speak Low. June is Bustin Out all Over" is a thing of beauty as the harddriving ensemble goes all out. And for sheer fun it Is hard i to beat Jazzs "Cotton Pickin' with the straw Hatters. This group of six heard on records for the first time in this album, and play tapping music. This is music of New' Orleans transplanted to Disneyland which was this combos base during recording. All the old Dixieland favorites are waxed with gusto and wit happy-go-luck- POLLAN' In The Facts Making Com 36 Matt 37 Money 38 What 39 Authority 40 AJone Dt Soma lPThose 24 R- - 31 32 33 34 35 70uf T'V AD . 14 all-tim- e d - Your Doily Activity Guido 8 Watch 9 New 1 0 Method CANCER JUNE 23 IT CLAY TThoughtless 2 Try 3 People 4 To 5 Come 6 May JUNE 22 M&'nar two-dis- read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodiac birth sign. MAY 22 timmss (3JE0II13 fiSB ssiaacsi) MLIi-tair- ' According to tho Start. To develop message for Sunday, MAY 21 TALI d , Orchestra of Amsterdam under Bernard Haitink who shares the permanent conductorship of that ensemble' with Eugen Jo chum. Grumiaux, .distinguished Belgian virtuoso, is known as a performer of widely ranging literature. He seems equally at home among early masters and contemporary composers. He , b r 1 n g s authority and warmth to the Tchaikovsky score. TAURUS 21 APR- f - Fennell-con-conducte- w and the several soloists are thoroughly competent. The important thing in the Brandenburgs is the music itself rather than scintillating performance. Of course, virtuosity is demanded of soloists, but, for the rest, a name" ensemble is not essential to satisfactory performances. . PICKING THE POPS: One of the best of Capitols "The Star Line series is the Hits of Les and Mary. Who will ever forget this duos version of Lover which swept across the. country like wildfire in the late forties? Les Paul and Mary Ford were an overnight sensation. Paul was one of the first to capitalize on the possibilities of "overdubbing and other special recorded effects. Capitol presents now oh a single disc a dozen of this husband-wife teams most notable hits: The World is Waiting for the Sunrise, "Im a Fool to Care, How Im Sittin High the Moon, on Top of the World, "Whispering, etc. Capitol also has one of the best big band albums in months. Bill Holmans Great Big Band! should satisfy anyones yen for the good old days of late thirties and early forties. Certainly Holman has done nothing better on records to date. STAR. GAZEK.oO SPANISH FORK IMBR. CO. Ml tooth Main Pbnaa Concert-gebou- FREDERICK FENNELL conducts the Eastman Rochester pops In Marches for Orchestra (Mercury stereo). Better known for his excellent series of band albums with the Eastman W i n d Eensemble, Fennell proves himself equally adept with orchestra. True, he is working .with one of his and the march specialties perhaps this accounts for the performances- he brings off. From the point of view of repertory. Mercury contributes greatly to the enrichment of the catalog. Its American series is particularly distinguished and unique, and its band series has added considerably to that barren area. Unusual inclusions in "Marches for Orchestra are Waltons Orb and (written for Queen Sceptre Elizabeth's coronation), Sibeliuss Alla Marcia and Griegs "Homage March. Better known are the Turkish March of Beethoven, the familiar March from Tannhaus-er- , Schuberts Marche and Borodins "Prince Igor March. Bachs six Brandenburg Concertos are available in a album on the bargain-priceRichmond label. Karl Munchlnger conducts the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, stirring CO. Spanish Fork 541 Wet Second Sovtfc ffcm LUMBER MIDVALE BUILDERS SUPPLY, INC II) anniversary of Shakespeares birth falls on April 23 of that year. Arthur Grumiaux solos In a new Epic stereo recording of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concer- want from our new 0 . 40th advertised materials yon Simpson Budding nets Center! with As has been the case with the Marlowe Players earlier releases have been Julius Caesar and "Richard "Henry IV (Part I) is Shakespeare at Us recorded best. Adding considerably to its effectiveness iS' Londons stereo sound. Part I is lengthy, utilizing six complete sides. All three companies mentioned are reportedly planning to have all the plays and poems on by 1964 the (best-seller- s for this sign of aeekleta tar bene kMdjraiMl Cheese fret ever a William Shakespeare's works are in process of recording by three companies. Goal is completion by the 400th anniversary. tP d ten-track- - sagittAius nov dec! 12 near-chaoti- 526769 CAPRtCOSN DEC 23 JAN. 20 c Hi-F- Dixie-lander- AQUARIUS .O PAN. 21 FEG 19 finger-snappin- g NXT 5064-7-1 - PISCES FEB. 20 MAR. 21 4 6368 61 85-8- 9 f' W.. The Salt Lake Tribune Heme Magazine s |