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Show The Sait JUke Tribune, Sunday," January S, 1061 18 Hame far Ssla for Sola 28-H- omts - SEE THESE TODAY BEAUTIFUL SYMPHONY for Soto 28 Home tfHowiM far Salt OPEN HOMES NOON BY BACH Only $10,900 GIVTotal FHA Total Move-i- n And 5 FHA valuation. 3 pure at exact bedrms , 2 full baths, 15x25 ft Built-i- n finished tame room ranges. All birch cup-- ! and door. Tile sills end with storage for out tide tools. ' plus large atorag rooms in th value 618 JL. with only ll, 100 down. BUT DON'T FORGE' Cost $50! Cost $400! or AX I , - 5- 1290 WESTWOOD, BOUNTIFUL (About 5th East and 13U A beautiful brlel rambler with 28-living room, lone fireplace. Over $2,000 in custom drapeh. and carpeting (EVEN THE CARPETS AND WTH THE CARPETS (EVEN AND DRAPES ITS PRICED $300 UNDER FHA VALUATION ) Now $18,500 Full "walk-ou- t' basemi. dishwasher and disposal in the lovely Youngstown kitch en. dining room Full sor. system with oak brush secluded back yard. Good matching brk. garage As little as $1,100 down. AX 1 'Open Noon" Better' by Jerry Dark Till Bach LJomes, Inc. Sold better byi W. D. 445 REALTY, INC., Model Home OPEN HOUSE Open - Only $400 down on thli $13,- brick home m Rote Park. Two bedrooms and rumpua room finished in base-ment Covered patio off garage Mam other desirable features. Lea Fenton IN BOO OPEN HOUSE Noon to Dork . 1631 Lakewood Drive , (54th South and 16th E.) YOU CAN MAKE YOUR WAY Earlv American, split level. 3 bedrms. IV baths, brick eneer construction, Cali Lyman Obray, CR NEW LISTINGS you havent seen these yet Brick home near 16th East, tiptop shape Owner will sell on contract or will trade. IN SANDY 4 bedrms , brick. 2 years old Owner will trade, call Meik, EM FULL HOUSE? . Trade in your email home for equity this large older home Assume low monthly payment ol 145. Call Art BlrdT EM &4109. LOOK HERE! Would you like to trade your ce for amusement room on lower level. Call for details. Ray Moody, EL 5- 677. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 or 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, large kitchen, fenced yard. Sugar House "CaU CAPSON Investment Co. CAPSON ST. MARY'S LOWER HILLS brick Magnificent, new, 22 ft view liy- jambler, like w to w. carpet. Land-apeCi fenced lot with sonn- kling avstem, twtxar brick ga rage ideal church, achool. and facilities Owner playground transferred, must sell. $47,500. EM or IN EAST 2-- DR. ' BENCH DA 4806 QUAILPOINT RD, Oak Cliff Park) 2 brand new 14100 sq. ft. brick moderns, massive view liv, rms , dining rms , 3 bedrms , 2 baths, finished walkout lower level, att garage, builder needs money, trade and save a bundle. Pete and Dick on premises $1,500 REDUCTION an horn makes this fine outstanding buy., spacious L- family ahaped Uv. and din rm., size kitchen, 4 bedrms . 2 bathe. knotty pine rec rm , 2 fireplaces, covered patio overlookin g valley. beaut mature landscaping and oak brush. Oi ly $24,950 FHA terms available, $3,450 down plus loan costs. Bob Jr., CR SAVE THOSE DOLLARS Here I your chance, owner ing state, de luxe brick split liv. rm , richlv carpeted 2l-Kitchen, family ireplace . 3 bedrms , multiple baths, jtti walkout lower level, fenced min iature park-Uk- e yd amazing deal for $22,000, 39th So 28th loc. Brim. AM DOWELL-WILKINSO- INC. BEST NONE! At $49. MX) this beautiful rambler is a bargain! JUST CHECK COSTS OF DUPLICATION AT TODAYS PRICES! Located on one of the LARGEST FINEST LOTS lnth, e area, with both levels completely finished, landscaped, etc. ENTIRE PROPERTY IN IMMACULATE BUY-B- AR HAYMORE brick heat or HU gas GADDIS INVESTMENT COMPANY 337 S. Main, Realtor. EM PRICE REDUCED attractive brick contemporary home in Upland Terrace. Three bedrooms, 14 baths on the 'main floor.' h kitchen. Built-in- s Intercom, system Plastered walls Sprinkling system Lower level has finished playroom with fire place. Large existing FHA loan, HOnC T OD V?. Cali StE THIS EM EM or EL NEAR JUDGE MEMORIAL SCHOOL brick in good condition, living room has fireplace, full-siz- e REALTOR dining" room. "3 bedrooms, full 209 E EL 9 3757 3rd South basement, gas heat, garage. Price 11.750 easy terms PRICE REDUCED $1,000 You will not find a better home, value for $14,750, good avenue. location, aee this home today If you ere In need of a lane home. Owner went, New home in Mount Olympus, . beaut, terraced patio, IN Milt POWERS, unparalleled view, front and back FIRST SECURITY Large kitchen with eating space, all bullt-indining area. 3 tile baths, 2 fireplaces Consider any STATE BANK offer or trade. CR EL 5- 2901, Langlois Realtor, EM Main ,t Broadway BUILD NOW Your lot can be your dn. pyrrrt $500 DOWN, $75 MONTH Confidential eve. home service as to building and financing Agent. HUMW INTEREST 516 I BEDRM . U4 bath, i level brk ,qu'r het venwr 110.300 on your lot. IMS- - SHAW, INC. SALE OR TRADE 9411. FM 4 3383 AND SINGLE TRI-LEV- LEVEL MODELS .OPEN TODAY " In ' the family budget for rocroatfon and fun. Award modal homo.. All have S bedroomv loti of (tor-g- t, Vk both on lower roomy kitchen, attached carport, roughd-l- n level , , , plui finlihad outlido patio. Vi.lt th GI Move-i- n $199 Monthly payments Gl.$94 and ' FHA $549 FHA $100 Including everything AWARD HOMES 50th South & Redwood AM 6-87- 62 t 2526 E Cullimore, home with extra bedroom and Vi bath In baaement. 12,950, easy contract terma. CaU Mr. Sorensen, AM : 3192 EL6IN DR. bedrooms, clean aa a pin and well. kept. Reduced from 16 500 to 1 ; c Phones CY 8251 HYLAND PARK DUPLEX n Over and under, in perfect Fireplace, c a r p e 1 1 n a. : OPEN 2 TO 5 A. OPEN HOUSES or 1 8760 DAWSON Itt blocks from Temple. Present rental $82.50 mo-- . Plus owners unit Gas heat- - $9,950. $i,500 down. bale, like rent. dark 2009 East 5)65 South 1 till V Bountiful JUST LISTED. Executive', home. 6 yn. old. Ideal location 4 bedrm.., 2 batha. large liv rm. and dm rm. Has everything 48,600. IN COVE BRAND NEW with unexcelled . AU you would expect in thla area 842,000. Call CR or IN Alder, Wallace EM 1234 So. 9th East home In an excellent reeidential area full tired Wall to wall carpet, two-car garage dining room, a and a .mail yard to care for Fine value at only 16.000 Let ua ahow you. Muat have appoint- EM3EM ment. EL A very neat 0593, CR MILLER EL S3438 . ! B.lfuket Oldeat Realtor EM 1st South St. FOR BETTER AX DA ALL YOURS for only $250 down and pymts. less than rent. Exceptionally nice, cottage, close to town loc. G M. SPROUL, REALTOR HU 2369 Logan Way Salt Lake City, Utah OPEN house from 2 until dark 333 S 2nd East Realtor Highland Park. 2653 Hartford Reduced to 815.000 3 bedrms , PAINT FOR YOUR DN. PYMT. rumpus rm , carpets, drapes, 10.600, 20th East dbl gar. and patio. Call CR By owner, Betti lyorVs, Inc. 2 P.M. WE INVITE YOU TO COMPARE THESE VALUES; new brk home, with IV, baths, BASEMENT for dad with OUT-S1D- E ENTRANCE. KITCHEN THAT MOTHFR 'WILL BE RAZY. ABOUT, all electric, beautiful cabinets, Ur eating arei roomy livin, m beautiful flre- dbL carport. Only Jjacaj patio, , ROBIN BRICK VENEER HOME. Juat COMPLETINO, ' batha, ale elf te Ititchem la ...... 3U Eaat and NOT ONE gUT TWO TUv nim home. . You Vi booh Vifttlxi.000, hu lookin for aome-thlr- .l d liferent, aomathln, now aee 'tha'ON YOU WANT A 1 Mi story Cape Cod, foi example, and, right next door, Tan ft an attractive Drive for .yourself, Mr Gibson, CR$- Loctlve 496, CRESTWOOD. 7236 HU REDUCED 3,000 TO SELL' THIS AFTERNOON! A gorgeoua new rambler fn Holladay. 3 bed.. - including a nice den or TV room. Reduced to only 16 950, $2 000 down will handle Drive to 7thEast and turn eaat on 8325 EM 1375 $1 DOWN-VAC- ANT with cement bamt NEW furnace and water heater Garage, fenced yard. Only $14350. Call IN horn 3750 So. E. brick with bedrms.. baths Only I ft. old. Carpeted end draped Dining room, family $11,500 to $12,000 NEILSON 4531 Loren Von Dr. n4 33rd E $jl,5oo. See thli Vlue-- 1,1 on ,ide of Mt NEWOnly Sbtthnrk 'HSf.-TE- nd A CaU HU TERMS. . ADDAMS 21t 665 E REALTOR So f IN 7 5421 3 Only New Homes CO. READY IN TO OCCUPY ONE RM also SPLIT-LEVE- with outaide entrance to 3rd leveL All are brick construction with caroort, hardwood door throughout, birch cabinet, aluminum window, pullman lavatory and bath Roughed-l- n plumbing In bsmt These ara wlthfii 4 blka of gredt, gnd high achool Total price 13.300 Turn west of 5900 So. Slat and follow Manlove Conitruction ar- - TUCKER ' " HU -6 ROOMS Al L LARfflf Near Judge Memorial. Vaoant, Carry contract, (14.950, TIP ON EXCELLENT BUY-2- 630 K. 29TH SOUTH. Cuatom ltwLthJ.I?.n.mu,r?om. A REALTOR it,. 16.000- Open 19.950. 1 1 a m. to J p m. AM Thompson-Wilkinsor- t, OPEN HOUSE Inc. EXECUTIVE'S HOME. 4 bed-plus den or 5th bedrm. 2n complete tile baths, large living rm. with fireplace formal dining room, choice room kitchen and breakfast Large private rear yard for enand children, tertaining a rage East Bench location 26.500. CaU HU or CRT EM 3 7548 a m. Til Dark Alder, Wallace 161 S State Realtor OPEN REALTOR (2-- EM 5) 3695. MUST SELL 1 OWNER aaya "Cut and dn. each."' brk gymt on 1,000 Eart Bench for 13.780 WonT last I Call Fred Kuhn. IN 74570 or Bill Living, tnn. AM 3897, Sun Realtors. EM TRANSFERRED 4 yr. brk no HALF ACRE 2 level brick. 4 bed-roo21 ft living room, carpeted, draped, fireplace Garage. Zonei rses Nice S C area $22 000 orothy Johnson, IN 64095. tealtors. EM 3 2W5 drape, 1001 e mi r fh OUm b TVOwWb This sounds like s food hide-ou- t Listen to this. QUALTTY BEAUTIFUL DESIGN Owner bee been transferred d is offering this ick rambler this beautiful has three loljadayarea. fii bedrooms and twojma baths on the main floor Kuv room living with fireplace Carpeta and drapes. Attractive dining ?uilt-iLr- n attractive kitchen, range oven, dishwasher, and Extra llaposal.v bedroom ana obby utifulli Attached double garage. Close schools, shopping irea, and but" E47&W South. rooms, birch cabinet. y down EL 9 3134 RY OWNER Must Can be converted to down. Ell U w Fun bjthjT SHAW, INC' REALTOR DAY 209 E 3rd South BERKELEY ST. Just listed brk. beauty, 4 bedrms., T baths. Walkout activity rm. Owner out talk. Must hav, offer today. Small down payment. CR 57 HIGHLAND HIGH DISTRI On Locan Ave Charming brick colonial Carpeting in rooms, mlr- IUU DIWi "W iiiewinuc, IMUPi ment with spacious iiniahea room. $1500 down. FHA terms. AM6-101- Curtis " 2320 Bo Main D EVERGREEN JR. HIGH BUYI , Pwnr .'TUCKER HU OPEN HOUSE 425 E, Slat So.. Realtor. HU REALTOR P.M gone, muat sell BY immeeu-Ope- n HU OWNER ram-roo- f, SUDDEN TRANSFER rm , INLAND, INC; 3 baths, spacious Kit., 4 badrms , meant your chance to take over lge family rm , util, rm Fully contract on lovely orick home in D 1 East Tran. bench and draped Priced choice, quiet neighborhood. Love- - awit level brick. Spacious 4 bed carpeted ulck wle 412025 CresthiU fcr. baths. 2 fireplaces, targe (4625 lot with garden apace rm., ly orchard 2Vg-cfamily rm Exceptional view Joce-tioand irr. garage, 2 bedvalue to end add 26.600 for quick rooms up and I down, 413Z SOUTH 13TH EAST Dr' (8S5 this luxurious carpeting, dining Vacant brick. Double room and fireplace. Dont miss ESti.1H&ftjSguu"t Patio Fenced lot. Conaid-e- r (erase. home of this HOLtsADAY area, $19 500. New the charm and value car. vacant lot (T) on down CaU Taylor, IN at $19,950 bedroom, balance on contract. oavnjent 7036; Knudsen, CR rambler. Call Leeloooony, IN JONES Roberta, EM 3- - IN 6 2171 STB4. or Buffo HI Realtor, CANNON Stake. Jordan Jtark SALT LAKE pwl. area. Brick, full bamt,, family i DA M745 REALTY Realtor home. nn . firepl. dbi, gar Ideal far? Home of Happy Homer' garage. EAST MILLCREEK BUY PRICE SLASHED Transfer requires fast sale Choice orchard lot on quiet brick rambler. .rcie, Many extras, lfe batha. electric kit Partly finished baaement. Unusual opportunity. CaU Doaine Newbold, IN Weiker, IN JUST it FAIRWOOD.PARK Open Noon - Till Dark Split levels and Rambler, 3 Bedrms., 1)6 Baths, Beautiful Kitchens, Built-inCoved Linoleum, Well Insulated, Full Basements. CARPORT FIREPLACES V? V. PRICED LISTED Four bedroom brick home. Southeast location. Will trade Won't jast.Call Welker. IN DA DUPLEX CONTEMPORARY fireplace, disposal, garage Reduced to 22,800, 9 yra Creek ire. Easy tsao. U C H. CORAH REALTY CO, l'2 BATHS, SO. E. BuUt-!n$500 down on con H . $13,450.to $15,900 As Jittle as $500 All trades down plus closing considered SPECIAL 'THIS MONTH-B- UY NOW and get free professional landscaping this spring BUILDER JOHN 0. SPECK Call Andreason, CY rock, glaaa gnd paneled Contemporary in the Cotton- wood eroau Reduced, $23,000 for ju ick aale. CR BUFFO Realtor, d - V 5900 South 5th East ' $12,000, inch taxea and full baaement with enother room Large lot with 7 fruit trees Space for fcnrwe available. Call Fred Kuhn. TV Sun Realtors. EM 13 900. 175 Ina 5V. lnt SOUTH) CHARM-PERSONA- 2266 Burt HU NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL! See el.anert duplex lh town! nree-Btarge kitchen, full baaement. Call Mike Harrl. AM Sun Realtor!, EMJ- - at 5345 .This is an Early American y will like! Excellent locatioi Make this one a muaty ALL BLVD. (HOLLADAY 623 lono Peak Dr. (54651 So.) OPEN 6 2851 HILLSDEN DRIVE baaement with double garage. Drop by. talk trade or terma. 1 2-- : HOUSE PM Brick and stone blended with CR beam celling in Uvins room, stone EMERSON AVENUE fireplace wall with oarbecue on. , , to rear, complete landscsn-ngImagine, only 1.000 down Parade area at foot of Mt L. bedroombrick. lge lot.. gas heat, feU faCUUwCU Cloae to achoola. 'ahopptng ivlv 314 wiyillVUV. aaraie. transferee. Cell Ruth. CY and bua. IN 455 E 2nd S Realtors DA 5648 ' 2916 VALLEY VIEW DR. CHRISTENSEN ; HORSE LOVERS You want brick, plenty of room, 1 REALTOR walk-oHU itchen built-inGRANGER evel, yet something different. Cute home f fireplace, big .Some ay an Inside patio? Give a look. kitchen and It- with Lucky Jomilyour proposition, CaU Cont fa n-- fnove riAt in thia nearly Bob, EM new brk. home in excellent area. 3990 SO. 4275 WEST Spacious L.R., fireplace, din. CITY-BR- ICK Owner of thia home 9 $14,500 tree, fine carpeting, full bamt, BEAUTY new furngee, will take smaller home for down att garage, lge. on Nicest 1 the 2 market. rma.. nerd yd Contract or refln, Hsa Dement. large rooms, full On bsmt. bus line. Nr 'Lib' ifrlced right at baths. CaU Carole, Cali 16.000 erty Park. Excel, buy. IN HU 44 01 Tucker, Mr. Spandre. " ?Sm5' IN ff'AK: REALTOR FIRM-LAN- CHRISTENSEN Duplex at 2105 So. 18th East , ! KEYS full base-meSALT LAKE in Holladay, Only 4 year 1.000- - down. Enter from Realtor fid REALTY DA 1900 Eaat and 45th South. CR 7- Homs of Happy Homerf ,OPEN HOUSE 'OPEN Thia Early American brick fea 3 bedrooms, 144 baths, fireand a full place kitchen built-in- f TUTTLE 4099 DIANA WAY 3010 So. E. 350 2906 $350 FHA DOWN V turn POSSESSION INC DA built-ln- s. 2821 East 31 00 South CaU IN IMMEDIATE EAl ESTATE, bedrooms. 1 . full basement with THA terma, at only $650 down plua loan costa, what more? Drive out and ' pleased. $15 500 Brick, baths, Brand-ne- REALTtCO CAPITOL HILL 4022 S. 2700 E Realtors CR 74601 HOME AND APT. OWNER ANXIOUS A real bargain in a large walkbrk. rambler, carpeted home, also out apartment Potential Income lg family rm. at FHA appraisal. 16,800 Will sell on contract, $190 per mo. Owner offers it for all 'resent offera W. 1000 N 310 $17,500 with $2,000 down a buntlful Florence, CR $130 per mo. If you want a go home end income one block from SPARKLING NEW or Capitol see this. CaU CR DUPLEX. hrk , excellent loc , quali IN One-y- r old aide by side brk 3 BEDRMS. and TV ROOM ty construction, full bsmt, 'nice central hall plan. EM CR Four lg. rms in each duplex Built-i7563. n oven and range unit Spacious rambler, 2 baths large Located near bus line Yearly carpeted living rm , family size income $2,640 Only $23 800 For kitchen, fenced lot Selling at FHA appraisal price of 1500t appt. IN 7 2678 or AM only $600 down CaU IN REALTOR or IN 2015 E 33m South HU - IVi Baths, Birch Cabinets, Carports and Patios MOONEY two-levbrk. Three yr old home. Both levels completely finished offer EIGHT spacious rooms Four bedrms and 2 tiled baths Beaut, carpets ana rm Rpr drapes m liv and din. avstem and fenced lot For appt or IN call HU PM. New Masonry, y brick With five apt large cheerful roomie 2 bedrma In each apt Near ighland High and Sugar House shopping Nil trict JSee this for aura todas 149, OPEN HOUSES (o310 South 3600 West) MR. REAL ESTATE 6850 So. 3rd East Choice - ' Truly outaUndln modma and conventional on targ, wooded lot for that luxurioua touch you caire SJjedrma., lM(hath. built-infull baaement Drive to 50th South and lJth Eaat" and' turn eaat to K Mr, jUuliley. CR 7- - 49) E. 8425 South 4 (Four) bedrooms, T rooms tn 1565 REDONDO (2050 So.) LN. rl?h ..IF?South 4430 to 4608 S. 2040 EAST. -1- 5 HILL Not a few look-alik- e models but your choice of ram- bier, split, Early American, 'contemporary. You choose. YOU name the terma! Drive to 380U South. pn Wasatch Blvd. turn west to 3200 Eaat. ROBIN HILL PEN 1 TIM- - DARK. Call Mr! wn53 Mr' Martin, 4539. WALLACE 221 4 So. Belairo Driv ' (About 2865 East! A DREAM, NEW .Beautiful Brk. home, 3 lovely bedrooms. 14 baths, walnut finished kitchen. all electric, lg eating area VIEW DINING AND LIVING RMS , fireplace. Basement COULD BE USED FOR APT. which has commanding VIEW, alto garage carport Only $33,500 TO HU out. Utility rm luat off of th. kitchen, 164 bath ex cellently laid out. 3 bedroom, bia dbl. gar. Only 920,500, OPEN ' a& 1 HEIGHTS FEDERAL Realtor! DARK TILL LIVING IN 1961 JUST 616.950. Almost new2-drooCONSTRUCTION brick rambler, m bethi lovely carpets and drapes, ful 2360 South Main walk-ou- t basement. Beautifully landscaped, will sell on contract trade for, smaller NOW jo eeJjhl FHPiLOrcJi SPECIAL NEW YEAR Mr, Perrv, HU fence, landscaped, carport, near school, take over 4 Mi GI 88 mo . I, 600 down. Consider eon. tratt. 7676 8 . 375 Eaat. HORSES t. . I bedrm. homee. To leg U Dan. HU Ideal Realty. .REALTOR 1253 Eaat 21at So. Turn east en 5935 8. 13th East VALUES VALUES VALUES OPEN HOUSE VIELE (Best Value in the Valley) WICKS built-in- RAY TUCKER" "2 TO DARK" - OPEN HOUSE WOODBURY .114 baths, EM 2693 - til Dark 2968 Glenmare St. (1575 t.) Owner will TRADE for less new expensive home or lots. This LIVE DOWNSTAIRS brk is six-rcontemporary located in one of the best areas and schools, to churches, Close RENT THE UPSTAIRS bus lines. Beaut, stone two-wa- y to Memory fireplace separates liv. end din. Near entrance Grove 5 rms down. 4 up or for rm Two tiled baths Main fir. Lg lge family use as single home, 2 utility and full basement baths and kitchens. Spacious, and covered patio. Earlier IN condition Lots of base- or AM in tip-to- p ment storage with outside en PALATIAL . trance Garage and patio or port, cloae to churches, schools, Reallv magnificent Immediand theaters downtown. att. rambler with On contract, brk ate occupancy. 2 V. garage. Three big bedroome, $21,000. tiled bathe. Philco built-i- n oven and range, dlehwaaher, refrigera& tor and freeier. Convenient main fir. utility rm Spr lystem and EM REALTOR fenced lot Ideal family home or CY For appt. call HU Sundays and Evenings Call1 i. EAST BENCH loe. AM S bedrm... large living nn, formal dining rm. A beaaWul home for $26,500. CaU IN or IN BRICK RAMBLER with beautiful finiabed baaement. Luxurious carpets gnd drape, CaU CRTReduced to $71,51 140 or INM590. 10 7 OPEN HOUSE , j, OPEN and INCOME HOME Come pn out Sunday and see brick split-leve- l. this RADE 8x18 living room, carpeted, with lTa and built-inbaths lace, about Of course we trade an just terms Owner bird kitchen. anything but let us tell you moved to CalifEasy $f9,000. Call Jim about an outstanding deal At DeVore, HU 6. 1120 East 5th No. In Bountiful 208 Roosevelt Midvale (shown by appt. only). 4 levels with 3,300 sq feet of floor area, Ideal family Midvale built-iyou can think home near special. every schools and churches of. The owner of this gorgeous bnck rsfnbler, brick is leaving town place. full basement, lovely .fire landand will trade for most any home scaping. immediate possession for less money. Price has been Call Connie Sedlar. EM or cut to $2750!! AX DA AX 7638 , 2 batha. kitchen with built-in- a. family rm . dining rm . 2 fireplaces Top home in Sation. best diifarent. CaU Shepherd. H. 5128 Gyrene St. 1690 East UST SEE TODAY Reduced $4,000 ..New brk GLAZIER. . E.) BONNEVILLE GOLF COURSE AREA SO. 2030 E. If your looking for bargain, check this one. 2 be' rooms, full basement, garage, fenced lot Immediate poasesaiou, CaU Mr. KUlfore. HU RQAD..AT,4I0QQ.U1H.: 1,000 down and nly $15,700 full price. Choice Holladay area, zoned for a horse. Larse fenced 114 bath,, on, of yard .the bedrm,.bomea In Keamt EHA b edroorn8x26Uving androom with nicer drapes, valued at (12,000 with a. little fireplace, aa 9400 down, but don't let thla stove and - reSig! Dean Riddle bother you, we are open for HU Prime New Area offera on both down pavmentjmd rice. VACANT, MOVE RIGHT 135 p. 3241 Yosemite (3655 Beautiful brick Early American 2 tile baths 2 fire places. attractive amusement rm. finished in basement, kitchen with bullt-inlarge covered patio. Landscaped, sprinkling system, garage. Immaculate condition. Call Samuelsen, HU 4- 6734 or Tucker, HU 2741 REALTORS 3163 S. Hlglbland Dr. 4460 WEST Itata Realtor HOW ABOUT IT? Would you like a home where hard work it all doner Beauhe tiful Inside and out. You have to aee to appreciate, CaU Mrs. Cox, CR7-532Mra. Garn. IN OPEN HOUSES brick ram lovely" bier with B bedrms and 2 baths 2 fireplaces, one in the lovely rame room. brick garage tree cut to exact FHA. $18,800, 1.100 DOWN rou have never eeen more for the money, AX 161 S. thu- - cr.ir'Lii:'DAnAver,ook , Two-levcontemporary view horntx 2 bedrma , 1 bath up. fam. rm 1 bdrm and batn down. Listed at $20 800, Nice location. nice design Mr, Smith IN 72633. HYLAND 315 EAST 650 NO. BOUNTIFUL) MT. OLYMPUS ,utol,r,;rHtj!?!?-V-e-rUh- t In. OPEN 2 TO 5 Main OPEN SUNDAY 5 3024 Morgan Dr. (4100 So.) OWNER TRANSFERRED 3 8 or 6y.appointtfient 1310 NO 250 WEST (BOUNTIFUL) 800 No 3ju clean. Model homes open every day from 5 r CaU 1385 RAMONA AVE. A dernund loctlon. a good Nice 4year-ol- d ranch rambler. 550 down on new FHA loan. VACANT, MOVE RIGHT IN or you can tent this to buy home with option AX . Thor', moro to Ilf, than niMtlng gigantic houio paymtnt, . . ihowi you haw ta liv. In nd 'Award Horned 1,500 tq. ft. comfort with paymonti $100 per month cr below. Thl, loavo, tomo-thln- g down, no loan costs. move right in, 9 bedrooms, 1 finished in basement, carpeting drapes. A peal nice briok colonial 000 $1 built-in'.- -' :; ..alsoavailable:;.; 4 bedrms, S full baths in this brick Fric roomy. cut to exact FHA value. OR $15,300 with $600 down Welt port, plug fanned landsc 5061 SO KEARNS and follow signs. These 5 new houses have every thing Brk , 3 bedrms , lots of close ta, 2 tile batha, large kitchens, large living and dining ma , 2 fireplaces, amus. rms finished, double garages. CaU or drive out. Dotson. HU 2-- ls, .. sooo so. $24,950 3915 So. 2860 East For cost per square foot, spltt level is your best beauty today, 3 amusement room, 2 fireplaces, carpeting, fill built-ingge Lifted at $25,900, CaUPa FHA ANDCONVENTiONAL' FINANCING 301 WEST 1300 NO. (BOUNTIFUL) EL NOOMTILL 6 PJW. v aaoV.nd Drive to . OPEN 2 TO 5 OPEN 2 TO FOR YOUR INSPECTION $14,500 f 5 OPEN AM 00 PM, $12,900 appliances,; combination rooms, lots of storage space. Also avai able are '.single, double attached or: detached carports, y C, y 2-- $14 500, easy terms. bungalow. Amusement room in basement, fireplace, dining room. Owner transferred. Call Mr, Alien HU OPEN HOUSE : dining-famil- y American "Early Here truly Is an early America., design in every inch of beauti fully planned detail. $ bedrms 2 baths, full basemt on a If. brick well landsc. view lot. garage Price cut over $2,000 now you can take over owner present $23,700 loan with $4.50(1 cash AX , AX SERVING UTAH FOR 40 YR4 564 E 3rd So Realtors &I OAKHILL'S IN OPEN for Soto ' no belt CONyENIENCFS. route or freeway threats See these all new,' no upkeep homes today. Priced from $24,500. trade-i- s welcome Your hostess, Mrs. ; Homos' 1357 Thornton (1030 So.) ' NEW - OPEN HOUSE HILLS 4400 So. 23rd East new homts NEW AREA. i living rooms, large kitchens with - 424 NO 1150 EAST (BOUNTIFUL) N, 26-f- t living room, spacious fain-fl- y room with fireplace. 3 bed rooms. 14 ceramic tiled baths, attractive kitchen with disposal. w to w carpeting. $18 975 g ood CONDITION!! AR FINANCING terms. IN or HU RANGEMENTS MAKE rT UNUBRICK DUPLEX 4 yrs old. all large rooms. 2 SUALLY EASY TO PURCHASE!! bedrooms in each, one side with NEWER HOME ACRE dining room, oak floors, full ceraCLOSE-Imic tiled baths, full basements, S E. $19,9501 ras furnaces, double garage, large Brick, only 7 yrs. old. 6 bed-ot, east of Liberty Park. If you r- baths, big liv rm want the best home and Income. roomt, It today $24 850: termsor take horae part payment. HU 4 r US' K? SHAKE Like new. 2 bedrooms, with 3rd DIA down, 'w. to w. carpeting in 3 rooms near 22nd So and 4th East. Furniture included $14 500; terms. EM or IN EL 9 2067 149 E 9th So EL 9 5258 A GOOD BUY Onlv $10,500 for this 4W-rbedrm , coK with att. garage. gaa heat. HW. floors on 5th E or HU 2200 So. IN OPEN TODAY 2 TO 5 P.M NR 6TH W. AND MOO SO. Owner leaving state, oust fell 2871 EAST 3750 SOUTH home on tomfortable Lacre lot goodsolT only (5,850 OWNER HAS VACATED Southeast. bungalow, flrenlace $6 000: terms IN V; OPEN 2 TO 5 4196 FORTUNA WAY Overlooking valley, palatial llevel rambler, mahogany pi ing, stone fireplace. 17x22 liv. rm . gorgeous kitchen, famil: area, sun deck, 4 bedrms baths, rec rm fireplace, patio. Follow signs to 4275 So. Will $ Tri-Leve- VA4 ramble CANT,. MOVE RIGHT. JIT, and best of aU with about $3,000 yous can take over present owner bedrms., Iw 44 GI loan, baths, completely fenced end beautifully landsc If you want a new FHA loan, $800 will handlo the down payment or low dowr payment on contract. AX p.m. 5 (45th So. 3200 E ) brk. View supreme, new rambler with Early American touch, spacious liv and din. rmi., elec, kitchen, 3 bedrms, 3 baths. loads of closets, most livable home in Olympus Hills Only 525.950 Hansen, AX 1980 BROADMOOR (No of 21st So ) Do luxe brick duplex, a nest with extra nest egg. Ige. liv. nn., rich carpets and drapes, floor to ceiling stone fireplace, din. rm family kitchen, 2 bedrms bath, plus paneled den bedrm. Lower level: 30' liv. rm. fireplace. 2 bedrms , tile for bath, front, kitchen, .rent 125 mo. EZ terms or trade. Muir, REALTOR E. 4th South EM 4 6477 A Good Deal Depends on 31 House s c You can choose frorrv Ramblers and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious . .3 4541 WESTVIEW 739 LaFayette Dr, (about 11 50 West) 2 Till 6 p.m. , brick 2ND SOUTH 128 BRIARWOOD ;N0 COSTSOFANYKIND UNTIL yOURFIRStMONTHLY PAYMENT 1545 NO 300 WEST (BOUNTIFUL! DA Phone AM DA N OPEN 2 TO 5 HILL E. TILL DARK AX Drive out the 7th East Freeway to 9800 South turn 10th East, then south block to our display homes, Built , OPEN 2 TO. for Sole new AkcA MO DOWN PAYMENT CLOSING COSTS MOVE-ICOSTS NEY ANYWHEE 119 500 to 618,.500. AXV2377 . east to - SLYOS 300 X. 150 NORTH, BOUNTIFUL " lovely new brick homes ready to occupy. One with 4 bed- - Has Full Basement C9 It 128 Homes NEW, BEAUTIFUL- GREENBRAE HOME . OPEN NOON "Concerto" 3 bedrooms $12,950 - 28 Homet for Sole far Salt - Also see thn , - 28 Home ' BK ou can qualify on an income of $373 per month! CASH TALKS! See "Symphony Homes" Today-Su- rel ? Trades our specialty. AX 'Melody". 3 bedrooms $12,450 1 RED CENT NOT FOR VETERANS TO MOVE INTO A jut it talks unleu you m me Sun day. Of comae, cash is PA 3 bedrooms, tile over 10 attached carport, built-i- n down, 60 range and TALK 'll Three beautiful brick homes, oven, ceramic tiled tub shower,' tiled window sills, birch ready to occupy. 22 rorieoui lotsi cabinets and choice of two elevations. where we will build your plan oi Move-i- n - ' one TILL DARK so. of the new tout-to-n Grode School from Orchard Dr. CASH TALKS! J But you wont know how ' SYMPHONY HOMES HAVE j28 Homa for Salt Tr- - FOR. THE FIRST TIME IN THIS BEAUTirULBOTrUTOM .SUB. Turn east - ' ; or KU Asset - |