OCR Text |
Show ' rryrfrfint ar. "w W , rfW'Trv'ir,,1rVTT'irifrTYiry yryyti n'wVwVTrr'rrrirvYrvwTrr rTrrmr,'fY'rvrnr 3 Page 4 C - Sunday Morning Salt Lake City, Utah SttlcH and Fnad 3-- 4-- SUNDAY TO WHOM MAY CONCERN. tost f CLASSIFIED INDEX Fnnh the party who took the man's overcoat by mistake from Clarks Restaurant Monday fvo lat pleaaa call nsf January or contact Clark's Reataiy rant. IT . . t oryia . about of Urge brindle colored male boxer. 3 yrs. old, ana. AlexW. U Hibler ander. CY 4341 W. $410 6. I, your utpu mor, tho your a r r I, r, pi Bonon Slit w. .Sat., vie. 253 yhita. Reward. Will party who called tncoffl.7 And you or, too far In 6- EL Thun, please call again. dbt to g.t loan? Than ui 7157. kU Wirehalr terrier, white K.lp you. W. con coniolldoto your with black saddle, brown ears. bill, rtgordl.u of how far In debt Name "Fritz. Reward. Pleaaa you or without th. .Id of call EL or German Female Shepherd. 0$T collar. Lie. No. Call Today for Blka tan. Lear Appointment $6. Last seen 765 N 2nd West. Rew, EM 44434. EM Free Conjultation . wallet LOST Downtown: and ehsnaa purse bluj social EL 77 HU $ jerurity card, ate. Raw. UTAH CREDIT COUNSELORS LOST Black and tan Manchester S3 EAST 4TH SOUTH Terrier with white boots. Male Lost In yioinitj o$ 33rd East 3th WILL I, lt January 8, 1961 com. Rttl Batata duitrtal Commarctal ta for Sato lutamobfU tor kiW Automobile Wantad ... Bulldln Material luiinu, ppportunlUto 1? educational inner SuppHr ...4534A farm Ranch lower, ...44 frufta and'Produe, irmahed Apartments Vor kft tmished Houses for Rent tpiiahed Rooms feyUat eP .Wen elp wantSHl Male tome for Sale iouaokeoping Rooms ...... Fro. . . 4 fefoufp. ov Sale .471 48 Miscellaneous for Saio SfJTchinery a, $3 Miscellaneous Wanted 54 . Money to Loan $4W . Money Wanted lotorcTdea. Bicvclea, Scootart 86A .usical Instrumits ..,4$A ursery Flanta A Suppllad ,...44 ct S Wem.B Want Work exp. 8 as legal steno.). univ. accounting and writing. Responsible, permanent position only. Start $400. SECRETARY 28 Room and Board .36 Salesmen Wanted .11 . 11 Situations Wanted Female ... Situations Wanted 44al4 4 SoilT Fertiliser LDfl LADY Middle-ag- e podal Notices will do . sporting Gooda Soj gen. housework cook and chauf-Owstores and Offices for Rant . 36 fer. 'rood ref. transporteA.1 Call Homes Summer for Rent ....31 DA tion. Trailer Sales and Service ... 57 LOVELY front rm. for your paTrailer Space for Emit .JIB tient with 34-hnursing ear 8 CR Transportation for appoint. .,... Btrd'::::::"4f fatlsfe fr w 0ujtt7 A Babbit eaf Estate eal Estak Wanted Real Estate for Sale or Exch. Unfurnished Heuam fur Rant Wanted to Rent $0 9 10 School, Training 10 Schools, Trolnlm 18 year Mm Wont Work ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ' . RESIDENT TRAINING AT .'i , RADIO INSTITUTE . and Night School New Classes Day you use an able experiIn your busienced, REGISTRATION UOW OPEN ness? 10 yrs, adv.' mgr of deot ' Regulations for Classified Advertising tore chain, 7 yrs. v p. sales CLASSES START JAN. 23RD UMITE0 TO 20 MEN) radiotelevision group, 8 vr aen A Every effort AD "Help Wanted mad to ellxnA A Whan cancelling an ads tnust mgr. metropolitan TV station, 3 Transistors A ; adstate false mand a KILL Work. U of number thenateure misleading pate b years operating successful adv "Sales Heipad must also allowance made without it ertising from our ooiumnn agency. Lived and worked In Salt Industrial Electronics Guided Missile name the Bead your ad eargfuilv before 4 yrs. and want to return iny complaint will be product to oe sold Lake end if the pay Is salary oocm hormishly Investigated, fcr Approv placmt it Icai.. taker. Dueis Married, family man 48 yrs. old mission er both. to ft cadlines; an Complete Course very xd health. Lets ' Veteran Training Program ' 'hone Ads 9 a m. to jn over, imr p talk ). Write Box asm $ am. te I P . Saturdays fG.L Approved 1 cars Salt Lake Tribune, A Ads with "Box Humbert1 wfD offering the required 1.506 hour unter Ada I in. to 1 f B, Stata of Utah Approval spaco necessary for Civil Service em b. i event of error, FOR SALE notify the A harxedadswiTi be billed for charged JFor Acencp must Hill at Field and ethar leeeifled Department et once, actual Hnea of apace occupied Thia It full coura. of lnjtrue- rendered by1 young ployment claim card beforepresent receiving SERVICES advertiser are expected te LDS single man with loads of electronic technician job. tion. deainwd to rrtprt th j regardleu or the estimate of check the first Insertion We before public So. HU words mads 13 Established ever . . years. auirtmaou of toduatry. talent, Master Degree in BusiWOMEN will net be responsible for any tion. ness, reliable, quick to learn, LOST Patch. female beagle, ors after the first day A Snatioijs Wanted,' 'Wanted it Ads for matrimonial offers, d SUCCESS CAN BE YOURS studded collar. references good PAYMENT-TO SIGN NO CONTRACTS NO DOWN performance .... claims for adjustment er friendship clubs fortune tellReqt All ads placed from area, white tin on tail 88 guaranteed, full er part time. Credit must be made withm AT ANY AGE BE A and notels, trailer park ing. "share the ride or ads ef VARIOUS PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE CaU Joe. HU reward, dead or alive. CR 10 day. Receipts must be motels must be paid similar Before ere not ee 1 EM EAST BROADWAY-PBX SWITCHBOARD EXPER. welding operator In heavy 45 Vance. tented for cash refunds. cap ted. P.rt.nals equipment, fen. welding, fabricaRECEPTIONIST tion and pipe in all types of noncommercial CONFIDENTIAL, 3 BIG SEASONS WHY THIS SUNDAY WANT AD SERVICE HOURS 9 A.M. TO 1 P.M. metals. Also exper. machinist and Ehert trilnln, period, low tuiservice by statewide asanciea tion, supervisor. IN dev or evening clauee. No MAY BE YOUR BIG OPPORwhich are licensed to receive and Me barrier. Good ealirlea. THE BEST in building repairs, DIAL EM 3-- 1 children for adoption. Serv. fiiace include REE EST, ON ANT SAIT LAKE CITY painting. TUNITY FOR A NEW, EXCITEM3-152- 5 complete planning seek we now trainees EL THING. 64386. for you and your child. SWITCHBOARD : SCHOOL CHILDREN'S iERVlCESOCIITY ING career: . to qualifvjgr up to PAINTING, CLEANING Wantoi-Wow- aa EL 34380 rHely WBnfa-Wa- mt 7 Help Wantd-Wo- ma felt Bldr ' 1. THE COMPANY) Ilitn) 87 B South Wic!,iNCkL eat. EM Free By couple. hr." company $3.88 fSer as growing wUl write TRIENpLY UnclaHEETMETAt worker wants In the country . . doubled in CREDIT INTERVIEWER pereonal letter to your child or aite in just 40 months! Aggreswork. CaU coll. Casper, anyone you specify; story, pralat, SOCIETY SOCIAL WELFARE woman Career for portunity Wyo. sive expansion program in the admonish mis. In late 30 with AND CHItb WELFARE encourafement, dom-an pleasingly Intermountain behavior. naU bitin, fear of inant 34. region. Known , VET, desires work. steadv 11 1 North Tampl. EM 44111 who EXPERIENCED deal and respected ia this area for Mech. dark, birthday, etc. Satisfaction tactfullypcraonality El hours. exp. Any evfc with the public. Pr 80 ever ' year. r. 0. credit experience necetaanr. Must AGE Cummings. TO 356$ b above average in EhAUFFEUS bay rtsht or 3. THE CAREER: Unlimited fn these brand new awnings end grooming. wnir deliver car anywhere. EL See Our Wide Selection of A cotne professional type eervice fit your windows? If they will tht Supplement Your Family bRIVER Refer, maximum dry or tank. providing personal savin ls fabulous ovar reular PAJTIAl LIST IMPORTED GIFTS Knows buying. HU satisfaction. An opportunity to price. ,Ca!l Floyd Lewi, Sat. or ACCOUNTS PAYABLE QERK Nsw Winchester Mod. 64 rifl. Income , Nationwide construction projects V build your own clientele . . . to ALSO un. GENERAL odd clean in someone uo, before for hauling, Weekday, pen camera end many styles sixes, need trained men. Airport, gov- "get into business for yourself lobs Reasonable. IN o operate an NCR OGDEN, UTAH new tricycles; aport. goods, jewel- CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS ITEMS after 5:30 p m. EM no cash investment. Conth both alphabetical FINISH carpenter wants, work. ernment housing, power dams With ry; fifty; large let ef refrleera-tor- t; MysT aell. ceramic molds, all 1 Must bo experienced In Utah's stantly increasing "renewal in . also keyboard. Represent Also EM May TV sets in many styles, II v. largest remodeling. one Mm1' over and above commie& PAUL ERMA'S Chance a typ-inin on to aome do thruwoys. operate tlndchtwoakil calculator, get rm. suite; bedrm, sets: box want take care of apt. Ay. Both positions offer good aiena, -- eprinta using a comptometer. Age cosmetic manufacturer. 50 COUPLE 553$. end mattresses, lamp; 603 E 8th So. 8KOF ground floor NOW. Experience salary, excel, opportunity S. M.!?T EM tables; run: chairs) dinette sets PIANO and vole taueht, claa.ic.1 starting 3- - THE 25 40. for Liberal Permanent advancement. to TRAINING: MNo-ri- k . Also fringe posit. kind. not small FAST PAINTING, tntenilve any pracrequired; Sales Representatives needauto, washers end dryers: new and theory background. EL 84801 benefits and store discount. DA indoctrination through unique repairs. Free tirt. CR 7saiff(5wmat kltch. cabinets; sinks; appliances: tical training. bluealtar J p.m. weekday er weakshortened. ion-, liberal employee beneEstimating program Training a &v Items: American r I! en da eTmie"lnilnerle. Early cleaning, personal ed nowl Work in area near Fainting repairs. print reading, grade ond grade Retain your present job knick-knac- k 81 .80 hr, AM shelves; pictures; 1. Barraln, on Unierle aecondf. fits, salary open. Conveni-.en- t ceive complete training on Satur WOMEN OF LEADERSHIP , GOODRICH READING CENTER shadow boxes plus other goods UNIVERSITY wants traincontrols, field home. grad After Hake, and evenings. operating days too numerous to list! A WOMAN of character and your Phonic method. CKT-- 1 Ml, location. Contact pertime work. IN ing is completed, YOU DECIDE 3318 So. State maintenance highway construction ambttioB who ainearely wants to HP4A411 PERMANENT Autionsen RHEO O. fEDDEKSON whether to make life insurance HAIH REMOV FAINTER needs work. Will dean sonnel Continental DANCING At iTS" e of dozer, grader, shovel-co-t. a EVELYN PIXTON, Hotel Ota career EM XL walls. operation an a eauae Interviews has Pre-ballCertified AUCTION CO. important serving Monday, ballet, tap, acre W.M.T. DA Lodge. ,Ill 5l. lifetime Actual operation If desired. Cots opportunity with this Baking Company- 2557 Tota, bef, to pro, to build youb avail, For information - without' obli If HUi-tl7i'gnch.Fr.d organisation. you REMODEL. PLANS. 8 Fran 4 and a.m. to Schwab, afBRSSi: Ktionwide So. Get the focts new. Experience an gation: p.m. January 9, engaged in any social, Grant Ave., Ogden. AM 84504 or Kearna. CY club, church or youth work, you new modem equipment. No obliAgwicit into one of these may step Noon or Phone Between 2 ANYONE JAPANESE ELEGANCE knowing the where gation. no red tape but must be UTAH STATE jo.. immediately. We train without aboutg ef Ovanda Roblnaon, for- AMTS OIFT9 Investment. 6-- 8 HUNDREDS OF POSITIONS SINCERE. Maih coupons Write 70 W. 1t SOUTH Earn while Sanfred or p.m. FOR BALE Sen Juan Countv, merly of $54 Euclid Ave . nlease learning. AiViM! 1.100 acres ml and eat call Laura Rowley, HU EMPLOYMENT SERVICE er BARGAINS Near; ly new drami, A few part-tim- e LES also TO SELECT W. Elieson, Manager, four. Township 40 South, Fame eves, eft. 8 pm. HU coata, suit. The NEARLY KEW available. For local positions interview, call 188 Social Hall Av. 14 East. Price open. Box I, SHOP. 313 E, lit South. TECH. MISC. Pictured Encyclope-m- . Private detect tvrs Salt Lake Agency of this paper, DA to 8 p m. Divorce toveatleated. HEAVY EQUIPMENT DIVISION NO CANVASSING Partial Listing Only Latest wireleu voice activated y wanted. ILLUSTRATOR Must artist! have drilling Tromee Director If you have had previous sales California -- Western State, recorder,EL trancmlitera Contract or by th hour. TO J400 ereatlv ability snd be skilled exp., tangible (many) or intangibles, ceivers. Phone Northwest Schools, Dept. H Payton. and experienced in technical and this how you can cat Tr Learn Life Insurance msv be your opportunity EXPERIENCED WOMAN to JR. STENOS. TO $275 4EED Company . Call d 5793. commercial art prayer? and practices blocks. Box CR4 techniques. Knowledge In print- for a lifetime career. You will itjjCenter, 8821. quilt this poper, 3-Uit Write er come to Gospel and Feund Suit 202. Dixon Bid . DICTAPHONE STENOS. TO $300 for work handle only spot, by W. large 2161 accounting 3nd south. Open Mon, 87$ end South Hifhland Dr. procphotogrionic CANVASSING (please print) ' Phone wom to ing STAT. TYPING esses. Able to prepare quickly EMNO $300 Phono: HU Male LOST Boxer, Salt through Fru 10 a.m. to 4 for appt. Lloyds Jewel-r- insurance company. Salary graphs, schematic diagrams, CASHIER-SALECo- - Inc Lake, Murray area. New chain SIDE OF BEEF. 45c lb.; side of NEW moccaaia kit, OFFICE lA Name or. (2 MOPING for a prolitabl n,w yarf Tandy charts: Perspective illustration and leather collar Please return. pork, 35c ib,. cut. WTipped. leather. 164 K. open, 40 hour week with COMB. from blue prints and animated $250 ted South. IN Reward. AM Accounts Payable Dept. Do nmtthlng about l. art for photorraohv. Contact benefits. GEN'l OFFICE (Lgol-R.IB. ALCOHOL y u ( problem f fell SiWARD for return of fringe complete Address r. Feidsted A. Jama Thiokol Typing necessary. Knowledge Alcoholic, Anonym oua AM IUIM4. WELL TRAINED Continental Beauty CoUen Box 1440, Ocden. ef bookkeeping ring lost In the Medical Canter Full hemit. P.0 Estot $350 Submit and helpful. TTH EAST in SLC. Call BK 2230 PIT CEMTnRY Pkkuv Berrioe 3eO&! iIXI experience age ext 434, time. Permanent position. Apply City Age Com-TELLERS TO jal Lanolin perm. $250 ... Lotan, Utah. 2 to 8 pm. except Saturday. W-8, to Box care of this piste with cut. 5. HU M4t Personnel office. BARBERS, beauticians DA 47,7 Lost Man's wallet t, blick, Hair BKKPG. TO $300 State hone Normu Dmi UcPihi.. CARE FOB elderly er young Lady Ayr Supply Co.. Ill W. 3rd So - EXCELLENT paper. ZCMI bad patient or lerwlae prlv. MALE leaaona, eourae OyiTAR Position rm. new In Stenographic 12. Inatrumant turn. DA V04A FOUND On Chrlatmaa Iv young end reference.artyIN 55133$. Expar, SALESMEN TOP SAl. WOMEN STOP WISHING brown mil. do., black tall. Vie. buy old Americanoc gold (or young lady who la nat and ALERT Permanent part-tim- e. SECRETARY LAVtjRNE now back at- Carlli WILL ARE IN DEMANDStart earning. Unusual oppor SECRETARY $440 jlrt E. 23rd Bo HU coin. Glen1, Cola. 234 W. tth 8. quolifiad In typing and ihorthand tunity 20 hours weekly for secrefor women who need to Lost "This Is the Place" 33rd So. Main. MiTT Do not be half trained, $350 work in sales GEN'L OFFICE supplement family budget tarial and clerical 5-tend die Utah Branch Storting talary $230 to $27$ de- help M;i aad Must school be AswiNG talk Trainee bv eve. Needed! department. high hours, M pm. working TELLERS Ironing, alto TO $350 Americas oldest and largest with secretari Must Be Bright, "Attrac. expert pending an exper, and ability. and 4 hra. Sat. showing table graduate sewing h doll clothec, any fcJLL party who ratrl.vcd child. school for grocery checker, ence Good and excellent typist. a call to Must earn ACCOUNTING need TO $425 EM appt. DA Fxt. 73. comstockmen. cashier, FlSil on Alt with Using modmorn- - tire. many salary starting bv For interview call Exec. Secy. High Calibre appt before 3 ern registers, scale 8c other store ACCbRDION kaaong given In your TO $325 In. plow c.l, CR7-65ipany paid benefits. For appoint- COLLECTOR MASSAbfc "kALAW 5. For pm Top SaL Locturaa on all ment tall IN 4628. equipment. Lost Elfin wrtat watch, man's, home. Inatr. fum. EM CHcM. ENG. ladle and iuUmMa.tL TRAFFIC MGR. -CSECRETARY GOOIKlab for right person. Inof the trade. Individual phase in ted tn back Fraud. Noland Cool Recept Law Office - artTJk voice, girder clerk. Auto. (Frideni Preferably 35 to 40. Secretarial attention to aach student until ROUTE SALES. 44134. billing system. Pricing exper experience, ahorthand necessary-Gener- GOOD prof, home wparents and OMPTROLLER Gd. Type-Sh- t. Sal. fully qualified. Day and evening Pref.Top with middlesteel 4 office, Becesa., child.. classes including DBLE. breasted suits and Tux familiarity payroll, 2 in school, needs EXP. Steno ,'Bkkpr, Ina, 8325 payment Plans . c. 30. Rew. A descriptions helpful. Xftab. firm good salary and opportunity for -aged made sgl. Sat. guar. AM woman, live in. Rm. GEORGIA DAY, INC. EXP. stat. Typist 4 Travil, Bn Ubh 8300 with many fringe benefits, advancement. Mv week, and brd. plus gml. wag for FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE EXP. Pur. Ord. Typo LOSTIniUaled briefcaasTTXB SPANISH Conversation 442 8. M.ln EM $275 0 a m. to 4:34p.m. manent Utah Inter week, Aonly household care. DA $11 reward. EL EXP. Type. Calc, , DRIVERS 8300 to drive car to fared. Phone DA 81006 H01h MANY THOUSANDS OF OUR viewaMonTuee Bureau, 1104 Boston Comp, OPERATORS Local' JOBS GALORE! EXP. Type. File 8220 , citte and West Coast STRUCTURAL I Jib.4r lS)ST Black-whitom cat. vu: Guitar lesions given In your GRADUATES NOW WORKING needs girls with 3 years ex- Select Carter-Pa- y cities. Ako from Detroit. Chlcato 645 W. 7th So,STEEL XLFORGE YOU want on EXP. Legal Steno Waihlnfton achool. EL Open home. Instr. furnished. EM LICENSED PRACTICAL and Denver, etc. Thla la not EXP. Comptr. Type plus perienceto on comptometer Open Coll NOW for FREE vocotional Good starting saj-aremployment. Deposit and refTeller Or W. Tr. Open SbIm NURSES for day and afternoon, abilityexcel,type. -- Avctlta SalM LIST! EXP SECRETARY advancement. DA erences necessary, 3403 8. State or IBM EXP. Inv. 8250 test. Open Saturday, Clerk 40-h- r e shifts. wk., Our multiple-linInsurance Phone IN EXP. TV Steno 8232 Jr. food fringe benefits. 8220 and ATTENTION LADIES! agency is seeking a Permanen 6-84EXP. Steno Whse. Food 8325 75 per mo. Apply at Holy If you type-ta- ke - EXPERIENCED Type, dictation and 1230 ONLY 8 190 Falcon to fiapld City. So. aecreury. Cross Hoapital Personnel Office. Clk Type general office work. Five-da- y dictation, SDI now has EXP. Dakota. Gas and oil paid. Mom 1 N EXP. Dental Asst. hours 8 te 8. Salary comExperienced furniture act through Fn between Open J. week, anq TOP JOB OPENINGS paymany MARKET INSTITUTE TRAINING stress. Must be fast and good on ing TO $400 Campbell. DA 8 0730. 8300 p m. mensurate with experience ant EXP. Steno House 1568 S. State. SIC materials and plastics. Top wages. FEMALE: (Partial Listing Only) EXP. No. 1250Sugar BRIVINO to Port Lewis, Wash inf- - ability. Periodic increase, pair Muttillth Open WANTED: HOUSEKEEPER The CR School Call with vacation experience ton. Leave around Jan. 8, take 1 8250 challenging work. Asst. Loan Officer TO $150 EXP. Policy Typist Archer-Ackerlln- d Agency daytime only or full time to live aft. 3 30. Peaaengeri. AM (Sgl.) FROM 8300 EXP. Drs. Dictaphone Secy. 8300 food distr. Needs Steno-HosteU In home, if desired, Separate WHOLESALE 8220 . TOPS LPN Hospital Executive Stene clean ambitious, neat, woman, tp)i,1.228 FL room with bath and TV. New 3 to 6 0 7 Hlp WantaS-Wo- wia 8176 8325 JB. Recent Type 12 to 5 Secty. days wk. ApplySmak-Etthome In choice area. Good wares Mon. Jan. 6 pNAN WiO CAN DRIV. . 1 1 Hostess IBM Key Punch 12 Waitresses 8th only. you would enjoy working 3 or for experienced person. Phone 80 W. Burton (3360 MALE Machine Bkpr.t exp. NZCD rmpoaaiblp woman to ma- 4If hour So.) Rlchai a day calling regularly Schubach. EM Records Clerk, exp. IBM Bldg Mach. ORD CLK chine pail accounts resolvable 3..CP Typing necesCashier jpwith on a group ef Studio ART or full-tlm- e National Corp. beauty coun-elo- rt RECEPtlONIsfT STOCK CLK. Basic Elec. and to do general office work. Girl Cosmetic sary, shorthand not essential. 325 Typist client on a route TO $275 WHSE has both managerial and S. General Clerk-Typ- . 5 Local Advancement ooportuniues avail- fo ,P4L esubjishad Exp Main. Co. 8 Clair a.m. in and arotjnd counselor opening. Optical TO 8100 camAd High Agency able. Bkpr DRAFTSMAN ooen Structural to Salary Xaka city, and are wilfti ng Ings,. no canvassing, excellent to noon. according Of REFUSED AND HIRING 8 START $225 ROUTE Driver Bank Teller, to make lighjf experience. Also need clerk tvo pall deliveries, etc.. training, flexibla hour. .... MIDDLE-AGE1st. Both poeiUona require experiNO FEE CHARGED UNLESS to live In PA 36 Vt W. 2nd South NEEDS MEN 18-3- 0 more Important than and care for woman we divulge. accept ence, Type 80 words per minute. 3 position you children and experience For appt home. 1 day Wk. off. Refs. CR MALE (Partial Listing Only) work 3(40 ase limit. HOPING for a profitable new year? call CR 7 1054 or CR Py UB TEAR Co. Car 4c 8150 with ialarr from 3 DEPTS. OPEN Mgmt. Trnec wek WMf. hour Wik Do something about tt. on Tranaport Supply, $45 South OUT THTS AD. and mall Sales Mgr. Whirl., exp. TO $8 25-4to work Ice cream Finance with name, address for big box WOMAN, TO Aset . State. I NO EXPERIENCE 5 WELL store TRAINED wk. Sun lncld. Apdays home of needs and cosmetics for START $350 Credit Mgr. Whlel. UNIVJRSItV student with office . Free Trial to test in yoyr home. ply 1674 E. 13th South. 8300 UP Trainee NECESSARY 11 $nd secretarial oart for T com-- . COOK wanted for rest home. 'May your make TO friend, bl 8150 Exec. Bank Trainee fimt work. IxcoL worknx eond NIGHT SHIFT ONLY Ruh nime IftMR. live in. DA CaU from 1 to Accountant Asat. Mgr.) TO $3f giiMioi 755EA. work correlated with 4 pjn. Lynchburg. Manv More WE TRAIN YOU AT appoint Apply In Perion After 5 823 WEEKLY COMM for rearing CLERK-STENJbcdl. Fo.Tuoa.. and New Ree d Hourly! week. Llb-er- al to 13 Wad., lovelv dresses supnlied to you by Cl-- 8 606 .EM COMPANY benellU EXPENSE First! S.D.I. See FRED & KELLY'S . . . us. Just show Fashion. Frock to Walker Bank Building. Agency . . . OMPAJIIOJJ to live with and fnsndt. No tnvesment, ranvss GOOD TYPisf DA 9431 4S E. BROADWAY 25-4feome r. attend woman approaching Age or Card PULLEH lng expo. Fashion ARE IN DEMAND Beferancea required. Good Mom. Please Girls to work as IBM card pulL Frocks, Dept neceary. Cincinnati. shorthand. afternoons. call EM salary plus meals snd quarters for an estab. wholesale firm. Call Personnel Manager UTAH Do not be half ust 21. the Utah Brand of AmerOver ,be dependable. attractive, SALESGIRL High School gradu- WAITRESS, Purple &nTE,SSfi.0rt State Employment Service 10 pel good tn eiithmetiL'pieaee ate Permanent position. Expeq. State. Apply In person. No Fee Charged IXRfREENCED' shirt operator. cell, anoly a tneraon t? ;! Must bo ableDAto start immediately. rienced In sak of Intimate atw WANTED .shop mgr Apply men Using modern register, Steady work, 444iour woek, 1 parel preferred but not required. Grant's P. r. Collier Publishing Co. Dr. BRSottRS Highland Male scale and other store equipment. per hour. Se Mr. Mackte. Fish-i- n Apple in person, Tuesday, Jsnu-ar1550 1350 Lectures on all phases edwood Rd. of the Clwatnwrt. 18BT 8. nth East Quality Control Tech. ISh between 3 o. m. and 5 Want Work; ileee and Cross math.) to trade. Individual attention 61 algebra no E FREE Inc. calls. Positively Shop, you phone Broadway atockin $410 each student until fully qualified Stenographer unpl dvancmnt in 175 Day and evening classes. Easy RECEPTIONIST 8 yn CAR SERVICE. GIRLS (Degree) pe. Accountant Brlon.. .Patantea, 500 Auto Bodv Foreman Permanent Cultured, payment plans. responsible. Shop . ovtr-thtaya up Wanted. II yr. and a Ter 8400 LM to Att. Station Service only. position aupoortara. without stqra discount and ther honest nee. Jolly Joan', Jtperlenc FREE PLACEMENT GERMAN SERVICE wants Call perwvnnei housework. . advtrtiad NU7nUy lady Drive In. offlo Snd for , Eaat. 33rd South. in'11., appt Mon., Fri., 6 hrs.. 11.25 to 8100 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Stenographer Th Paris ro New hr., Secretary clous MANY THOUSANDS OF OUR $300 (have transn ) starting. Short EM carfare. EL ?8F.. Bdwy. $260 ) Teller up diaap beautiful nw (exp. required GRADUATES course; high pay; taw cost; saiy NOW WORKING Unclaimed Freight Sales Room ANY typing old. new record 8320 eii bug nae. Raforem Registered Nureea HARMAN'S CAFES 6j, jndtanapoh. .gpt. inleed, exp. work. Pick up, Dental Assistant (Exp.) Call NOW for FREE vocational Open poymenh. AVON CALLING! television WattroM.. e M to in. W c dal, pf not; 860 wk. Alteration Lady Enroll now, day or ' night way for i" p v"1 STat lXke'nursery school . Avenue tgjt. Open Saturday. 168 Social classes eua-nX. rm th. jpp258 V North tial fall DA with mvaral yrw'acnernf4'1'' Day cart and kindergarten. Avon S0- - 8Ut 6-841,00 EL del. and 75 ,P,nck LAKE SALT Pickup Rervlce. exper., . good . AERO TECHNOLOGY atarung CITY, UTAH salary, eekly earn Houm' Comptometer School Apply 432 So. Main. Inge a nill WILL do light bouaework, week- has Job vacancies in a phase Jntrtiny . SWTRTGIRT. In Downtown S.L.C. of the Missile and Electronics ea ap for MARKET TRAINING INSTITUTE te n g r a phrr. work. SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT A FULL LIST Experienced days. EL on resume potntment. Fxpenenred and Send Muit have 4t least 1 yr. exper. fold lng. Full or 1568 S. State. S. L. C in my home." Vic showing your education and in Rm. 201, 32 E. 1st So. BE RIAtsiDT "dlitrlbutor in ymir once. pari time, at 13th I. care 15th So. HU Th School with txprlenc 81 dustriaf background. Inclo . HUNDREDS OF ITEMS INCLUDED community. Ovar 200 Itama w.ar-toCrown CLKvrvn a EL aopneatfon fee P.O. Box 441. Housework1 exp. ref $1.25 n. Commtaalon PMtal to SALT LAX SHIRT laundry Coronado, Calif. EM C--la bits and fare. ln-dally. No or IN nc-- dd -vatmrnt Write Bob Bur. coxbaby ait. your home, 3 days FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 930-3-TfCdav week. Won- - WILL Good -ref. EL wk. BE lerful onoortunltv for energetic EMPLOYMENT SERVICE LIVING ROOM SUITE. SOFA AND VPHOL-EMANAGE little suudnut salesmen 25-6or COL. lady wanta day work. Own adv to earn MOlfsRAN'D COLOR' excellent TV ONE CONSOLE TV SET WITH from your home. Excellent EL WOMAN 5500. 8 hr 81.35 6 list. to transprtatn. Too Bet not 11:30 positions many Experience neceevv. for time aoent. Monday a m.-- 7 .30 pm: steadvy omnlete training tf you muttfv, TEND children, my home. Rea. Male and fe'maio. eftlnn. PhoncHU l. HU 7 7781 122.1 Wilmington W. EM DEES Vic. 8th SQUth-2pd- T working conda. 3A74rrte Lui,r Cotics. EM MATURE DRIVE INNS. LD9 TRAIN TO BB A SUPERMARKET reliabl AFIL WITH WESTERN So JQBS-rHi- gh ay. BABY SIT. small child. EL iRS. DRESSERS WITH MIRROR, BEDROOM SET. BUNl? BED 77 y. North Temple. USA. ju h WOMAN. ?M5 vn ELECTR6NIC SCHOOL CORP. CHECKER-CASHIEfor SET. BEDS. SOME BOOKCASE cashier between STYLE: BOOKCASEVARIOUS 5 dav week. Must hive 753 Eari 31st SoutK children in- etc. For ....... and UtoVs wnrir With WILL D5" housework, 3 or 4 days formation TO. . ES TABLES. meeehndl(n AND COCKTAIL FND AND LAMB Largest Electronic car. AM 8)840. Learn by training In our school After 1:30 p.m. Write Dept 18 r NaWALGREEN DRUG STORB TABLES,' STEp-AS'LAND "coPNEr'TABLES, ASSORTED 54127. HU week. Tech. tional. 1020 Broad Newark,N J. supermarket. Learn now peg later. TFEDED EXPERT 1153 Simpenn Av. Training Center LOUNGE CHAIRS, CHAtRE.r Maple Rocker. Platform Rocker. CaU now for appointment. WILL work 6y the Vr. Pay accord- Chinese fry cook I CHINE OPERATOR W: in Sugar Houae More Than 250 Students Occauonal Chair and Dining Chaira: Drop Leaf Extension Dh'n lit day. d O' AN EXCFPTIONAL Ba Porter, $12 ing exp. EL Experience desirable " Tabic. One Dining Table with Four Chaira. ONE IVORY AND WORK. ROOM. BOARD, EM Complete wib XGCT. FAST TYPIST WITH EX'n 4ht EL GOLD HUTCH CABINET: Lflmns: Table Lamm with Shad. Floor WAGE wanta housework. $1.35 hr. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT Lady qualify you as an DICTAPHONE -- FXPt 76 So, W. Temple Need J200 Per Mo.? EL kid Lamp Parta and Light iixtnr.a, LADY for suburban jewelry store 5IVE Lamp! with Shade. Pole Lan-AMERICAN ELECTRONIC IN PLY MARKETING PERSON. TECHNICIAN iegfL "4 Mattraa. Carr-tloffice. and Rtira, ONE POCKFT Credit exper. desirable NANCE CO.. 850 SO. MAIN. PARTJriME houtworkri"T MATURE housekeeper, live In. ExOpportunity for p1eaaet dlffnf-re84-da- v TABLE ONS METAL OFFICE DESK, METAL eve. emnloyment Neat pr. cellent salary, working oond. ' CABI Box AM week, . ritg PrL,AClLEERVIC1 inc.. .. ; FSMTN SAl to aM (natlanc! eonal anueararre. Celestial CoInc. EM thla paper, SECRETARIAL, bkpg. typing, my Georgia Pay. In v,ry horn. Htch ramie. JEM mORT order cook, dav hlft neoded AM home. Pick del "Electronic TanLak. up. HISouthgBtn Fundamental coanmiaalon. No axnortenc, City Must &,' Training - 6fcanio Communications niDorttUon. fCall w will train. Call AM 4 SlAUTT COUNRYLOR. INCTTm HELEN Hoskin, Ironing, my home. MISCELLANEOUS CR after 1 a.iia, unlimited enoortnHies for $"lndust rla ! Electronics AIRLINE 4447 for n Train for womrn who desre man- raasELMOSi loba in 4 Radr 4c Transistor! IMPORTED FIGURINES. CLOTHES HAMPERS. ' R A TT A N SCHOOL or wrkg. girl Helo with QUALIFIEDappointment . ateno. a RADIO OPFRATORS 30 io M. agerial nf full- - or bedspreads, time noal. CURTAINS, CHAIRS WITH WROUGHT IRON LEGS. Unfinished Cheat and c"Udrn excellent tvpo and ahorthand ea- - tns. Phone IN DRAFTING Pickup, deliver. IN Modern Building Grounds and or HU5- H Dreaaera. Mirror, aome with frame, Plcturea with frama. Anuarluma. Ambitious high achool aential. Law office, Servin one Laboratory Screen Toaater. FryPen.Piecee of Mairbie, Auto Bumper. $5,000 Available. Cash for " yoi Equipment lob terms. Free IN IRONING Fw ? train $tr in easy placement, attorney. Writ Box T44 in care SEAMSTRESS Morning. Day or Night classes One Tire with Wheel One Golf Bag. teresting and high-pa- y Experienced to Jew night classes in positions of this paper. ttampt, collection. DA and repair 8th for dry wTiX 3o lronlna In my horn. Machine,, Ejectrical. Jn Must StructuraL Operator. JABE valuable stomp for aerioua WOMAN I be 17 u 34 and 1931 S. 1 Ith E., cleaning deot Good starring- wa f U.S. citiren. Reasonabl. EM Electronic, House DA collector. record Sugar at for .... utti require! wrl Qualified radio Call or reedy 'BUILDING MATERIALS for APPLIANCES; free booklet. operator receive n Laundry UraQUE STORY BOOK NURSERY catering route Work. tartln excellent starting salaries, rapid P$ta5.rb TECH ENG. INST. HU and Dry CT.Vnina.HSS gTthi5. .1. houra 5 advancement th J0" TBm-XSopportunity, fasei- rtoIdaho AND HARDWARE claaaca S, Vs apt. house curiodten Typing .ddrrratn. maUJu. my 70 W. 4TH SO. EL M231 Ja :v,n ? rini assignments, Dplrg,ln. perooa.Gro.t.k aacurity and Ealla, EM Mar. for travel passe. For Inter-viehorn. near CenRI ONE POPULAR BRAND CHFSTTYPl FREEZER. On Rtfrig- prop, babysitter, my home, RINTElf tor photo finishing ter St. and 4th North. 8 rm . WELDERS WANTED TO TRAIN write to Central dtoday rator. Electric Range. G nck-uE p 13th 13th and Water end Hratcr. Famou Brand Range Enroll Now for nfurn apt rent'froe for aenr-'- a Technical Inst, JftoJt Tj, ' rollhead type I plant Ext. Don Automatic Washers. Range Hoodv Gas Furnace, One Evaporative So.HU 4376. be satisfied with a medt EL M34S Mr Webb. age and reft ranee. paper, or phone EL 5572' ocre Unit. Wall HeaterJUniUJSath JSte Toilet Bowls and Tank, Lava- - ATTRACTIVE Opportunity for printer Become certified salary Juba, ox IN IRONING thispaper. JANUARY AND master welder In the Helrisrc tones, Soil Pipe. Paint. Ylouse Door. Screen and 6torm Door dance toachar. ballet er ballHAP GtftLS-- - Ragardleiw of field. Ftdersl Wall Board, This la only a partial list ef what we nave room. Write Box U-- tap pays this paper. OIrB-U3'Vu- ah( FEBRUARY CLASSES pick up nd premium wages government co. now expanding. National to offer la this sale. those for who ARfTlMi! TFLiPHONF WBK tlN ATTACHED Woi Kr. 0 can qualify Write me. comm. Car deliver. EL name, Photorraphic Studio. Call day. Ill ON IN G to my horn. 17 th So. address and age togiving Box necessary. Show Home Schplarship Availabl hn You are invited to attend our .Preview on Monday, IN between 8 4 1 . car of this paper. Mo. Extra? 11th Eaat HU M3. Unit. CR lng Corel' Institute of Beauty WOMAN m girt io live in end tend dare1 to do hand or1 type ad- Children to tand. Vic. Xnt,:d 4. children Woman at tvening employment. Ago January 9, 1961, to examine and Inspect the merchan- children while mother works Woman wit. con- 10th South, tth East. EM boma.Canable HU dressing 8 Must after have Culture day, good appearance AX M033 roomcEoard, tactinf our customer and Croa- TPCSflNG don, in my horneThU 4-- at homo la your spore time Many dise We have to offer In this sale. for public relations work. Ctletial 2 years in WOULD like e mature woman to finish ts bv pnone. Write Box for Prepare Only Ceramics. EM ("S .nt,",T remodeled 7067. CR bus or college For free booklet tend children. Live In if desired. ,0a per. hydraulic GERMAN rx 8 8031. lrl want work, Exper. write American School. 904 chib. WHEN YOU 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M. FILE CLERK PART TIME S EM in L.C.. EL Ut photo flntahln. jit SouU). finXP.person. waitrese wanted. Apply Win train 9 man to dmonatrt with typing and firing experience CLEANING nk 3161 So. State SI. by raptr. woman. CIVIL SERVICE NEEDS 1061 HU Betafoen Now China Cafe,. agea 2135, Call EL II 23 hr. EM 4 9377. atarmphonlc In the borne. Dem- women Ask for Mf. Carlson. by appt. only. .Car Prorar, now RATIONAL axtensioa train- - onatntiona WOMAN or girl to live lr"inl WILL tend children in my koma. men. and employment FREE facta. for comln mutt HU4-3nWOMljy? wanted ImmediatelVTor (xmu EM tend children, light housework. T.rma Sun bet. 34 p.m.. an day Tralnln. P.O. Box drafting Room, board, wage. CR 7 8603 factory work 184 only. Steady E7c Mon IN '75. Auto mechanics 34)119 1800 molovment. at Apply tor WArrutss over Auto body repair Plac A Wanf-Ad- " evening West. BARBERS ARE IN DEMAND SHOE SALESMEN 28 yrs old. Per appoint. csU Industrial mathematic ' and hskpr wlahra voaltion. APPROVED FOR VFT TRAIN- work in shoo dept excellent 4 dav, wk, IT :00K 214. waitrri. IN UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Business machines and typing for Rm. WUann Hotai IN 3 SALT fOL. BARBER LAKE G, m. P for eatery "plus' comm. Ak opportunity, 4.m. 'w Mtckay. 1 Layout for metal fabrleatorg. WOMAN for heueework, day FOE SI Ind So. 3 L.C.. Utah 3-15llABriilttar. vie. 23rd K. 2 lat So. Club Cabana EM Permanent, position, store beneA. L frv0nrHr, Dtrkt Sla Aj,of 25 week. Own tran. CR 7 643 fits. Apply, personnel office, $--8 HU 5,203. .r IkEsPONSIBLt tntcrm.fT IMPROVE car woman to your typtn I It. Gntry, District Solto Agnt VomXn to tend chi1dranjny chlldrrn. my bomr. vie High- MATURE aeev. Varied kua. xpr. gaaa jl.nlta. wtcly. Start, now. tCHNIi Tnsti home. White City AM W dara. HU land Dr. Mtb So. HU 5433t. . Ext. 3301. A 34611 I "WANT AD SERVICE HOURS 9 am to tost - MON. NITE 7:30 34 Warehouse-Industri- CAN r - p.m. AUCTION .,..5? .o ..?L.lak15ai ., MEN! 525 zt WANTED WOMEN COMPTOMETER 20 OPERATING 65 ENGINEERS OPERATOR m ... office but 2570 State ..nlanVsiu'jlMTr r. Wonder Bread Hostess Cake inn Helen Bailey GROCERY" CHECKERS t8Sv2foirM c&i - FREE lay JOB HU RAILROAD YOUNG MAN f NOW UNCLAIMED tta. FREIGHT $8 JANUARY 10, CAR HOPS m 1961 GROCERY CHECKERS $92.50 Week Salary 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Preview Monday I'll JANUARY 9, 1961 01. IBM Key Punch pifCLft' Comptometer Ip ?! 125 SOUTH 4TH WEST STREET - l jiM HU chi5 fortnr SCHOOL - WHY ELECTRONICS UNEMPLOYED? 3t2623. schools, Firpr M epwer ' ia.te - YOUNG MAN Need $200 M ALL SALES ARE FINAL ALL SALES SPOT CASH NEED, HELP DIAL EM ,a td s,ia,ka seioiPa A . niii itni iffii.ff Ik, Rptf t f ' uTim niiTunt I |