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Show u ' y,' January 8, The Salt Lake Tribune, X - t Secretary-to-B- - - SAMPLINGS taken mechanically from various celestial bodies will be brought back to earth for thorough examlna-- ' tiop. Alternatively, a remote could operate on some distant space shore, with gathered televised back to earth. New Basic Astrobiology Major Hope for Future e Of Navy Pays Visit to Norfolk gineering would be an appropriate term. The National Aeronautics is the perhaps Astrobiology newest of the basic sciences. and Space Administration has Overlooked In the Initial rush taken an important step to into space, basic provide a space biology prospace biology is gram that will have the depth one of our great and scope to provide adequatehopes for furly to meets the problems of thering the un, the future. of derstanding the fundamental Engineering and technolaws of nature. logic efforts to put a man In space are hut a means to Truly basic re- an end. search has oftenil ' been sidetracked It is what man does when in the past he gets into space that is imof theDr. Kadesch The NASA has laid greater urgency lor the tech- portant. for doing the groundwork neces nological developments in space basic research biologic sary to explore space. This has been particularly true in the through the creation of their Office pf Life" Science Profield of biology. gram. . With the arrival of the civilBIOMEDICAL efforts have fcjr Tribunt Artist Dick Miller concentrated largely on the ian NASA astrobiology proAstrobiology can be pursued problems associated with gram on the scene, we have befrom the sky from satelllte.- - manned space travel' bioen gun to shoulder our important . B r Auocioted Prow All X961 . NORFOLK, VA., Jan 7 Secretary of John B. Connally Jr. visited Naval installations In the Norfolk area Saturday. THE NEW CIVILIAN head of the Navy, who will assume his duties in the Pentagon Jan. 20 when the new administration takes over, arrived by plane from Washington. He "was accompanied by Adjn. Arleigh A. Burke, chief of ' Naval operations. Upon his arrival here, he was greeted by Adm. Robert L. Dennison, Atlantic fleet commander and NATO supreme allied commander Navy-Designat- e He declined press interviews, pointing out that he has no official status now. By Dr. Robert R. Kadescb University of Utah , 1 e o to nothing if our space ven- unlikely because of their lack tures so contaminate the new of experience with human re- hosts, it can also be said that There are three Important space surroundings that bethere infection might be the more on native life search avenues that this new biocomes "tni possible. llikely because our bodies have logic effort will follow. It follows that our , space built up no specific defenses Man himself will eventualThe first is to study the ef craft must be sterilized and bacextraterrestial ly make direct exploration. against feet of new environments on kept clean of all harmful teria. We cannot hope to learn all If these lacked appropriate living organisms. The new we might wish until this that are those of space, ' THE SECOND avenue for proteins and carbohydrates, last goal is achieved. We can not our bodies might recognize the surface of the moon and the new research is the glamneither miniaturize nor duplithe surfaces and neighbor- orous search for life else- them as foreign and do noth- cate, a human, and so direct hoods of the planets. The or- where whether microblologic ing to combat them. human on the spot biologic reganises, both plant and ani- or superintelligent Of course the shoe could search must and will be done mal, are those from our own The third important area of be put on the other foot in the future. environment on earth. to learn The ultimate study concerns the effects our Is our own terrestial organ- the nature and goal This is a basic biologic prob- environment might have on of life origin lem. We know how life fares extraterrestial organisms. Al- isms were to be introduced un- both here and elsewhere In the here on earth under the tem- though the possibility is re- checked in some extraterrestial universe. perature, atmospheric and mote, organisms from some setting, these might run ramChemical conditions that pre- distant planet, brought here by pant in their new surroundvail. - , Mor People Buy a returning space ship, might ings. Astrobiology will be pursued infest the earth, causing disWurlitzer Pianos WE KNOW next to nothing ease in humans and in crops. by astronomical observation about the possible reactions of from an orbiting satellite and Thi thou tf any ether name. these organisms to an extraALTHOUGH IT can be ar- with other satellites whose pri495.0 0 up at terrestial environment And gued that human infestation mary mission is one of biologio we will continue to know next by foreign s HARIBRO$iMUSIC$TQRE$ is research. responsibility to do fundamental research in this area. micro-organism- paDnaannappa n n gq a p np IZ LEES ar x S ur WALNUT 3-P- c. q er Contemporary II set has just arrived at Granite. Consists of beautiful triple dresser and framed plate glass mirror and full size panel bed. Other matching pieces also available. This lovely new D THE CARPET THAT t Reg. 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Come to Granite and See STAIN REMOVAL TEST We'll let you pour ink on a piece of white "Lasting Star", and you can re move it with water and detergent. T WIRE BRUSH TEST We'll let you take a stiff brush and rub (as hard as you can) across "Last ing Star." There will be no fibers come loose. MODERN 2-P- C. jr' Nylon SET. EXTENSION TABLE mm g jiiirr-- In Granite has one of the largest Dinette selections In the West : V VA DuPont's Bronze n Brass Seven-Piec- e of Mcrcfe SOFA SUITE ! "I I! Set consists of sofa and matching easy chair. Wide choice of fabrics and deco- rator colors. Shop around and you'll find this bargain at Granite the best buy. D-100 mm AMERICAN 5 PIECE 'EARLY consists of sofa, et OMAPLl-Srocksr, twe step end tables and ane cocktail table. Choice ef colon. r V ot 6.50 Rag. 189.95 D Irewn eng geld thread. width rolli only -- Regular D -- - CLOSEOUT CLOSE-OU- T 99 23 vj -- Taka five full CURVED - All wool wllton, 12-fo- ot only, groan width, ih yra 'A9? 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