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Show ' '' ', w 'w ''' v 1 S' 'VHr " 'v fc v' .' ' V .''1 &$ V? (, CT, f '- -- , . i; i' V Tribune Phones News departments, EM Information, scores, EL business, advertising, circulation departments, EM K'S-. C-1- 3. 8, 1961 January Sunday Morning Price Twenty Cents , Castro Claims Seizure Majority Plans Fast Getaway Invasion Scare Strains Cuba Industry, Farms Rocket Pierces Belt By O. N. Malmquist Tribune Political Editor v Soar. Score! Utahs legislative chambers, deserted and shrouded in silence during the past 22 months, were buzzing with activity Saturday in preparation for the opening of the 34th Legislature Monday noon. By Associated Press CAPE CANAVERAL, FLA., Jan. 7 A Blue Scout I, largest solid-fue- l rocket ever flown here, successfully propelled a package of sensitive measuring devices into the lower-edof the Van Allen radiation belt Saturday. Valuable Information was radioed back from all eight experiments packed into the payload. The slender, rocket, making its maiden flight, performed perfectly as it scooted high over the Atlantic, leaving a serpentine trail of white smoke in its wake. All three stages fired in rapid succession and hurled the package 1,000 miles into space. AS THE PAYLOAD plunged back toward earth, a instrument capsule popped out and parachuted into the Atlantic Ocean about 1,200 miles down range, landing northeast of the West Indies island of Antigua. , HOUSE Democrats! who hold 36 to 28 majority in the body, met Saturday morning in. the lounge to discuss distribution of one of the rewards of victory in the vember election legislative . patronage. APPOINTEES TO the top four posts in the House were: Chief reference attorney, Allen L. Hodgson, Payson, a Democratic member of the 199 House: chief clerk, Thomas H. McMullin, retired Salt Lake County educator and Demo- - - ge d 72-fo- Utah Legislative Preview: Page A-- cratic member of the Senate lastH.- t Partly cloudy, few north. Salt Lake City partly ..cloudy, chance shower. Map on Page 1 the S showers UtahDemos Fill Four House Jobs - By Associated Press 7 Bolstering its claim that a Yankeo invasion threatens, the Cuban government announced Saturn day it "has seized two airdrops of weapons originated in tho United States and destined for insurgents here. .The invasion scare Fidel Castro started nine days ago is beginning to strain Cubans and their industries. The big sugar harvest is at hand, but the workers aro busy at other things putting on militia uniforms and man. ' ning the Soviet and Czech weapons that bristle everywhere on this Caribbean island. A defense spokesman said Castros militia grabbed one arms collection of pistols, rifles, machine guns, mortars and bazookas dropped west of Jlavana in Pinar Del Rio Province, TROOPS POUNCED on a second load of munitions and medicine parachuted from a plane in the Escambray Mountains of Las Villas Province, the government said. If the ' report is true, in$320 surgents still holed up in those areas suffered a. severe blow By Associated Press by losing thousands of dollars WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 worth of fighting equipment Boxes for the Inaugural ball costing $320 apiece to RUPTURED relations became complete seat8 have all been sold out, Saturday when the Swiss Em- the inaugural ball commitbassy assumed protection of tee reported Saturday. U.S. interests in Cuba and all YOU CAN still buy a ticket but three U.S. Embassy of- to the ball, admission $25 ficials flew home. More Inaugural, Page A-The breach that began with Cubas order to shrink the size of the U23. Embassy staff apiece, but there are no more boxes at any of the three and was climaxed by President ball sites. Eisenhowers formal break in The total of 365 boxes were relations now leaves several even before the ball hundred Americans to con- bought committee finished sending tinue life here with their own out invitations to the historiwits. cal social event HAVANA, Jan. Boxes Sold Out, At Apiece d session; , Kendall sergeant-at-armsThomas, Salt Lake City, and minute clerk, George Frod-shaSalt Lake City, who has worked .on- - the . House staff since 1933. during ''i if' Utah Salt Lake City, Utah a .' End of Dry Spell? - ' VoL 182, No. 86 " f ,r Cuban-Ameri-ca- n A JC54 SEARCH plane outline opening day program to get Utahs Democratic Floor Leader Carl H. Taylor, OTHER POSITIONS will be left, and Speaker-elec- t Ernest H. Deaa 84th Legislature away to a fast start. spotted the capsule ' floating in the water In late afternoon. filled from a list of applicants The aircraft, from the 6560th submitted by Democratic operations group at Patrick House members, each legislaAir Force Base, Fla., directed tor being entitled to one nomithe ocean range vessel coastal .. . crusader to the scene. nation. . . 1. a J. . Brief talks were made to the ' THE COAST Crusader was group by Rep. Ernest H, Dean W. H. Lawrence Massachusetts Institute of tion of a few hundred to take 200 miles away at the time and named who will be The powerful military part in a pilot operation. New York Times Writer , Technology. was not expected to reach the concentrations in Cubas speaker; Rep. Carl H. Taylor in a president-elect- , , The a for recovery attempt Jan. 7 WASHINGTON, (D Weber!, majority floor cities dislodge normal busiat San Francisco on BEFORE RETURNING to capsule until Sunday' morning. The John F. Ken- speech leader, and Democratic State President-elec-t ness and Industrial activity. Nov. 2, had suggested that New York later Saturday aftminiature a carried capsule Chairman William T. Thur- nedy won backing Saturday for peace corps discould serve ernoon, the president-elec- t velocto recorder register But war games and total man. his 'peace corps of young abroad as an alternative to the cussed the problem of filling tape ity and payload temperatures mobilization have deeper ef Americans to assist underde- military draft ' , in government key positions DEMOCRATIC senators did flight during the . feds In the countryside. veloped countries, but his prowith his advisers, received reThe Air Force said clear signot meet, as Sen. Thorpe are what Dr. Millikans report win Many wondering reposal that corps members be ports on India, natural the will' happen to this years the presiden- exempt from military draft be made public on Tuesday. sources and urban affairs, and nals were received from most of which experiments, was sugar crop of five to six milrejected. t-elect, was In his home selection of the the He told reporters he thought completed took readings In the bottom lion tons. This is the tradiDemocomBut the majority city. A REPORT following up a there would be sufficient vol- Labor Departments high edge of the lower Van Allen tional time for maximum harmand. crats of that body had Infor- proposal made by Kennedy one unteers to staff the proposed of two doughnutO New York Timet Seme belt vesting work. But thousands mally discussed patronage dis- during the campaign was pre- corps "without offering the That department thus be- shaped bands of radiation WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 of field, workers and mill tribution earlier In the week. sented to him Dr. Max Milli- bait of freedom from the came the first for which ap- which surround the earth. . Frm WlntheU hands are out Church bells in many parts of by their parading Dean said the Speaker-elec- t Blue Scout I rocket roars new pointments have been made kan, director of the Center for draft. weapons and uniforms, the country Sunday will mark House planned to get sway to International Studies at the He suggested prompt selec- to all the major first, second THESE potentially deadly from Capo Canaveral. aloft for an invasion that the opening ceremonies of th to '500 from waiting a fast start on the legislative bands, extending and third echelon jobs. centennial of the Civil War. come. not has the above miles about 50,000 business of the session by SIMULTANEOUS tributes at Named m undersecretary earth, could be a major barrier naming standing committees The semiofficial Revolu- the mausoleum of labor was W. Willard to manned space flight. of Gen. Roband introducing some major tion admitted this problem ert E. Lee near Wirt of Chicago. Officials reported data was bills the opening day. WasMngton Saturday. and at Grants Tomb in New back on neutrons, elecHCis a law partner of Adlai relayed NORMALLY THE legislaand other propThe newspaper published a York will signal the start of E. Stevenson, the twice de- trons, protons tors do not start feeding the erties in a heavily charge area article saying that five years of-Democratic feated presidential which scientists suspect has a hopper until after the goversisters and children are and pageants commemorating wives, nominee of 1952 and 1956 who nor delivers his "state of the influence on the make- whatever measures seem most the workers tasks the war. Z. Hy Associated Pre strong up taking was selected by Kennedy to be -- state message on the second President Eisenhower has de the lower belt. cutting and delivering cane WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 The promising." U.S. permanent representative up of livered a message to the counday. to mills the while men their Powers Western to proplan OTHER GAUGES aboard the The House speaker said the THE OTHER two points of at the United Nations. serve in Castros militia. try saying that the theme of pose to Russia early next week Informed sources reported, Blue Scout I payload measured agenda target for the first day a formula lor international current U.S. policy, the statehow- the celebration will be Peace, By James Reston doubt, Many experts and micrometeorite punctures would be formal organization action to halt the civil war in ment said, are to.tell the world meanwhile, that Kennedy had New York Times Writer ever, that women and children Goodwill and Binding Faith. above and Wil- electrical of the body, formal appoint- Laos and the can effectively make up in of an ex- the true nature of Communist approved the toselection of as- below the signals "THIS OBSERVANCE afdanger be deputy ionosphere, a series WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 ment of employes, adoption of cold war battleground intentions and actions in Laos, liam Bundy harvest for their missing fords us a special opportunity the panding layers commitPresident-elec- t and to show that the United sistant secretary for defense of electrically charged John F. Ken- men. rules, appointment of in southeast Asia. to pay tribute to those Ameriwhich bounce radio waves back tees and Introduction and asStates itself does not seek to for international affairs. decided to retain has nedy cans whose heroism and saccommuniaffect commit-- ' deand to ehrth The futeure nations to will of bills a the western Laos Britain make ' play military signment President Eisenhowers two HE IS "A brother of cations. role In making the ap- ally. tees. pend on a fast and efficient rifice, a century ago. Comprise a part of our national heriis of one advisers on . Soviet sugar harvest named the I Blue Scout Bundy, principal to the Moscow govby George In proach the statement effect, GOV. GEORGE D. Clyde is ernment.. Air tage, the President said. the Ambassador are rockets of policy. . ' They t as his president-elecfamily special pledged strong and continuing Maj. Ernesto Guevara, One hundred'years ago this E. as jlewellyn Jr is expected to deliver his mesForce Thompson developing U.S. support for a Laos free of assistant for national security Cubas economic chief, told a Monday, 17 shots were fired The heart of the formula Is launchUSSR to ambassador for and the vehicles all sage Tuesday morning.' purpose Communist control. It called affairs. television audience Friday at the Union Steamer Star of The Senate Is exported 4o to revive an international con- for a ing scientfic probes and satel- Charles Bohlen, special assist- night that Cuba solution of the peaceful a William first-dayLaos longtime .on schedule commission already, has the West In South Carolina. for Bundy, trol Secreinformaon to follow a Soviet ant vital affairs to lites CWsls-wigather th at least an impli employe of the Central Intellisimilar tothat oCftlined for the the understanding that it would for military space tary of State Christian A. traded its 1961 sugar crop to This was the' first of more . - See Page 10, Column 4 gence Agency, came under at- tion the Communist bloc in ex than 6,500 battles and skirdeal with,, though not necesHouse. Herter. . . missions. tack at one time by the late change for unspecified poli mishes from Pennsylvania to sarily recognize formally, the KENNEDY decided to keep tical considerations. Sen. Texas to Oregon. Joseph ,R. McCarthy governpresent of Wisconsin, but was defended ment of Premier Boun Oum. them in their posts after Coby his superior, Allen W. nsulting with his Incoming THE UNITED States, in a Cuide to Good Reading Dulles, the CIA director. ' brief white paper on the Secretary of State Dean Rusk Laotian crisis, charged SaturThe report on the economic during Ms brief visit to Washington and also arranged to day that the Soviet Union has development of India was see another Soviet expert, to Kennedy been expanding Its airlift to submitted also 7 Jan. WASHINGTON, the leftist and Millikan. Dr. George F. Kennan, at lunch in by The Defense DepartNew York on Monday. By Auocutcd Prcsi rebels fighting the Boun Oum (UPI) By Associated Press ment Saturday brought out a He said it would not be made A cold front pushed into the government. In addition to retaining CITY, NEV, VIRGINIA northern plains and upper But the statement also fur- new 'set of medical fitness public. Jan. 7 Rescuers late Saturday Thompson and Bohlen in MosThe preliminary report from Great Lakes area Saturday. ther opened the door to maneu standards that would permit Reno cow and Washington rather freed a d men in a his Natural Resources Advis- night THE HISTORY BOOKS of tomorrow will tel the story signaling an end to an unsea- - vers aimed at a peaceful solu drafting of boy trapped lmrrrtrrntting air than letting Bohlen go as am total mobilization but would ory- Committee came from shaft above the famed Sutro bassador to Paris tion. sonable thaw. Kennedy eventful period that makes up the Eisenhower Years. that exclude the color blind under Rep. Frank Smith, Mississippi tunnel Mn Virginia Citys pio- and Rusk discussed other apWith the cold came snow The document was re-b- all circumstances. But history books cant be printed overnight. And while -' is chairman who of Deand snow flurries in an area Democrat, irt State the neer silver diggings.pointments the state depart- leased . . . the group. He said the report youre waiting. Xl ending from Michigan ment partment and the - US. mis AN ANNOUNCEMENT said We have a capsule history today. said Dakotas. the AUTHORITIES young sions overseas. would be issued later this westward into .45 It said there are three ways the revised standards are ex- month and would outline an Larry Jasek plummeted HEBE ARE THE Eisenhower , Cold wave warnings were the United States can con- pected to result in a slight in "over-al- l As a result it is undernew approach to nat- feet down a vertical shaft. Years neatly bound in newsprint eastern Dakotas. out for the de- stood the was that following A ladder resources crease placed in medical rejections of ural fire tribute to a solution of the development, a tight, terse review of eight Minnesota, Wisconsin and Laotian t , veiopments- can be expected: opening, draft registrants and enlist after eight years pf just ig across problem. northeastern Iowa, that changed the course of .years 45 feet down lowered was man the under in the One way, It said, is by join- ment applicants noring although problem T. Merchant Livingston world. the to the on be Eisenhower ex total war Administration. would a position, to rope boys they of state ( The mass of cold Canadian ing with other free natidns The Ike years make up a story The other main Labor De-- ' the rope was placed around present undersecretary will be air headed toward the eastern support and maintain the in- pected to reduce medical for affairs, political hauled a was of nation moving to the brink of 1 up, and See he of S, Laos Column the Page boy through seaboard. dependence asked to remain as an adviser war, yet keeping the peace; a trail weeks and to few Rusk a for ' 1 of hopes and a few broken dreams. will then be appointed ambas ' Its a history youll sador to Paris if the French Ike'g history -enjoy, a story we recommend. government agrees. Look for it on todays Page . AMBASSADOR to Britain And for more Sunday specials: "I hope that you will un- David K. E. Bruce, former RECALLING that he has had all these years not cers and men at Fort Gor-doAUGUSTA. . GA r Jan. 7 derstand, he said into a mic- U.S. ambassador to France and began his military career 50 only my admiration and afGa., that stirred nostalOld soldier Dwight SECTION A (UPI) SECTION H . . rophone that echoed over the Germany: ' It ' is understood years ago, the President told fection .but my deep feeling gic memories of his days as D., Eisenhower said a sentiTeen-agNo 6 hiding places! Page the assembled troops: . topics. of confidence." Page 13 huge parade ground, that that a decision was reached mental "goodby to the a West Point cadet a will always be heart la review last 14 This the notes. Editorial TV. remy The weeks ago, . after Page Pages to ask' the British MR. EISENHOWER flew Army . Saturday that I shall ever receive in here from Washington to filled with admiration for Saturday U.S. armed forces, he viewing troops for the last government to accept Bruce. SECTION B SECTION W you. time in my life. -- Ambassador said la S farewell speech, .. to West Gerspend a golfing weekend. Picture On Page 2A a received 1 , For the ladies (and families!) shield that no , form a "THERE W ILL be In my many Walter C. Dowling was Sunday Valentine. Page SPEAKING from the refinal salute from 2,700 offi- enemy dare attack or at- my life. I have been part viewing stand befor the spit-ansoul a ' c e r t a 1 n nostalgia asked to remain lit that post Basketballs best Page 13 a section full of features. of many such ceremonies tempt to break down. polish parade beganthe whenever I see a uniform, at least for a few months. SECTION C during this hall century but President said that even . ALL THIS PLUS . . . Chairman of the policyAn Army band blared out whether it be a single solChuckle , The Caissons Go Rolling none has been more mean- though T call myself a civiof the State De- Business beats.--v Pages staff Todays planning This Week MagaColorful a unit marchdier or ingful than this one. K lian even sometimes a poliThe faults of others are partment: George McGhee, Classified ads. Along as military police and comic sections. two and zine, Pages tician he felt close to the ing in a parade. IT GIVES ME a change-thro- ugh former assistant secretary of like headlights on an auto-- ' signal corps units passed In Youll find FOR WEEKEND MOVIES God bless you and keep state and ambassador to complete list . mobile. Army because of hia role aa you to say goodby They only seem review before the chief exec' to the Army an Army that commander-in-chief- . utive. , more glaring than our own. ings and movie notes on Pagaa B-- and 9. going." Turkey. 7 , Youth Corps Looks Up V T. ! Wad-dingto- n Rile lo Open Civil War Observances , - West to Pressure Russia For Settlement in Laos JFK to Keep 2 of Ikes full-pag- e Soviet Aides ' i ' low-cos- t, v - Rule Revised: 1 Eye Plenty Wintry Grip Halls Thaw, Mines Shaft Traps Boy Why Wait History Books? Capsule Speeds Ike Story one-eye- y ... - the--shaf- ' Old Soldier :Ike Says Goodby to the Army fast-readin- g A-8- half-centur- y - 2 ... K V ' .j SSraitolfc ilH V c t 4 1-- 3 ' X |