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Show ' . , GC . & Opportunitiesl ineii W laundry stores have been proven money-makerwhen they are backed by sensible, comprehensive programs, and balanced equipment designed specifically for commercial unattended laundry store use. Before you profitable business, Kinto tothischeck with ALD the international organization that over 10.000 men and has helped women like you own their own successful laundry stores. Find out why they prefer the Licensed Westingheuse Laundromat store Call or write today for full information. WSA.SWWMMJvVVVyyV:y-- Distributorship Available ALD. - After yean of research and a olid rear of consumer testing, we are now ready to 'appoint serious, capable distributors throughout the United Statea and Canada. Our product Is sold retail food through outlets and institutions. No initial selling We turn over accounts to you. established Work only a lew hours a week for excellent return. 11,200 to Modest Investment $6,000 fully secured by inventory on a guaranteed sales basis. Only persons of go od character and reputation need apply. For interview send background resume and phone number to: Jellathin Sales, co Box this paper. All applications will be answered ACTIVE units. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES protect its readers against fraud, deception or injustices. Readers are cautioned to make no payment of money until they have thoroughly invest Halted. UTAH REALTY & CONSTRUCTION DA TO Ads which require Investment In stocks, samples, ''Hiipment or should be vending machines. thoroughly checked with the Business Mens Alliance before paying out guy money. I CR CR and mow your lawn Salt Lake's only luxury apt. In the low rental bracket. Swimming pool, game room, dxapea, appliances. See the new CHADICK APT. INVESTMENT CO. AND OPERATOR of furnished and unfur nished apt. VERY CLEANI Four doee-l- n locations. Adjoining ONLY. vate garage. unfurn. HILLCREST 5 rm.. unfurn. KENSINGTON unfurn. LaFRANCE NO CHARGE for cooking gas. heat, water, refng.. rang and annual cleaning. MAIN OFFICE EL 239 E. South Tempi KESLER APTS. 870. 2 bedrooms, main floor, on beaut. Capitol Hill. Lrge. Uv. rm., hdwd. flra clean, priv. front, back entr. wash, facils prkg , gar. avail. Adults. 266 N. State. Close In. EM 3 3402, EM -- MURRAY AREA de 885. Nearly new luxe apt. Close to bua line, Tile bath, shopping district St. birch cabinets. 4715 Hanauer f)A eves, and Sun AM OWNER 384 nicest CO. Daily or CH Eves, and Sun. COVEY THE - - Shovel Your Snow LET US A LAKEVIEW INVESTMENT CO PROJECT RENTALS HANDLED BY READER $50 FINEST VALUE $55 Salt Lake's Largest Ant, Building 3 lovely rooms and bath Large walk m closet 6x10 NICELY FURNISHED , Close-i- n location. Adults. JACKSON APTS, EL 270 W. 2nd South YOUNG COUPLES 14. birch kitchens. Furnished or unfurnished. finest west side location.' Open for Inspection until dark. INC ST, for appointment Dial EL or drive to 220 Elizabeth St.. Aot. 10th and 11th West off Calif.) de luxe 1 jlt - Aaertmenti NEW SPACIOUS 992 UTILS exe. lights. 3 large 1 BEDROOM APTS. rms. Nearly completely finished Air conditioning, electric range In colonial. Garbage disposal, pvt. fenced yard, free and refrigerator, waahhnjfacll; entr.. Dkg., washing. Small child welc, EL9-618(ties, 7626th Ave. beating unit. COME UVE WITH LOTS OF GRAYLYN APARTMENTS Du.,, 16 ELIZABETH and see the 1363 Emery Street between DA THE 220 "Glendale Apartments" 203 I. Broodwoy Saif Lake pty, Utah TO ' Famished Unhimiihtd COME TQ f NEW - 16 Apartment! Want to Move? GRAND OPENING LAUNDRY STORE? .SJFIED Unfurnished Unfurnished Opportunities HOW MUCH MONEY CAN YOU REALLY MAKE WHEN YOU OWN YOUR OWN rs ' The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, January 8, 1901 f tlnm jW w ' ' I . 1938 Douglas 0270 East) CHAPMAN REALTY dt CONSTRUCTION CO HU HU SALT LAKE'S FINEST WINDSOR BRAND NEW brand new, ready to occupy, m apartments. Birch ONE AND kitchen with range, oven, refrig., , washer-dryertile bath and showADULTS er. Front and rear entrance. 849 or HIGHLAND TERRACE APTS. South. CR EaLeth CR 12 J945SOUTH13THEAST ' 205 SECOND Punmhed Your "For Rent Ad Will ' ft- GET MORE RESULTS , " WHEN YOU DO NOT USE ABBREVIATIONS AVENUE front main floor. Very light and cheerful, Nicely jfur mahed. Exceptionally clean. Elec. reirig., range. Adults. 882 50. OZARK APARTMENTS 840 and up. Bacheldi, couple accom. and apts. Conv. located to town linen, dishes, if desired Warm, clean, quiet place. Gar 454 So. 5th E. A recent survey proves that your ad will lose ever 8018 when of Its effectiveness abbreviations are used. AVE A LINE A RENTER COUPLE . UNIVERSITY S rm,. upstair. Frlv.entr.( ar. MIDGLEY .APTS. and utila. turn, $49. Excel. $50-80- 0 Close to down town EL Furnished 2 6c 3 room apta. with 3 rm. sots, garage available. 621 So West suitable for sgle. man or wrka Temple. manager. 528 So, West cple. See EM Temple. SEE IT NOW 72 50 NEWLYWEDS. Very cut, Economy with duality. 9th W. 2nd So. loc. Washfurn.. ground fir., warm, cozy ing facils., furn. and ail gar. utils, and lovely. Vic. of U. Key at IN 1067 E. 3rd South. EL APT. $75 oriv. All1 BEN ALBERT APTS. utils, ht., gas log fireplace. tni, lights. Adults. Lovely single er bachelor units. exc. 210 Truman HU Ave. See Full size kitchens. after 5 and all day Sat, and Sun. 130 8. 8th East. EM RMS. water bot fum.. Heat, $503 $60 washing facil, avail. 1 or 2 children accepted. 21 Gray Ave. (260 NICELY FURNISHED 40 N. MONDluL Ino. Adults. East). EM apt. office, APTS., 634 S. West temple, RMS bsmt, apt. All utila. 5555 furn. Nice wash rau southeast BEN AIRE Off s4 park. Laundry facils., loc. Call IN range, refrlg., utila, exc. lights. NEWLY decor, throughout, new 430 I. 1st South. furniture, walking distance to EL town. 223-3rAve. Perry Apts. AMBASSADOR COTTAGES 24 S. Sth East Picadiily Apts. Peter Pan Apta. 445 E. 3rd South All apts. grd. fir. Utils, and , 225 8. 4th East maid service. Day. week, month Bigelow Aots. TRAVELERS MOTEL rates. 141 S. 5th East. EL 3 rms., carpets, tile bath. TV, PARK MANOR APTS. elec, kit., garage. 1465 8. State. COLONIAL VILLAGE Attr. 3 rms. Nicely dee. Furn. Tile hath. Md. kit. apt. Day, wk. or mo. Hdwd. firs. $ TV. HU 1530 S. Main. Ad ults 84S thE .ELJW2 $100 apt., completely furnT DOWNTOWN fum. apt., $37.50 ta mo. $40 exc. incl. utila. including auto, washer, dryer. light. 3 cloaets, plus extra storage Call EM space. 756 Green St., No. B. T AVE. 3 large, clean rms. DA after 5 pm. for appt. Partly Good furnished. heat VERY nice EL apt in ground floor. 320 W. 6th North. CLEAN. LGE.. LIGHT 2 rms.. bath, $55. Inq, 328 W. th North. utlls. laundry rm. and parking. Adults 624 E. 3rd South. TWO 2 bedrm. furn. or unfurn. TWO bedrooms. All utilities apts. now avail, at City View $75 2nd floor. 707 Wilson AveLodge. 1012 Barbara Place. 5th paid, IN nue. So. betw. IQth-llt- h East, WANTED 1 or 3 IDS girl, over $50-$6- 5 21 to ahar. apt. at DAI-042or 2 12,3-RM- ., EM 577 S. 5th EAST 835 SMALL apt, all utils. B comfortable, yet save money. NEWPORT APTS 5 or EL Clean, 3 rms. Everything fum. EL CLEAN 3 rms., bath, heat, water, except light Wash facils No pets. 56 North 2nd West. garage. LDS cle . no drinking or 217-3r- d AVE Nice 3 rm. apt smoking. $70. HU RMS., nicelv furn.. clean, Utils, fum Swimming $552 utils. included876-l- t Ave $35 light, and lieges. up. 17 Apartmentf furnkhtd 22 Furnishtd Houses . LUNT ANNEX . LOOK HERE Two-badrbouaa. LJI., D R. Permanent guests, students er Eaat aid. locaprospective home owners Linens, kltchtn it aaran.achoota bua. adequate kitchena, carpeting. Lie tion, cloaa to showers, phone facil. close to DA shopping centers, laundromats, 810 S E nicely furn.. tented ya. bus line, schools, lighted parking. welrome. Maid eervice. Reas, daily, weekly CO. HAMfl'HURU:YjiAlTY rates. DA 2 LUNT MOTEL 3 RMS. newly deb Til. Kath" 6 828 E. 4til South EL nicely fum. Bsmt, car. Utiti. $45-$8- 0 GENTLEMEN New except lights. AdulU. 321 Stanton Ave. 535 So ). IN 94238 Quiet Magnificent view. TV. University And linens, everything fum. Warm. iso NEAtt JUDGE MEMORIAL. 3 rma, nice-l- y Cleaning woman. Gar. EL Call DA 34626 or eveb fum. RMS., grd, fir. Utils fum. $453 CR dyltarlM $4)221 Of EM 898 50 EXCEL, neichborhood, bedrm. brick home. Nicely furn. IS Kousekaeplng Room Garage.K. Util,, exc. Mta. Adult. 1928 Stratford Av CLEAN, LGE., LIGHT RM. Priv. bath. kit. imit, laundry rm, and 855 ATTRAC. roomy bamt, lee. E. South. windows. Utila, fum.. 119 Leslie 3rd parking. 634 RM., kit. privil. Student or work- - Ave. 2620 So. State. older home Nicelv furnished. 8125 month, Eaat MtlJe ' IN area. creek bath. tnil. od.. 48. 328 5TmS., 278 8 RMS Contemporary So. 3rd East. EM area. 3 bednna . recreation 23 CLEAN refri., utilb '"LDfe rm. EM 3457. CRT-317lady, an S. 7th Eart. EM MIDDLE-AGEmarried couple to Utila. LGE, clean rm. Grnd. fir share mv home with me on Ave,. fum. 1 peraon. 388 E. 8th South. EM 49788. 3 ROOMS. Utila Adulti. Also cottage. Suitable for ,in- aleepm rm 410 S. Weat Temple SMALL 1, person or couplb 432 Quince OO J RM. Priv. ent. and bath. EM St. 387 O St- - EM RMS. Main fir. duplex. All FURN. hake, rm, 822 50 mo. Utila. 752 Near Holy Croat util. Incl. 24194. pd. 803 W. 1st S. EL RMS. Large lot. attach. 1154 ar bamt Newly deb 429 E. NICE room, kitchen prlv $8 wk. 2408 Bo. Adult preferred. No drinking. HU eves. BEAUT, new oict window $90 PRIV entr., 1st fir., $30. Warm, overlook city. 2 BR, 19th So. clean. No drinkers. 343 E., 4th So. Foothill Blvd. LDS. IN furnished! COMPLETELY $30 FURN., priv. entr refrig. 110 Gas ht U48 Eaat 13th So. HU shower, utils. EL GEORGIA APTS. ISA Convalescent Homes 865 One bedrm., large living rm . BEDRMS., bath. 541 Leland $802 w tile bath and shower, lovely kit.. Ave. EM Bachelor and 1 and GE range, re- new ModLOVELY room closets, front rm. for your pa- large Spacious living apt. Mei. Gold r. Went 2015 8 frlg., washer, dryer. ern Youngstown kitchen, nurathg carb 23 Unfurnished Houses with. NATIONALLY Franchised Drive-I- n 2131 CR for appoint. lion Bldg. Adults. no, Pets. 2nd East. HU Restaurant Chain seeks qualified s. BEATiTIFUL lrge. apt. Utlla."pait Lincoln St.. Sugar House IN THE CRESTWOOD. Vacancy for T level, lrge operators in Salt Lake and vi after 9 p.m. or CR extra . light carpeted lady, mala floor. IN 74277 end Wain, facil.. pklng. area, lovely cinity. Presently 8325 stores oprm. rm. din. EL liv. 58647. liv, firepl. kit., draped, yd. states 30 Breezeway, Canada. Beaut AREA porch, CHOICE and. erating in bedrms., built-i- n rm.. bedrm., bath. IN If you are aggressive, desire to LOVELY SEMIPRIVATE dec . lg Uv with stone fireRMS. 2 extra large luxe bath. 3rd bed . wardrobes, de Call for appt. tile own your own business and have LADIES. EM COIN-OPERATEplace, ain. rm . lg. bedrm.,space, D rm. and 2nd bath, possible dble. $7,500 minimum cash you may ath and kit with eating EXPERT cere. Small real home. Excel, loc .of 835.000 to $50. expect complete schooling, finanSPARKLING CLEAN priv. entr., nt. incl $95 WorkNow available for complete cial gar. 610-3r- d Ave. EL homes. mo. $125 " Utils, furn. cple assistance, and protected laundry installation. Own your 860 Lge. bedrm , liv. rm , kit . ing 2755 Blue Sprue Dr. IN no Hu 5 9535. own business. Keen your present franchise or area.of Absolutely 19 Rooms with Board or CRB-922bath, storage, range. Adults. 444 gross. Investors royalties fob or business. No experience sind CY HU Ave. Scott inalso invited to PULLMAN APTS. necessary Minimum Investment, quire.realtors RUBYS Free coffee any time, Write, wire or call Dog 875 THREE lge. rms. Three lge. HEY... YOU!!! profits. We have an BEAUT. apt. h new Jrood finance mis.. 7 DA. TV. maid serv., showInc., .Box $46, Chamclosets. New paint, stove, linolHava you read mv ad today plan. Write or phone n Suds.Illinois. Newly decor . 11 elec, ers. single rms., home priv., $16 under eum, tile sink, bath, shower, paign, 739 So. today. income property? Better rm $75. kitchen. Lge.. . utils, except lights, wk.955 E. 2nd South. EM garage. 7th Eaat. EM fook . Reed A 8ECOND Income from oil can By HP GENTLEMEN-Student- s JEL Jh7342.131Q E. 9th South. can find a BARKER Sc Everett, end your toili Free booklet and real $40-95-0 DOWNTOWN BRAND DUPLEX loc., NEW home. Best new WALSH APT 95. Newly dec. friendly oilfield maps. No obligation. Naprivate Holiday Laundries loc. Good food. Reasonable, HU lg liv. and dining, tile nice. COLORED PREF. Children tional Petroleum, Panamerlcan birch cabinets, Lovely MOUNTAIN STATES elec Bank Building 101, Miami 32. Fla. built-inappliances, storage, garbage disposal, utility bath. Coin HARRY A. HURLEY REALTY CO 1135-Is- t EM incorporated washer, Adults. gar. bath and NEAR washer, U, imdryer, Eat.. ?e for caretaker. 3732 Im- aijt with a FnEED Don McCloud, Dirt. Mir, silent partner prlva IN DA food. EL Inquire at west Apta., Ave, or IN agination and 810.000. Risky shower. perial 5 St. AM HU 539 E. 3610 South. 875 SPACIOUS 3 rms , range, re- DE LUXE apt. in EM 4812921W' aJS f8fr SEL 2727 $16 MEALS, after proposition that should make family style, p.m frig . carpeted, curtains, utils, pd. $100, incl. heat, carpeting, built this wk. Maid. Prkg. 527 E. 2nd South. HOLLADAY 2 money. Write Box. tee. liv and sysAdur vacuuming disposal bedrms,, BRAND NEW newspaper. MEN703 E. 1st South. EL tem. Inq. 1809 E. 4500 So. CR 8- HU .HEATS ini rm. and kitchen. Full bsmt. Excel, food. 129 C. St. EL InsUntaneouVftUDOOR HEAT bedrm. New range $95 DE LUXE 2 bedroom: tile 0368 and garage. Drapes curtains, car8751 large Unfumiihed at the flick of a switch. Salesmen and refrig. Dining area. util. rm. bath, kitchen: disposal: unusual $125 AND $150 MEN Good meals Pleas, rms. See peting. gas range, refrig. $110. bedrm. de HU $ wanted to set up gales Southeast location Dav carto appreciate. 1172 1st South, 4825 Bonair St, 2165 East), CR 7 closet snace. 956 E. 2nd South. luxe apts. All utils, paved chilMOD. apt., liv. rm din rm.. 7461; evenings, HU No view. wonderful EM GENT. port, LDS home. Good meals. -- 3421., 2 bedrms.. kit,, bath, alec. t(e 205-6t- h EM Ave. or pets. Wear UTl74 T St. EL FAMILY SIZE DUPLEX CHARLESTON APTS. New 2 bedrms. dren or 338 refrii. 1133 t. 1st So. . A St. Built- Unlaue split level BOARD and room in priv. home V.TERS which provide .eco 1 bedrm. and 2 bedrms. View Choice E. bench loc. 6ft lge. X or Ins. near shopping center. CR nomical Spot neat for all outdoor UNIVERSITY GARDENS, INC. new contemp. dup. ExIN 2. BEAUT, for barber and pta. Coffee, beauty rms., gac., nice yd., near schools uses such as heating loading plat cellent S E. loc. 2 bedrms., sep EL MEN Best beds and food io town. and shopping center, $121. IN shops within. Corner 5th S. and $55 2 BEDRM. and forms, warehouses, motels carport and ent Refrig, and childrens E EM 13th drive-inPhone gar, DA drive-ibuilt-inbanks, s or CR EL hotels, playground, utila. exc lights. 2 2704TH AVIr- LDS boy. 545 mo. Inq. at 73 E. $60- swimming pools, garages, air. bus house. Auto, gas heat, . 12300 So.. $80BRAND children. J521 SPACIOUS 3 end freight terminals and hur 2nd South, rm. apt., private 887 UTILS, exc. lights. 3 newly Draper. AM New mg., carpet, drapes. Sm fenced AM rms., utils fum , fireplace. So. EM dreds of other locations. CHOIC disEM range, , dec rooms. kitchen, See to apprec, 970 Grace large L Garbage lst-2n- d large yard. LGE. IN rm. loc. 924 front fir. East RM. 2H TERRITORIES OPEN, Wite. wire refrig., floor nice Grd. $55 floor, apt spacious posal, pvt. entr., wash, free, Ct. b A Sat or Sun. or LDS girl. 0 to share 270 3 RMS . newly cleaned, decor. --&sj "of living room, coverings, d NEW 2 bedrm. Carpeted, elec WANTED APT. gas heat, washer fenced yard Small child welc. yard. Util., stove and refrlg. weekdays after 5 p.m. TV. wash, 2nd fir. front Piano, EM Newr decorated, 8720 So. range, refrig., washer, gar. 3317 LOVELYown Utils included 19C Children's 788-- 5 th Ave. EL Jf.i Silt Lake and dryer. Phone EL VERY Nurseries nice mod. home. 876-facils., 1 St Ave. pvt, City. Utah. EL 8 rm, EM IN Oakwood St. Ave. loc. One CLEAN, large rms Refrig. Lge. 8553 yard, garage, tile bath, JEL 94739. bust CLOSE-IEaund RY an drjT cleaning,estate RM.. bedrm.. kitchenette. HOME-LIK- E LIV. Utils, except lights. Within I $653 RMS i newly dec. Tile bath, $85 2 BEDRM. apt In new 4- - 3 LGE. BEAtrr. kitchen laundry rm.. good range, refrig., disposal, heat inch; lovely 25 $2 school, ness equipment and real nursery EN 7 nicely clean, rms., cer. tile ent entr bath, hdwd. priv , utils of Liberty Park, stores, firs., priv. .1733 Park St (17th So. decor. nice fum. Beaut, loc. $85 mo, EL day. Meal, snacks: love, care. Bountiful home, recently nice; 895, ine extra-larg- e range, re- block plus ru., 2379, fac., garage. 258 G St. or EL E.). living churches and bus. Quiet street. wash, 16 P St. EL income. Approx. frig., disposal; drapes, heat incl. Grnd. fir. Priv, 49.50 IMMACULATE. EM Jemodeled. Higheasy Ire. liv. Pickup, divry. terms on bal- rm.: heat lncl. extra nice: $120. Ant. 3, 1020 Denver St, BY $85 INDIAN Hills, new de luxe ent. 870. Cple. 888 Center Bt. duplex unit with DA CLEAN rm., kit . bath. Ideal for girl 20 Furnished Rooms DUPLEX ance. Will take income property EL front entr., view, $45 tile bath, kitchenette private rm., living CLEAN,' cozy. ept. Utils, or bachelor. 851 S. 2nd East, as part payment. Total price 880 ATTENTION newlyweds. Spa$45 Convenient location New-l- v Feb. with electric mg. and refrig Full SUNCREAST APTS. Wash fac. deal for except lgts. to 000. Owner wants $55 leave 3Rkf. FURN. or unfurn. ants. BRAND-NEAdults preferred. $100 DE LUXE bsmt. $65. 944 MiUcreek Way. finished 3 rms Mspainted. cious rooms newly men. for apt. or 1 512 snrl. CR state. Call Mr. Record. HU 5. 8th East CR Brand new, near "U. No chil-dre- U. of U. housing approved, near CR hog. paneling, heat, range, refrig, Choice S E. area overlooking. cpl. No 1, or KM SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM?, eroas. IN furn. 4549 Highland Drive, CR 7- ampus; citv. 1766 S. 2600 E. HU everything new: sgle FRMS, very good condition, car-pe- t, CUTE. $11 50 ventilation, range, refrig , laundry $70 walk-ou- t w.-semi-bsm3455. fum. car reclosets, beds, Ranee, RMS., Nicely front 2 basement, garage. drapes, $804 du New HOLLADAY. bedrm. storage, utilities except frig.. rm., kitchencti- -. Drtv entrance. IN 283 E cheerful facils., 1885 Harvard Ave. Adults, no South Temple. Manor pets. kitchen, study lounge, priEL IN 860, MONTHl Spaciouy ptex. firepl 2390 Pbylden Dr. clean. 614 W. Temple. See EM entrance. EL 1466 So. 15th E vate Adults. utils, EL smokers. mo. pd. -- lights. $130 apt. near IN S.l. 5. (4640 manager, Aptr EAST SOUTH TEMPLE V4 Realty center. Maximum privacy, NonAve."ioc. $8 WEEK or $30 mo. Private en- Available any time. RMS. $402 Va rms. $60 SPARKLING clean LARGE Close in. 3 lge. bedrms , 2 tile $52 50nue.3 Newly 57 50 MAIN HU 26 E 21st South fir. Clean, conv. $55 trance and bath, washing facil. smokers. HU EL 5 refrlg Garage, washer child range, auto, 32-f- t. ckey . ex. rm.. All baths, utils, dec. and Rng Hdwd. gas BRAND NEW apt. carpeted living fir.. 1266. EL5-209exc. lgls. IN6-70121 Gray Ave. 260 N. 40 East). Ml DE LUXE carpeted apt. 1 fireplace, huge 771 Roosevelt. HU etc1921E.17th Jquth.No.l. formal dining EM aft. 830 m. $100. Charming 3 rms . all utils, bedroom: tile bath, kitchen; GIRLS rm., DOWNTOWN BOWLING 1103 OR 4 linen bsmt., attic, electric NEW de luxe 1 pbedrm . refrlg. $45 CLEAN, cozy 3 rm Utils, range, $70 unusual cloaeta. 960 E. 2nd rangegarage, 2 2 SEPARATE rooms Near East High. range, fum., available service bedrm. garage. Immediate Utils., $150 vit occupancy 1950 . conv. 2 exc. lgts. adults Pvt entr, 127-l. Under one management for 18 South. EM 48980. Contact man, downstairs, 122 N EL disposal, tile bath with heat furn. Attract Ave. EM month plus utilities. AM Close to bus. 21 Kelsey. Grd floor. years, all equipment in A-- l shape, BOUNTIFUL Larie bik. East of So.J7thE IN64059. St. vanity. apt . 3 LARGE fum. near $70 rms So.. 3rd bath. Nicely apt. and wonderful opportunity to near town and bua stop. 987.50. State. HU BEL AIRE GARDENS semibsmt. apt. $16 50 WK. $60 mo. Clean 3 rms., Good heat Clean. Accept child 2 GENTS. Ideal for U. students. East. Inch. din. rm 14th $75 , 2 bedrms. take over established business. All utils, exrent lights, 1448 bath, nicely fum. La Veils Apts., under 2. 164 N. 2nd West. Off-s- t 340 So. lit West. heat and hot water. Large Gar Mr Young, DA Room kitchen with or parking, laundrv fad! FREE privileges. days, HU E. 274 N. steady league and tournament in- -' AX 0th South. 2nd semi-bmt- n West. 2 bedrms. laundry eves. refrig , utils exc lgts rm $90. EM Walker, HU EL,5151Ml418S. 13th East come. Can be handled bv man 860 ADULTS. 8 rms. Clean. Ga- range, partly, apt, 3025 1 aaa EL 9 9496. LARGE bsmt apt Refrlg , range $55 CLEAN, 2 bedrm. 750 E cozy, convenient, $70 X2, 33rd CLEAN all lft-tll- e utils, and wife with 1 employe Call rage. heat turn . ranie, refri. EL rm. roan. for $119 pd. bath sleeping 1091 Utils So. 4th East, Full windows. fumt $75 dose in. separate bedrm. 921 So. South. HU 818 S. 0th E. for further Information EM 3- - EM Priv. entr., park, space. 1181 S. with shower, brick duplex, alSth East. HU 1003. IN HU furn. or unfurn 1787 E. Blaine. IN or $70 LOVELY 9th East. IN 6 9381. most new, exclusive S E loca223-3r- d SUGAR Housa Duplex. 1 apt. for cou TWO 1 now AVE. and 295 E 967 50 ATTRACTIVE avail, at City View $70 INCL. utils. Semi-bsapt. Newly painted HU $6070. BUSINESS Range, apts. GADDIS INVESTMENT CO. or professional women. tion. HU wash, facils . ranee, refrig, very ple on grd. fir, of furn. nicely Lodge. 1012 Barbara Place. (5th 1st North, Bountiful AX CR Cooking gaa and refrlg IncL Perry Apts. refrlg. lndividnual neat and 958 Hollywood. nice. Nesr LDS or V A. Hospital EM 4- - LOVELY 5 rms. W w, carpet, tile 1st 337 So. Main PO EM 358 E. S. Adults. or Leht collect Lot of closet and storage. S bet. Ashby Apts., East.) 3353 after 330. kit. " bath. 555 S ith semi-bsm- t. $85. LOVELY Only rms 4 . $65 see to apprec. 926A E, 5th $90 LIKE new. $70 NEW 652 GRAND ST. Must in almost 1 LGE-.- RM- - -- wi4h prvt bath and So. East loc. Must aee to appre- 3 RMS Clean, warm, new furn., West. Eves. EM duplex, $60 NEWLY dec Days So. EL 5 5026. IN Welding and Machine Shop , TTH SO. stove, refng , 6 closets, storage, new 4 plex. 1817 S. 8th East. entrance, Nice, clean. 544 So. 10th ciate. AM BETW. 10TH Adults. utils, except $75. lights. . after 9 a.m. Water furn. $59-3r- d 415-7t- h Ave. IN carport 2 BEDRMS Stove, garage, wash, Complete shop, all latest equipBEN ALBERT APTS. Eajrt.EMjtlP' Ave. aft. 5 p m. ., fum 3 rmi., lhare $59 503 RMS., clean, EM ment to handle all fabricating, PARTIALLY entr. 50 Priv. BEDROOM, facils , utils, except lights. $85. bant. pt. range, mo. EM 44880, EM4bath. drapes 22.50 . U. gaNear utils fac.. ,30 wash comf. UP. ent., Clean, priv. or bachelor Lovely units. single South. Tile kitchen, full bath. Vib 15tb rage. 1251 Browning Ave, 838 E. welding, lathe work, etc. Also 8073. $69 50 LOVELY 4 rms . til bath, fngerator. Children welcome. 820 l)ownmg Full size kitchens. Wash:, cook priv. EM E 9th So. EM0435l ton Ave. portable equipment mounted on Refrlg., range, - carpeted. Lots of AM2-15- J 5after5pm 130 So, Sth East, EM 3 rm. bath, NICELY fum. rms. for 3 NICE and clean Reas, rates. 149 trucks can handle any size job. $80 ATTRAC. apt. closet spi DE LUXE 3 rm. apt. Utils, 49 803 RMS, priv. bath, aec. $803 130' S. 7th t. EL 8- - 2 &EDRM. home 1486 Goodwin $65 or 4. Save convenience. elect far. So. Will sell with small down paySth East. kit. cinderblock apt. size Call HU Ave. $100 mo. EM extra, gas included. Inq, 2025 B flr.Clpse in,ijt0..rtgail. Waah. bus fare.Every bet. 12 234 East 1st So. ment. balance on easv terms. 0288. house. Stove, wash, machine con- 3 RMS. in $8.50 WK. Parking. TV available. facll.108 and 4 p m. Garage, radiant S. J3lh East. HU Call or write for brochure. Shaw, MURRAY $77.50 New nections, water fum. Rear 37 E heat, disposal, drapes, GROUND g $80 1829 South State fir. front. Ideal for stove, S with rma. Nice" AVE. $85 $88 . home. 767TH remod REAS. rm 4 DA EL Burton Ave (Abt, 2350 So.) $60. bath, newly yard. middle-age- d bedrm , mg , retrig. 1 baby wa! All utii. fum.. S80. 1442 working cpl. Garage. IDEAL LOC. Clean. Reasonable Stove and refrlg. 5712 So. State. Mo. HU Clean, warm. Priv. entr. 1 or 2 bath, include, utllb and euto. 813 E. 1st So. EM come. HU Roberta St. SALT LAKE REALTY rates. 164 E. 8. Temple. DA AM or AM 98273. waaher. EM Ave. adults 274-i- st A REFINED, retired lady wishes DOWNTOWN MAIN FLOOR. $52.50; attr. ground 01 E 3rd So.. Salt Lake City, Ut. $85 BEAUTIFUL MODERN NEW D location. Clean. 8109 NEAR U. OF dun. Kit. $110 LGE. to share her duplex, full with 8 con Reasonable rent. 131-ls- t floor, lge. kit., gar Adult. 3334 front, back entr; range, Avenue. bamt 1918 So. 20th E.. CR 882 50 Newly redec. ept. Tile bath. genial lady. ELapt. - PLAY and MAKE IT PAY Range, refrlg. 109 Fremont. Pref coL rrfrig tile bath Non smokers. Built-In.So.825EjHUt8808, Priv. ent. EM 38145, EL DA PRIV. fum. sleeping room, Will accept 1 or 2 children. CR 3333 S. 3289 or Baird, HU or Eat CR 2 rms. Utils, exc, lgts. No $30 CLEAN NEAR Foothill Village 1057 S. 9th E. IN 11 acml-bam- t. kit. 95 NEW DUP. $125. 2 bedrms., LARGE Bear Lake resort, completely . High. $68 or 995, 3 brick $47.50 du- - 13th East. RMS, home. smokers. Ideal for wrkg. cole, $85 Clean, attractive convenient HU6-795bullt-inCarnort WARM front sleep rm. $25. IN 6- - 3 bedrms., carpets, firepl.. gar. utils, furn. No smokers or drinkEL 7 287. equipped with bost harbor, boats, plexeg. DA apt. in new lge. 3 rms.: appliances incl., auto, ning. IN Close in. 644 S 7th E. AM IN 3615 S. 2700 East. ers. 268 d St. EM cafe, trailer park, dance hall, $50 elec refrix. Off rms., 2188sJ3350So1460E. range, 229 E adults. washer: level. Sprk. sys , duplex. Refrlg range, cabins, etc. Potential unlimited, new kitchen, 1 person parking. More than ample St. HU storage; built-induplex, garage, range, disLovely Light Clean Bright bath, maid service $332 aRMS.i bath, bath, firs 565 E closet space, gar. Holiaday area. $130. $3.50 PVT, terms can be arranged Clark, outstanding Sth Ave. 534 N. 2nd West 135. bath, mge , refng or cpl. A child or ys. CR posal Knotty pine bsmt 6th South. AM loc. Call the Rubaiyat Restaurant $75HEW range, HU McCormick, EL 1383 Downington. IN EM EL or reas EL East Very . washer, drver. Carport. 1055 0 for 2. $47 502 RMS,, clean, priv, bath, BSMT. sip. rm., W. Adrian 88 NEW ant 3 4 rm, Gonv loc , HU 6 6095 for information CLEAN 3 rm. dup. Range, DECOR. DUPLEX NEWLY Wilson $60 EL 771 McClelland. 5 RM a $65. , aM utils bathrm., 1881 1251 McClelland. garage. wash, fac., mg., refrig. $65 GROUND Boor apt,, 1 2 sml 2 blks from town. Wah. facil. . util, rm., carport, 832 Roberta CR 7 0419 Ave fenced Browning Avgj $26 MO., utils. furn.,pvt. ent. and refri 3921 IN7809. EM children, gas range ii desired, MODERN S. Sth Wert. AM yd. RM ard. All utils. 423 S Ist West. EM lg $60 NICE lge. partly fum semi-bsmgot., back bath. 2155 S. 10th East. APT . NEWmLFC space in carport, access to vard. $554 , E St tile formica and LOOKING an BENCH. 628 5 RMS . firepl fee. lg! Center oath, small, kitchen, except lights apt., pt for exc lgts. AX All utils See at 152 W 1050 So., porch, LEAN. rooms DA 8 9804 Cl OSE IN LGE. ST08AGF, garage. 445 E 2nd South Car pleasant space. . rm too, with easv access to 730E.3rd South. EM good Bountiful loc, laundry cheery kitchen, lg yard, fruli Bountiful. 623 E. 1st South. EM ove refrig reas RGE.. REFRIG. $85. HU4-8213 RMS Redec., $0 855 mo EL or EL town or the U.7 CR treea. 100. IN 504 1Downington. IN BEAUTIFUL kitchenette apts. I bedim . range, 70 IN Private bath Nesr U 70 LOVELY ELLIOT APTS. $50 2 LGE rms and bath, rmd 2 BEDRM. LDS GIRL wanted to share new phone, maid service. $17 50 wk.. STUDENTS DON'T INVEST E. S 968 E car. 1st So duplex. Range, re. 1265 EL ant Newlv redec. refrig , garbage disp., lr ; priv. ent , sove. refrlg , hat modern apt with one other, HU (Hie bedrm unfurnished up. Se Ranch, 640 W. No. Temple. COMFORTABLE utils, exc. lgts. LDS cple. apt E. Sth S. CR loc. Gar HU in the rm, Gentlemsn frig, aft. 5.30 p m. or all day Sun. LOVELY $65. mo Well kent it close to and gas. 1111 Windsor St. IN 7 IN South. 163E2H0 thorHouse. business until HU 1512 19th you , S. rm Sugar liv. rms , 2 kit LGE. 8034 laundry bedrms apt pref. DUPLEX $607 decor. 3782 ,So.bmt town 1 53 2nd Ave $100. AM Sear Eoothlu 4000 Wert. $504 RMS. Nicely .furn..Veijr Village or East oughly check the proven DayNlte newly refrig , full bsmt,. far, 115 NEW $20 MONTH rooms. Stove and clean. Utils, furn. 68 or 95. 2 bedrm. duFull bamt, $65 THREE High. Laundercenters. The finest Philco-Bendi- x range, liv! LGE. 313 Oak St, Midvale. EL rm. bedrm. 2 $62,50 nice. E. 904 So. 1st All utilities paid, ground $75 UTILS, furn. bedrm. 5thEail.EM 39180. EL carpet, built In Garage Ground plexes. DAB-816packaged franchise in the utila. 252 So. 5th East. aotT 9 707 Wilson Avenue. IN 7' A cross from vocational school. Clean. CLEAN 1137 . So, th Weat floor, floor. BEAUT, lge. new remod. apts : nation. Call or write DayNite MURRAYnear465.achool. sleeping rm 5 EXTRA lge. rma So Murray, 8155 AM , KM 1244 st Ave. EM 2263-HARRY A. HURLEY REALTY CO just right for newlyweds or 3 GIRLS to share lovelv. clean aot apt., Franchise Distributors, State St EM Separate apt for IN closet apace, DA more girls. 60 E. 1st North. Near U. Utils, NICE pm. near U. 1 or 2 girls. Highland Drive. Salt Lake City 8, HU 80. CR rms All utils. 3 LARGE rmsAll. plenty LARGE, $653 jor new apnliances, new apt bsmt. aot. Kitchen privileges: EL Utah. Phone IN 85 included. Main floor, stove, dup , range, 3 RMS. Close in. Bua line, beat, BACHELOR 92 50. 1R72 880 duplex, gas heat. facil, parking. 17 Apartments Fornished util. rm. 3030 8. 7th Eat. water fum.,tile bath, $69, 20 E. Reasonable. IN Inquire 165 A St., Apt 1. washing $5 WEEK. Gents' sleeping rooms. full basmt.. gar. 1168 E. 8th SO. So. 2nd East. Inq. No. 4 IN DA CR RMS., clean, 708 E. 5th So. $45 7th South. EM Kitchen priv. 163 E. 6tfi South. HU bA & West Temple EL modern CHILDREN welcome, large 2 bed NEAR 39th So . E 7TH PARTLY fumiihedT Cheerful HEIGHTS $55 UNIVERSITY So. FOR LEASE NEW Temple. pine rm. Gar. LDS. NEAR U. Newly decor, duplex. 4 rm . modern. Gat heat $60 CLEAN, 1 bedrm.. utils, pd. Male. knotty ant. suitable for cple. Firei apt 9720 S, State. Sandy lnouire rms . closets, elect range, refrigSt., Clean 1775 Princeton. EL Adulta only. Partlv furn., garage. apts. Bachelor and $60 CR 861 E. 3rd So. EL EL heat, gar fum. 140 Lincoln at office o i Alta Vlaw Motel. Air conditioned. EM THE PARISXPv-SNACEM 4 3353 after 3 30 EL 130S 13thEast EM NEW $80 yd Lge. dup 21-RRMS Nice 3 rms. Bath, heat. gar. Range, refrig. $47 50 3 RMS., bath, nicely fum., $60 in Motels $453 Hotels, and okeh In car Built child $40 range, lge bath, utils, Nr.LDS Hosp. Couple. EL 5625. entr. S.E. loc. IN $89.50 New Dup. Cieen Child welcome Parking. ULTRA DE LUXE DUPLEX $150 BAR E. Mill Creek. 4 rms, newlv port. EM 4 0328 6239 S 2005 W parking incl Near 3rd So. and priv. RMS. and 2534 S 13thEart.CR 1358 E. 4170 So HU bath., utils. Close $51.50 8 "WARM, clean rms, 253 NOW WKLY. WINTER RATE HU 9th East. EM $553 furnished Como. priv. Ideal for SO Bountiful area 2 bedrm 100 65 Good LtOcation in Store 3 rm apt. Rng . rrfrig. HU Center St. LARGE 443705,EM East. 3J2817j, iiv25S. eves 3 LDS girls HU 4 Inq.itl. $85 east side, close Jth includes ail utils , built ms. EM Seats 58 South 9th East. IN Part-1- y EAST 4th So. has 2 vacant $35 SMALLspt. Utila. exc. lgts. $11.50 PER WEEK AND UP m. 532 kit Attrac carpet, SPARKLING dranes, Submit Letter of Qualifications BRAND'NEW 85 5 LRGE Gar. 473-- thAve.HU jM5. furn. Sip och.. gar. HU carnet. View norch Ideal apts. EM m,CHn aft H-- 5. and Experience to $90. 2 bedrms . built in oven, $80 CLEAN mod 2 bedrm. ant Beautiful new sleeping rooms. mg , parking. EM L. O Campbell. 28 E. Broadway SU5 Ideal for older $30 SGLE LARGF Roae Park area, in 4 nlex Children welcome. 2420 3 or 4 girls Utils $100. 117 S. SMALL dim apt. bsmt. utila tile bath $60, apt. rang, , 6th East. AM East B R'nsr. bsmt. gar. 1911 S. 17th East. incl. 170RlchardsStpAil person. Grd. fir. 344 Reed Ave. Cean, quiet and comfortable. 3rd N. 11th W. EM YELEX HEARING AID dealer 3 RMS So 9th E HU BERNS Aot. 3 rms, all utils, 1 OR 2 girls to share very nice $603 RMS. near U. Single or Close in Hy5976 franchise available for Salt Lake utils. No smoker. IN 6 7339. NOW AVAIL Lovelx apt. maid cafe. serv. ant . $80 plus utils furn. except lights. $55 mo. parking $70 NEW 3ft dup. kitchen rge. Citv vicinity We are interested 3 RMS cple. 1250 fc. 5th So. IN bath, refrlg , mw 188 Will accept 2 children Private NEW apt., good loc. EL or unfurn. Ranee refng AM Kitchen available. or 33 N. Main. Mid- $50 refrig , gas ht. full bsmt'. gin only In men of good community JWestjientejs BtflAX gar , util, rm . front and back Furn , utils., pd. clean, warm. $40 FRONT 122 So.apt. Utils, 1364 Olenrose Dr. Hlf vale . standing with successful sales 353 RMS. bath grd fir;, good entr. See this! 925-- E. 5th South 2045 East 3335 So IN E N. bath. Share 7th EM 36th 5th West. SCOTTY'S LUXE DE . terriFranchised $70 , .77 tiled , NICELY 50 J fum. rm, backgrounds. EM NAR 39th So. and West Temple. ioc. EM APT. in $95 Newlv utility rm.. range and refrig-I$40 3 RMS, utils, except, lgts. 1 4453 CLEAN rms .private bath, tory. Benefit of factory national Inq. gas refri. Clean heat, ahow.r, modem. Gas heat. ROMNEY MOTOR , decor LODGE Stove, 80 D disposal, refrig W. fM adult. 1375 St. 33rd So. HU 5423. utilities except lights. and sales 869 W. 2nd South. $60. CR storage, gar. Heat funv Adults Edvertlsing program 357 North fed V 754 W. North Temple user and n resRMS , ground fir. apt. 2 $40 2 RMS. nd kitchenette Near $6V- -3 RMS, utils furn. 543 Si $60 NEW 3 rms'.. alL utila. Wk- HtJ4 3746. CLEAN $50 only. $454 l7p644ParkSt. duplex with pect lists will b provided. Write 47.50 dup. Re, refrlg BRAND new ing cple. pref. 557 Driggs. bedrms , living rm. lge. kitchen, 'town. Util, exc. lgts, Laund. a. 4th East. EL bath gaaa range and ht. 848 - or duplex $90. 2 bed914 Harvard. IN phone T. A Gunderson.Telex, City's Only Glass Enclosed IDEAL for couple or 3 girls. Reas. UTILS. PD. EL 99683 or EM PI. (450 S. 9th East.) range. Key at 240 E. 6th South. Simons rm rooms.. liv. closets, lrg. spa. Inc . 1633 Eustts St.. St Paul L BOUNTIFUL New 454 E. South Temple. Stova, All Year Pool rm. apt. C8 B St. hot water, refrig. LARGE and kitch. drapes. 3661 S. 3325 $85 HIGHLAND PARlt DUPLEX 1 Minnesota. Midway 6 7213. upstair pt, bath, refrlg: Choice loc. AX U5-- l 820. 2028 So. 13th E. range, washer. dryer 428 Down-ingto50, bamt apt. Furn. or unfurn. utils. bedrm.. full bamt, gar. Acme CAPITOL MOTEL 3!.-RAve Ph EM Nice for couple. DUPLEX HU HU 45. EL furnished! EM fum. ParkUtil, RMS. Realty, Heat $753 Reas, weekly rates. New TVs 80 757 E. 3450 South. HU utila fum. 70 BSMT.' apt. utils, pd. 2243 and ing. storage, wash, facils . refrlg $80 LlCURIOUS 2 bedroom. All so 2 RMS. Wall bed: .Aduha. Mfc-pLEUNION home, 437-3r- d jrtna-- j phones each room. Morning Keanu.CLEAN Ave. 2740 S. VUn East 60 NEWLY decorated 3 rms. and and stove utils, except lights. Carpeted. 57 3 rma. Util. .AdulU. 66, Hannibal St. HU Stan Kata R.E. Mra. coffee and orange Juice for our 333-8t- h CR EM Ave. 1, loc HU HU4r Excellent or business. bath. CTRL Apt to ahar. apt. In Unlwaity 40 Going Smith. EM 4th Ave. DA 1749 So. State. LDS guesta duplex. pref. Ideal for man with mechanical refrii Ward. EL range. semi-bsm- t. Utii-e$110 elec, rge, ref rig., $85 80 LGE. TWO EL or EM houses with refrlg! dec. 220 S. 9th E. EL5- CLEAN, comf. slpg. rma. 85 background. Financial assistance 0 disp., caroets. drapes, gar., nicely newly 8th Se. for key. lati., wash., no smoking. 620 lSTFLOOR semi-bsm- t. 3 to 8 wkquiet 8100 ,51 1548. 222 W. 300 So., 58 W n?o.S'fe EM avail., training free. For further AVENUES. 3 or 4 rms. Jurt fin- decor. DA EM 9th Av. EM Adujta'vWamu IN 79978, E 2nd So., 2144 details call Garth Smth. FL RM. Range, refri , hot wa NEW. lrge, 14 bedrm apt. $67 t00 So., fill t. ished Priv entrances EL Prvt. en- $803 95 c.r-po- rt, RMS. Grd, fir. 2 bedrms. Heat. 2 adulta.Nopets. .Dt, new Pvt. fi8 h 10. NICE rmarijtlls, hatha, but and rm 315 E., 4th South SIC., 'mole Hdwd. wash lge. State. trance and bath, util- - furn. 654 1878 Laka. HU store xe facile., duplex, refri. Children. ter. S.E. loc. at 222 W 300 So.. 54 W. 300 So. Call EL 255 3Vfc RMS. All utils, except 58. HU closets. 10834rd Ave. eves and weekends. HU Cpl. 40 N. 7h'w:. SIC. AX So. 10th Eaat FL lights. Clean HU 60 3 RMS. Ing. Apt. I. 353 E. Jgr.jM. LOW WINTER RAfls IN 845 Emerson. LUXE LD. $75 de duplex, 70 HIGHLAND PARK PACHFLOR APT 1204 BEDRMS., carpeta, range, ASSOCIATE location. Adults $58 $55 AVE. With or without kItchetLi 3513 eves,, all day Sat.. Sun. aot , rare New gar., large yard, refrig , rrnee $R0 CLEAN, newly painted. Ml 4th South. EL refrig, WESTERN MOTOR LODGE fTri ..Fenced yard. Garage. 225 Westminster Ave. IN to operate a htulnea from -- our only. Utils, fom. EM 1223 Ashton Ave. 2313 Sol LDS GIRLS for beautiful CR $55- -3 bath. shower. 169 So. 9th Eaat 252 2935 So. W. Rms., 323 State Temole North , 3 rms ATTRACT derived 50 to start income range, heme $67 2 3 NIcFhi rma. wlth 'feath. n.wTv built $75 BNTFL Light semi-bsm-t. Capitol H ill apt. EL 9 3633, NEW i bedrm apt 'carnet duplex. Clean. Close done in refrig, 413 Herbert. HU BEAUTIFUL will be high, can room. . storage rm,. range, Tele to beHrms aleeplng utils 871 136 GJHL 6th , ahar. So 6. 3rd k. o apt. LRG. rmt. plus utils. 373 phone. maid service, 12.50 week in. 65 218 refrlg decor Cole, and baby $554 Colfax 12nd E.. 650 spare time Ths will stnd your $63 743. refrl . range. Jns, Apt East. Apt. 47. EL 6. EM 4 2311 except lights AX S 2nd East, Quince 8t. Am rep Adults. E. Side. EL up Se Rancho, 640 W. N. Temple So 1. after 6 p.m binder irvBrtifalon 1 3 rm NEAR du1 2 OR 2 Atrac. career Canitol. to NFWLY State W'-itwomen bedrm CLfcAN decorated ahara 503 rms , 1st fir. front NICE CLEAN QUIET ROOM TRY 37 30 u CLEAN, nicely furnished, $35 matl home. gar. 450 BL9-74315th E. CaU apt Refng. stove, wash, facil, rms., utila. Incl Adults.358N mod, apt. Near U. DA Ave. Utils. Adults. 514-2n- d PO BOX 143, SAN CARLOS. DUPLEX 150. ELView, fireplace, plex. 1557 So. HEBE 7 PER WEEK. TV. E. Woodland Ave. 8ee to appre. garage. EL 5 5135 2nd West. EL tarpeted, gar. ciate AM CAUF.Ph No . Pleae $40 SM. immac.tltils, LDS work nice 2 rms. CHESTER HOTEL. 125 S. STATE 32 50 UNUSUALLY in girl. SE loc. HU 44071. $80 J BEDRMS. Stove, refrig , all 3 RM. bsmt. apt . stove, refrig CHOICE NEW brk. triplex. 3 bedrms Capitol Hill. 1 lady. HU 2- 33rdSOUTH ST., be- $55 ROSE Park. New attract AND kitchenette apts.. $75 Near Sugar House. $85. Utils utils, furn. 943 Lincoln St. DA Bachelor apt. Kit . tile bath, GIRLS to share home. Utils fur- - 3 RMS, 830 E. 17th So. 5 rma. reasonable winter tween Main and State St pron- - rms., bath, mge . refrlg EL hdwd. fire., formica. Prkg. So. ratea. fum. IN west loc. kU shower, auto, waaher. dryer. ertv for Quick ale; IDEAL FnR NEW $30. DA 1375 S. 9th Eaat. HU nished, 85 N. 2nd Weat. apt 7769 W. 2820 So. TEMPLE MOTEL 5RM. APT Ground fir. stove, $754 LOVELY rms. 2 bedrms. LOCATED'ln Yale 2nd Ward. Ideal IN MIDVALE, Maana. BY apnl , Inan nffiee etc LARGE NEWLY dec. Inelud32 50 home, ATTRACT, aingle front, HSKPG. units and sleeping rma. 870 TN7-133LOT. AM A 6)43 TN6-?utlia . refrlg., drapes, rugs $73 plus Range, utils, fum. Children welc for newlyweds, atudents or teach- ed. Close to shopping.uUla, 75 AM lean,main fir. Utila. Incl. 152-lAve. by day, week or mo. Cottage Eenced yd. Children welcome. EL AM AM IN utila. 90 P St AX ers. Inquire. HU 251 EM EL 8t. 6 refri. range, 1070 S. Main, Court Motel. LOVELY bath. 3 T0 ADULTS. front TN rm. HilL 277 Til. 1 . BEDRM Capitol I fill NEW AND NEWLY FURNISHED Work- - cple. 130-3n- d RMS hanae. refii.. $653 LARGE rms. Gar. Clean. $P0 . full bamt . lira Ave. Center. EM Motel, 115 wkt tv. 55 (454883 HYLAND REALTY. INC. Skyline Attractive. 546 Elizabeth. Entr.. Near school, but. 518 N 7th apt. Working 845 3 BMS kitchen, range refrlg. EM34014 gar. 1299 E. 4500 So. CR 17th So.. Foothill Dr. IN HU 163 Highland Dr. EL bath, refri., stove. 301 P St. 6th South bet. llth-12t- h East. people. DA after 630. SOUTH STATE 1 gent. 808 $502922 8 YteW home import mail order 803 RMS. 985-- 1 at Avenue. R,.. wk. up. Rm., KEITH HOTEL, E, jK E. 4 rms. Stove, re. 3 GIRLS to ahare apt No smoking ' $80 LGE. front apt. in new 6- - $65 93815th heat. HU suitable for cou-l- e refri . profitunity. Your mailbox stuffed apt,, priv. bath. 122 E. 3. Temple. $603or ROOSTS,' COMFORTABLE . rma. with STEWART APTS. SPENCER after 8.30 8804 3066 drapes, rugs. Gas fum. or drinking. EM 1 small child, 3484 S. 7th extent lights. Adults. frig SPACIOUS semi-bsi new dec., with money! No selling No HTL-T?2Slex. Utils, utila. So. State. CR ... EL . rms. 740 E. 3rd South XlTA MOTOR LODGE Garage. 3 EM E. weekdays. IN last. 6th EL 54878. fience. No Investment W eupHy' utila. 3204th Av. furn. ex. utlli! 752 ADULTS. Utils, linen serv- TV. 1899 S. State. HU RMS., heat, hot water COMFORTABLE end convenient 75 NICE NICE everything Free details. MaR Or-- 3 RMS., parti, furn . newlv dc : $89 50 ON AVENUES. Spaciousdis-2.- $655 dup. 8580 S. BEEHIVE MOTEL. 338 Nnd W. $50 Refrig , gas range, garage Adults. 3 rms Newlv dec . 180. 230 E. Sugar House loc. HU Ave. EM ice. 127-lbedrm aot Range refng., 1836 West. Distributer IN (Imeert Di'. wash, facil., parking. EM West Jordan. no pets 1213S.7th Winter rates. Dally, weekly. 3rd South. EL 47 50 utiL or CY Suth 150455 PLUS utila, 4 rm gpU. posal. DA on. Dept L4tl, 50 EAST 21 ST SOUTH TV Maid service, pool. " apt, $67 50 3 RMS. N. Liberty Park. adult. 859 S. State.room,. ATTRACTIVE., spacious DA j 2549. $50 815 wk. $85 Bread wa1, Los Angeles. Calif welcomA . ronge. disposal, gar. 874 triplex, nearly 1013 Blaine Ave ' INTV333. 825 Motel. Rcfrig 2000 So. Adult. State Evergreen Ww garage. carpet, EL8-023bedrms.." re3RM. APT. furn., 948. CaU RMS.. 3 4 $90- -5 920 E sunny jvindows. 9 bedims. bath. 1st Ave. DA new, range. Profitable, child, 2758 Blair EL 165 lew. fireplace, Jsmt.84Wett4th Park St. CR HcFteL Marlon Wk 58. mo 39 St. AX EM smaH meter, lawn DUPIX So. aft. 4 p.m. 3rd SO. DA HU pair business. etc. 9 BEDRM 376 5th Ave. $41 HU $60 . kitnette. rm Several nation- - gar. bullt-lnTpmniq mower, bikes, $ BEDRM. dnlex. Clean, close in. .liv NICE 3 rms., bath, gt utils except SUGAR HOUSE 3bedrms . 2 AM er DA 9 2224. After bath fac pkg. dim r- - . refrlg., utila. a) accounts. Good location in 550 tti! . wa-'5 318 Colfax (2nd E . 650 So ) lighte. $55. 647 S. 2nd East baths, dup. No yard work, Adulta. p m. Houses outh. EM 125 WT 5th Boise Valiev. Idaho Win train, excent xas EM TT7T" after 6 pm. 1216 Driggs Ave. HU ''rnr iar''lnrAv";A,1 1740 2 BFDVM en ' must be mechanically inclined $50-5Inq North 2nd West 34 -7675TH AVE J, rma, SUNSET Ave . on bua line. FIRST morths rent free for cleftn-i- p jev.ao 3 mh Norih D A2 32n? $75-- T B1?DR5ts. am. older home! Ave. EL&038i or EM3-165- 5 875 cadre 45 $5 000 will handle. Box LOVELY B7 50 Call AM 2898 aft, work. 218 Colfax 2nd E., 650 Inri'ana NIc. loc. Babv only. Refrlg., 2 of Tribune. .... or AM ? ASrf apt. 55 3 Ml RMS. nicelv him. Gar. Kearns. D4,b waaher EM 2?,? So L after 6 p.m. 1772 eves. E. 4800 Call atove. 3 rn. refri South. AX ADWuT ROOMS, HU5-2673 EL 149Gott Ave. rm.Thath, 2 StAR. motel, service station, cafe. $35 refrlg, "uTn throughout. Call $80 NEW 216 W. 4h N (rear i. $37 502 RMS. Steam ht., CR8-853apt. Range range. g BASSTt Nice for cple, 757 863 RM . utiL lnctAdulU. $49 PER mo. fiirn543 n jahE RMS. and gartgt. 881 S, and trailen parking mod. house 9604Weat. or Close in. EL fern. 7 2456 2 AM No IN glus gambmg J789 O.age Orange So. IN E.3450 7th HU64934. S 1062 good Income Plenty room 85 DF LUXE 3 rma. fireplace, . and 5th Eart, refrijt. C5.7-467- 8 trailer With 27x10 ft. rm built on. UNFURN. apt . elec, range, for expansion. TERMS readily elec. kit. 1127 E. South Temple. (4430 $65 CLEAN WELL FURN. 2609 W. 2100 North, lights fum 59TbeDRM. 133" Weat Stratford $75 Family units. $65. 1805 3 RMS. dinette, bath, $58 Utils, arranged, real deal. Highway 93. LOVELY 3 rm. xrd.Jlr,. carpet 5UPLEX 122 M. 21ft South? refrig St.and. disposal. Ave. Range, refrlg. AM AdulU. 325 W. 4th N. EL 1829 & State 90-rdec. BEDRM. Front Its 1. $63 except newly, apt,, E duplex. Lge. ?80 Lake in Nevada. BJLfW?Wi.Y f?50 find bedrms. Largg t cond., utila. 70 AM 54660 LOVELY Ave. BLANCA CASA MOTEL. 132 268 W. 7th rma. Adults. Tile 2nd Kitchen bath. So, IN 201 duplex. Car. $125. REALTY, East LAKE SALT NEW $50--3 Rms., 122 N. 2nd W. CR carpetef tile 55 BEAUT ell utila., exc. port. 2544 S. 2nd E. CR j 9495. apts., $15 up. 1489 S, State. U. and hospital. 3rd South DA bath, wash, hookup. 2277 E. NEAR Nice 818 . 7thE.EM 34326. CHAPEL HILL APT. EL9-S40115 thsm loo. loc. 4 BEDRMS. rma. 2 Jights ant. CAP. 110 with SE. rm. front bath. decor. So. Idaal 3205 HILL. fireplace. utU. ARDWARt. WKLY, Newly furniture business Lovely 50. Permanent, oulet, adults. pvt , UHlI. ,'xcept 1U. $67 rm. 282 N. Main. EL Adulta. EL Adulta. 8125. AM 4 spacious, warm rooms, pd. 153 Plerpont. EL feASTCLIFF for quick tale. Inventory leas in-- atove. MOD. 3536 30, 3 rm.. bi'h. $80 incl. All utilsEL 4 S. 19th E. refrlg, tile building $7 60 sq. ft , lot 2nd " $17 50 WK. $65 mo. Cleen 3 rms., WINTER rXtIS AVAIL, now I Convenient for cou- - i4S LGfTs-rm- . OM CAPrroTTHILL3 rms , gar . ragerofrig. 425 E Rni7"Nawly apta. dup. 2nd N. W. 543 $45--3 646 Rms., V cost For 504 RMS. 13lh mo, free. eluded. Fixtures Pie. 3 nice rm,., bath. IN redec. EL 9 0480. nicely furn. Baby okeh. La VaUe Utilities furn. 2315 So, State. heat Uhed. stove, refrtg more details write Curtis Brum- - 4th Ave DA 34731. Apts. 274 N. 2nd West. :du 617 DeSoto St. EL 3 RMS., bath, on ground floor. Hms;, 2293 Windwr St. 890. See: SCOTTY RC mo. In. tes Houst, below, 1218 Edison Ave. Benton, IRM. DUP. Part. fum. 70. 861 1 BLOCK to State 155 LGE. 663-3r- d IN bsmt. apt. in Ave. EL Column 21, rms. in motels. quire 200 W. Oakland. CaoitoL 3, 3 Ark. 367 J St. . 100 home. Good ' nice Kensington IN neighborhood. and 3 AND apts. Ht. fum. EL5 refrlg., gn apta. week or mo. 451 RMS . private bath 1540 S. 5li485I- ELBEDRM.,'" newly dec. banking 5 RM., 3 bedrm. Cheerful, ground .0436, ROOMS. Clean, 1490 So. Children O.K. LDS, HU 4:7118. FINANCIAIj Investment reached x 254 S. 8th W. 1137 Mctlellan. $454 HU Clow In, Gar. and utils, turn. 1315 S. State. State. IN IN houses and underwriter 3rd East 80 E St. THE BRAD FIELD. 1978 8. llthY 83-2- -. 65 LOVELY 3 bedrm., new dec. r85 duplex. turn. RMS. brick Adulta C 3 59 -3 all RMS., 23 trd $53 Confidential. You can eend, the floor. Adulta. floor, Nicely dup. a ' xc UghS: 353 RM, apt . 567 W 1st South. Desirable I or employed So. Temple. Manor. EM 254 3. 8th West. East bench. HU utils, incl. 1042 So. West Temple Aves. EL details of your proposition todirect AM or EL rny persons. 855. Con-- . or through vour attnrnev 49 502 BEDRM., ranee, cloa . io frt..nlc! 3 RMS 52 clean, DESIHABLE YOU mod., HAYE VACANa? bath, DO rmTT p5 art Ranee, refrig, $53 NICE, clean, 2 fmt. 183 W. 3rd North. AM sultnnt 81741st St.. Brooklyn, 2922 So. State. ATTRACT. S65 apt.. tove, water $55 ly fum.iwath1facua.5(8 S. 2nd E. utils, Inch 38 G St. EL 9 9832 frark. EM N. Y. . clone Ini adult, only; heat. Inquire 707 S. 6th E. No. 2. bath, utils. Rose hnter: brk. dup. Nice loc.. 870 118 T St., near U. Adulta. 2 BEDRM . dinette kitch., bamt-livi- ng FfEW Very nice 2 bedrm duplex 132 B St. SANDY, Utils. GIRL to share sot NICE rma Good 36. EM 4 8298. S IN E. location. 985. HU 0582. 4 1342 EM 7436. 4 utils. rm. 55. lge. rmt.. Bryan. yd. Adulta. pJ 7 Aot. 2. DA 2 5364. FBAND-ncUtJSputhHU YOU CAN RENT IT lZTE dup., 3 bedrms, G 1. 730JE. 855 NeSFIt Lx'tm. dup. 1014 48 4 RMS., rear 328 E. Bth So. clean rmtT $25-$54Y1MS . kit . bath. 3 "person. $45 PLUS utils 3 rma., bath. 2i 50 2 Utils. 2nd W. Canyon Rim Shopping Center 575 K ht-(na- . camort. Hol'eday area. HU EL E Phone So. 2nd cloaeta. utila. 469 8. 3rd Eaat. Nonsmokers. IN 4.225 o ft, for lease 4599 Ruaael St. ClR 7 5837. ? ROOM iftlla. exc. igta. $65 rm. rambler, 5 apt. and bath? houac, nicelv fum. 8130. LOVELY RMS., or EL l33rd So. DAi-347- 4 . CLEAN. forn Stove. re fCnJlNEAT 4 rm . bath cfoan. WARM, nicely Rnee Jordan. 879 plus util a. AM EL Incl. all utila CR FAST WITH A" Adulta.319 E. 7th Bo. DA EM Adults EL refrig disposal. EM to frig.449 S., 2nd EastJX -f! CHOICE b-- a. 480 eni. nrfv, full" HU LARGE ITky-All Ideal $75 utila. apt LDSB'i(neM and for1sthop7'in Jordan Ww sot 39 502 RMS. 163So. 8thNEW $7C lbrdrm , w w cornet, Surgery loc. Fireplace. HU fum. 1 bedrm. EM share. 35 E. 1st N. EL AM or AM5-1R2aouthem Utah. Write Box rce- - refrlg Near U, 28 S. 8th E All util, exc. lgts new jTbEDRM or "triplex. 3 $89 unfurn. BIND home. furn. ca re pf this paper. pMS bath. Adults only. 465 NEW ant. In sixplex. Good BEAUTIFUL new4 pVx onW ST? 8352 RMS. All util,. Sinxl lady 1 IDS CTRL to llve.tn home, $30. $rd II Vic. 9th E., 45th So, AM No smoker. $774 Ccnnor St. mg, , refrig. 472 E. 3100 South. . 1483 Michigan Ave. Call IN 7 1728 FOR rent, large housd. auiteble location. IN pref. Share bath. EM RomeT445 F 17th 3 MS., carpeted duplex, $85 plua 100 REDUCED 9 RMST or for boarding house. n,'IlTVLlomf Spotless RNT GIRLS 24 couple all . but BEDRMS except NICE 865 3 utila. n Sitlla. utile, 343 too rma., bath, 35 Small pd. apt. South. EL9A849. Htl 4 3040 or nursery school. EM 3 o248 Igta. li70 Richarda $79. CLEAN,, 367 J gT. ' . close In. HU 1U. Laundry facU. HU 6E311. EL S 2nd West. HU 541115. gar lights, court RENT tor or SALE 3 or 8 rm. Sm. GARXoE! FBFDRMS., large. Close in. AdulU $95 DE LUXE, spacious 4 rma . , XPT. house and trailer E r CLfAN 3 rm., 55. Ail utila. Inch 1554 ROOMS, refrlg.. ml . heat 865 ALL utila. paid. Close in. NICE, CLEAN jRMS.7 IN 74)816. dn. pyml EM EM tale or trade. Write Robert H. 544 E. 21t So. preferred fireplace. laundry gar. EL garT736 E. lst South. DA 170 Canyon Rd. EL HU9225 3-15878 2nd Av. F.M " 25 Ibdrm. W. w caiC Child. 18 Park. Nysaa. Oregon 1 rm.. 4 iffiLOVEtY RMS. 2 close Pine Knot kitchenette. $75 Gain bath. 2ND 687 AVT dupi., Adult, 4 RMS. nicelv RMS., clean. furn., 65 GRD. JTLfiORj Clean 3 rm., $50 Stove., rofoijrdults, INT-107(1865-1- 3 HP Dr. 1328 E. In. Allen Park gar., 443 4th South. pta.. patio. . 40. drape, kitClean. E) - porch 513 E. Tth South. CAFE-- EL Grnd, bath. 689 t. 2nd So. CR NFWLY decor, rms. Wash, .BEDRM. duplex. 322 Herbert $704 rtn . 1 or 1 adulta apts. Built-in- 9 WK. tunny, bamt. room, utila, i75 LARg iTo& $9034 NEW 2 bedrm. lor ny Ave. Appt only. HU facile. 1515 8. 3rd X. IN IR'WENT Corn 680ator, 49 I. 12th Eaat. No. 1. EL 124 S. (th East. S. CR fum. 27th t.a 20th E. 3rd 6o. type of bualneas. MAYTAG Kindly to the manager report any exception classified advertising WASHERS. ' .5 22 irr ffiAcvoAR CHAPMAN ' , t WRIGHT INC. t J Release 76 t. j - - inn 2. Uv ht r Wt "WANT AD EM ,8 r |