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Show V V V V V N V "V V V- - ' V V A, V "V fc V , S V IS Automobiles lor Solo for Solo 55 Automobiles you for Salt 55 Automabil 55 Aatomabllt 55 AutomobtlH for Sola ON THE 4-do- PLAN FREED DEALER Southhampton $2,795 '58 .CHEVROLET ' Cyl. Heater, Stick Shift CHEVROLET '58 '58 Buick Sedan .$1,395 Wagon Brookwood Powerglide, Fully equipped and original throughout. 58 Imperial 2-do- or . Oriflnal throughout and fully equipped Del Ray. '56 Gad; 60 Fleetwood $1,795 '60 PRINZ 2-do- Sedan. Full power. Original. '58 Cadillac Hardtop Sedan, fully powered. '59 Chev. V-- 8 Bel Air Radio, Heater, $1,795 '57 CHEVROLET Sedan, fully equipped. ' '56 Dodge V-- 8 Royal Sed. Original Immaculate inside. '59 Merc. Station Wagon Belvedere 2-do- l Sport Coupe. Radio, Heater, Powerglide. Hdtp, Sed. $1,395 '56 CHEVROLET Radio. Heater, Stick Shift, Top condition Customline' Belvedere PLYMOUTH '57 $1,095 4-d- r. V-- 8 Sedan. Original and clean. V-- 8 '59 Plymouth $1,795 '56 POKITIAC Fury Sedan. Fully equipped, like new. Star Chief. padio DOWN '58 Oldsmobile Super '88' $1,795 100-4-do- Original throughout. $1,395 Sedan. Immaculate. '59 Fiat 1100 $1,195 Immaculate condition throughout. BROWNING E-D-S BUICK nO'OS. Main, Dial y '57 $1,798 1958 BUICK SHARP H.T. Fully equipped. Super One owner, low miles. IT S EASIER TO DEAL AT CALDWELL'S. SPECIALIZED S3 E. 21st So. FINANCE RESALE 1950 Edsel Ranger 1 dr. hdtp F and h. auto, trana. power iteer. w w. tires. 1958 Merc. Colony Park wgn P. and h.. pow. brakes, pow steer., auto, trans. 1958 Merc. 4 dr. aed R. and h pow. steer. powr brakes, air '58 FORD WAGON V-2 dr., automatic, r , h. Dealer's car for last 7,500 miles, ONLY WOOTTONS O'drive trans , radio, beater. 15 nylon tires, 8.000 actual miles. Owner serving LDS mission. Must sell. AX IN '60 FORD 000 8 cyl. Fairlane White. 3,000 mi, stick. Straight excel cond. Must sell, 1333 Park- '58 CHEV. 53 DESOTO Rebuilt trans. and motor 1 BUICK HDTP. RIVIERA Pretty good 34 OLDS. So So. 15 others just like new except for pranged fenders and worn-ou- t engines The Friendly Crooks Lea, CRANDALL'S JEEP 57 Lincoln Premiere $1,550 Full power 1 owner, sharp. "The little lot with big bargains" No. 17 E. 13th South EL '60 RAMBLER SEDAN Overdrive. R. H., w.w.i. many extras. Must sell immed. Private for Jim. party. DA r. 52 HUDSON hrdtp., r, h. good mechanically. Only 8195 No down pvmt. Texaco Station. 2nd West, 33rd So. FOR tale or trade. 59 Dodge hrdtp., full power, r., h., w w. tires, low ml., excel, cond, EM 3- - Stat wig., dr., warn HU 1.295. hubs. 37 BUICK stand, aed., Special trans.. r . h., like new. Only 995. No down pymt. Texaco Station, 2nd West, 33rd So. Special BARGAIN 59 Plym r., h., power, atrenni outh. and brakes, excel, cond. 21,37 3096 S. 1810 East. HU CHEV. Bel Air. Pwr. 325 ., brakes,-steeract. mileage 47,000, m d shape, CY 2022 Kirk- ham Way. IH7 PLYM. Belvedere sedan. 803050. convert., 4 mos. old. 933, Auto, trans. R. H, Will take cash or trade for equity. and white walls. IN 7 2078. 5 p.m. AX after 5 FONT. Bonneville 2 --dr. R . , 60 IMPALA R;'h power 2.475 wiw.. power at., brakes. , brakes. 2,300. Will trade. steerg r offer EL HU 3011 S. 7th East. TWO auto, CHEV. convert. V-99 convert., $2,985. 6 hardtop, 55 trans. reel clean. New top and 3.485. Loaded. IN paint. 695. 1355 S. State. is OLpS. 88 hrdto. Pwr. 55 BUICK Century hrdtp , steer, brakes, window seat, w w . R.,H., power steering and brakes, IN 1974 S. 11th E Dynaflow, 750 CR 58 FordVlc. Black and 5 FORD Sharp Glx., r.. h.. w.w.. full white. 1 owner. See to apprec. pwr. .'Prtv. owner, very, very e ves.weeken da. CR clean. EL after 5. Stust all I960 Corvalr 70(1. 4- - 55 CHEV. 2 dr. Bel Air hdtp. edan. Good cond. R H. HU Clean, w w tires, std. trans. Make 38 705, 55 BUICK CENTURY 52 DODGE 4 dr. Ra "ii"," snow Looks, Orig. throughout tirea. $200 caih. EL runs like new, CR r, 49 CHEV. sedan. Immac. MONTEREY MERCURY club 78 cpe. 1 owner. Will Wide end fi- 352 N. Main, Midvale. AM 52 OLDS. nance. HU Super 88, good cond.. 225 or offer. CR AST chance 55 Cad. convert. Runs good but needs some body 59 BUICK hdtp Pvt party. 500 cash. 20 P St. Will finance. IN BENNE 47 W. 6th So.-- 1020 E. 21st So.-- IN V-- 8 $ ,998,''60 Impala - $2,393 -'60Bel Chev: H. PG.. F.S Air 4 41. Stwrt cpe. R., H.. PO.. PJ. Buick $1,798 Ford '57 500 $1,29859 R 1 . J Wr Victoria 2 dr. R., H., Fordo. '59 Pont. Bon. $2,498j'54 hdtp. Power. Coral and' i'55 '59 Ford 300 $1,448'. Heater, atand. trana. '55 Pont. Cat. $748 - '53 Chev. : Coup. .'58 Black, B. r-- 7 ep. $2,748 '53 Pant. 8 K- - 4-d- r. H., Hydro. A fin A h R Merco. H. Hydro. radio, heater, $948 country sedan Fordo. R.. H.. . Nice. '58 Ford 500 $1,398 $398 H.. Crum. car. , BENNETT Car Is a BETTER 80 CHEV. Impala V-- 8 hdtp. 2,130 R., H . auto., pwr. steer. 60 CHEV. Corvair, 1,360 R . H . auto. 38 PONT sed., F., H. auto.. 1.230 power steer. 58 PLYM. cuatom auburban -- wagon, R.H CAD. 58 . atd. V-- cpe., brakea H., Irani., 8840 H.. pwr. 82,200 57 BUICK Super r. hdtp. R.. H . auto., pwr. ataer. 81,105 57 CROWN Imperial, full power, black gorgeous 1127 So. Main111 Bel ebony 81.885 EM CHEVROLET Ale Radio, Choice of eev-'ercolors. AU real sharp cert. V-- heater. Powerglide. $1,595 . hardtop. Radio, Impala heater, automatic tranamiaaion. power eteerlng and brakea. '59 Dodge 1960 Corvair Sedan Radio heater and Powerglide NADA Price Our rrice $.1 ,895 .$1,705 $1,595 . 1959 Chev. Tudor Biscayne Radio, heater, std. transmission NADA Price Our Price $1,395 $1,195 Royal hardtop coupe. Radio, heater, automatic trans1958 Merc. Monte. Hardtop mission, power steering. Powered, Beautiful plus many other NADA Price Our Price Custom SELECT USED CARS Towne r Country Rambler 4881 g SUt $2,795 Saratoga. Full power. PLYMOUTH Belvedere hardtop $1,695 pow- V-- 8 r. Standard with e'drive NADA Price Our Price $480 $399 OPEN TIL I P.M. ROY PRICE CHEVROLET 280 g. Main '60 PLYMOUTH $1,995 $1,295 1955 Dodge .IN AM automatic, R and H. er steering and brakes. ' CADILLAC Car rV K V V-- 8 '59 CADILLAC 62 coupe. No. 6240. $3,595 $1,595 ' ' ; 1955 Dodge VTX350 senes, esb and chassis 10 wheelsr. 10 00x20 transr and 1 good tires $2,599 auto, ' spd. axis. Price $2450. tV PRICE FULL , INOURSHOWROOM BALLARD'S OUR 40TH YEAR AND APPROVED CREDIT J WILL DELIVER ANY ' OF, THESE CARS ' 13TH ' SO. AT MAIN MACK TRUCKS, INC. 704 S. 3rd West LINCOLN-MERCUR- - ' COMET 633 So. Main - - MERCEDES-BEN-Z Till 8 p.m. Open JANUARY CLEARANCE COMPANY '58 RENAULT Dauphine '59 new. mm. RENAULT CLEARANCE - 520 So. State DA 4541 Come in and look them ever. No reasonable offer refused. 1957 CHEV. V-- 8 engine, air brakes, chassis. cab. New 750x29 895 4C.V. 58 M.G A. R oad ster Tra de Accepted 1.589 S porta Car Center 8th South and Main SPORTS CAR Convert, Full power, like RAMWgn. 1,399 Badio, heater, everdrive. Beal 2 'BdORD Wagons 1,095 One owner. Real sharp. 55 CHEV. 'Wgn. 898 Hel Air r, Powr, Heal '58 cSfeV. Bel Air Conv. Blue and white. Power. 59 '58 CHEV. Bel 58 FORD 58 '57 FORD Air Hdtp. One owner, 8 81.188 ahift, Standard v . real sharp, 58 T BIRD 2 UK) White color, real sharp, fi steermr and brakes. 55 DE4 SOTO $795 5$PL? hke new. 03 OLDS. Super 88' 8599 ;S4 AUSTTN-HEALE38 LpTcOLN'Hdtp. Like new, real sharp. 895 11209 iDr?1 DEMONS PETTY FORD CENTER JANUARY SPECIALS 8th South and Main MERCEDES-BEN- - - ROADSTER. Black, red leather Interior. White-wallheater, defrosters windshield washers, directional signals. One owner. Driven less than 17.000 miles. ONLY ' $3,995 Trades Accepted Bank Terms 8o. State" Original metallic blue finish, reclining seat, radio, immaculate and completely fresh inside and out. ' $2,595 '51 club coupe. $995 ZION MOTORS $95 1 -'- -$1- 52s -'- 53s 95-$295 -I pickup 1908 1952 WE GMC Truck & Coach 55 W. 9th South Salt Lake City, Utah Phone DA NEW YEAR'S CLEARANCE SALE 1 942 INTI Stake Must sea to appreciate South '59 FORD Muit m like n,w. 1957 INT'L Travelall 9 pass, station wagon. NO REASONABLE -- OFFER REFUSED - International IN PICKUP 4th South. 3rd West LONG IfilTra? WHEELBASE. SPEEDl WHITS WITH $1,399 EM CLEARANCE SALE 51 INTL 1 52 18.350 verified miles IF ttek 8358. GMC 870 Tractor, fully equipped. 671 Diesel. Timken Bogie. Sleeper. BALLARD'S 09 MORGAN Roadster for the discriminating bue who wants extra bit of performance Weekend Special. 2 195 SPORTS CAR CENTER th South and Main $595 1958 INTI Panel 890 8. Main MEN ONLY $295 with cattla rack 909 Eost 21st HIGHWAY 91 NEED TRANSPORTATION? Lik. new. . 1058 1957 DODGE DICK STRONG'S RATION 4J80 SO. HIGHWAY 91, 8TFL 10 MILES NORTH OF SALT LAKE pick-up- 1949 GMC DA Porsche. 1600 Coupe - 1955 FORD KEN GARFF IMPORTS 525 FORD chassis and eab n engine trans., 1951 WILLYS Jeep Clean. Metal top. tractor F-- ' 1957 SI. 190 ' 1956 FORD Z axle??? dual drive dump. V-air brakes, aux. 12-fdump body. 1000x20 tires??? V-FORD 4 pickup toij' peed FORD dump. Dual drive axle aux. trana. 825x20 tires??? GMC diesel tractor. Sleeper, aux. trana. 1000x20 tires??? TRADE WE FINANCE tires 1958 GMC '59 RENAULT Dauphine .sdn. whitewalls, heater. direction signals 1,195 USE YOUR PRESETS CAR AS 81 MERC.-BEN- Z 220S 8C700 DOWN BANK 00 VOLKS. Lika new. PAYMENT. 1,595 TERMS ft DKW wagon. Real buy. 1.495 hdtp. ExceL cond. $1,495 KEN GARFF IMPORTS 0958 DKW VOLKS. Sharp. 995 MILTON WAGSTAFF MOTORS 828 So. Stit, DA mercury-come- t DA HU FRANCHISED DEALER FOR 59 CHEV. CORVETTE MERCURY-EDSE- L AUSTIN HEALEY' trans., 17.000 ml., new tires.' Cream puf Make offer. 0 MERC. Coupe 2,499 SHAFER Demonstrator. MOTOR 00 Monterey MERu. SPRITE 2,599 Hdtp. 1777 S. State HU M331 onterey Demo., power, 58 MERC. 59 R . H.. and other VOLKS., 11.399 Hdtp. extras, I purchased new. Excel. Monterey. Full power, sharp care. 91,350. 57 MERC. r, IN MGA $995 Hdtp. Monterey. Full power, sharp 56-Tr- ucks 53 MERC. Mont. 699 lot Salt 59 EDSEL Pwr. U99 BOUNTIFUL 00 OLDS. CONTINUES KEN GARFF IMPORTS sdn. Ono 'owner. Practically 895 DA - 180 DIESEL SEDAN. leather Interior reclining seats, dual heater, white-wa- ll Urea, tun roof. rive for less than a cent a mile. Trades Accepted Bank Terms . CARLESON sdn. 40 ' SAVE $ EL aeries $49 1957 INTL cu. in. gas eng . Road Ranger trans SLDD T imp-ki- n dual drive rear axle. 10 00x22 tires. Good cond. throughout. Price $7,250, 1957 MACK B613LT dual drive tractor. 10 00x23 tirea on spoke 205 hp. trana wheels 1 Diesel engine, sleeper box 0th wheel and other extras. Real good cond. Prica $10,500, El 37 M.OJL Removable hardtop car Sharp. 81,489 ' Sports Car Center i 0th South and Main 'LAKE eeriea tractor. brownie. 5 1955 F-- 8 Ford ca and chassis long wheelbase, tag axle trans. and axle air brakes.' Budd wheels 10 00x23 food nylon tires. Price 93500. THIS WEEK ONLY $1,095 Inti trana. and 8.00x10 Urea. Price 8885. 1961 $1,095 Hdt. Radio, heater trans., whitewalls. SHORT OF CASH Fred A. The only place In the world where you can buy a Carlsomzed ear. 535 S. MAIN EM 7930 Mack dual drive. 200 fcp. rebuilt Cummin, engine, brownie. 10.00x21 main and tires. Price 83,950. 1951 Hdt. Radio, heater, p.s p b.. a t.. ail cond. '58 EDSEL $1,395 , HEADQUARTERS Station Wagon. Radio, heater, auto, trans. LING $1,595 $1,395 TR3 ROADSTER Prem, Cpe. Full power air Heater, sliding side windows. eond. 2 to choose from. MERC.1 $1,095 Ranch Wagon. No. S808A. . '56 '57 ttr Suit rck( PRICE) (FULL $795 62 aedan. No. 04S7A. BOUNTIFUL AX Fairlane '500 $495 heater, coupe. No. 5854. '55 $995 WAGONS-CONVERT- ALL CARS LISTED ARE GUARANTEED '59 Chev. .$1,895 V-- 8 DECK MOTOR CO. I3TH OUR 40TH 50. AT MAIN : YEAR El PICKUP TRUCKS 30 to chooM buy.radW from nUfla 81 KENWORTH, 220 Cummlna. I and 3 trana. 58 Boat,. Stb wheel. 58 INTI. trana., 5 tractor. end J (Ingle axle. Air, 6th Like new. TO CHOOSE FROM TO SEa OTHERS PRICED AT LINDNER & WOOD 22 TO CHOOSE FROM '59 HEALEY 1085 S. Mein 712 S. 2nd West Ph. EM Salt Lake City. Utah red. town. Cleanest in Bright Cara Plymouth Valiant De Soto R Home of Hand-Pickeh. wire wheels, o'dr., M-GMC tires. Low mileage. You must sea 4648 S. State. Murray AM 714 So. Mn $1,195 13th South and Main DA 2 1121 '59 FORD V-- 8 this one to believe it. May trade. EM Drive See Sat. and Sun. at 30 O Street 58 FORD 8, I Stick shift, excel, ear. way unton. Cuatom Valiant De cab, Soto Plymouth Apt. 9. DA '55 CHEV. HDTP. PICKUP with front-en4 apd . Ion, wide bed, r der market. h. winch. 4848 S. State. Murray AM Excel, cond. Excellent cond. 81.550. SHAFER MOTOR Mint cond. Dark maroon Alao '50 Chev. 2 ton flatbed. 2 road tirea. 21,000 actual miles. 58 CAD. CPE. nancing avail. Jon Larson, AM 8- HU 1777 S. State 1.395 apd. axle, excellent motor and 59 MG.A. 4421. or AM Completely con- iir powered. tirea. 2450. IN EXTREMELY Red. Sharp. Loaded good buy, 5 Plym. RIVERTON MOTOR CO. ditioning white wellg Only white With extras, jl.989 Belvedere aed., PLYM. FURY AM Car Center aldewalla, R., V-- H. torque-flytSports LIKE Best SHOW ROOM Values NEW, Town in Sun, and eves., AM 1.395. Can 0th South and Main pwr. steer, Light tan. Like new Will take CLEAN, excellent cond. Beautiful 1350 Lone trade. Trades finance. CR CHEV. 05 John AM Bank Terms Accepted or SEVERAL I960 CHV. CARS Bowen, pickup, aeries' , and power ateering Peak Dr. 15465 So 1. EM him. camper. Never been brakes, Cruisamatic. Low miles. KEN Call Stan. AM GARFF IMPORTS STATION WAGON bued. Individual owner, low ml. TAKE over payments 1980 Dodre 1884 Laurelhurat Dr. HU Park. Polara. Power, factory air. 0.000 Vt ten Pickup. Long bed 1938 Mercury 850. Trade or finance. 2223 S. Colony CORVETTE POWERED 018 ft.INTL 525. S. Stile DA 1957 OLDS. SUPER 88 8 In. All wheel dr., duomatic 29,000 actual mi . 1 owner, full actual miles. EM 18th East. after 5 So. 3150 East 1584 2 000 mt. Must sacr. 59 FORD 0 heater 1,050. hubs, a and weekends. p.m. powi M.G. T.D. HOLIDAY Custom cab. CHEV. Cost HU CONVRT. 3.500. 2.705. 3140 Imperial REPOSSESSION Full power, like new. to look like new, BARGAIN FUEL INJECTOR AND St. IN fuaranteed Must T offer takes origl-owne- r 57 Cad. Fleetwood. Excel, cond. All white. Immac. 1 owner. Can FUN FAST aac. 11285. AND DEPENDABLE SALE PRICE . CHEV. Clean. $1,399 53 BEL AIR Best offer takes. DA Ext. trade. EL arrange financing Take trade HU . 2132 Berkeley St. '61 CHEVROLET PICKUPS cond. See at 2647 52jreves.,EM 4187. Don Bi 5ood running 8857. Trades Accepted St., Sat. p m. and Sunday '57 '55 GMC -- Ton Pickup ELDORADO Cadillac, fully Call Stan. AM 59 FORD ata. wgn. Fully pov equipped. Excel, cond. Will trade. Excel, cond. Low mi. H.( '58 CHEV. V-- 8 $895 Crultamatic. Make offer. CR 2 tops. See at 77 O St or call EM race engine. Stick '57 INTL H ton pickup. Hew trans. 695. HU 4590. 714 shift. Immac. Lee. Don AM S. c aeries good Main Hick Biscayne cond. Will EM 4421. vei7 8700.. shift, 02 DODGE Davtime EL paint. 3758 Secord St. AH8 SiAA Track Rental or IN buy. R. and H. auto, 51 OLDS. ext. 27; after 0.30 Sat. 0073. BY OWNER 1960 ALPHA-ROMEtrans. Excel, cond. See to apprec. and Sun., DA SHAFER MOTOR sprint coupe. IN FORCED Mint TO SET,Li '59 Intema-tioncondition. White with blue MUST SELL 2 CARS 1958 IMPALA. New w-.1777 3 State tires, big HU Metro-Mit- e leatherette wslkJn van. upholstery. Fully WILLING TO SACRIFICE '56 OLDS. 88 hdto. Like new. . engine, Best offer. AX 5-, seat Near new. 3,400. belts, etc, equip 57 CHEV. 1,295. Call Glen. CR 7- owner. Must sell Sac. 880. After 2579. 1895 very good DODGE HDTP. 2229, 6 p.m, Sun., all day. DA paint. R,. H.. auto trans 1959 VOLVO. trana , black, convert. KENWORTH w-50 Chev. Impala MUST SELL Clean as a pin. SUNBEAM Rapier. Excl. .cond.,low mi., like METROPOLITAN, low miles S625 -- Stick shift. V-3xi e tractors. RENT ANY SIZE r. Thomas, AM 4421. or EL0- - Fullv equipped, just 6,000 mi. Bv 200 and 250 Cummins engines. 2 Excellent cond , like new. R., H hdtp. Full power r., h., low new throughout. FR owner. Light cream, black top. 35-fIN flatrack trailers. Very reas see mi. Exc. cond. EL 2131 Ave at Losan BY OWNER 1960 FOR ANY JOB Cadillac aedan. Snow tires incl. HU 1,405. 1719 Only Ave V-FALCON Kensington De luxe 56 FORD ata. wag. overdrive, Good cond. 1.150, 4646 Atwood J, or DA $8 TO $18 PER MONTH heater. 1.000 miles. Private EM '49 STUDE. r . it., extra sharp. No down pymt Blvd. Murrey. AM stake bed. owner. IN 7 Texaco station. 2nd W., 33rd So 46 OLDS. Down trans.. Trades Welcome overload Dnly . CORVETTE springs. '58 sed. 31 A 98 128 52 Chev. shape. 295. CY9-70- 2 L 4249 LOWER RATES 1057 LINCOLN Landau hdtp, full reas. offer takes. 54 Ford $2,095 EM4- - W.l 8500 Excel, cond. EM 228 Nash 118 52 Pont. South. CR 9420. power, new w w. tires 29.000 3322. 54 63 34 248 Chev. BUICK $288 Dodge 2823 Connor St. '59 Century hardtop epa Ford pickup. 56 BUICK sed.. R.. H. Dyne. ..WOOTTON'S '59 power ateering. auto 450. white, full power. Like low ...ileage, 1.230. r. 62. Fully powered, 55 CAD. 595 or offer. dMo 5th E. 351 W. North Temple EM forces sale. Take over pay Terms new, or trade, Osterloh 4c Son. 8ILL BROWN'S USED CARS air cond. Best offer. Will trade. 57 CHEV. sta. wag., 795 or offer. ments 230 West No. Tempi. 59 PO. Place. HU '60 FORD 1890 8. 'State. HU $1,795 4310-- 5 th k EL 1955 FORD Clean. FOR SALE by owner 53 Packard '59 FORD Fairlane 900. Real cream puff, 58 Chev. lmpib Iptg. CD,. 1958 WHITE HU Volvo. Excel, cond. $550. See Wheelwright Trailer 320 W. 13th South hardtop, financing, fully 4-Good sed. tire. Clean. You can't Mat '55 Merc. ita. ggn. Radio, heater, whitewall tires. equipped. 1,793. AM Provo. Park. FR MAKE OFFER. Call IN this deal anywhere. 58 Chev. W ton new Brand ycm. 2X 1,395. spare. pickup. Scooter 34 ltt-to- n 55. 48 CHEV. 51 Nash, 220. flatbed. 1ST CLASS cond. 59 Fiat 500. 50 PLYM.. City Finance 1058 E. 21t South Week dav after 8. SHAFER MOTOR Both good cars. IN Chev. Suburban, like new cond 550 and take over 30 payments HU 59 TRIUMPH TR3. Hard and soft 352 ft. Main. Midvale. AM 54682 HU ROYAL ENFIELD, YAMAHA 60 FORD Galaxie hdtp. Excel 1777 S. St.te or best cash offer. HU Buick 91.893 R.. tops. or 5J Fully equipped. FORCED to leve. 58 Ford Ftr. .IN Undent drive Int. NEW AND USED MOTORCYCLES Good mechanical cond. cojid. Only 14.000 53 BUICK padded duh. tint, windshield, best .1403 west Van Buren 1058 RF190 AX 1363 No. 300 West 53 OLDS. 98 convert. 1 owner. conv. dump truck Good cond. JA $ engine. P 8.. P B.. new tire. Low mile. 1 owner. Ave. offer, HU MOTORCYCLE IMPORTS beaut, blue, white body, matching HU 3673, Selina, Utah. Good tires.S395CR24388. Bountiful , R H - good w Wr- 1943 CHEV. 150. $ ply 5960 S. 9th E. CHEV. Bel Air. Auto, lnt 55 FORD station wagon. R., H., 34 SACRIFICE FIAT AM 1100 Like new. Take over paymt, and tires. 4 speed, solid redwood bed. odr. New trans and sen. Excel, trans. 4 new tires. CR pay equity. 128 8. lat Weit. 155 Zenith Ave. HU 1861 Excellent condition throughout S 495. CR WHOLESALE running FREE equity 4 39 78 a n EM 34)928. Martin. 895. AM 57 Chrys. 4dr. hardtop: , Motorcycles 58 Scooters 55 CHEV. 56 Buick Roy. EL 57 FORD 8 Ranch Wagon. Excel, pickup, Merc : Sales Service Parts 03 Ford Vic : 52 '58 CORVETTE. 230 eng . with canopy. Best in Utah. 750. eond. Odr. 1.095 or offer. HU 56 FORD V-A-- l 600. 100 dn.. 30 No dealers. CADILLAC COUPE prSoto CR Will accept oldBoth 9898 tops. 87,TC,gRAAYERMtffA08, mo. 3520 So. State. E 1363 41 70 South. CR 8 9992 er model trade. Call after 6 am. 49 INTL. 44 58 BUICK 4 dr. Invlcta hdtp. Pr. 55 FORD Excel, .eond Prlv party. Can 58 OLDS 98 HDTP. panel. Side window. SCOOTERS wgn. Auto, trans. finance. steer- CR 0102 No dn, hitch, sig, lights. ONLY VESPA tires, steer, and hr., r.. h. A-- l Cond. Htr. 550.station jpee it 403 ing and brakes, air Power AUTHORIZED DEALERS AX E 9th South. cond , clean, 60 RENAULT Dauphin. 1C h., 47,000 miles. HU New tires. Rose color. IN Eves.. No Down Payment w w. tires. 12,000 actual miles 1958 INTL. very low mileage. 941 Montgom IN 02 HUDSON HORNET 120 Fresh air .Economy Tire end Battery Co. cry Dr.. Sandy. AM Cash or trade for equity, 0 CR $25 '50 PLYM. CR hes 575 S. SUte EM J after p.m. Fairlane aed., r , h . '51 CHEV. Good cond. CR OLDS. HARDTOP 57goodFORD 58 CHEV. 8 Bel Air aeL 81.485. German Motorcycle Scooter, extra AM 200. car. tires, BMW inside 0 600 and h.. W sharp R., PosT 60 CHEV. truck and coach. ACCESS HU PARTS SERVICE Beautiful. Full Can No out power. StaTexaco down 3328 eond. pvmL Sacrifice, 9-IN trsctioo 4 apd. trans., CHEV, R h.. dean. 742 So. finance all or part. Jon Larson. Reynold, Machine Tool Co. VBest HU 33 CHEV. ton. 2nd West. 33rd So sed. Pvt. owner. 1931 7296. 4063 S. 8th East 7th W, AM 04421. AM R., H.. good cond. 345. HUB-17553 PONT. MERCEDES -- BENZ, latest model. 58 0150. excel.' cond.; 'Ranchero' TRIUMPH AND ARIEL Must this FORD sell 57 FORD R H . odrive. 220SE Impala. sed. BILL BROWN'S USED CARS fully equipped, CRl car of for trade value. wk, pass, Motorcycles RAMBLER equal WAG. Excel, cond. DA leather int. best offer. EL HU Parts Expert Servlc FORD Mr, runs good. $150. 1980 3. State. HU R 8HA 53 CHEV. Stand trans., good 53 MOULTON. INC. Cleinratin th, city. Muit kII MUST sacrific 59 English Ford I960 FORD pickup. Many extras. HU 5 3037. 1160 So. Main St. T hi wwk. Park Largon. AM 8- cond. 295. CR EM Low as wagon. Clean JEEP as Used mileage. s as a pin. Clean WAGON, paisen56 CHEV. Nomad, very clean, 4421. or CB a pin. Call Mr. Heath. EM 31 DESOTO. 1 owner. Nice. Offer. Lambrett. BSA. Matchless ger car only. 972 E. 3823 South, R r H-- i power brake. HU 9334.. 211 Canyon Rd. EM AX Selection Used New. Large 57 r. SIMCA : Good T sed. cond. 50 w. '53 motor. CHEV.. "54 CADZCOUPr 1960 TH UNDERBIRD. 0.500 mUef. S3 BUICK Riviera. 9495. Excel. 695 or 3405 S. 2nd East Livestock rack. All axceL cond. 117 E. OthGAL MOTORS 50 So. Terms DA 4)638 Cleanest 54 In town. Original LEAVING rtown, Rambler IN 6 1927 offar. cond. 1356 So. State. lik new. EM or CR 395. IN Only sta. American 1.095. AM stick 995 wagon, throughout. shift 1060 CUSHMAN, full power. Load- 37 PLYMOUTH h. $598 $. IU excel cond. BEST offer takes 56 CHEV. 57 triumph. jBS. CUMMINS diesel 9700 E. 5 naw. HU like South. 0239 engine. wm.j loaded, EM after 6 pm. ExceL cond. inside, aut. R , h., Excel. cond, overhauled. F.T. SACRIFICE. R.. k. IN 1958 BUICK hrdtp. '60 CAD. 62 tires. 137 J St. EM system. 979 S. State, No. 0. 50 FORD Make good 2nd car. 33 MERC. Sun Valley Montclair. Excel, cond. Century Cpe. White 60w.w.VOLKSWAGEN. See to appreciate TRIUMPH Tiger Cub. Exc. HU Must sell. IN 130. 1069 E. 3rd South. EL Cant tell 59 FORD 44 ton l.wb, pickup. 3 60 to 2219 E. 3020 Clean, oria. owner. HU Going college. from new. Less than 3,000 mi. spd. 6 cyl. util, cover. axceL cond. Real buy, 6450. EM South. HU WINCH, 8200. Jmp Wagon Com1.565. EL CR cond. 1,695. 60 VALIANT station wagon. R., h. plete, near new. AX 57 Troilira for Sal 58 MGA roadster. Excel, cond , 51 FORD 1.950. '55 Buick wagon. R.. h , 87 PLYM. panel. Overload V-auto. tnna.. r , h , new w.w. tirea. $1,445. springs, snow tires. Can finance. COMPLETE auto. Low miles. 700 HU excel, cond. HU IN DA No. 1078 14th West. treueri and line of quality travel '57 PLY. Like new. 950 mobile home, now Golden Hawk '57 VOLKS, convert.. $990 or offer. 52 DODGE pickup terms. Osterloh and Son. 59 P.O. 57 STUDE. excel, Tod on display S.nte Fe. Rancho, CR cond. Must sell, will finance. Trade cond. Take trade. HU Place. Alio, Streamline, Silver Streak, considered. EM 51 CH&Vrxcel. cond. good tires, 60 PLYM. Fury. Priced to sell. GMC. 55 excel, Air ,t ream. Palace. Great,. Lake.. Like new, low ml. CR 07 CORVETTE trailer. Both tops, fuel cond., terma or trade. HU new uphol. 225. HU CORBET TRAILER SALES 460 E 39 FORD r. offer. Make OLDS 88 80 Auto hdto. Injection. 57 STUDE. Pres. r. Pickup. Immaculate. Orem, UUh sedJ Full trans., t. h , excel. CR AC 2825 N, Provo. FR All Our Used Cars Are Winterized 548 No. 12th We,l pwr., auto, trans. r h. HU pay Y,9ILCPJ5.ISAS bilES Good cond. MUST SACRIF. 180 1 mil -- ton Pipes. 046 1057 KARMAN GHIA, 1947 PACKARD sed. Excellent 54 FORD Dr., PLATES AND 1971 OTHER Westminster. Market price. Goodway Murray. ' YEAR-ENDoda. with 14-- ft van. HU condition 150. CR EXPENSES WITH A HU 1951 CHEV, aedan. 150. Good on LOAN 1855 GMC Diesel youb All 58 cuatom. METROPOLITAN. trajlxb 1 550 West No. ROM transportation car, IN Tempi. 1952 CHEV.. $70. DA ized. all white, very dean low 55 PONTIAC hardtop. R. and mileage. 57 CHEV, it. SIEGEL TRAILER FINANCE pickup, TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS CR IN h. 395. CA 1,13. 8c N. 21st S. Main St. West Com. FALCON LINC. 850 S. MAIN37 AUSTIN-Hp 0ka ALEY, DA GMC TRUCK. 54 too. Vwbeel BUICK Super hdtp. Best offer wheel, heater, o'dr. Sinclair Sta., 58 Cart 2JBDRM-- , bath, auto, weaher, 1058 sed. De luxe, loaded. Pra. coupe. Full power A 53 drive. 840 E. 4524 South. 9th W.. N. Temple. DA or trad. HU Fleetwood, 45xlO wide, Market air cond, , Stand, trans. CHEV. pickup. 4pd. 450. yalvt. 83 800 Will take STRAIGHT stick 69 Ford $ aed.. BLACK 56 Volks. Sun roof w.w. SAVE ON 60 Volkswagen. 1ss 60, 2,900. 143 E.st 4163 South. AX 515621, AX than 12,000 ml. Maks offer. CRl 11.275 or offer. HU tires. r. h. HU AX FORD Will .how any time. 59. MERC. 5593. JEEP 4x4; 14 tnak. pickup, 1955 FORD station wgn., $445. FIAT 1100. teas than 7.000 mllca. AM i960 TR3 R. and h- - w.w. tires. oiler. 3010 So. Maui. sed, R.. H. Excel. Heater. 825. Ak Monterey r. Country Sed. Radio, heater, IN 16 with toilet, pickup. '0 COASTLINE auto, trana.. P.S. aland, trans: pymt. Up to 3 years to 52 FORD V-59 CORVETTE. 54 PONTIAC, EXCEL. COND. Excel, cond. Call No dn. AM pressure tank, heater, and all pay. 1180 S. Main. DA EM or BY after 2 pm. CYST other extra,, '31 aaor. for 81.16. will CHEV. pa nel, iapd. Ex IN low ml ceL PLYM. 49 Chev., A-- l cond. CAD. GHIA 1959. See it. youll buy 59 TR3 ORIG. owner, $895 cond. DA Excel, cond. Best off. CR 74490. 5134 8 2nd West. AM 1.699. EL5-53It op BEAUTIFUL 62. rm. 80 ft., 10 aed,. full power, f '51 DODGE pwr. AU extras. LeavFOREIGN car repairs mv specialtv LATE '59 TR-trana. and H. wide trailer, auto, washer (rad HU '52 Ford, $50. THE BEST AROUN ing on mission. IN Lou Mate, 1199 Beck. EL or furniture .AX 85014. cash. wtthltock rackT 'ri7x8'CUSTr FORD 1 n 58 FORD wifoaT $990. Stand, 57 STUDE. Golden Hawk, wev-er- v 1958 D.KW. sedan. $700. 3.1 AM PapooM'wltha3 See s t 4860 So. State. trans. Excellent. 1356 S. State. thing. Excel, cond. CR - at a tremendous lirasbargain. custom cab. R. IN 50 FORD wagon. 995. Runs excel-lentl- 1050 AUSTIN Healey Sprite Must '59 TR3 hdtp. Excel, cond. 12 $ '5 FORD V-4310-Sti h.. E. 3991. 1293 Roosevelt Ave. Standard. 1356 S. State sacrifice. 1.395. EM 31 FT SCHULT hmisa tratW. S ton. Good rsrORD cond. V-- t. 280. Good 61 SUNROOF. 1358 V.W. W.W. Clean. cond. 61.100. Musi atlL Green. '4S. FORD. EL AM '52 HILLMAN State. terms. EL tires. 1.750 IN . 951 f. 21s So. and"TT CORVAIR 700 de luxeTfuliyequio. 39 VOLKS, sun roof S3 CROWN Vlctori 8795 luxe Cnstllna camper r. M CHEV. S ton. 8400. EL 364 Oakley EM 567 E 1st So Btfl.. AX 1,675. 2971 E. 4346 So. CR Like new. AM M5 50 HU In Sugar House '52 CHRYSLER New Yorker $200. '59 BORGWARD trailer R. h. 1.325. 58 TRIUMPH TR 2. Good cond '31 MODrt, A plcku EMexceptional Reel cheap. HU AX New snow Urea. HU HUT shape, Make olt.r, ROBERTS MORGAN'S ZION MOTORS '57 '59 Ford Galaxie $1,695 '58 $2,595 '56 MORGAN'S 55 Need '55 a Truck? HERTZ '56 '56 JOHNSON New Year Specials $1,298 '60 . Oust. 300 Fordomatle '53 Chev. B.A.' $448 '53 Chev. Header. ' $698 . $1,298 '58 FORD $548 power. Air. Powerglide. r Ranch wagon. H. Fordomatle. R.. H.. PG.. F.S. run Merc. - '59 Ford 4:dr. $1,798 .$598 A. $748 Super 88 power. 4-- vlkBs- - PS., air cond. . Star Chief coup. Power. '54 Olds. 98 H. wegon. sport EM overdrive. CLEARANCE $1,395 V r MACK 'USED TRUCK $2,490 whitewalls. $1,195 S6-T- MOTOR JANUARY Radio .heater, '53 CHEV. t SUGAR HOUSE EM So. Main '59 Ford V V V MGA-160- 0 ROADSTER Heater, sliding aide windows. 2 to choose from. THIS WEEK ONLY '56 TERMS for EVERY BUDGET luw- - custom station Ambassador wagon. Radio, neater automatic transmission, power steering and brakes. AJ''' Cn n Spwi-iwelg- '69 FORD DOWNTOWN 570 '59 MODERN MOTORS 4-D- R. Excel, --cond. 1.095. Do or IN .AM 2nd No. and Main 1609 S. Main, S L.C. HU BEFORE YOU BUY CHECK IN Ave. Supef $1,795 '57 steer SON & EM 4 9837 Orig. owner, rosewood finish. 00.000 mi. This car is in new cond., equip, with every factory accessory avail. New price $7,225 A truly beaut, car. Price 84,295 way 350 H.P. Competifion Engine 1960 FORD STARLINER MARION WILLEY. '59 Cad. Sed. DeVille . '58 BUICK DA y '59 Rambr $1,795 A white beauty. LAURY MILLER $1,175 W. North Temple 851 hard- CREDIT $2,895 '58 CAD. 62 Coupe BUICK r. Hdtp. $1,050 Special. one-ownLocal car. top. 57 OLDS. 98 r. $1,295 Immaculate condition. Sedan. Powered. '56 BUICK Sup. r. Hardtop. P S Belv. '56- PLYM. r. Sed. '50 BUICK r. Good transportation. Sed. '54 BUICK r. A T. Radio, heater. AM 4919 So. State '55 FORD Wagon D ll AC PONT P S . V-Country aedan '59 OPEL Wagon $1,495 Radio heater. AND RUNS LIKE NEW LOOKS PONT. . $2,495 Hardtop. '59 OLDS. 98 r. $2,595 Hardtop. Full power, fact. air. 44 Super Chief eond 1958 Plym. V4 9 dr. wgn. R and h . overdr. HU or evea CR 2550 S. State - 9-32- DEALER ' $1,297 SERVICE HU CHHYSLER-IMPERIA- 59 BUICK Elec. EL 181. No, cnype. AT 6TH SOUTH AND STATE STREET PENTILL8 P.M..-- EL EL After 8th South and Main 8th South and State F-R-E-- - $795 stand CHEVROLET Rancho Rambler 6, $795 '58 Volvo Sedan. Heater Hyd rams tie ED No. . CHRYSLER '57 hardtop coupe, B., H , - . or PAYMENT-APPROV- NO '58Simca Sedan , Sport Coupe. Radio. Heater, Automatic V-- '57 FORD $2,295 FINANCING '59StarPONTIAC 100 Chief Vista. No. 6228. WITH SECURED CREDIT $2,795 YOUR DOWNTOWN '58. CADILLAC Air conditioned. 4-do- or ISO. 8 Cyl.. FuHy equipped. Merc. $2,375 '55 Montclair VJ.W. $795 '58 OLDS. - $1;495 88 convertible. No. 8288. $695 '56 FORD $1,695 sedan, radio htr $2,295 '60 CHEVROLET Impala V-- radio 18. No. V-- Hardtop aedan. No. 6269A. $1,195 '60 '60 Va liant $1 ,695 4-do- or V W W 1961 NOW $445 $495 '54 FORD $895 8tation Wagon. Radio, overdrive. 9'Paaaenger. $595 '55 MERC. 56 PONTIAC radio, WAS $695 Cuitomllne Tudor, No. 8182. Bel Air aedan. ISA OFF Radio, heater ' FORD V8 Tudor. Super . station - wakon. heater, odrive. Stick Shift. Al Is. Radio, Heater, Automatle V-- $275 - 82 ledan. auto. '59 Ramb. $1,795 or V-- $795 '55 PLYMOUTH - Look, end run. like new. '58 Ford Station Wagon. '51 CADILLAC heater, igon Fordomatle V-- t. radio, f fT ' UP TO 40 $249 BUICK 55 v S - Super hardtop. $795 '57 Ford Transmission '$2,795 '58 FORD Fairlane 500, . '53 ' 88', radio, heater, Town Sedai auto, trana. or Heater, TRADE-IN- . - '56 Ford fr (O) (O) ' K L ' . As Is r Cart' CARLESONIZED USED CARS . '55 OLDS. 88 hardtop coupe. No. 6170. $895 '56 Olds. - $895 '55 CHEVROLET $745 . V-- for Sola 55 Automobile for Salo V-- Super trana. - y' January 2, 1961, , SELECT- v. $1,295 or 6 Cyl. Biscayne. Radio, Heater, Stick Shift V, ' ' RR A . THE Desoto v v V' , D PAY;: CHEVROLET Nothing :Down 'S9 CHEVROLET '57 VH 't' V - The Salt Lake Tribone, Sir 12 C : V V '54 $1,745 '57 $1,895 .$1,995 '59 $1,895 '56 Comet f . Atm, A A., a,mm. am . t t 1 I |