OCR Text |
Show k . n a, i x 4 -- v v w- - y rr!7VT7?irrrrrrj!t cm Tba Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, January 8, 1861 Sal Imp Ut-MIs- CLEARANCE beds FIELD JACKET l- string waist, HOOD. FOR - LIGHT FIXTURES ' FIELD 98c JACKET-Butto- n-on 29c r.v - Novy dress RAINCOATS blue, sm. only. OVERALLS " . UNDERWEAR leater, WITH SEAT CLOSE-OU- - , blanket liner. 2.98 BOOT SOCKS All wool, 49c heavy navy, new SHIRTS Novy work reissues . 19c WELDING GLOVES Used 49c "5 ra DW to jra A- er tor QUARTERMASTER S6S So. ted Wert VD SALES APPLIANCES GUARANTEED! Refrigerator Rangel Washtri TV's Fumieai Got and . . Eladrle Watar Heater FURNITURE Sofa, Oct Choir Tobias lompi Etc. 68 ft it SPECIALS ft Mile. Filing Cobineti Plywood - , sht ' 857 So. State EL tack NEW ic USED FURNITURE Llv. Rm. Group $ 99 50 79 95 Living Room Rm 129 50 24.95 Jew Blond Stod. Desk 40.95 new Etudlo Couch, likg 000 New New 021 hckled Pine 159! Curved Glass Trophy Cut 79 I Student Desk & Chair 19 50 39 50 rlod. Electric Rangf Early Amer. Poit Bedrm Mattress Blond Bedim Comp. . ?8 00 -- Mirror 50 Vanity, beautiful 49 50 mall Walnut Dining Room r E. Refrigerator estate Gai Ranee, Griddle CAPITOL FURNITURE CO. 136 8o. State EL . Term riL. OF AX- - 8 vdr. -- wL In -yd. ble LIQUIDATING Store fixture and equipment, wall display eases. Mannequin. Mirror. Hanger. Sewing machines. Rack. Office furniture and equipment. Carpet Light fix tures. Steam form finisher with oiler. Cash register, eta, LORD'S 174 S Mala DA see: ein, 428. Kaln f.m, all VACUUM QEANERS All make, new or rebuilt $19.50 UP Bav about 44 on Kirby. .11 otbtn, with Epovr. Compact guar. Term. A-- l VACUUM SHOP 1N6S141 1606 S. Stat. HUSA184 SALVAGE Lumber, pip., steal plumbini fixture, windows, doors, eating, equipment, water heaters, space heaters, metal sink cabinet. 7xlMt. ollaad. , with door with hdw.,, tank. culvrrt.boiler tub, , 1 ACMS VBECKINO 1870 S. 16th JrUS-130- 3 HOMSMADk 13-l-t. camp trailer metal utility trailerT 32 Spec! v inch ester rifle. 110-lbarbell act. new lUe-ilz- e duck decoys, t. , boat, 7 h o. gna refrl, rabbits motor, milch ana mlsc. itams. Callcoat, AM ' - PRE-CU- T INLAID Itnolaum stair triad end riser, for cs littl. as 33c pr stsp. AS8 East 21st South. ! 1086 aan- - ers. tick itnc. lerg. er :o. m VM. irer. -- ton far, ney LI 03 Wt erty 7 D-- In I rioa 1341. cket to $40. aery r T 7341 mayTaG washirS1 x MAYTAG RIGIDAIBK DRYZHS with hr. BEDROOM SETS, Vi TO 4 FT DINETTE 6CTS. Homer Hansen runt., 460 S. Stst WATER HEATER SPECIALS guarantee $27 JO up. guarantee flats lined. l, $69 95: 46al. $79 96. Tank and control Reeairinc UTAH WATER HEATING CO. 801 S. 8Ute. Sandy AM ABC auto, washer, used. $69 95; whirlpool auto, washer used. $59 95; Hotpotnt wringer washer. Used, $39 95; 9x12 congoleum new, 915 50 new jv. rm set. 2 cot. igj. :ach 293, 7707, 112 ;eoo. h. pcs, $99.95. Best 3500 So. CY 1$ Co.. 4301 VL precision sewing ma Good by guaranteed Houaekpeping, automatic bobbin rewind. $39 96. 95 down delivera. Goodyear Servica Stora, 180 E. 3rd South. ATIO set. Kenmora ironer, air conditioner, garden hope, gas lawn mower, pressure cooker, Mixmaster, elec. oven. 254 E. 2400 South. AU Items. Make offer. RAND-nepchine. n y pad. 306. e re- - mat $35. To? OD-- 0 . . M' FOOD WARMERS Never used electric, auto eon- can churches. clubs, etc 100-l- b Cost $200, sac. $40 each EL 6- - :e 6451 JUM 6978 anka TILE VTNYL ASBESTOS Reg. 12c pc.. NOW 10c pc. Tp see full ifte 9Mxi' tuejiamyour home, call .EM ties at after 8 p.m. call AM 34954. 403 Cal. top rater i MUST SACRIFICE' Like new, 40 mod. spinet Bald- win organ with percussion aux. speaker. Easy terms arranged. ep. dint iltn J476E. trsfco i. oner fake 462. ruar, rles. ' i 776 tove, 1 50. 7460. won. $70. an3 etk. 173. TTU own, ase. 17 8. . Pleated cafancc. STAMP COLLECTION Early 16.600 var. Thro large Brit, albums. Sac. $100. HU4-- ; take k 6601. SooTHS, tables, chairs, counters, ; - isole new. i, wing per and Jym 92M TV. lute. 5 . bars, stools etc. ut and Am. Mill CELV. re(rig. ExmL $40. Custom- green drw drapes, Eiada mint prac. new. AM 6lA33 lined water heater. 10vr, 2039 W. 3838 So. guay. CY BATTER IE 666 75, I Cameron 'a 635 8. State, EL fusr. RUCK'cha 1h thin, whol. sale, S tsrco' N 0 S . L . EL fresh 6e naw, batteries, CAR ! rial. 66 S exch. HU ' " Brunswick. complete. 6175. AX 4364. bd INtire rnattna and box SP! f BABY busty- and Play pan 15. Tisin eoe $9$. 16. and ahee rana halt and (9. m arl 1546, EAF. - ew 5fa 2nd TUR- ITEPUP coffee table, like-n$10. Singer tewing machine $8, teed adjuftment; email table amp $2lJW rawer cheat wmir-1 .,ror 85. FL 8$230.t 2 Electric Neon signs, .tee! desks. 'heck writer and mlaa. Items, I Victor ad. mach: ELf-710- 4 860 So. Main 6 JEW "unbleached muslin drapes. $20. 5589. ihep. 3118 South, HU E'orced-at- r COAL NAcE. stoker Stokermatlc rm. heater. Excel, eond. Two panel-ray-, lik new. Heat Craft Co.. 1040 9L Main.Rk9J8.26s. kKCOND'hand furniture and an- chair, davenport. washing machines, elec, stove. h power lawn mower. 205 1st Ave. or call EM VoR SAUfc 65 square yards used carpet with waffle typo padding French peach color. See It at 1709 Laird Avanue or call ELgtn vara. I. $3.95 8c BD. FT. DOORS $1.00 UP LUMBER -- REMNANTS ROOM SIZE ENDS THROW RUGS-R- Oa SHORT ROLLS PIECES Irina your room mourmnt, HOUSE of CARPETS 34) GLASS CUT TO YOUR SIZE PIPE CUT TO SIZE ft So. StoT 3 Rooms New' Fum. $198 NOTH1NO DOWN. EASY TERMS BEDRM. SET GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE Incl. Box Spring 186 East 3rd South EM cfrlt.rsfor from lee. rentes from Gas rant from f ,5 795 6o9.5 In and Mattress $129 im ii ftr tiiz Jf yffiMa"1 us. rti feuii)sij: wasr jk St 6T rrksstrt. l lubfTmOTWMdl f ... .cltofsowsst teir5 J i32t whr, ok iUghtly trrtitr. use4Jl5pjAJ5M00. FrTdxidalrc. Good work-iFcOFT, cond. best offer. XL UPRIGHT tuning. CY ICjri3423. ALL ft BUY A TV OR 8TERIO ' TILL YOU CHECK OUR FRICE3 BANK TERMS HILLCREST TV-H- I-FI 39th South and Highland Drive ' EVERY 6 MINUTES SOMEONI 47 95 OVER 30 190 YEARS I I Home of OK Used Cars ilOS I V-- 8 u. oyr lTdtanX cTorce'0: SPROUL REALTY c PIANOS BAND INSTRUMENTS We rent onlv better 714 8. Main Instruments EM '2-d- t i - A r. - Bel Air. Radio, heater, (tick ghift 2-d- r. Country cedan. Radio, heater. Fordomatic. V-- 8 hator, Hardtop. Radio, saw. low miag. Clean as - - 4-d- r. 2-d- r. VS, Radio, heater, automatic. Rea iharp. Spaclal, (tick ihlft, new eov.rt. Extra elaan 4-d- r. 110. Stick ihlft. Extra aharw. ft-5- '4-To- , . , Radio, haatar. Heal nlc buy. n Pickup. Naw paint, euitom tra Ex- bumper. Enxllih Ford. Heater. Sapead. Clun new,' 7721 but will take that old used one LOANS UP TO $2,000 hands toward a NEW 'L ' NATIONAL .HART BROTHERS MUSIC 1130 So. 11th Eart HU 8 7531 UTAH OF FINANCE CO. RENT A NEW WURLITZER nr KIMBALL SPINET. 3 mot. for 201 S. STATE DRIVE OF PARKING-OP- EN TILL 9 P.M. only 919. MAIN AT 5TH SOUTH EM AFTER 6, EM UTAH MUSIC CO, 620 to 500 44 East tb South EL HOUSEHOLD FINANCE n CAD. eoe. 1960 power, SEVERAL wnall trade-ipianoa. Like new! EL 34881 4,595 Kimball, Star and others. Well SaltdenLake CAD. 1958 aedan DeVllle. 7596 to move them consider any offer air, out and give you terms, too. Pactery 80 W. 1st South. 1951 Kta1!' 1U hM'M CASH TO LOAN MUST SACRIFICE equipped, Offices at Orem, Roosevelt. Like new, 40 mod. spinet BaldSpanish Fork and 3324 ft. Stats. B. win organ with percussion, aux, Salt 12.411 Sharp car. Lake City. 1958 CHEV. f.l Air 4door speaker. Easy terms arranged. UINTA FINANCE CO. 1476 E. 3115 South. HU P .S., P.B.. ft,. H. 11,291 hdtp, BUICK R.M 1957 RCA 21 HURRY! Phene HU CONSOLE TV. One owner. 1,196 Zenith 31H comb.. 159 MERC. eu. wag. PR, NEED MONEY? 010 down. MERC. Hdtp. 91A9S $445 1959 PB RealV-- clean. '54 ANDERSON-BROWLoans cam on made CHEV. diamonds, Park wood. 3210 Highland Dr. HU Grasn Monterey. Over guns, typewriters and many riB, 1'8 w-radio, heater, Come, drive, other item. EMERSON Portable Hi-wagod Country PhonoilH ve this car and sea its true JEWELRY lr PS. 61.296 Automatic Rec- 26 E NATIONAL graph. value. EL 2nd South ord Changer. 33 -- 45 RPM Recs:.kb.,u- '57 FORD Wagon AM 4919 So. State ords, free wpurchase. Price $50. 54W Money Wonted 'ONT convert. ' blue paint Radio, 1741 Windsor St IN Beautiful 6.500 milea. 62A96 PONTIAC GMC CADILLAC heater, automatic trans. A truly 1955 P.B. OLbS. Super 68 con6 STEINWAY GRAND 610.000 with to WANT borrow good buy. Cant tell from new but ONLY choice real estate security. Reply vert. V-- h Hydra. 6 666 HALF TW5 tRICEl Bel r. 1954 CHEV. FORD l 57 Air Fair lane $1,295 this paper, Box W-HART BROS R.. h. One O.D., mort-agftdoor e Power 3.000 SECURED by R. E. 2130 S. Uth fast steering hardtop. owner. 9 and brakes, radio, heater, white at 1 Interest. Repay month- PIANOS bought, sold. I 300 tlrea. tan color, teat drtv thl. as desired. EM IffiVSlTSl !?&. tuning and repairing today. 1958 FORD owner. 196 piano restyling. Home Service Co., 54X ABlomobiU Wanted 45 W. 3rd South. EM V-- 8 $3,495 v ORR MOTOR Cuatom 3 --door. Fordamatle. 60 THUNDERBIRD . new paint. H and 2L, fully powered. t CompleU COLOR TV sli Otaon" Beautiful turquola green. 6.000 AX . ITS EASIER TO DEAL FRANK KR1VANEC mllee only. See it now. COMPARE Our Price PEARSON TV, 307 E. 21rt SO. THOMAS EtECTRlC ORGAN Cant tall from new. Originally told for 91.100. will tell for $505 NEEDS GOOD CARS SPECIALIZED STATION WAGON eves. HU 84839 Call HU Your, Volkswagen Dealer CHRYSLER-IMPERIAL SERVICE 67 S. Main ' 23 E. 21at SoiilM HU BAD 50 Sporting Goads Local or out of state, paid for aUAUTY trempollne hr Nliaen or 'not, trade evan.' pay cash dlf y54 CAD. Economical 9ylinder standard New ana usedg atenduo and pit fcrenco qr take rash difference Eldorado convertible. Full power. A Beautft SALT LAKES models. 950 05 and uo. Call IN ft Tirat claw all the way, fSui100' SHARP 5881 for demonstration. BIDDERS HIGH Let u sell your ear for yen. PLYM. boots, size ski Boyi? ski boots sizes ft anJ 10-1959 CHRYSLER et full price. Bonded and Station wagon V-- 8 with overdealer. Good cond. IN Wlndaor drive. Exceptional food rubber. Fully equipped. 3200 So. State HU Local orib owner. HIGHEST CASH FOR GUNS OTHER CARS FROM $50 UP IT'S EASIER TO DEAL Hu HIGHEST PRICES PAID 13th South and Main vrontikii Bros. DA 3 172 AT 2040 So. State FOR GOOD USED , 5ALES, INC 3 PAIR of skis complete with CARS AND PICKUPS 2001 South Main. 6 L C. AND JEEPS poles, 910 each or $30 for 3. 1061 Rlverdale Kd., Ofdcn IN -. BEL AIR COUPS a MORGAN MOTOR STATION wagon, 1056 Mercurv CHRYSLER.SPECIALIZED CASH Tor USED fctfNS IMPERIAL SERVICE Gunsml thing by Bill Mam Colony w Park. P S . P.B . tinted 23 E. 21st So. Main EM 714So. HU giaser-Ne250 South 8tate WOLFES Battery & WE NEED GOOD CARS BAD 61. tim Tax 8e license pManylon HuntSKI refinlahing-mountln- s Poy oil contract and caah for trade for property. ers. 225 8. State. DA GAD, g950 your equity MORE cash for funs. Chris SEE US TOR TOP MONET 59 BUICK LaSabre, fawn color. ' Sedaij DeVllle. teat, facDick's 3525 Bo. Redwood. tory air. 5,000 ml. Showroom Power st.. breaks, translator MOTORS Plymouth' Voliant-- De Soto SKIS, poles, size 8B boots, $50. 931 S OX radio. Owner 91.883 ind. Orig. EL State EL after 12. 4646 S. State, Murray Patterson Mortuary, AM 84437 CASH for ;ars, 49 to '59. Open Cpviile' 50A Boat, Motors eveninga. .359 S. 8tate. 55 CHEV. VA 6el Mr 1961 CADILLAC CPEi sed,. HIGH pricaa paid for Junk cars. very sharp ear, runs swell, should Tooele, Utah .iJTuNt powered, factory air coa OLIVER 35 leetrle motor, only 329. get 9795. but open to all offers. ditionlng, drive-i- n miles only, 35 hr., lurt brak In. Forward, kfODEL A Ford EL Sun., 659 fto. DA roadster. Write Sat.. Toth E. EM neutral and revene. black and Box W-3$300.00 DISCOUNT this paper. Vholeiale Pricea Every Day whit. $395. AM '56 FORD VICT. fiber glau, uphol., with '64 BUICK Spec. hdtp. Immac. Tvft 35 hp. elec. Johnaon motor and cond. Cash. IN Hdtp Power steering. Excel AM traUer. IN cond. EM 55 AutomobiUs for Sol ORD Kanchero 8 cylinder, 1057 THIS la the la.t week of winter 210 V-- 8 AM 1951 9725. condition. on good cover. boat price n Standard Transmullon outh runs good Plym 0110. , " BY after 9 EL 50B Camera, Equipment 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 1954 PACKARD excepPatrician, lasT V-1931 Chev." drhani top, 0175 tionally clean, 32.000 actual miles. automati. gold, 19 MM Boltx Switer 28 mm lens, or best offer, terms. 1553 . 4130 Full power looks and runs like whit finish. Like new. case meter, tripod. ftac. carrying So. CR CHRYSLER 1958 SALE PRICE $1,099 $250. 724-- 6 th Ave. af ter I 13tflEaat, p New Yorker "Crtl sedan. Fully 53 OLDS. 98 sedan. Power steer-to- BY owner. 1960 Ford Starliner. and brakes. Radio, heater and equipped, low miles. nydro-Matlhrdtp. 1 r.. n., Fordomatic. 1403 $200 IT'S EASIER TO DEAL power eteering. very clean. Will yan Buren Ave. HU AT 50X Clothing, Far ell wholesale. No dealera. Phone 60 FORD convert r.. h odr.. HU 714 S. Main EM H steerir arrUon flt.. power WEDDING drees, $10. Approx, size LOVELY clean 56 Chrva. . New AM Midvale. 89. 12. EM Yorker Air cond. Full S7 wegon. FORD " SQUIRE 53 FORD SPECIALIZED h , r , clean, good 1.095 or offer. HU5- bEAUTIFUL Uv.r fox fur, 15. CHRYSLER IMPERIAL SERVICE Beft offer takes. 2141 So. Power. Loaded. Like new. All black, EM gain East. 23 E. 21at So. HU Cd end white interior. Priced to T AKK over pavmenU or buy 1959 3 LADIES' winter coat, an 38. !'J. Don Lea. AM sve' few low priced cars. Triumph elation wagon or IN 7- i I960 27 E. 6th South. Must ell Osterloh lc Son 69 Valiant gUtion waxon. 6246 So. 2,34 BUICK P O. Place. i "RSST AdMIREd! 23rd Eart CRTA743. 51 -- Store, Office Equipment hardtop. It., H, power TAKE over psymenta on 54 Buick HAVE 3 good ear. Maut aell 1. Old, convert, in town. Must sacrifice. Perf. cond. Comp, Just over ' Choice of r. ..Jtp, motor.tranf.. 50 Pont power bralc.i, tinted glau, hauled DESKS with mow Urea. Applctona. Pipe. $30. EM 3 Merc. CHAiRrSL&G CABINETS. 250. offar takes. padded doth, new tlr.i, low mill Weaatch Dr. IN Impala sports epe! STEAM TABLES, GRIDDLES Sun-MoEM 3010 fto. 67 MONTCLAIR Merc. R.. U. am. $50 dn. IN BOOTHS. SMALL SAFES aga. h., eir gonUSED DEPT.; showcases, cond.. new tlrea.. pwr. SNOW PLOW & JEEP Contact Dpn Ogdan 57 DODGE sta. wgn. or 57 brakes. Owner muat aell.ateering. dolas. mixers, Multimix malt gi,276 '48 WJIbrs. New clutch, front AX of DA case. Dodse machine, potato peeler, hrdtp. Will sell or beat offer. IN pit end and trans. completely rertach-le crusher, stove, 12-f- t. either. CR 54 OLDS. 9 new tire, r. built $678. Can finance, 880 x with glass doors, griddles, 1957 CHEV. STA. WAGON 1957 DeSOTO r. hdtp . R., H.v end h.. nower brakea, power down. 832 per mo. EL9 7ok. team table, fryers, dishes, calp. brakes, steering. Will take ateer., low ml , urhol. In top culator. cash registers, adding frana. Lik new V- - angina, atd. trade ; '47 BUICK CONVERTIBLE hope. 6485. AM machines, steel storage cabinets. 54 CHEV. stand, trans., excel, 67 FORD Erin. 500 Victoria. All Power acata and window, rtd. SALE PRICE $1,199 1NTERMT. MERCH. SUPPLY cond , $50 dn., $25 mo. 1081 white, auto., p.w., w.w. tlrea tf,n5'.,Lxcel- EM 1 owner. Rea .clean. Reaa offer Atkin Ave. 56 E 4th South Dial EM AM 4523 CUSTOMER PARKING IN REAR r. accepted. AM 55 CHEV. h. $450. 53 PONTIAC SU. W.,. One owneri sed.r.. 47 Jeep, r.i h. EL or 47 FORD cpe. 53 Merc, eng . 3 out. Must see TODD DIBBURSER EL carba. floor ahifL glSO. IN to appreciate. No down pymt, Prints amount (7 digits), pro 714 S. Main EM Ave. dates TexacoStoiion, ftndjw. 33rd So. ASlf In r53nN daecki and tects, signs, Statesman. Leaving 319 Kensington ' one speedy electrified motion. 24.000 38 .FORD town, make offer. 242 tk S. 2nd Immac. 57 Chev., Sed. Red 305. Cost $640 two years ago. CHEV. WAG. miles. Must sec. immed. DA ft white excel,Country East. Apt. 1. DA cone,. naw snow ' xcellent condition. HU r.. h. Fordomatic. Will ao. 1955 CHEV. wagon. A- -l cond. Will 0842 weekend or after 8. tires, 1 owner. and Ori. 55 xt. perfect take trade and finance. IN HU4-T2054 98 OLDS. to Mil. Mr. Andnaon, good tires, r. cent reasonable offer. " Sweden freezers. Priced and 1863 Yuma. AM power steering, power '57 FORD rrln.7 Fordo'.. naw'R?. 9293. AM liiesavar prskes. Goodrich ExceC tires. '80 CHEV convrt. Naw top. eov.ra, 60 FALCON sta. wag. ftdr., T.... eond 8ee to apprec. 52000 milev paint. R . h.. atlck. Look., runa 6.000 miles, 1 owner. Muat sell, '59 CAD. coupe, white, perfect. 81.005. EL 871 E. 4th So Will VW or small cceot and I, good. 10 down. 20 mo. Beat offer takes. CR HU f927 CHEVROLET ly aian. 1937 FORD Vic., R-- , H Aut. P. I. trade. sELITCAfE. of. 1150 S. Main. EL 3836. reconditioned; new tiphoi 5JA wgn. '5ft Ford. auto, trans. EQUIP. Adding machines. Only 999. 618 W. No. Tempi. '58 tires. M. R. Haaaoiu and B., chroma top rack. Box ftery, new -- RMQuNTAIN MERCH. SUP DODGE 1959 car. clean wagon, Meiad CltyT Idaho. xcel. cond. 91.195. IN 56 E. 4th 8outh Power itr., brake, r. and h. EM 4 5373 Only 750. 640 So. State. 7.000 ml. 2.495. AX STUDENT tuition! 81 '53 STUDE. cpe. curt. IJOOTfl., AT fcASH TREd!sfER-Nt- T. 2 total. 'OsHpONTIAC take Stude. Chamneedsr- - h. 1 f. Will trade. EL O'dr. May hdtp. tirwii adding elec, lc to $9 99. 9100. Bjod older car In trade. TN '60 OLDS. CONVERT. Phllllpe 66. 2nd W. 7th South. Any rets, o uer. IN Beau Bnimmel Restaurant 53 PONT. . I 193. 1155 W. '54 CHEV. Bel Air go 56 PLYM., 6893. R., h Power, 3100 Highland Dr. Fully aoulp. Lik naw. EM 9 uphol., low mi. Owner EM good w-jithjto. E4-1760- t tireL r. and lu stand. flite. CASH FOR FIXTURES or DA Ext. 38. aedan. Maka trans.. $450. AM Pontiac 4 dr. 1951 MERC. Safea, desks, showcases, etc. Tty WITE'S 195 end DA offer. '55 BUICK Fully powered '48 Riv. cpe. Vary clean. equipped, $85 PONTIAC Merchants Salvage EL IncL factory air conditioning, ex- TAKE over oavra.ntl. Will tak sed , good mtr.. rubber, trad and finance, REM. Prig, Valiant. IN cel. cond. 91.695. AX IN 1863 Yum St. battery, ru n s excel HU ' 990.00. mdl. 9 Left '49 BUICK. 64. '53 Stud... 149. 196b WHITE 56 CHEV. Bel Air. station RANCHERO. Rambler DA r., auto, trans, rear quarter damage. 1 owner. '53 chryaler. 6199. 2600 Main wagon. Super Cross Country, ftee h. Jduai eeU, make offer. EM4- DICTAPHONE Timemaster record-e-r Privable or parts. HU at 1398 S. 6th West. 257. 25 '3 PODGE Good Cond. and transcriber, Check proEL r. 57 CHEV. MUST sell today. '55 Ford con tector. Sacrifice. HU4-885- 5 hdtp., power, '58 BONNEVILLE PONlfT '51 CHEV. convert. power 06-412packed, vert excel, cond . like new. See Olds engine. n., white-wellEXCELLENT safe, suitable office cond. Excel, 61, 96. EM 43995 Best to apprec. Cft offar. big AM engine. Rebuilt Hydro. or store $09 Walker Bank Bldg., 65 CHEV. Runa good. 448. 1953 DODGE. Clean new tires EM I960 VALIANT Like naw. '60 PONTIAC IN R.. h . $299 or offer. HU extras. All AX CRETORS poocom machine, model 49 HUDSON, good tlreg. $60. '49 DODGE. New motor, tlrca. 48 CHEV., 4 new tires, spare eiv '82 CHEV. sedan. Good condition. 49. Perfect condition. Hollywood 211 East Commonwealth. tine, 75. CR EL5-4833- f $165, EM DA clact. system, offer. CR 06J fordo" 56 CHEV. V-wagon. Extra. '31 CHEV new brakes, clutch, bat-ter- 67 FORD Yairlane1, Plvm. wag. Good cond MAKE an offer 13 Addresao graph P. ateering. EM 735. HU lean. New tires. AM 1,375. 22jt. EM Cab drawri and mailing plate CORVAIR 700 de luxe, fultv emilnt. THUNDERBIRD M31S. '58. like new By Naw tlraa. 37 FORD V5. o d Lik 33 MERC. 1100. 1,675. 2971 E. 4345 So. SR DA Beaulllul. 1356 State Beat offer. AM SEE) desk and chairs. AM orig. owner. EL 1 OWNER car. 5 Ford Falriane. 60 THUNDERBIRD S3 STUDE. CHAMP. Clean, iharp. '57 PLYM. 2 dr. 550. V-554. hardtop, fully Beal IN flo. HU E. 66160 EM 1149 27th 295. cond. nice 1356 State, powered. Top MUST aeQ A B. Dick memorraph 1937 CHEV. STA. WGN. '52 BUICK S100. Excel, cond. 47 CHEV. 3 dr. seden Good tlrea W) CHEV. wgn., $2,195: 65 Ramhl machine, Excel, cond. HU 5 3022 and running cend. HU EM 1356 State. wgn.. $628: top cond. IN ILE cabinet, ir5: swivel chair( 5. 30x60 dealk. 38. 638 S. State. 5 BUlck Riv. Ori. r49 FORD, running cond.. S36.50. A5-715owner: 700.Super EM 51 A Fool, Cool, Wtod 500. Tak ovr '52 BUICK Super 4 dr. Good cond. 'll FORD Fairlan AM payment,. EL FIREPLACE LOGS -C- OAL Bust SELL clean 5 Cad. coum 56 PONT, convert.. $650. or will da Vlllc. 1.595. DA 9327, trade for -- older car. HU 56 OLDS "Wardtoo 56. Excel, eond. merCTITs 'SrEL 7 HU So. 1830 E. 950. 37th FINEST quality plnon fireplace '53 BUICK convert.! 6250 or beat '60 BUICK station wagon 9.000 logs. $8 for COO lb. AM DOWNTOWN offer. DA ml. finance. AM wood-Ankin,L 4 MERC. Mdan. Maka offer. Call 55 FORD 560. VICTORIA HU 51688. & HU MSOUTH zur a ti '55 PONT. STRONG'S SHARP fully SELECTION $597 LAURY MILLER .$928 V BLAND CAtDWELL'S $1,295 55 ' gg '60 CHEV. ' $2,198 y $645 ' t L.H. STRONG $2,395 - ROBERTS '55 CHEV. CALDWELL'S $795 ZION MOTORS Stoker Motor Co. Sharp Cars '57 CHEV. Jg6ie $1,898 y MORGAN'S CALDWELL'S '58 ,,7 itrv MORGAN'S '59 ii rv 53 Wonted t CASH FOR USED BOOKS ETON'S BOOK STORE. EM U S ED Ex r qycTT machlna or rent, Contact K. D. Westwood. 129 South UnL. Provo. EB cash for used WILL Ilf 313 So. tth E. Bring 53A Jvnks Bottsrin w. JUNK CARS WANTED Scrap Iron, east metal and bat-- Wage 1 AT ONCE ANY OR ALL IN IN PAY MORS Baby fum. ruga, chesta old booka, hsehld. furn.. odds, ends, antiques. IN ?tmmtUHi RldHT ANYTIME. WE NEED NOWurn.. caah paid. EM MAI- ; HIGH - VALUES t. LOW.. PRICES 606 Eoy-M- Iit. IX NOW ano. HU Snot HAYES BROS. BUICK CLEAN BUICK TRADES ALL DRIVE UNITS $995 '58 BUICK $1,395 57 STAT. WAG. new drive, hdtp. Special r. new racapa. paint '58 OLDS. 7 $1,495 '59' TRUCK $1,895 88 aedan. 9.000 mi r, and k. $1495 '57 BUICK V-8 Rdm. 4dr, hdtp, fully pew- - '52 STAT. WAGN. rad. 44 MILITARY JEEP $650 57 BUICK $1,395 Good cond.. full mttol cab , and tow bar. Century hdtp, P S. P.B. v 57 BUICK $795 $1,295 '47 CIVILIAN JEEP hdtm Century X . Good cond full cab. axe. tlrea. $595 '56 BUICK . $1,095 50 STAT. WAG.' 4x4. hdtp. New paint Special STAT. WAG. '60 $2,695 $795 '55 BUICK ' lo mileage. ' hdtp. P.S.. P.B. Super r. OTHEt JEFPVH1CLES TO . '57 DE SOTO $1,195 CHOOSE r. SNOW PLOWS AVAIL, OR ALL hdtp. P S , p B. HAND PICKED USED UNITS HU 3360 So. SUte St '60 FORD $2,195 '58 PLYM. $1,195 pan. Itheater Countrv Sedan, radio, auto, trans.. power steering white wells, green finish. $85 '56 BUICK ii f . . OVER 45 YEARS WITH FORD. JEEPS CARS 616 . $995 Super hardtop. Coral and white, radio, heater, auto, trans. power steering. '58 FORD Custom 300 trana., heater. '56 FORD; heater, auto wagon, trana. ndto, '57 MERC. $1,295 Voyager hardtop ts- wagon, radio, heater, auto, trana coral and whit. $895 '57 CHEV, $1,095 euto 310 radio, heator, ovardnvg, Zion green.. $895 '59 PLYM:; $1,295 , Savoy. gtandiH transmission, radio, heater. PETTY SELLS MORE ts .J- c Radio, heater. Power gllda, low mllat. naw. 4-d- r. Fal'lan 600. Radio, heater, Fordomatic. Xxtra sharp, MORGAN MOTOR WANTED r. Lik V-- ' Radio, heater. Extra nice car. uft. Breekweod. Radio, heater, Powardld. Extra 16 77 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD USED REMODELING SALE KIMBALL EL 234 E. 2nd South So. Opposite from Sears. Automatic, cream r. B. Main PHONE EM PROVO, 383 N UNrv, IB?0814 BUYS A WURLITZER PIANO Choo IF YOU NEED yours from a variety of and. colors at Utah Miiaic model; Co.. 44 E. Bth South) aa seen on FINANCES th Dav Garroway Show and tha Jack Pi ex i fERFTCT PROTECTION furnish ..ft- NBC TV. Le v us show you nance and guarantee completion 3NE .OF EVERY JIVE' pT on new Also ANOS In Amerk it aIT, uni tser. available construction. for older hornet. 1ST n PLYM. $1,295 ft '59SIMCA Wag. $795 ft '59Blvdr. '58 CHEV. Wag. $1,395 ft'60CORVAIR $1,695 til ft $1,295 ft '58 FORD $1,495 ft '59 CHEV. $1,095 ft '57 FORD Wag. $1,195 ft '57 BUICK $695 ft '57 PLYM. .'56 BUICK $895 ft CO. $495 ft '54 CHEV. ft '55 MERC. Wag; $595 .$695 5 CHEV. ft '58 THAMES Pan. $595 rar Clf u FAIR DEALING H.A.C. Sal SETS THE PRICES I 36 63 for for Sels STREATOR FOR ANY WORTHY CAUSE 34 3 12 prrvts. omt. emt. rash You Rocelv t"KiETi1Lp CO. .. EL 3 week only. 17 A0 80 W. 13th South IN pcial. King. S3D Diamond, Gold Wantid 1 TVj. excel, cond i also furniture. CTesn. HU postiblg mice paid for KAY banlo, tenor with HIGHEST diamonds, old gold, jewelry resonator. IN White fr Co.. 34 W. lit South, MUST sacrifice stereo tap Wanted 53F Furnltur recorder. HU 6375. SMALL ttudta'uorlght good condition. CR WANT USED FURN. PIANO $40 er LTV. rm. and din. rm. set., refilg. set etc. EM A REAL barge In 1966 Frlfidsire 4bedrm. s, ARMlT type bunk beds and 3 , Ibinger aWo. u mot.. 40,r range, Imperial AX $30. Brown console. 6 806. CR 9185 or offer. a. by 9ot0, good sond. Po! 35 fcRNtfATiblonrdrk, fully auto. RANGES Elec., las. coal Wwing mach. Term. EL REFRIGS, from 35, wa,hr 620 i RMS, fum. Rugs, Jbshv bef CABLE-Nelto- n EM plover. pltv i USED baby fum. Crib, 152 W. South Tmplt New keys. IN space heater mlsc. IN teeter-babetc. AM 6 2500. MUsf buy this ooa. GK 4QM JUST fumi-tur- e. HAM transmitter 0 w. CW only. button. axel. cond.. nged 5A STBS YElTfcXCEL, COND starting, 628. IN Top prices. " feai. 1328. 3644 8. 23rd East, mod couch fair m NEED small piano. set, Dryer, exctx, cond. gas AM 8 eond. Cy fret for U 132. 3044 S. 23rd East. Ltka naw. VERY good used rcrig. Best ff TAFEiacERUSiBmS . takes. DA 2448. tom-TV. Exeel. con an extra I4 - 'KENM0RE auto, washer, Maka SAC. drapes, kit curtains. Changed SYLV. 11 hi-f-In! i. aoioc scheme. HU 49212. cheap. EL 53797. ' hRLu motor.needs ponent offer. EL 5461L IS. IN S' flWt1 DON'T 1107 or 708 S. State AXELRAD'S 256 8. State EM 44101 NOTH 1NO DOWN. EASY TERMS appliances orcar--d GE REFRIG., lib. nw. 1966 Mof-- BUY furnltu el LB8t; 14 cu. ft ! aelli ft 178: let to for 125. 17,r A aallection of mlral TV, rood thap.; must u nationally advertised th South. 7th Wert EL 64686 to apprK.; 50. Mrs. Stewart, 483 Americas, brands ef Early American ProN. Main. Earmlntton. Utah. Contemporary all styles HOTPOINf dryer, 100; Hotpotnt vincial. at way below what you refrIterator, (ISO; GE rante. (190; will . prices find elsewhere on equal kitchen set with 50: chair. merchandise, Qur lo television aerial, 10. Appliance overhead and proper buying ' IN MURRAY saves like new. Perfect workinf order, you money GJL appliiances, CR as low as $3 75 sq. yd. pei NEW YEAR'S REPO. SALE 8 AVE up to 80 on sUchtly dam-ate- d We nandla our own contracts. Slant needle, eabinet model, OPENJdONDAYS TILL 0 new Wertlnthouse refrliera MOTOR TO $OTEH I X SAVE portable, ait-sastraight needle tori, home freesera, laundromat 1414 So. 6th West HU machine. Vacuums upright and and dryers. tank type. Low balance, pick All Appilanct Co- - 122 E. 3rd go. BUY up last payment. Can , . VACUUM CLEANFRS where you shoo in EXAMPLES home-lik- e a pleasant atmosphere. up. Tank, uerltht, canlstw. Singer Port ZlgZa bel. 674.36 OPEN SHOWROOM 66 60 mo. cardk no "gimmicks. jNo discount 193 4256 6211.11 Singer Slant-needl- e known merchannationally bl. Zig-i- a console, UI3 mo. 6( into, 4; dise at prices no one can afford to compete with. Low overhead 4824 S. State AM end prooer buying bring this 2.200 GALLONS. 31. Mr. Packard. about. We handle our own Eullere .paint. IIku enamel ant GOOD used rrlfsrators, $59.95 wall Paint, rag. to $8 65 a gal. open MONDAYS TILL Good- dalivcrt. down $5 ach; now $2.06 " l F, Soters Liquidation Mart fI JS!f! yaar Servica Stora 186 X. 3rd ton Vurnace S, 8th West HU 44868 South. EM 29os Matico olfitio wall til v 19c NEW ft.: vinyl and inlaid linoleum Wertlnthouse TV trts. cabi $1 71 fd. and up: iboer base nets slightly damaged. cove, 10c ft. and up: vinyl tile. Big Disoounts. 10c: asphalt tUe, 6o and AH Appliance 123 E, 3rd go. $e BUYg 3 ROOMS Of FURNITURE Formica type topping, 45c e.: ft.: GZBSQN $6-lalea ranga used - ALL BRAND NEW birch door, $4 95 and up: rotisaeria !n oven. $279, door, $7.60: door lock eats. $1.60 months; and up: wallpaper. Sc roll and will sacrifice for 817$. CR $9720. Nothing Down,. $2.50 Weekly DISCOUNTS UNLIMITED . up;, pew damaged bathtub. $28 1910 South Moor Dr. JtkLZER new 85 cu. ft., cost PAYLESS MART, 918 S. Main $699.05, will sen 379.95. or .best Better Furniture for th Moner offer. 2519 8. 3rd East. IN $2067. Just Compere BFFEIG $38: gas or elect, range. $36 ea.i auto, washer, dryer. Tuning rm. let. run, dresser. EM TV. wringer washer. 227 W. 9 B. break, art. booka, table dmks, comer cupboarda. chair, braak-front. MOVING- - Must ten tmmed. 18 77 IN Cabin Cnxlser, 00 p. fleott en- New Speed Queen wringer wash- p. $cott eairine. Boy's gine. So.hTM T70Tt 9th custom gas brig. BoVa 26M herry chest erf" Ifriiwera. 4 ft. GOOD used refrigerators, ranges, Schwinn bike. Motorseootar. h t200. Wod rocking chair stereo tape recorder sutomatie washers TV's $25 up. CR (Roberta). Also monural recorder. All Appliance Co. IS) E. 3rd So. fMMliplA saie complete bouse-hol- d Stereo tape. Clotbee dryer. 26 up. WXW.R3 ANQ DRYtRi; furnishings. Including applwasher. vR transistor radio. lawn iance. furm, Kimball 60.06 2114 Jap nfle, dain ahotfun, 4431 piano. EL rifle, baby crib, pool table, miac. Take a look, make an offer and 1 KITCHEN table, 0x12 rug. 4.4x6 aItiir Salt take It home. gs, retfrig. 30-ielec, range, de CR Reas. IN JANUARY f rULL tire used hardwood teach- ers desks, Ideal for business or 2PIECE living rm. set. tight gray. home study. Good $60. Platform rocker, $20. Both CLEARANCE SALE few left $18 each. . Snod cond. 2023 McClelland. HU CY or EL ALL FURNITURE ITEMS ALL lizee gas space heaters, $20 MAKE OFffR Bedroom and Living Room sectional sofa, 1 floor lamp. up. Baby furniture, cribs, stokers. high chairs, ete. Real bar$ table lamps. Dr. IN $437Maywood Groups Reduced gains. $40 N. 5th West, Highway 91. Btfl. AX HANCO rURNITURE. 701 g. gtst TPC. DIN set. bronse tons 2 ext. restaurant MI8C leaves, aood eond CLEARANCE FOR NEW APT. FinJjh, equipment 5041W. West Cake Ave. (4488 booth, tables, chair. 14 ft. counchocolate Sectional color couch, ter stools, sinks, cash register, 9 swivel chairs, coffee table, 2 So.) Grsnxer. CY suction fan, reasonable. HU CTION end tablet, i yr eld, $180. RCA 3006 t. 13th East. MONDAY NI cabinet TV, new pic. tube, $78 2570 So. MUST sacrifice recapping equip-men- t Comb. PhUco radio-recor- d player$50. Bunk bods, comply chest of fclNkVi'E aet, lyt. blond. Formica $3,600. New city ordinance forces immediate sale. 47 8. 8tate drawers, 871, Used desk. $20. Like 7- new library table mshof., $85. tooj chain; excel, cond. CR Orem. AC 1$40 Foothill Dr. JLUJ TRAMPOLINE, lgrsi CHARTRKUSE forafe sectional, mod. ground level nistallstion. Ideal HU 58863. dn. rm. Uhl, 6c. i chain. BOWER'S BETTER BUYS for family and club use. CR 7- 0392. Bsby crib and mattrasa 9 65 RMS, of fumltur. IncL TV. rrt. 20 06 studio and chair Hk. Alao KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER trailer, ail 39 95 presaer, twd. tprink. matt 500 or best offer. HU " 628.00 D1TN7NG braakfaat sat with' attachments and polisher. act $45; crib. 10; 19 95 up Washer $50. EM 7 50; couch, 10. DA 13733. EL LUGGAGE Man's cd Like new $49 After 8.20. MUST sell nearly new solid char-r- y Ml Canturr Cotillion Fr. Prov. fcUNtAN PHYFE m.hor. oval tab! w. oval 3 dlnlny aat, & CLOTHES POLES $8 Pr. with i6 chairs. 854 Harrison Up leavaa, 6 chair, china cab. Also Pwtmsn Mft. 1612 S. W. tN 7461 In sam daslxn 1 leather-to- p step and dropleaf coffee table. 491 Music, Radio, Tilevision blKES. Parts. Expert tables E-Urms, Jos s rlxlt EL 56563. 1486 Michigan Ave. RMlr.68 1. TY. ttfep, repo., recondi- Tth South. DA Shop. USED FURNITURE BARGAINS TtOSmL $1950 Guar , terms. STNEST Gorman chin Hosentsl" Youth bad wmattreas 35 dinner and caffe, set, comptet c. 17fX3fegiISE-?yIC- B set Walnut 49 bedroom swylc far 12. DAZ4373. 639 lOST "frsnchlse Modern studio couch in Arizona. Have GE. REERIG. Hrw disc recorder. 12x22 nylon viscose carpet 686 Recorder J'J?1 J,D4 sneakers. Dupan projector. G. E. da lux. MARK BROWN, 2607 1 STATE turn with table ,andext. dbLovcn ms. EM Will sell at cost HU lUPRJbHT freeser. akls. 2A66 COMPLETE houseful of nice furf WHImlq ilqlaO, an Sprlnafleld. IS ral. aquarium niture all er pert tnd. Washer, hoasny cabinet. AM-Ftuner. 1 dryer renge, rsfrig ironer. TV yr. and aqulp. CK 74127. old. HU 50873. wtr. htrs. bunk beds, space btrs., LIKE naw, airlt ski boots and large deep freeze. Many other HAMSWe buy and sell new and lea skataa, Slim. M. Girls' coats, things. $10 dn small monthly used ham (ear. Manwill Supply fa 64461. clothlnx Co.. 2511 8. State. HU 44)461. Payments. 1063 State, EL 1 USED horirontsl furnace! NEW na 1857 rm set. PACKARD Bell frieze rnn- living ; TV, Bert offer. JiU r HU6-626- cover, aole $249.95. close out excel, cond. 75. IN 8- 3060. $169 9S. Contour lounge chair, COSCO bay, Jumpar chair. Car wrinkle back reg. $59.95, sell IaESwET Organ-soni- c soinet or- 4061 W. Lake for $39 95. . bed. 613. CY gsn. New 91,445. fine. $795. Trm. Ava. 44SSIc.)Graner. WESTERN A - -CLARK BfUSIC. CO., 28 E. 1st S 6x12 Ft. New men tweed cotton 3924 Highland Dr. ftsOSE-OU- T of Estey organs. 8 left. ruf. ,18; Accordion. 610. CR 7- 4053. Llv. andVam. rm, fum. 44 E. 8th South large couch end ANTIQUES, Brie Bme. copper, liv. rm. sat. matching ottoman oeea. chairs, GUAR. USED INSTRUMENTS mlsc. HU All new. tablas. etc. likt lamps StAYTAO Ironer." Ton condition. IN7-8M- 1 25 AND UP. CR After $ p m. weekdays Make offer. HU 68916. MUSf sac. new 1968 Bryan Ave. Hti i: rdduaT-wi&ut-nbTV. Vac. cleaner. 2ar fcEW c. bedrm. set, reg. $169 95, radios. Mantle. EM close out $129 98. New unfin dinette aaLtZSl babr tend. ished student desk reg, 924.98, SPINET PIANO $295 615. Both good cond. CR 64068. close out $13.95. Hart Bros. Music. HU WESTERN AUTO ITQRE9 CRANE BATR UBIfEW. m CR y24 Highland pr. .hltv!: M-- Jm Book eoiZPu twin beds. 2 liv. rm. th chain. kit. chain, table lamps, case IncL 6 step stool chest drawers, gar- Model G36 Concert Goya 9x12 AND 12x18 floral run. Make kit den oe. etc. Call for appt. to guitar. Was Grand 350. In food cond., offer. CRT-120see. HU Will sell for 250. IN 73)230. Roll-owMAHOG. Duncan Phyfe drop-lea- f Bad $20, IN extension table 4 chain. Perf. DOUBLE box aprincs and matt. eond. 996. 4579 Bernada Circle, Music Co., 44 E. 8th South. EM CR TRANSISTOR up. a.iqskinds$19 50 REM. typewriter, 635. Underwood, MIS. furn, si! colors H.K. eeoL fnel. eolld Pocket-size- , 15. Both food. IN 64267. many, dfnins set. Any or all Boyers. 470 E. 9th So. EM wash basin, dbl. Sink. After 9 36 wk davt Anytime ORGAN, man. comoleta elactrir. Barsain. Terms, 2233 complete, xood cond. HU 44554 Sat, fr Sun. 668 Military Dr. . Lik 1(UST leav area. H.v. 3 rm. ttur. f xrr eond 8.11 11 or SMALL beautiful Sninet tme 4IA Appliaiicsi far Salt 366 iTtopia Av. (1160 no. Bargain. Terms. part 7th a m.-- p m, East. ELECTRIC ran., . bsL working So. 4th E. bet. ftlSTor SMAlt r Grand piano. Very fi 234$ So. $28 MArnUCSStSi"iortn cotton snv sire. ST 80 and up, condition. Astln-Welri- it 96 W. U frfP. OVERMAN MATTRESS CO. 1st South. SPACE heater wtth blower. Mart. VloLlN maker and repairman. In. 24" Chef. 60,000 ITU, 21x27x1 BLONpTT. blond lamp table. quel. wrk. and suppliea. Mr. deep. Lik new. $70. CY 64446. black and white couch, yellow Stevens. 811 C 8t. ELM728 2894 aet WESTTNGHQIJSE washar and dry-- r, and grav breakfast 21-lALDWTN Acrosonlc soinet tiano. CY- - Melpny Dr. (4308 South). TV. CR New 9895. 2806. Special $595. Terms. I 2 LOVELY chairs. 1 CLARK MUSIC CO., 28 E. 1st 8 kenmorT auto, washar witb pink for bedrm. 928 turquolso.J each.. OT. Gulbransen spinet 948. hCAHOGAN? never even Uttla Neds used, rvpetr, goTsserie fudtsver.Port. AM 64163. piano. Excellent condition. 8478. BTMMONk hlde-s-be- d, brown, good AX 6 0529. MONDSFiSh- T ;J0 table, leather 7" eond., 980. Birch-toocc. chair, both for $18. 3670 8. ATE ghjnocomb. 1159 S. 9th West ?pst St. Mirys Dr. new, Nearly Vntim EMERSON 17" Portable TOevT MUST sacrifice dining eet. Will sat ran with broiler, $64. HU slon w Antenna. Price 970. IN 7- 7313. ell er trad for baby furniture, 1741 8823. Windsor St. , 11 CU. ft. kelvlnator. vary sood ruts etc. CY 40. 180 W. 5300 louth. Iota and chair, loarn rubber comb., Hoff cord.. 3 9239. EM AM 64394. fnhlona. Good cond rest. IN 7 man, bkmd. Real. 8590. JANSSEN spinet piano, Walnut, tenor VIOLIN. tnimt. terms. AM 11 3 RMS. furn. See to appreciate. $475. EL Not hmk Must 96. Make offer. llSED uorlxht plana 99$ Terms FRIGlilAnil rafrlg.' CkKHl con TN 79190. 2233 7th East HU 9J259. RED sectional. Nlf Bthartfinl A673; foam rubber ruahlons: practically Semcpp EL 64318. CY AUTO.' piano Player, plays 1960 G fc. D. Lux dryer. Kas-mor- e new: $150. GOOD condTpintng rm. table with new keys. IN sea rants. AM 9 chairs, - chroma kitchen set T6P cash for irtUST sacrlftc naw auto, washar your piano Hari HU 49189, Bros. Music, HU DA$4r- NEW washer. dryer, range, W, USED TVs. &AS rang, Universal. . axcsUant llv. rm. set, rocker, mgs. chest, PEARSON TV, 307 E. list 60 condition. f48. HU $097$ office chairs. EL walnut. ll.SOfl. A3 ansuood send. 45. W cond iTEINWAV grand, Summ.rhays Music Co. 2th Watt. PIANoTTlke new. Terms. 2107 RCA alee, range, auto. 38: llv. V. 6200 South. AM Large griddle 943. AM MUST aacrtflc refrlg. bRUM T- IN owner. aat. 35. cymbal., nnrlies rm. 630. ELECTRIC range. - sck. Drum gtudlo. IN 6A204. 1814. HU4-053rit: orov. aofa. OVERETUFTED SET, NICE Sis rani. 35. IN 111. gTythL:?slv "tbl., audio IN plst. roebar, 643 nd 8. 10th Eart. NEW Lowriy organ. t25 down, $28 10 CU, FT. rtfn., good ond., book, mlsc. mom EM EL tm W. La:k. Ava.CY --3735. . 460 ITS glaaf mirror. 4x30, 10. PIANO TUNING rg occasional chair, 610. CR 7- wtshari 38. Good SpIndriEr TN 81 after 8 p.m. cond. EL Lime oak, buffei, 8 WESTINGHOUEt auto, washar. 8gC 1. Brt oU.r. IN s nds m d fj er 87 m aat Rafrl.' goo? Yt. ND HR jru itor mo. ZxcSZ WESTG. A EM down. 97 per 595. COND. Java seat, oxaallant coo. HOTPOINT stova, rafnaaratoc. EMPIRE dltlon. HU both run good. EL Galsntt. 12 baafc chasta of drawer. 1 new, "AfcORDlQt 6 yr. ThrEI lfB: 18 dn.. $6 mo EMA6278. KFNMORt auto. $13 80. 483 E. 8th South. 33f ELFdfpTc ORGAN oond. IjIFY" WE TOP THEM tilm State Fum. and Appl $198.50 MANY OTHER ITEMS AT FABULOUS DISCOUNTS ftle. . 10-P- C i Tncomparabli bargains Wallboard luggage Fencing, Ploitk Coal ad end Matal.- - DELIVERS prlc. 40 Groceries . 761 8 gtsta UNEQUALLED all liiM and weaves SINGER BARGAINS FULLY $5 DOWN t NOW...- - ir lor Sal Wanted ltur6 about SPOT CASH for bedroom, iiv putnot" and no wonder, when bear id mind that a piano !ng room, chrome sets, oroadloom you has about 10.000 pails in it. carpets, rusa. baby furniture. AU That's another reason why, when kinds of vde&ks. Pianos, cheat of you are looking for a piano, new drawers, dreaaar. elec, refrig-rang- e. or used. US wisest to drop in Call EL and talk to the people who actuCAPITOL FURNITURE CO. ally maka pianoa. If you are sincere in your inquiries they NEED FURNITURE WE are always willing to try to Call American Furniture Ex soma of tha intricacies of 58 S. West Temple. FM4 without going change. fuano construction of a sales 8081. Too prices paid tor living the mish-moaand complete bedroom so that of the presentation many Usue to ioom furniture. manufacturers piano sales people, (heir incidentally its pot generally known yet but 54 Mony the finest pianos i n the world are made right here in Salt Lake H.A.C LOANS Piano Co.. 3. UF TO $3,000 . KETCHUM'S EL SHOOL'S NEW DAMAGED today prtcs In the city lilt SPECIALS SHUTTERS yours Gt Lowest REPOSSESSED Gss taut, practically naw. tak ever aantract, pay par week. G.E. Console TV, ipoe-aasanExecllmi can. Ray only 6340 per weak. - USED. DEPT. button-i- n ' UY Radio, Television thlm. alc, EVERYONE eeys th sam "We dont know anything CLOSE-OU- T PRICES T' HANCO ' COAT-Waterpr- oof, worth of merchandise for GE APPLIANCES $29.95 EA. AND SUPPLIES Ankle length, 50 wool, size 42, can be taken in, new 49c WASH BASINS OVERSHOES Rubber new, sizes 6, 7 and 8. 1.98 $23.74 EA. HIP BOOTS Black Irrigation, co: size 11 only 3.98 TRENCH 37 ON 49A-M- W or DISCONTINUING our Corpat Dept, and MUST dar our star to noli room lee new furniture. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 1 86 E. 3r6 South EM JANUARY CLEARANCf TOILETS COMPLETE diahwaahef-$14- for Sola CARPET Only $998 $86 down $34 per month UNES 32 LONG ON AUTOMATIC ALUMINUM SEEL WAS $22.9S NOW $I3.M -- DRAWERS 4f Fmltvr fon eoMnm new Kitchen and uundky ' Disposal auto, waaher, dryer. nnge, refrigerator, freeser, water INSIDE CLOTHES cold 3.98 Navy weather blanket lined (r $!' g--e SALE .LINE. 9 98c - - INVENTORY AppIlaatH ONLY $995 H OFF G.l. umI, new " 9.95 set Ml 943, draw- BUNK BEDS IA far Salt ctlmi X N V - YOlHAVE - MOR1 |