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Show THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 14 MAILING HINTS Taylorsville Stake In grade school everybody learns April showers bring May flowers. And later in life everyone becomes aware that May showers bring June brides. But there are many who never realize till its too late that invitations and announcements often bring frustration to the postal service and consternation to the mailer. that News in Brief By Arleen Morrill The 61stQuorum of Seventies will hold a monthly business meeting Sunday, April 21 at the Bennion Ward 'Stake House in the Relief Society Room.' All Seventies in that quorum are invited to attend. Time is 7 a.m. . i ' e The 491st Quorum of Seventies Postmaster D. R. Trevithick tells will meet at the Taylorsville Stake us that this is not because anyone Center at 7 .a.m. April 21. or dislikes weddings, involved showers, or receptions, or any of The High Priest Quorum meeting the other functions which have to will be at 6:45 a.m. at the Stake do with getting married. "So far House, with special guests, Brother as post office employees are con- and Sister Merlin Ellis. All High cerned, says the postmaster, ev- Priests are invited to attend. eryone in the service is anxious to contribute whatever he can to the The Stake Dance scheduled fr" success of these fine occasions. But April 20 at the Stake Center L- -s sometimes the ones most interested been cancelled in getting people happily started in life make helping very difficult for Stake Sunday School Preparation those of us who are charged with meeting will be held April 21st at getting mail quickly and accurately the Stake House. All Ward Sunday to its destination. school teachers and officers should Take shower invitations for in- be at this meeting. Time is stance. If they are entirely printed, 8 present p.m. 0 mimeographed, duplicated, or otherwise wholly reproduced by machine April 22nd Stake eLadership will process, they may be mailed in un- be held at the Stake House at 7:30 sealed envelopes or in sealed en- All Stake auxiliaries and at are encouraged to attend. bishoprics velopes endorsed third class At 8 p.m. the third-clas- s rate of 4c each. If, the Stake Geneology will hold their however, the date, the hour, the leadership meeting in rooms 10 and place the shower is to be held, the 11, all ward committees should be name of the prospective bride, and present other pertinent information is shown in handprinting, handwrit- all who are concerned wherever ing, or typewriting ,the first-clathey may be. Those who have of be rate applied, questions about how to make up postage must regardless of whether the invita- mail of any type should call DA ' t tions are in sealed or unsealed enExt. 349. same The velopes. regulations apply, of. course, to wedding announcements, reception invitations, birth announcements, and similar printed items on which additional SAVE! SAVE! information is sometimes entered. Postmaster Trevithick assures us ss 11 BICYCLE SALE that the postal service is anxious to carry the glad tidings of marriage and its many associated functions quickly and accurately to Up fo OFF 20 ON ALL SCHWINN & HUFFY , 35th South at Redwood Road Phone AM Circus Capers Will Be Presented by David Gourley School ' Bud and Granetta Breeze returned home this , week after a two week vacation in the East They traveled over 5400 miles, 2700 of them driving. They report they had a :very good time but are happy to be home again. The Circus Capers will be presented at the David Gourley 'School on Friday, April 19, at 7 p.m.; sponsored by the. finance committee and the primary of the Kearns 13th Ward.' . 4 M-Me- . , events , . Benion 2nd K. Piep, 8 children, 36 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren, one Ward News brother and three sisters in Germany. Funeral was held Tuesday at the Bennion Ward House. Burial 'Lynn and Diane Bateman and was in the Memorial Gardens of Clark and Arleen Morrill returned the Valley. this past Saturday after a short trip to Lake Mead. They had a very good time waterskiing and soaking up the sun. They met Donna and Kay Bateman and Barbara and Easton Blake on the border of Nevada and Utah, they were on their way to California. The group visited a while before they each c f went in a different way. Johnnys Auto Repair WELDING - GLASS INSTALLATION BODY & FENDER REPAIR Flat Tires Fixed JOHNNY L. MARTINEZ 4551 West 4925 South CY PORTRAITS TAKEN IN YOUR HOME Debbie Ann Studio The children of Bennion Second Ward sang very well at the afternoon session of conference. All the children sat in the chapel at the stake house, 'and sang very beautifully. They were under the direc-tion of the Primary. "We Specialize in Children's Appointments Call for .Information or Appointment 485-907- 2 , . Jay Heaton was sustained a6 2nd in the Stake YMMIA. Barbara Blake was sustained as Stake and Sunday SchoolRex and Ethel Mackay were sustained to the Stake Genealogy Board. Congratulations. Coun. Kearns Shopping Center - 82 If any of you readers have any family news or church news and would like to have it published in the paper would you please conThanks. tact me at AM Your Key to Better Living IMPORTANT Your Key to Better Health RALPH CRANK SINCLAIR SERVICE ASPIRIN TABLETS 1950 WEST 3500 SOUTH FOR YOUR INSURANCE EXPERT GET YOUR CAR TUNE-U- P BUDGET We'v seen many a family delay getting needed insurance because of the inconvenience of paying a large lump-supremium at one time. That's why we have a convenient Premium Payment Plan that allows you to get the protection you need when you need it and pay for it by the month, just as you for utilities. No strain, Ray going without vital projection. Call us for details oh all your insurance needs. . . M-Me- n 0? assist5 . April 28th at the Stake House the and Gleaners will hold ' Our sincerest sympathy to the a Fireside. at 8:30 pun. All family of Fred G. Piep, a resident and Gleaners are invited to atof Bennion for. the past several tend. V years, he lived .with his wife at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Rusty nails seem, to be showing Elsie Palmer of Bennion. Mr. Piep made many children happy at up in the wrong places. Terry Christmas time with his many clev- Breeze, Debbie Morrill and Lisa er home made wood stoves, ice Blake all had to visit the doctors boxes, chairs, tables, cribs, etc. office, to get a shot Many of us will really miss him. He is survived by his wife, Clara A talent show, featuring primary children, will be presented.1 Homemade candy and popcorn will be sold, and booths for games will be set up. Admission will be $1 for adults and 25c for children. Proceeds will Ward Building go to the 13th-14t- h Fund. Mrs. Olga Milius is chairman of the Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Olson of Bennion, they are the proud parents of a new baby girl. This makes five girls and two boys for the Olson family. - Joe's Sporting Goods AN Thursday, April 18, 1963 BOTTLE OF INSPECTED by APPOINTMENT 100 Before The Rush 5 Grain m DO V0U WANT A NEW HOME? EXTENSION CORD Are you aware that you can get ON THE SPOT APPRAISAL Rubberized Without Cost as Trade on a HEAVY NEW HOME IN GRANGER? DUTY VAO BOWERS You NATE DOSS can paint or do other work REDUCE YOUR PAYMENT COSTS MIDWEST INSURANCE COMPANY 3575 So. 4000 West CY 8-35- FULL BASEMENT - 41 CY 58 CY & 8-49- 54 FINANCE If you do care who fills your prescription . . . CY THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. 23 41 V .aCkfti you dont care who fills your prescription . . . THATS YOUR' BUSINESS BRICK HOMES MIDWEST REALTY CY If . - ,1 - jK . |