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Show Thursday, 'April 18, 1963 THE VALLEY VIEW ttEWS Two Girls Enter Over-- Jaycees Road-E-- 0 Contest Heard Wonder who was caught hauling top soil in a county truck for their own personal use. Spring must be here. See Charlie Vissar had his crew out polishing the Mountain Fuel Supply Office grounds. if Howard JMackay is going to be missed around the Meadowbrok Golf Course. Howard passed away last week after several years illness. 4 Duane Cation is laid up again. The old flu bug got him, but good. j Records show, Kearns residents .paid mere money into the Special District Fund than any other district in. the state. Congratulations, -- Kearns.: v combination must Remember, your 1963 angling or combination must be shown at all times when afield. 63 licenses went on sale last Tuesday. Wondered why Kay and Wilbur Thomas ' Were going around with fcuch long faces. They are going to lose their daughter,-Kath- y Dee. She will be married June 3rd. , Jannene Johnson, . Two girls have entered the safe driving Road-E-- 0 this past week and challenge the boys to a real contest According to LaVar Smith of daughter of J. Blain Johnson of Kearns and Paul Mattson of Grangthe Granger Branch of Walker er, of the contest, girls Bank, went into the hospital for are encouraged to enter the Roa-E-a tough operation last Tuesday. She will be in a cast for about Members of the committee from two months. Hope she gets along Kearns and Granger will work in O K. with the student driver cooperation association at Granger High in presenting the contest. Representatives T. R. Brown was talking about from the sheriff and highway patrol Soloman and his many wives and will be on hand to judge the conhow emart a man he was. Someone test, which is an intricate test of piped up with He should be with driving skill and ability, as well as all those women bringing him in- knoweldge of rules of the road. The written examination will be formation. given Wednesday, May 1, with the driving contest on May 4. . Just a reminder not to forget The two top winners will each the Spring Fashion '.Show and receive a plaque, a key and a cerBridge Luncheon at the Catholic tificate from the Kearns and Recreation. Hall April 27 at 1 p.m. Granger clubs, and will both enter Mrs. Maxine Macgin advises cards state competition on May 25. will be played and a fashion show The next eight places will rewill be presented by Cherills ceive a key. - All contestants will receive a certificate for entering the contest. . joe en Q. , Disc Jockey to MC Miss Kearns Jaycees have obtained the services of Flo Wineriter, disc jockey with KALL, to serve as master of ceremonies for the Miss Kearns contest. Wineriters alternate is Paul Smith, who is also a disc jockey and radio announcer with - x " : Fool's Paradise' Title Of Program Presented By Kearns Jr. High Kearns Contest old KALL. 'TD-ye- ar ; Page 5 Claudia Hill demonstrates while Bill Corbett, member Road-E-- 0 committee signs Cowdin and Claudia. They enter this year. her driving prowess of the Kearns Jaycee Karen. up are the first girls to on-look- er Bureau of Reclamation Favors Jordanelle Reservoir, Senator Told Fools Paradise was the title SALT LAKE CITY Senator Wal-lac- e Reservoir. for the ninth grade assembly, prewas inF. Bennett The combined Deer Creek Resersented to the Kearns Jr. High fac formed Bureau of voir enlargement and Keetley Resthe by recently ulty and studentbody on April Reclamation that the Jordanelle ervoir would cost $26,700,000. Deer Fools Day, April 1. Reservoir appears to be economic- Creek Reservoir enlargement and written by Fools Paradise, favorable when compared with Bates Reservoir would cost Gloria Grim and Janice Kordig, di- ally Bates Reservoir by itself other alternative developrected by Miss Harral, and nar- ments on the irrigation acre-feewould cost Upper Provo River. (155,000 rated by Bob Murdock, was the Jordanelle Reservoir by it.The Utahn also said the report 6tory of a talent scout, Richard on the first self would cost ) (155,000 phase of the BonneHigham, who was assisted in ville Unit of the $22,600,000. Central Utah Projsearch for talent by Allan Baird, a is ect expected from the Depart. The Jordanelle 6ite is on the jester. of ment Interior in June. It will Provo Some of the discovered talent River, about six miles above was an accordion solo, a piano solo cover the Jordanelle Dam. Keber but downstream from both Senator Bennett, who is in Salt the Bates and a pantomime, a guitar duet, and a Keetley sites. Lake the annual Easter City during dance presented by the' modern The entire capacity of 1 55,000 Congressional recess, said: If apdance class. acre-feet could be provided in the the Jordanelle Reservoir proved, will meet the two objectives which potential Jordanelle Reservoir, I have advocated during the con- eliminating the need for enlarging troversy over the proposed enlarge- the Deer Creek or constructing The installation of officers for ment of the Deer Creek Reservoir. either Bates or Keetley. the Walker1 Neal Snyder VFW Post 'Under the enlarged Deer Creek Senator Bennett said, On the 9322 will be held May 11 at the of the Charleston basis proposal, of the preliminary informacity American Legion Post Home. be would flooded and Wasatch out, it tion, appears that this storage The VFW announces that the and Summit counties could be provided by a probably capacity Easter Egg Hunt held last Saturday would not receive an 230 feet high and 2,000 dam about adequate was a big success. Many thanks water from Central the Utah feet at the cresK supply long are "extended to the "merchants of The Jordanelle Reservoir Project. He said the Bureau of ReclamaKearns who donated the eggs and will solve both of these problems. tion has informed him the Jordaprizes and helped make the hunt The alternatives considered by nelle a success. The Auxiliary Bake Sale the Bureau of Reclamation were: plan contemplates that about 21,000 acres of presently irrigated was also very successful. They re- (1) enlargement of Deer Creek land in the Heber and Francis areas port a complete Reservoir a .combinaThe VFW is sponsoring a team tion of anby itself; (2) Deer Creek will receive supplemental water, avanin the Kearns Babe Ruth League Reservoir andenlarged eraging about 15,000 acre-feof construction the nually. this year. Youngsters get a lot of Keetley. Reservoir; (3) construction, crowd a from expected that small grains having big inspiration of the Bates Reservoir; (4) a com- and"Itjs forage-typcrops will be procome out' to watch them play, so bined Deer Creek and con- duced on lands enlarged come and receiving" project out. be sure to support' struction of Bates and Reservoir; said. Senator Eennett water, the league 'games this year. 5) the newly proposed Jordanelle is The VFW project Reservoir. Kearns the well at over very going Senator Bennett commended the schools. Inspections will be held Bureau of Reclamation for Kearns its this Saturday at the Oquirrh Hills and cooperation in School at 10 a.m and reflective openmindedness it possible to consider all making tape will be dispensed for all bikes, alternatives, and praised Wasatch according to John Smith, chairman and Summit county leaders for of the project. their hard and co(R-Uta- h) . t) $29,-000,00- 0. $31,-100,0- 00. acre-feet- KEEP FIT and - HAVE FUN - D ELTON LANES , 3455 South 3600 West PHONE CY 21 Install Officers : sell-ou- t. -- et e Light-a-Bik- e FOR SUMMER - BOWLING LEAGUES Kay s - PRODUCE OPENINGS LADIES 4 Girl 4 Girl 4 Girl Individual or Team Individual or Team Team MIXED DOUBLES Monday 1:00 p.m. Tuesday 1:00 p.m. .Tuesday 9:00 p.m. JUNIOR BOWLERS Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Friday 7:00 p.m. PEAS 385 Team Strength VISIT OUR BILLIARD ROOM lb,. 15 CABBAGE ........lb, 4c com-muuni- t, CELERY MEN'S 3 MAN SCRATCH LEAGUE Teams or Individual Thursday 9:00 p.m. FRESH work, diligence, operation, in working for alternatives to the enlarged Deer Creek proposal. Enlargement of Deer Creek would have certain disadcantages notably inundation of the of Charleston, which would dislocate 70 to 80 families, Senator Bennett said." On the other hand, storage regulation at the Bates site is more costly, particularly for a capacity sufficient to provide the total needed for storage of about 155,000 acre-feehe said, is the amount of (An acre-foo- t water one foot deep needed to cover an acre; or an acre-foo- t equals 325,000 gallons.) Senator Bennett lis'ted the comparative cost figures,'- pointing out hat additional data and study will be necessary to firm up the final cost of the Jordanelle Dam and lb. 5c TOMATOES. ...lb. 10c BANANAS 3 lbs. only 29c - ty REGAL SERVICE 4261 W. 5415 South UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Verden Heaton GAS 9 Blends 9 Prices Minor Mechanical Work Lubricaton Wash Brake Work OPEN 6 A.M. to 11 P.M. SUNDAY 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. |