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Show Si. Thursday, April 18, THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Fa&e 2 PACKARD nack Bar Granger sj -- SERVICE RADIATOR ACROSS FROM GRANGER HIGH SCHOOL 3663 South 3600 West SHRIMP RADIATOR or CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM BRAKE SERVICE (Cones or Bulk) TAKE OUT ORDERS - CALL CY Call 8-88- PICK-U- 11 298-196- 2 ond DELIVERY P VALLEY VIEW NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 32 n - ardice as the three boys who took the girl up the canyon, kept her all night, abused and burned her with cigarettes, these so called boys are not human beings theyre animals, and should be handled as such. The father of this e girls should buy himself a tails, round up these three stinking cowards and one at a time strip them to the waist, lay 20 lashes on their backs and bring blood every time. Yes, O can hear many of you say, What kind of a ld FOR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY3 bed- WANTED 3 or 4 bedroom home with basement in Kearns area. Will buy equity. room, family, room, 1A bath, fenced Call CY yard and patio. See after 6:0C p.m. 4830 South 4015 West. USED LAWN MOWERS SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS GRANGER RENTALS GEORGE'S TOP CARS '58 FORD, good condition....! '57 PONTIAC, new paint, gd. cond. '55 FORD Hd. Tp. good cond 54 CHEV. Hd. Tp., good cond 3532 South 2950 West CY $650 $525 $450 $250 Cond. '60 3 ton long wheel base Chev. Truck. Low mileage. Good tires. Reel good. $1375.00 Packard Radiator. Exc. CY 3310 W. 3500 South Cat-O-nin- SERVICES REAL ESTATE RENT -- GRAVEL DIRT and FILL SOIL-SAN- D CYpress BUSINESS 8-62- 06 AND PERSONAL TAX RETURNS KEARNS-GRANGE- AND VICINITY. Mr. R Johnson or CY MOUNTAIN SOIL CHRIS RUSHTON Phone CY or fertilized top soil. Special price. Located west of Redwood Road. AM NEW 2 Bedroom Apt. in Granger. Stove, Refrig., Disposal, Drapes BRAND $90.00 and water furnished, V. Phone 3281 South 3450 298-264- REAL ESTATE 2 EEDROOM HOME in Kearns. White Spirt Rock Exterior 100 plus Storm Windows and Doors, Awning on front, completely fenced and gated, Landscaped, 12x30 ft. & Vehi- '57 '57 '58 '60 '61 1954 STUDE. 6 CY Newly carpeted, drape3 new paint, landscaped and other extras. Well kept. 4566 West 4965 South. CY Terms can be arranged. HOME Fast Service - Fair Prices FCR SALE LIKE NEW NORGE CALL CY 3ENNETTS CY DIAL CY PAINTS REFRIGER-TOR- Western . Auto. MARINE SERVICE PAINTS GRANGER RENTALS . EL EM. FOR SALE BY OWNER cost. 3 bed200.00 down total move-i- n room, bath, carport, carpet and drapes Complete fenced yard with covered patio. Very clean. $110 per month on contract. See at 5186 Charlotte Ave. Kearns. Phone cot-o-nin- Is our. present system working, if so, then why the FBI reports every year showing extensive increases of the most vicious of crimes, repe and the raise year after year. mal-treatme- GRANGER RADIATOR SERVICE. 4795 W . 3500 So. Cleaning, Reocnng. All work guaranteed. Free p:ck up and delivery. CY tor any sewing machine 1 can't repair. All makes and models. Work Guaranteed. Emet Jackson, 4534 W. 5615 So. CY $50.00 REWARD WE LOAN Carpet Shampooer FREE with purchase of Blue Lustre Shampoo. Western Auto Kearns. TO CLEAN CARPETS you are locking for a new home, or want to trade the Gvanger-Hunle- r into a better ho.ne, in area call CY Eakcr. I HAVE HOMES IN THE KEARNS AND GRANGER AREA FOR SALE OR TRADE. Dean Baker, Gaiaxie Call CY Heme Realty. GUARANTEED SERVICE. Radio 4 CLIFF WOODALL, 4681 West 5100 South. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING SERVICE. F:ee Pickup and Delivery in the Kearns and Granger area. Call CY IRONING DONE. Call CY HELP making some type of drastic before there comes a comdisregard for our physical, spiritual and financial wellbeing. Why build more prisons to train more range riders for satan? Due to Outstanding Growth in Sales Reed Davis , Inc. Or. T. Chlepas OPTOMETRIST REALTOR EtES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted Contact Lecre Needs Your Listings Kearns Medico1 Center Phene CY M551 Dcvaitaii If You Plan To Sell and Live In the Kearns, Granger or Surrounding Area ) LIST WITH Reed Davis, Inc. G.E.M. Music Studio REALTOR 2700 West 3500 South TEACHING BAND AND Phone 298-359- 1 Evenings New Sales Used Band Instrument & PHONE 298-520- 2 M 8:15 P.M. ST. FRANCIS commissions plus bonus, plus free insurance. Previous shoe experience NOT necessary. Write W. J. Thiesson, Knapp Bros. Shoes, 6401 E. Flotilla St., E. Los Ar.geles 22, California. 298-851- 1 . 0 fi 8:15 P.M. PARISH HALL VEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th 51 LOST FOUND 7 500 JACK X JOSEPH L. SLOAN,-Publishe- r Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah under the Act of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate: S2.00 per year; Single Copy 5 cents ESTABLISHED 1954 Vew News Publishing Company at Published weekly by Valley Sait Lake County, Utah Post Office Box 18513 - Kearns, Utah 1 Circulation Manager WiHiam Carr, CY W. Kearns So. 4960 4153 Stout Joyed? AM Bennion 5S42 So. Road Redwood Morrill Arleen CY 4534 So. 3200 West Donna Thiede CY So. 4015 West 4920 Kearns Jean Tracy CY Hunter-Mag6000 3965 So, West Nora 0. Moss missing from weeks. Can identify. Children and parents would appreciate a call to CY LOST IN Broken Con na Call CALLS PEKINGESE. CY 1st Game - GRANGER - MAGNA Dutch, CY 20 43 WHITE KEARNS, Hearted. KEARNS HUNTER 298-349- 74 Come Early! SOMETHING NEW RES RADIO FLYtR WAGON a Western Hills home, 4 5 53 INSTRUMENTS ORCHESTRA WANTED EXTRA CASH Men, no investment work fuL or part time selhnq the famous KNArP AEROTRED SHOES. Earn top Vallei) Vieu fleutJ Cre- better "wTTTggTd Blue Lustre Carpet Shampooer FREE with purchase of Blue Lustre Shampoo. Western Auto Kearns. T.V. Service, Auto Radio Repairing. Valley T.V., 3995 W, 5400 So. CY to the'great had better start thinking 298-638- If continu-uou- s me the anguish of one of my daughters having been raped, for He as my Judge, the man or boy yrho had ever violated one of my . girls would never have walked out' of the courtroom. CY $90.00 month. Three bedCape-har- t. will all but be eliminated. Every male and female, old and young alike, truly fear universally but e one thing, pain. The tails will bring plent of pain but no physical injury, and he or she that has. ever had it laid to their backs have somehow managed their lives ta never be back for the second ga round. We about move plete GRANGER RENTALS MERRY TILLERS room with basement. Carport. 5100 Vacant. $11,950.00 by owner. BENNETT'S Complete L down, a Complete Line of Coloriser bass, like 3310 W. 3500 South CY WE NEED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS. 2 Of- TRASH BURNERS from Drums. Heavy Only 5415 W est fices to Serve You. 4080 $2.93. 5856 South Redwood Road. 4345 South 4775 West, South, CY WILL TEND Child or chil-dre- n CY Westridge Realty. in my home. Grainger area. Mrs. KEARNS RESIDENTS, Want A New Home Davis. AM tn Granger or Magna? We take Kearns LEAKY FAUCETS Homes cn Trade Several Models to SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS repaired. $1.25, labor and materials included. Call EL Choose From. Reed Davis Inc. CY 8- & USED NEW 3591. After 5:C0 P.M. "Settle In The Modem West" SUNDOWN HOMES Don't Buy A New Home Before 3310 W.,3500 South CY MISCELLANEOUS You See the Beautiful Home Sundown Maintenance Free USED WASHERS, Dryers, T.V.'s and Stoves CLOTHES POLES, $14,100 to $19,400 Swings, Porch Columns, 4018 South 4800 West Terric values Western Auto in Kearns. Mail Box Stands, Basket Ball Standards, CY Ornaments, Railing FREE ESTIMATE & HOME on a TRADE YOUR SMALLER FREE DELIVERY. Phone CY choice of Large 3 or 4 Bedroom Homes SERVICES Have the convenience of automatic washCarpeting, Drapes, Landscaping, Fenced. Garage VERN GODWIN T.V. RADIO REPAIR ing in your home. Rent a washer for WESTRIDGE REALTY $3. GO per week and Free Tube Testing. 4933 V. 3500 So. matching dryer for CY CY or CY $5.G0 per week. Western Auto in Kearns $150.00 Kearns 00 GUARANTEED SERVICE Radio & T.V. Service. Auto Radio Repairing. Valley T.V. 5450 South 4220 West. CY standing penologist of modern times wrote a book 20 years in &ing Sing. He stated many times in lectures and in his books bring back the whipping post and crime WESTERN AUTO i I am grateful ator that spared Carries R. H. OD. Good condition. 120 Service ALL MAKES REPAIRED REDWOOD SALES 3380 So. Redwood Road Patio. Carpeted thruout. Drapes cle Blinds. Bedrooms and Living Room FOR SALE Wall Texed. All Trim recently painted, F.H.A. emd Clean. out. Very both inside 4300 West UNIVERSAL ACCORDION, or V.A. $11,000. CY new. will sacrifice. CY South. 578Q CHOICE Brimley CHEV. Sia Wgn "2" Sharp ....$ 855.00 CHEV. Stick "8" Air Cond 795.00 795.00 MERCURY, 2 dr. Hd Tp CHEV. 4 dr. "6" Stick 1095.00 500 Stick 1195.00 FORD, Fairlar .Warden Lewis E. Laws, cons id. ered by the law enforcement agencies of our nations to be the out- and 29S-196- T-- V Brown A short time ago I wrote about sadistic heathen is the writer, he even believe in the law, bravery and courage in we human doesnt You etc.? bet I believe in the law. some been beings, but there have I in a family of law-mewas raised in the acts of cowardice written up and record of my 60 years of the recent issues of the newspapers so will life far bear out my- respect that make one wonder. When I read of such acts of cow- for law. . or mail them with your Piece your Went Ads by calling CY Box P. Kearns O. 13, Utah 513, remittance to DEADLINE IS MONDAY at 8:30 p.m. Classified Advertising: 15c per line, with a minimum of 45c per insertion FOR R by T. ONION RINGS FISH & CHIPS 6 Delicious $ HAMBURGERS 11 bumthins Cookin 2506 WEST 3500 SOUTH Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy, Proprietors t 8-22- 09 - $3.00 5666 SOUTH 4540 WEST HI FI ALL MAKES T. V. PROGRESSIVE 3 in T-- : - 1 BINGO o: plus'-- ;; NEW SURPRISE GAMES 1 ( |