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Show I age Darrell's to Beautify Miss Kearns Entries fcV iw f. 1 ?V 4 ' ' " 'i;i ? rrTT7 V 4 ys. 'A A j 1 N Vl'-- n s t; Miss Kathy Dee Thomas . . , future "bride Wedding Bells In Near Future Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Thomas announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter Kathy Dee to Kent J. Hogan, son f Mrs. B. L. Walfley of Magna. The couple will be married June Z in the Trinity Methodist Church in Kearns. The bride will graduate from the T" r IJ t f ' ' ri -- V i I x tAiX j al A ' iT ; - & SX .y r- 5 A ? k - s 1 v - t i a - 4 i itf v v Wi J Vi m 7r: r-- 'f-- i ' J tl Dr. Brasher who gave the dedicatory prayer and Supt. Elmer J. llartvigsen, Adrian A. Thomas, Principal, O. Thajne Acord, Vice President of School Board, and Dr. O. C. England, Deputy Superintendent of Granite School District. SCHOOL DEDICATED APRIL 10th Pat Cook, Coll eenCook, and Jill Anderson of the Kearns Jr. Civic League, prepare Easter treats to take to the County Hospital childrens ward. Local Talent Needed for Shows A talent tryout and show will be hel dat the Granger High School next Wednesday starting at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the show is to select talent to appear on the Talent Show Case television program being sponChamsored by the Granger-Hunte- r of Commerce. ber The show is seen over KCPX Channel 4 each Sunday from 2 to 2:30 p.m. Anyone knowing of talent in this area or wishing to enter should contact Bill Barton at the Builders Mart. Two weeks ago a similar show wras sponsored by the Granger Lions Club and of the 23 acts presented, 10 yere chosen to appear on television and six others were advised to brush their act up a little and cut for time and they could be used. 'Remember any talent in the area wishing to try out must contact Mr. Barton as soon as possible. This is a good chance to get the sourround-in- g area known and an opportunity for talent to be seen and heard. ACADEMY PARK ELEMENTARY 'Academy Park Elementary School was dedicated at an Open House Civic Kearns Ceremony held on April 10, 1963. A large crowd attended the cereLeague Dyes mony which was presided over by Mr. O. Thayne Acord from the Eggs for Children Granite Board of Education. Members of the Kearns Jr. Civic Other officials who took part on 'League dyed and decorated eggs the program were Deputy Supein-tendeof Granite School District, at the home of their sponsor, Shirto to the take O. C. Bench, ley County England and Superintendent Saturof ward last childrens Granite Hospital District, Elmer J. Hart-vigseday. Reverend John Homock, Minister Girls between 13 and 19, get in of The Murray Bible Church, gave on the next project of the Jr. Civic the invocation. Reverend Homock League. Call Pat or Colleen Cook, is a Kearns citizen. Other local CY participants on the program were Kearns 13th Ward Explorers, Students of Academy Park under the Kearns C of C Held direction of Verlan Braithwaite and Geneva Burris, and Burton F. Noon Jr. nt n. Meeting Monday A meeting of the Kearns Chamber of Commerce was held Monday at noon at the Branch Cafe, 4080 West 5415 South. 'Mr. Clayne Ricks of the bounty Planning and Zoning Office, talked to the group about a citizens committee which is working on a master plan for the growth of Salt Lake County. There are ten committees doing research on roads, agriculture, business, beautification of county and Jordan River, and the like. Mr. Ricks will speak further at the next monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce set for May about Kearns to attract business down. Mr. Adrian A. Thomas, principal, noted that it had been two years this month that bids were let for the building of the school. Construction was started in August of that year and the building was completed one year and one day later. The building has 42,635 square feet and is situated on 13.23 acres of ground. The cost was $615,735.75. Academy Park School has 20 classrooms, one l.brary, one faculty room, one multipurpose room, one stage, one administrative office, and ' a kitchen. . Mr. Blaine Covington, PTA president, saidMhat the enrollment for 1962-6- 3 is 710 children. DONT STEAL CHICKENS . WE HAVE THEM CHEAPER! Granger High School this May. The groom is a graduate of Cyprus High School in the class of 61. Upon graduation he entered the service in the Navy. He is now stationed in Washington and ranks as 30. a Petty Officer 3rd Class. The Chamber decided at this The couple will make their home meeting to put all their efforts and in Washington, D.C. resources into completing a brochure of Kearns. The brochure will contain information of interest and industry to the area. A special meeting was held April 17 at the home of Dr. , Charles Parkin to figure costs and compile information on the brochure. Extensive research was done by the Chamber last year on roads, railroads and land, etc., and previously by the Community Development program. This information will prove valuable in compiling the brochure. Parts of the Utah Power and Light Company and Hercules brochures will be used along with their printing facilities in this project. Brasher, M.D., High Council, LDS Church, North Jordan Stake, who gave the dedicatory prayer. A. CHICKEN DINNERS Soup - Salad - Cranberry Sauce Potatoes and Gravy FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY Pit ellickory 3515 South Redwood Road (Corner 3500 South and Redwood Road) ftleal-- 7W Cafe 1728 West 7800 South BEAMii 1 4 4 v i Don't let them Get more I 4 ; 1JXJ3 t 4' Si jfj' ;x f 4 A ' A4 r Nu 2 i S girl which she may use before or after the contest. However, the certificates wlII not be' transferable, says Darrells, and only the beauty contestants may use them. Kearns Jaycecs express their appreciation to Darrells and to all the other Kearns merchants who are generously supporting the Miss Kearns contest. Mel Orton, chairman, expresses the opinion that it is this kind of cooperation and backing that helps to build civic pride in our community. Residents are urged by the Jaycees to support local merchants and keep their business in Kearns. 44 i , '4 Norma Robinson, manager of Darrells Salon of Beauty in Kearns, renounces that her beauticians will do the hair of any candidate in the Miss Kearns contest who wishes. A certificate will be issued to each 7 Thursday, April 18, THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS 6 MILK for the weekend! Dad will be home from work. No school for the kids. Sis will have her friends over. Theyll all want plenty of Milk. Get extra Milk now for the weekend. Youll be glad you did 1 AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION OF UTAH - Spoored by Vfatis Dairy farmers THtWOKtrWCTIOttSSll, Trust Taste Enjoy TheWorlds Finest Bourbon since 1795 UlNlUCKKf BOURBDll ,ltu4A IRAIGHT WHlSKtY |