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Show Thursday, April IS, 1963 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT APPROVES SET BOUNDARIES Kearns Jr. High Engages Top On Tuesday, April 2 the Granite eluding all homes in the Southridga School District Board of Education subdivision. WEST KEARNS Starting at approved the following boundaries Schools;. 1835 4580 South and thence Kearns West, Elementary for the at to GOURLEY east south 4865 thence Starting DAVID South, thence to 4559 West 4580 West, (sideapproximately 4835 South south to 4865 South, thence east walk), thence south to 5100 South, to approximately 4359 West (side- thence west to 4620 West, thence walk), thence south to 5100 South, south to 5175 South, thence west thence west to 4620 West, thence to 4820 West, thence northwest south to 5175 South, thence east to along Capehart, to 5080 South, 5135 thence west to Pieper Blvd. (passAlex Street, thence north to Steel Street, ing between 5090 and 5100 South South, thence east to 501 o South, on walk) to D&RG Railroad, thence thence northeast to northwest along D&RG Railroad approximately north along thence thence 4715 tracks to approximately 5040 West, South, to 400 West vTest to 4300 West, thence south thence north to 4835 South, thence east to point of beginning. to approximately 47S3 South, thence south thence WESTERN HILLS Starting at west to 4420 West, 4520 5415 Sout hand approximately 4520 westto thence 4865 South, to 4835 South, West (sidewalk between Lots 301 West, thence north to of beginning. and 302), thence north to 5175 to point thence west HILLS Beginning at South, thence west to 4620 West, OQUIRRH and 4015 (passing between 5166 and 5176 South approximately 5075 West South, also 5165 and 5175 South) 4180 West, thence west to (Steele Street), thence south along to 4820 West, thence northwest Steele Street to 5135 South, thence along Capehart Street to 5080 west to Alex Street, thence south to 5175 outh, thence west to 4520 West thence south to 5415 South, thence east to 4270 West, thence south to Jordan District line, thence east to 4015 West, thence north to point of beginning. Starting at SOUTH KEARNS 5415 South and 4270 West, thence south to 5900 South, thence west to thence D&RG Railroad tracks, northwest along D&RG Railroad tracks to 5415 South, thence east to point of beginning. Beginning at SOUTHRIDGE 4715 South and 4013 West, thence -twest to 4200 West, hence south South, thence west to Pieper Boulevard (passing between 5090 and 5100 South, on sidewalk), thence northwest along D&RG Railroad tracks to approximately 4900 South and 5200 West, thence south to 5400 South, thence east to point of beginning. The students of the David Gourley School and the Scuthndge School will be on double session at the David Gourley School until the Scuthndge building is completed. This should be sometime the early spring of 1964. in. Kearns Kearns Town! Have Busy Council News Spring ofSchedule the Jaycee-ette- s Speaker for Meet An outstanding speaker has been engaged for the final PTA meeting of the year at the Kearns Junior High School, on Monday, April 22, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Norman Gibbons, assistant principal of the Cyprus High School, will speak to the group on youth. He is very well qualified, being The Kearns Town Council met at its regular meeting on Monday, April 15, in the Kearns Junior High School. At this meeting, the group decided to continue the fund raisThe citizens of ing campaign. Kearns are not responding as well as it was hoped they would, said Bill Petuskey, secretary, So we are youth protection chairman for the Granite Council PTA, and is also urging everyone to contribute to the Kearns Town Council. We will serving as second a part cf these funds to fight use elect to the secondary Granite for reapportionment. Council PTA. All parents are urged to attend Mr. Bob Bullough, chairman of this meeting. You are certain to the Council, said that the motion find the experience both stimulat- for dismissal by the Attorney Gening and rewarding. eral of the suit for legislative reThe election of officers for the apportionment was denied. Mr. John coming year will also take place Boyden, attorney for the group wall during the evening. now A special singing group from the as prepare supplemental pleadings ordered Judge David T. will favor the parent-teache- r Lewis, U. S.by Court junior-hi- gh of Appeals, assembly with several musi- Tenth Circuit, and Judge Willis W. cal numbers. Ritter, U. S. District Court for Utah. Mrs. Barbara Bowers is in charge of the meeting, with Mr. Verl Asay The clean-u- p campaign sponsored in charge of the nominating com- by the Town Council is in full mittee. Mrs. Claudia Carter and swing. Trucks will be around on Mrs. Annette Brown are in charge Saturday to pick up any trash that of refreshments. citizens place on their curb. This The PTA wishes to thank all stu- clean-Ucampaign will run through dents for helping to make the show, April 27. Houseboat, which was shown last Four cars have been picked up Wednesday, such a success. in Kearns which were illegally cording to the following schedule: parked on public roads without liA-9:00- 9:30 censes. All such cars found parked C-9:30-10:0- 0 along the streets in Kearns will be 10:00-10:3- 0 picked up, and owners of the ve10:30-11:0- 0 M-hicles will be fined. vice-preside- nt Kearns Jaycee-ett- es visited Draper on April 15 to with the organization of We help s, The meeting Jaycee-etteDraper was held at the home of Mrs. Wayne Ballard, wife of Drapers new Jaycee President. Kearns officers reviewed procedures for electruning officers, setting up ning projects, obtaining speakers, and planning socials and childrens activities all with the object of supporting Jaycee development "The Jaycee Story was presented by Orin Hunter. Officers by-law- s, A short business meeting will be on April held by the Jaycee-ette- s 24, 7:30 p.m., at the Kearns Junior High prior to aiding Miss Keam; candidates in walk-otechniques. n Elections for new officers of the will be held Kearns Jaycee-ette- s 1 at a meeting to be held at May the home of Jeri Otte. If weather permits, Jaycee-ette- s plan to sponsor a picnic for Jaycee families at Liberty Park on May 3. D B H I-- L R 11:00-11:3- 0 S-- Z Registration for the kindergarten Registration for the kindergarten of the Southridge School students David 'Steele the of Street, students Gourley South on' inacheld will at the David Gourley be on 25 School will be held April thenceeast'to 4QJ5West, Also, on School . April 25 according to the f following schedule: A-1:00-1:3- 0 matinee and performance evening t C C-1:30-2:00 have' been planned, with Mr. Ted 2:00-2:3- 0 Mack of the Original Amateur Hour Holds Monthly M-2:30-3:0- 0 ceremonies. as master of acting 3:00-3:3- 0 16, is Another big project Meeting April underway Parents of kindergarten students The Granger Chamber ofCom-merc- e to attempt to get some swimming at noon area. reminded to bring the followare for the Granger meeting George held their pools 3500 with them at the time West 3217 the materials is Fairbourne group ing heading the Pizza Hut, 16. of these which is investigating possiregistration: 1. Birth certificate South on Tuesday, April AL1 or discussed interested groups bilities. (official). 2. Medical examination One of the main issues was the widening of 3500 South. individuals who are interested in form (completed). 3. Registration The Chamber is grateful to the helping or who can give any type card (filled out). 4. $1.00 for crackfor their help in cir- of assistance are urged to contact ers and milk. All of these listed Jaycee-ette- s materials must be completed and culating the petition during the past Mr. Fairbourne. South turned in to the school before a week to all those on 3500 child will be able to attend kinderbetween Redwood Road and Magna. garten. Appreciation was also extended to A medical examination form and the of Community Rulon Jenkins a instrumental registration card have been sent Council who has been all kindergarten students whose to and in helping with the project, ' names appeared on the Granite to Estel Wright and his business School District census records. If associates. All of the civic groups you do not have these materials, in the area have put forth very direction. please call the David Gourley cooperative effort in this School, CY The big event which the Chamber Kindergarten will be held from is presently working toward is the May 31 to July 12. All children 24th of July talent show to be held will attend from 8 to 11 a.m. at the High School. A tQ-J?0- 70 -- Granger Page 7 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Cof B H I-- L R S-- Z Granger The Town Council also resolved to send letters to the Countv Recreation Department and the County Commission regarding the trade of ten acres of the proposed park site across from the Kearns Junior High. If this trade is accomplished, the Granite School District will obtain 10 acres of a 40 acre park site to build the Southridge Elementary School. The Town Council feels that this trade would be fine i' the County Recreation Department receives 10 acres in this area in trade from Granite School District. As negotiations now appear, no provision is being made to obtain the 10 acre park site near Kearns. minute Pap test may. save The Kearns Town Council urges everyone to take advantage of the KO POLIO Clinic to be held at the Kearns Junior High School this Saturday and Sunday, 'April 20 and 21, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is the second phase of the campaign. your At this meeting the civic clubs of Kearns were featured. Mr. Jack DeMann, president of the Kearns Chamber of Commerce, explained the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce and the proposed proj-ject- s for the future. years ago, utci-in- e cancer was the major Twenty-fiv- e cause of cancer death in women. Today, it is one of the most curable of all types of cancer. The simple, painless Pap test, de eloped by Dr. George Papanicolaou, helps doctors detect cancers of the uterus in time. Ask your doctor for the Pap test during our annual health checkup. The American Cancer Society has invested about $1,000,000 in the develop- ment and use of the Pap test. Scientists are working on other projects which cost even more. And finding the cause and cure of cancer is one of Americas most urgent and costly projects. Send your donation now to Cancer co your Family reunions are fun. Traveling isnt always easy. Long distance is. Pick up yoir phone and go visiting... tonight!. . v u , i ; : .. 7- " Lo ni3ht rate f apply $ Swufa 1 MOUNTAIN STATES, TELEPHONE (S) local post office. i To Cure More Give Mort AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY , |