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Show ;Jage 4 Thursday,' April IS, 196$ THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS (earns Area Devel open? Survey Cotralefe enf to State Jaycees The Kearns Community Development Survey has been completed, and a comprehensive report has been compiled and sent to the Utah State Jaycees by the project chair-roaCarl Nelson. The survey was designed to determine what Kearns residents thought of their town, and what improvements and changes could be made to better the community. The 24 question survey was completed by members of the Kearris Jaycees, assisted by the Kearns OLadies Civic Club, and was turned in to Mr. Nelson on April 1. In answer to the question, What benefits are expected to result from this project?, which was outlined in the project chairmans report, it was explained that the Jaycees hope to awaken people to the fact that they are a part of this and must all help to make it a better place to live, The town was divided into, sevi eral areas for the survey, and when all areas were completed and the results combined, the report, gave n, com-muni- y, representative picture of the entire Kearns area. The study of each area separately added a great deal cf interest to the findings. The people in one area, for example, had 'a noticably different problems than dhose in another. Of the first ten questions on the Survey, those which the majority rated as adequate were the water supply, garbage collection, telephone sendee, fire protection, postal service, medical services, library, street systems and traffic regulations. People seemed to feel that law enforcement and police protection, and maintenance and cleaning of streets were inadequate. The next seven questions dealt with recreational opportunities, swimming facilities, playgrounds, parks and picnic areas, and so on, which generally were considered inadequate. Most people were unaware that any community planning and development was going on in the town, but felt that the general appearance and attractiveness of the community could stand improvement. The last four questions were essay type, giving people a chance to express themselves about their particular likes and dislikes of the town. People disliked makeshift addition to homes, broken down cars in yards and on the streets, inconsideration in leaving trash around, and the lack of recreational facilities and adequate law enforcement 'Residents rated Kearns as a good place to live because it is clean, and because the people are very friendly. ' Other favorable factors were the convenience of the loca- tion, and the nice shopping centers. Here an area problem was noted, in that those on the west side of Kearns found shopping inconvenient, because all o: the shopping centers are located on the east side. The final results of the report were based on the 1960 census of 17,172 people. A map for the Jaycees by the original surveyor who presently lives Hills. was provided Miller Sams, for Hoffman, in Western The Jaycees plan to. direct their first efforts toward the cleaning up of Kearns. They are cooperating iij the present clean-u- p campaign which is being backed by the Town Council. A great deal, of effort is expecte dto be directed towards the recreational problems of the ara. FOR SALE 1 LOT in more than it was when I had q clerical job. bank I was placed at the by Stevens Henager College after I comthere. course pleted a secretarial finishing I love my work. Stevens Henager is a wonderful place fo go to get ahead in a buriyi My starting salary was 50 Gloria Allred Deseret, Millard County, tllah Graduating this Year? You Can Soon Earn up to $325 a Month! The demand for stenographers and secretaries from Stevens Henager far greater than the college can supply. Free placement service. Enroll Now for Summer or Foil Term , IBM Automation Management Secretarial Science Accounting Par Powereading Federal Taxation Executive Leadership Special dassess Speedwriting, Gregg shorthand, Nancy Taylor finishing, IBM card punch. Evening classes Mondays and Thursdays, 6:1 5 to 9:45 p jtu A Junior LOT college of business CLIP AND MAIL TODAY t HARDWARE 1 secretary is PLUMBING SUPPLIES 1 a year after my graduation from Delta High, I became a one of the largest banks in Salt lake City. Less than t send me, without obligation, a copy of your catalog which plains opportunities in businese, SIEMENS LOT Yes, esaeg DUTCH BOY PAINT and courses offered at Stevetj Henager College. Name., eol'ilEGE See At inii HOME ELECTRIC 3050 West 3500 South No Reasonable Offer Refused CQPltED Grpm- i . him Address,. - (SSSEIJ Sint City (3C?1 Phone No. r- 200,000 Rail operating workers have every right idbe Indig- nant and resentful. They have been the target of a hypocritical campaign of misinformation and distortion by railroad management, intent on making them the scapegoats for the industrys increasing failure to meet its public service obligations. Is this "'featherbedding"? Government statistics show that the productivity of raff operating employees. has increased more than that of almost any other group of workers. Interstate Commerce Commission figures report a climb in revenue traffic units per man from 731.9 in 1936 to 1488.6 itt hour-worke- 1960 fs this "featherbedding"? Railroading is standard-siz- e crew. Last year 62 railroad operating employees lost their it's money you need for home improvements see Zions First National for a low-coIf st loan. 2,000 lives and 10,410 were injured. Of the injured, many lost limbs or were otherwise permanently disabled. Cutting the crew' size, as management now demands, would mean even more men killed and injured. Remember, railroad workers are on the job in all extremes of weather. y Opera ting, under discipline, they have direct responsibility far the lives of fellow employees and the public as well, and for the safe movement of millions of dollars worth of quasi-militar- equipment and property. Amount $1,000 1,000 . hazardous even with a crowded? of Loon an increase of 103.4?o. 18 Months $59.82 89.74 119.65 24 Months 36 Months $45.88 $31.93 47.90 63.87 68.82 91.76 Is this "featherbedding"? The men who man the trains now work under burdensome conditions: irregular hours and work-dayoa call for duty 24 hours a day; no differential pay for night work; inadequate overtime rates; no a premium Sunday or holiday pay for crews; no reimbursement for required expense. Obviously there it a need for modernization of work rules where such s; road-trai- away-from-ho- no additional charge conditions exist. The featherbedding tag the scapegoat rol clearly doesnt fit Americas skilled, experienced railroaders. The labor organizations to which thee Kearns Office me FIRST NATIONAL Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation workers belong are committed to setting record straight, Ihh advertisement th jporuorid byi UTAH RAILWAY LEGISLATIVE BOARDS Brothorhood of Railroad Trdfttmon BroHitrhood of locomotive Firomon ord Brothorhood of lotomollvo Inginoor Ordor of BoHwey Conductors r.gs,emca. . , ' r . . |