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Show Thursday, April 18, 1955 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 8 . '1V msn will be the theme for the Spring Concert, In the Halls of Music Tfe Accordio-Rama- , 1963, featuring the Salt Lake Symphonic Accordion Orchestra, under the direction of Larry Pino. The concert will be held at Highland High Auditorium, Wednesday, April 24. Curtain time is 8 p.m. The orchestra has received recognition across the nation, having been introduced to music circles in Denver, Topeka, Chicago, New York City, and Long Beach, where for four years, they have received numerous awards, including the Sweep-stake- s trophy, and the Grand Prize. Last year, at the Long Beach festival, in addition to individual honors, the orchestra walked away with the coveted first place trophy in the Top Senior Division, and Tina Herrmann, formerly of Salt Lake City, -- and now a summer student at Pino Conservatory, won second place at the Seattle Worlds Fair. The program at Highland High on Wednesday will present these 1 Granger Jaycees, Gordon McLachlan, Gary Howell, Gene Westover, Paul Mattson, and Bruce Burnham, rest on fence they installed Saturday at the Little League Ballfield. The infield fence for the WBBA worthwhile activity, and support is ballfield at 3600 'West and 3100 needed in order to have a place for South, was completed by the them to play. Support this project Granger Jaycees last Saturday, in any way possible. According to April 13. The field was ready for Mr. McLachlan, grass will be planted on the field this fall. playing 'Monday. Some of the merchants in the The Jaycees are looking for new Granger area have backed the Jaycees and helped support the project. members to get in on the activities Their advertisements will be seen and socials for the coming year. on the home-rufence this year. A Young men between 21 and 35 deal of money must be raised years of age who are active and great to complete this fence. Those who enthusiastic are urged to join the are interested in buying advertising Jaycees. Contact Ron Basinger, space on the fence for $25 may call chairman of the membership comGordon McLachlan, chairman of the mittee, AM Gordon McCY CY at Lachlan, project, pr Cal is CY a our for Baseball, boys very n 5,' Youn-gree- n, Granger Pageant Well Received For First Time Miss The Miss Granger Pageant,; sponsored, by the Granger Jaycees, will be held for the first time this year, according to Bill Barton, chairman of the project . The contest is tentatively set for May 17 at the Granger High School. "The Jaycees will begin receiving entries on April 29, but girls who are interested in entering are urged to prepare their talent and get, ready to enter. The Jaycees will award a $100 wardrobe plus various scholarships to the winner of the contest. : Sponsors for the girls are being sought. The cost is $20, and any merchant or individual who is interested in sponsoring a girl in the pageant may contact Bill Barton or Dennis Leonard at CY AREA MOTES' Cyprus High Schools Record Hop was sponsored by the Safety Club, a large group of students attended. . award-winnin- g bug-a-bo- playing their winning numbers, and some will play their pieces for competition this year, including Moldau by Smetana, and strictly for fun, . Bolear Boogie. Another highlight of the evening is the Jr. Stars Symphonic Orchestra, which was organized just three years ago, by Mr. Pino. This group will play Finlandia, by Sibelius, and Conflict, a compilation of Civil .War themes. Later this year, the Jr. Band will make its first competitive appearance, when they and the Sr. Band attend the Western States Accordion Festival and Contest in Long Beach, California. According to Roberta L. Theobald, emcee for the event, personalities will be on parade, as some The master of ceremonies for the prizes were given away and an evening was enjoyed by all. : County Clean-U- p Day is set-foand will be supervised by Monady the Lions Club. Hunter and all the communities that border it are urged to support this project. Lets all meet at the Hunter Ward House as close to five p.m. as possible, ' bring your rakes and shovels. (PLEASE PRINT)' PROGRAM FOR UTAH If Mrs. Ethel Sizemore, a very: sweet and wonderful person in the Hunt- er Ward, passed away Friday students 2-26- 22 r nouncer, Morrie Richley. Many David McDougal and Neff Peter- son. The Hunter Ward M.I.A. Roaring 20s class held their dinnef pro- gram Triday evening. Connie Chet- ties dance class gave somej interesting novelty dance numbers including the Charleston, Mexican Hat; Hula, and others. A 'lange number of parents and friends bf the dance group attended. Mrs. Theobald adds, "As important as a musical education is foe creative expression, the truiy significant feature of this training ii the pleasant laws of discipline it 350 students of note take you on a offers. musical tour, with the spotlight Highlight of past concerts wa3 shining first on the little eager still is the music assemblage of 350 students to beginner, to whom r. novelty . . . then we must reckon play the finale en masse. This year, with the tired old word, Practice from a podium in the auditorium, This is the point at which most of Larry Pino will direct the stirring us fall by the Musical Wayside. number, The Holy City. But after interviewing parents, Reserved and general admission teachers and students for about for ticket information call years, I feel that I have good news seats, Pino Conservatory, DA for people who are plagued by that Larry CR Proceeds from, or o old practice, which inconcert help defray expense of vades the best homes, and leaves sending students to Western States frustration in its wake. Accordion Festival. Symphonic Accordion Concert Opens April 24th at Highland High S. L. UTAH STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION eve- ning. Our sincere sympathy is extended to her children and family. List on this form the names and ages of ail persons in your household who appear at the clinic at the same time for vaccination. The Fashion Show at the Hunter Ward Saturday, was a success to all the ladies who attended and enjoyed the tasty luncheon. Models CLINIC DATE:. were shown from the Gay Nineties to the present day. HOUSEHOLD ADDRESS:. '4: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ewell mo- COUNTY. CITY. tored to Provo .Friday to attend the wedding reception of Charles M. Kirby and Miss Marna Johnson. Mr. Kirby is a nephew of Mr. Ewell. Once again Cyprus and Granger High Schools will compete in registered students attending Lagoon Day May 15th. The schools fo on a percentage basis, according to the membership. They are asking the support of all students, the losing school can watch their student body officers walk the distance between the two schools. LAST NAME FIRST NAME INITIAL AGE wJd IN UTAH HIM IS A NATURAL $ 'Hunter Lions Club nominated new officers for the coming year as follows: Clarence Williams, pres- ident; 'Luke D. Daniels y4 1st vice president; Neal Coats, 2nd vice president; Edwin Grey, 3rd vice Frand Newson, secretary; and Preston Matthews, tail twister. The foard of directors are: "Walter Ewell, Max Franipton, Warren Rushton, 'Ebnezer Jones and Van Clark. Three district govem-nor- s are runnig for office, two of them were present at the meeting, evening was HMURs radio an- presi-dent;Thom- as From nature's light grain comes sparkling, light beer;.. Utah's traditional beverage of moderation - it's light, sparkling, delicious. And naturally, the Brewing Industry is proud of the more than 2,500,000 tax dollars it contributes on beer sold in Utah each year - money that helps support our schools, our hospitals and our parks. In Utah, beer belongs, enjoy it. I hereby repest that Sabin Oral polio vaccine be administered to above listed minors: SIGNATURE. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION. UTAH DIVISION ' . - INC. RELATIONSHIP FILL OUT and bring with you to polio clinic! |