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Show Serving Kearns, Granger, Hunter, Magna, Taylorsville Volume X The Fastest Growing Community in Utah Salt Lake County, Thursday, April 18, 1963 Number 22 Talent Show Case' T.V, Program Proving Success The Talent Show Case television program sponsored by the Chamber of ComGranger-Hunte- r merce is proving to be a great success. Each week more telephone calls are being received proving the viewing public is accepting the program. The past three weeks talent from this area proved to be winners. March 24th show was won by Lynn Chandler of Granger playing a clarinet solo. Last week the Continentals, a dance band from Granger High School, .was the winner. Dancers Last Sunday the Dotty-Ett- a and from Kearns attending Granger High School, were winners. The Dotty-Ett- a Dancerkpreserited a novelty jazz dance number and were selected for the television show from a tryout at the Granger High- - School sponsored "by" the ,; Granger Lions. Sharon Christensen,, Joanne Weidner Susan Bruse, Carol Jarvis, Carl Crowtherl ; Steven Johnny Morris and David were the dancers. Second place went to"The Jones Brothers, two boys from Nephi, and the Preece ; Sisters,; a '.trio of girl 6ingers ; from .Salt Lake City. secOnly two votes separated rthe "' 'it ond and third places. This weeks voting .and mail almost doubled any previous week. . (Last Sundays show was sponsored by Walker IBank and Trust Midwest Co., Granger Branch, ORealty and Finance Co., Ralph Cranes Sinclair Station and the Granger Market. Next weeks show will be sponsored by Builders Mart, Delton 7 '- - -- fy to Move ie?use from Kearns Area Lanes, Premco Service, Buds Tire Shop, Wbodburry Landscaping, Home Electric and Mountain Heat- - i ri'fo x. " ing. New Miss Kearns To Be Crowned 26th April The moment is j s' S' if p A V , x b I " tt Copper Company, would use the . Sanitary Landfill. This is an effective, economical and proved method for permanent disposal of all garbage, dry trash and incombustible rubbish. .... .'.x.. I Ken-neco- ' v ! Five steps are Used in this method. 1. Dig a trench to contain the 1 refuse. 2. Dump the days refuse into the trench. 3. Spread and corn-pac- e the refuse for a minimum bulk and maximum settlement. 4. Cover compacted waste daily with six inch compacted soil layer. 5. Dixie Keech and Loretta Whittle, Cover and compact a final layer of contestants for the Miss Kearns two feet over completeed area. Contest, practice walking with a book on their heads as they will Commissioner Brady Explained be instructed for the contest. this method would eliminate flies, rats and other disease carrying vermon. Fire and odor nuisance j well known for her lovely hair styl- would also be eliminated. Sorting ings,' has volunteered to do Miss of garbage and refuse would not CasebolL Decs; Judy Shakespear, Kearns hair for the Miss Utah be necessary. - Unburnable material Mountain Fuel Supply; Karen An- contest. cause no special operation would., i The Miss Kearns trophy will be drews, Kearns. Branch of Zions ; problems. AnNational First donated by, Kearns Lanes; 2nd place Bank;. Sharon;. Minimum : equipment is required Keech,...-...;..:...Dixie will be drews, IGA;: sponsored by Mels Barber and this equipment can be used fori Shop, and the Jaycees will sponsor other apd JoAnn' Curley work 'county according to Stage decorations vhave been ob- 3rd place trophy. Commissioner Brady. The candidates were given walk-o- n tained by the 'Jdycees through the The. present dump near Kearns Jun-at Kearns the instructions j will courtesy of South High School require considerable study as which, is- - contributing the use of ior High on April 15 by Jackie Ben-nio- n to the best and least expensive and Charlene Hunter from the its Roman Holiday decorations "' Studios. An-- ; for the contest. (Loretta Young-Wa- y Evelyn of Darrells House of other session will be held on April Beauty on Foothill Drive, who is 24th. Public A1 , , I . , , - - . April 20, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m The Teen Hop is being sponsored by the Kearns National League, WBBA. Tickets for the event are 50c each and may be purchased at the door.; The league reminds ail boys who are trying outr for the team to keep in mind: the following dates: 12 year olds, April 29 and 30 at 5:30 p.m. 11 year olds. May I and 2 at 5:30 p.m. 9 and 10 year olds. May 31 at 5:30 p.m. and May 4 at 10 a.m " - w- - Polio April 20 and 21 ? The second round of the fight to cine are now being distributed eradicate polio permanently in Utah around the state, sufficient for ev-i- s scheduled Saturday and Sunday, eryone who has not already had the April, 20 and 21, in this area and Sabin oral vaccine. The Utah State Medical all round the state. six from though Executive Secretary Nearly 800,000 Utahns Harold to "B'awman, also has prepared weeks to over 90 are expected million sugar" cubes, more again trek to the various clinics to one than one million'paper cups, one million eat a sugar cube and thereby fulfill in forms, and other sup- registration personal responsibility eliminating polio from their com- plies needed to cariy out the huge participation program. munity as well as safeguarding mass Dr. Carlyle Thompson, director of themselves against the dread public health for Utah, reports that disease. Clinics will be set up at the same he expects Utah to be one of the locations as for the first round and .strongest states in the country in the way of polio immunization, af-at approximately the same times. is completed. We Registration forms will be dis-- ! ter this program more even that and hope people will, tributed through the schools in turn than successful out through all pharmacies. Blanks alsowill be run in many of the news- first round a month ago. Governor George D. Gfyde, one papers of the state and will be available at the clinics. But time 0f jr- second round j.Q ge forms the can be saved by filling vaccine urges wholehearted parti- in advance. cipation in the "fine public pro took the who sugar Everyone gram cubes in the first round is urged The Utah Pharmaceutical Associqc to follow up in this second round is arranging for the care and immunization of sure to be complete the of all the vaccine. The distribution not did tion. Those who get be kept frozen until it in vaccine must the first saturated sugar cubes is round may take the second round ready for use. The pharmacists vaccine and the third May 13 or 19, also will prepare the vaccine at the and then obtain the first round vac- - 160 clinics which are scheduled cine from a private physician or around the state. The army of vothrough the local public health of- lunteers who worked in the opening fice later, according to Dr. Alan round will again be serving so that P. Macfarlane, state KO POLIO the vaccine can be given to everyone for just 25c, or free, if the rechairman. Neatly 900,000 doses of the vac- cipients cannot afford to pay for it I ear Members and Friends of rinity Methodist Church: We are happy to announce the mstruction of our new educational lilding on April 21 at 7:30 p.m. r. Glenn Randall Phillips, bishop Meth-iis- t ir the Denver area of the Church, and Rev. C. Ted awes, our district superintendent, ill officiate at this springtime L. B. jremony. Our pastor. Rev. chairriend, and Mr. Glenn Sarbo, man of the construction committee, ill assist with the service. Our people are thankful for the vo modern buildings which now tand on our more than one acre f well located property. We in the possession of some 70 000.00 worth of physical equipment to be used for the glory of lod and the good of His people ith only $17,000.00 indebtedness, r lurely the future looks even bright-with the climatic achievement if completing this second building it should not be too long until ve shall have the earth breaking :eremony for a spacious auditorium mt on the southwest section of our ot, thus forming a U of nice nodem buildings! This is our cordial invitation to ;ou and yours to share the conse-rratio- n service . with us. - 7 r fnL r: r r: their , the-ver- re-Di- ce YcHjr.'Pastbr, Commissioner Brady advised the . area acquired, on a lease from exciting rapidly apporaching when a new Miss Kearns will be named for the community Twelve pretty and talented girls are preparing for the contest which is scheduled for Friday, Apr. 26, at 8 p.m., Kearns Junior High School. The Jaycees have planned an outstanding presentation and encourage residents to turn but and support this event which will prelude the entray of Miss Kearns in the Miss Utah contest. The girls and their sponsors are: Gayla Christensen, Frost Top; Nancy Acord, Shelleys Home Furnishing; 'Linda Higley, Westridge "Realty; Shirley Enovvball. Albertsons; Loretta-Whittl- e, Key Rerall; Sherry Hiatt; 'Browns Sho$ Store; Carolyn Letter To The . Commissioner C. W. Buck announced been have Brady plans made to remove the garbage dump from Kearns to a new location at 4000 West and 2100 South. j w ' j ? I f v- -' ; - , j j I is v;v -- f ' va'J 1 0 ' k ; if Si , 4.1 ComRev. Frien dand Glen Sarbo, Chairman of the Construction church building mittee' view the results of their new educational - . |