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Show A Thursday, April 4, 1963 VALLEY i Page II VIEW NEWS Kearns Shopping Center Glade Linebaugh s (Continued from page 10) A baby shower honoring Beverly IKey Cannon was held at the home of Danno Bateman. A large group enjoyed the evening as games were were played and refreshments were served. A beautiful array of gifts were opened for the coming event. Taylorsville Mem 4th Ward News There will be a ward dinner on 19. Judith Inkley, daughter of Mr. April and Mrs. Ted Inkley of 5208 South 3200 West, was among the twelve The 3rd Ward will have a MIA students chosen as Sterling Scholars Musical Spring Sing Thursday, from Granger High School. She was chosen for her outstanding April 4 at 7:30 in the chapel. Parmusic ability. Judith is also one of ents are urged to attend. the seven students selected to attend the Western Music Conference There will be a Scout Court of in Bakersfield, California from Honor April April 4 at 7:30 which will be held in the recreation hall of the ward. The Taylorsville 4th Ward girls basketball team won the championThe Improvement Era drive is ship in the stake. They will now Connow on. You will be contacted this finals. in the district compete gratulations and good luck to the week. Please support this drive. The Era is a necessity in every LDS champions. 0. home. The 4th Ward will have a welfare dinner Friday, April 5. On the menu will be roast beef. A 'program will follow the dinner. . Area News There will be a singing practice for all Primary children in the Taylorsville Stake April 11 at 2:30 in the Stake Center. They will pracCongratulations to Robert and tice the songs they are to sing for Sharlene Johnson who are the Stake Conference which will be proud parents of a baby boy. held April 14. 6th Ward News Bruce and Carol Schrowther are The singing mothers of the stake, the proud parents of a new baby under the direction of Nellie Ben-niowill present an Easter progirl. Congratulations to the happy family. gram Sunday morning, April 14 at 7 in the Stake Center. Everyone hosthe in been has is invited to attend. Myma Moyle pital, but is recuperating at home. n, The Taylorsville Elementary The 6th Ward enjoyed a very School will hold their final PTA good pot luck dinner last week. of this year on April 11 in were Jones meeting and Glenn Judy 7:30. at will be a musical evening It affair. charge of the A new Deacons Quorum of entertainment with the students from the orchestra, band and a presi- chorus made up of 5th and 6th dency has been appointed in the grade students performing. The inTaylorsville 6th Ward. They are strumental music is under the direction of Mr. Kennard. Mr. Victor Jerry Allen, president; Richard Holien and Kay Blackwell, coun-celor- L. Morris is directing the chorus Barry Bell is the new sec- with Mrs. Mortensen as accoms. retary. A good time was had by the young people of the 6th Ward Mutual at their ward outing at the Spruces in Big Cottonwood Canyon last Saturday. Everything was under the direction of Joyce and Bob LeFever. Mc-Doug- al Ray Holien has been appointed age group counselor in the Young Mens Mutual of the 6th Ward. CY 44 or CY 45 Your Key to Better Living Your Key to Better Health Taylorsville Stake Conference will be held April 13th and 14th. The Saturday night meeting is set at 7:30 p.m. and is by special invitation only. On unday April 24th the morning session starts at 10 a.m. The Taylorsville Stake Singing Mothers will sing under the direction of Nellie Bennion. The afternoon session is at 2:30 p.m. at the Taylorsville State Center, the Primary Children from the Stake will furnish the music. The Relief Society representative will be Sister LaPriel Bunker, and the primary will be Namoni W. Randall. Val Hunt, Manager of Kearns Safeway Store, presents check for $100 to Ruth Mayne of 4038 West 5050 South. She won in the stores contest. 8-1- taMi lies The Primary Stake Board will attend General Conference sessions at the Tabernacle April 3rd as a group. Luncheon arrangements were made with Granger and North Jordan Stakes primaries to be together at the Lion House. Individual departments were held Thursday, April 4th. Theme for this year is We Will Magnify Our Call as Leaders. The Primary Stake and Wards are fully organized, this is a complete list of sustaining done in the past weeks. Stake Primary: Pres. Elva P. Turpin, 1st Counc. Mary T. Rupp, 2nd Marie Gerber and Sec. LaWanna Moss. Music Dir. Donna Heaps; Scout Dir: Maxine Christensen. Ward Presidencies: Bennion: Roene Wood, Pres; Ella Steffensen, 1st; Fae Ross, 2nd; Donna Bateman, Sec. Bennions 2nd: Leah Beckstrom, Pres.; Tonja Jensen 1st; Donna Vee Olson, 2nd; Irene Matthews, Sec. Taylorsville, Pres.; Helene Paxton 1st; Darlene Maxfield, 2nd; Leona Telford, Sec. Taylorsville 2nd: Afton Deverall Pres.; Dorothy Hintze, 1st; Marilyn Van Wagner, 2nd; Fae Smith Sec. Taylorsville 3rd: Verla Nielsen, Pres.; Vila Jacobsen, 1st; La Nea Leonard, 2nd; Betty Parkstone, Sec. Taylorsville 4th: Betty Anderson, Pres.; Addie Mackay, 1st; Bonnie Barker, 2nd; Mary Ellen Hansen, Sec. Taylorsville 5th: Margene Doug-la- r, Pres.; Elva Turner, 1st; Alsen Misbach, 2nd; Jill Johnson, Sec. Taylorsville 6th: Emma Lou War-burtoPres.; Jean Farnsworth, 1st; Golda Bamhurst, 2nd; Jerry Sorenson, Sec. Taylorsville 7th: Diana eHaton, Pres.; Diane eHaton, Pres.; Jo Las-le1st; Lola Johnson, 2nd; Emma Morris, Sec. Taylorsville 8th: Kay Higginson, Pres.; Betty Love, 1st; Bonna Waters, 2nd; Margaret Butterfield, Sec. Choose your Easter gifts from our complete selection of Russell Stover Candies. FILLED EASTER BASKETS 49c to $1.98 Buy Now While Selection is Good n, y, panist Elections for new officers will be Christain Women Club held and they will be installed in their positions. All parents of the Regular monthly meeting of Salt students of Taylorsville Eelemen-tar- y Lake City Christian Womens Club School are urged to attend will be held April 1 1th, 1963, at Finnlandia Restaurant (location this important meeting. changed from Aviation Club), 3923 Wasatch Blvd., at 12:30 p.m. Taylorsville Stake Mission News Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hanzon were both baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. was Mr. Hanzon baptized February 3rd Ward News 24, 1963 and Mrs. Hanzon, March The combined Taylorsville 3rd 28, 1963. They have two small boys. and 8th Wards are preparing an The Taylorsville Stake welcomes Easter Cantata to be presented recent converts into our Meetthese April 7 at 6:30 in Sacrament This stake. family lives at 1775 ing. It is called The Living Christ Ave. They are now and is under the direction of Cliff Champagne 2nd Heaps of the 3rd Ward. The public members of the Taylorsville Ward. attend. is invited to Special feature will be Mrs. C. J. Zimmerman, Jr., of Zims Hobby Shop. Featured speaker will be Mrs. Clark Stamm, National Executive Secretary Christian Womens Club of the United States, from Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Andrew Deiiss will be soloist. Reservations are welcomed; please call Mrs. Gerald Carlson, or Mrs. Frank S. Carpenter, . 486-943- 2, 298-780- 4. STRAW EASTER BASKETS If YOUR CHOICE U ea. you don't care who fills your presciption . you do care who fills your prescription ' . . THAT'S YOUR BUSINESS If THAT'S OUR BUSINESS! |