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Show I Pr.c 4 Heard JOE Allen Anderson has been laid up and Joel and Dianna Velarde had with a bad cold. Hope he is back baby girls. The mothers and babies on the job soon. Tough on Ruben are doing well. Cant say the same for the fathers. to handle the work alone. Baby girls outnumbered the boys 2 to 1 during the month of March with members of the Granger Jay-ceeGary and Audry Howell had a baby boy. Bob and Sandra Barton s. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION Kearns are behind the campaign, vhichAvill encourage painting arid fixing up, as well 'as a general dean up. Merchants in the area are cooperating by carrying sales of paints and other household items at Kearns Town Council Pushes Spring Clean-u- p by Our gentle little wind storm last week really played havoc. A couple of hangers at the 21st South airport were blown over, John Paras lost one of the falls on a new building under construction, a large pine tree was uprooted at 4800 South and Redwood Road. ; f -- The Kearns Town Council is spearheading a Spring Clean-U- p Campaign in the area which will run from April 13 to 28. Refuse may be placed on the curb, where it will be picked up sometime during the campaign. Gordon Leonard from the County Roads and Bridges, will see that equipment is available for pickup. All of the civic organizations in Post 9322 Elects Officers Elections of new officers for the Walker Neal Snyder VFW Post 9322 were held Monday, March 25. Henry Beech was named to serve as commander for the coming year, with Bert Stanley, senior George Garcia, Jr., junior Harold Martin, quartermaster adjutant; John Smith, judge advocate; Charles Porter, chaplain; Bryce Graham, surgeon; Del Strickland, service officer; Lloyd Taylor, officer of the day; Rodney Peterson, guard; Boyd Mott, legislative officer; and George Mendenhall, employment officer. The Kearns VFW Post is planning to sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt on April 13 at 10 a.m. in the field south of the bowling alley. The hunt will be restricted to children an area staked off under for children 6 to 12, and a fenced eff section for children under five. Eggs will be furnished for the occasion by local merchants and will be colored on April 12 by members of the VFW Auxiliary and the Kearns Ladies Civic Club. The hunt is open to Kearns and the immediate surrounding area. An .Easter Bake Sale is being planned by the Kearns VFW Auxiliary for the same day, April 13, at the Kearns IGA Store. The Auxiliary will feature Easter cakes, cupcakes, and so on, carrying out the theme of Easter. vice-command- vice-command- Easter Cantata 12,-wi- lonuBooc, chimmering white crore chining rrmhoi of Jena Thoiuandc pilgrimage to Ml Calvary far eemort end neersere te Hire. The come noted with, elained end cleansed with the prodone blood end teem cf ear Savior, can be pores right at poor fingertip. t . . . always! Becanre thie recced crow glows like a Using thing, pen aec k at night when you awake Inna troubled deep . . . always near te comfort yon ead pores in kedH and deftness. Keep a protecting crore fa poor car and where po work, aba. Send lor year crore today! If poun not enthralled with this glowing crore embedded fa sacred eartX, return it within ten days and poor meecp will be folly refunded. Sadsfactum k bcUidy guaranteed. Send cash, check er 1st money order (ns Rxv T r 0 X' " .0' authentic larg photograph frore ML Calvary, tire ffUACO Excellent new location availabe in Kearns Financial assistance available. Salary paid during four-wee- training period in Salt Lake City. k and minor mechanical experience Tune-u- p helpful, but not required. FOR DETAILS PHONE OR WRITE TEXACO INC. DA 8-0- - 734 WEST 8th SOUTH SAIT LAKE CITY, UTAH 1 51 ro as view seen by our dying Savior. 1 ami PRE-HUN- is .1 I firiofd It Cadi ts.ee. CtMck Croat at Pottaco raM, hjasi to mfmrtesf HARDWARE ksstafh ALL FOR A LIMITED TIME FREE INCLUDED SIMPLIFIED FUUY ILLUSTRATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED WITH EACH DOOR. ADDftm. L fUL: BOOl 1 ftm mS Urt, ar 2 tw Hmwy Ordar. I2.SS HEl AUKJCaJB G storm-scree- n r--JL -- Uom fltP1 AnhXor Eatloiad au30iy? r-a- IWj- E- STATE J DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALT LAKE COUNTY ALSCO cr Self Storing Combination Equal Lite Best Money Can Buy EQUAL LITE DOOR 2 DOORS - $7500 Includes Installation Plus Tax STYLELINE DOOR 2 DOORS - Installation Included $65 Plus Tax TWO FAMILIES MAY SHARE th ORDER 4 DOORS ORDER 4 DOOR or more or more You Save $1.00 per You Save 50c pe Door Were at your service with a complete staff of factory-traine- d air conditioning specialists . . . and with a full selection of gen- nine YORK replacement parts. So for service or sales, call today Door WE WILL WEATHERSTRIP JAMS Using Only First Quality Hardware Terms Can be Arranged SPECIAL CONSIDERATION GIVEN TO Resident Becomes American Citizen Mrs. Levi A. Krogman, 4S06 South 4015 West, became a U. S. citizen on Feb. 23 in the District Court in Salt Lake. Mrs. Krogman, known to her many firends by her first name Alice, escaped from the East Zone of Germany, where she met and married Mr. Krogman, then a civilian employee of the Department ctf the Navy. yard. m YouTI receiver CHRISTIAN IMPORTS 77, Me. in the area wishing assistance in planning the landscaping of their N if you act now! tai) Ub ; TEXACO mu porett Tbi fa. . ' Club - has volunteered assistance to anyone vThe Kearns ' Garden The Taylorsville Stake Relief Society is putting on an Easter Cantata, Sunday, April 14, at 7 a.m. at the Taylorsville Stake. Center on 4700 South, under the direction of Nellie Bennion. There will be a chorus of over 50 voices singing Life Eternal by Holton, and Lucille Smith will be at the piano and Minerva Frame at the organ, and there will also be a k a P.O. Sen 7132 this: time. Taylorsville Stake an VFW , CONTRACTORS - BUILDERS and BUILDING MATERIAL SUPPLIERS Call HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 4774 South Redwood Rood $63 OWN A PROFITABLE . Vice-Chairm- ; 4-- . courses betseem much to an Dont that lately? get Notice is hereby given ter. 4700 is South a test. real examination will be held Tuesday, April 16, 1963, 7:30 p.m. at HeadLittle Linette Anderson was quarters Station, 3690 South Main Street for the purpose of qualify- hobbling around on a sprained ankle Sunday. Says she did not see ing eligible applicants for the posi- a ditch while playing in a field. tion of Volunteer Fireman. Positions are open at various Wondered why the difference in stations throughout the County. orchestra. Male residents of Salt Lake Coun- Valley State Bank. Henry Cam- - string The soloists are as follows: (21) meron is back from his vacation. ty over the age of twenty-on- e eduMrs. LaVan Gates years, who have a high school Allen Rich has been with laid Mrs. are up Clytie Wilkinson cation or equivalent, and who the a flu few for He is 145 Mrs. Helene Smith days. getting at least, 5 7 in height and better and so not hard to Mrs. Alice Floto take to get along are in eligible pounds weight with to Rich. Mrs. Theer is will be a Scripture Read according Notice examination. given the adHelen for ing by Knight. subsequent however, that See Arch Coates is hack on the There will also be a quartet from vancement in the. fire department the applicant must be at least 5 8 job after his operation. His first the Taylorsville Fifth Ward. The Portrait of Christ will be disin height and his age at the time w'ords, Have you seen ny operation? of first appointment must be not played by DeFonda Collier, who. is 3 $ e the thirty-fivthan Taylorsville librarian. (35) years. more School Nellie Hope at : Bennion is well known for my obtained Granger High be Applications may well soon. is She down be music in the Taylorsville Stake her gets reporter must and Headquarters Station with bronchitis. not also in and the Kearns area. in the hands of the Commission later than 7:30 p.m. on the day of the examination. Physical Examination will be reYOURS! THIS LIVING CROSS EMBEDDED IN THE SACRED quired of al lsuccessful applicants. Albert Eccles Thh bdond, glowing croon, dcAM It EARTH OF LIT. CALVARY! pedeaul retaining UM mered emik oI lit. Civil Sendee CommisCjJrcry . . . where Jeu coffered nd died tc sion, IP re ac Ike pro mire i Hand Ufa.., tern Ire Been over the obstacle Thursday; April VIEW NEWS TjflE VALLEY Phone 266-443- 3 OWest 350. South Cy 8-10- 31 - CY - 8-77- 27 Granger |