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Show 19153 Thursday, April 4, VALLEY Page 7 Hews a Sraiiger-HunterMagn- VIEW NEWS AT Moss ing Cal Perry or Larry Fackerell. first of six Teen Time series. Mr. The Hunter Lions Club will begin Rob Fackerell will receive his Chapman was the guest speaker. IB. this week to build another school bus shelter, this one at 5450 West 3500 South. This new shelter, when completed, will be entered in the Lion Skeen contest. Lion Skeen was the first to introduce Lioni?oi into Utah. The contest will be held June 6, 7, and 8, at Logan, Utah. 1 i The Hunter Relief Society style show has been set for April 13. Will all ladies expecting to be in the show, get in touch with one of the presidency, they would like to know how many to expect. 1 green belt at the next judo meet, ludo advancements are marked by the colors of the belt awarded. The new member starts out with a white belt, next advances to yellow, then green, purple, brown and black. After earning the black belt, the judoist climbs by degrees, starting at first. So far there are only three eight degree judos in the world. At a recent meet of the Hunter judo boys held at Ontario, Oregon, the boys won many of the matches. Speaking to one of the more prominent citizens of Ontario, he had this to say, We keep our boys so busy and interested in judo and other physical fitness games, we have very few juvenile delinquent boys in this town of around 5,000 people. It might be we could do a little more planning for our own boys, here in Utah. The judo champions from Keio, Japan, left Friday morning for California. They spent tw'o weeks in different parts of Utah demonstrating and instructing all points of judo. Their last demonstration was given at Syprus High School, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Siddoway where a large crowd attended. The Salt and teams from Ogden spent a few days visting friends judo Lake together with the Hunter boys, and relatives in Vernal, also visited played a good part in the demon- the Flaming Gorge Dam. strations. Judo his this year, for the first time, been incorporated into the Olympic games. It is hoped that Granger, and other communities throughout our area, will get interested in this wonderful sport. boys enjoy achievement through physical contact, demonstrating their ability of quickness and tming. Any interested boy may learn more about judo by contact- - 'Most Granger Elementary School PTA News i I ri V"i r fi t i 'd The Granger Elementary School will hold a PTA meeting Tuesday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. There will be a special musical program by the Sixth grade students. The program will be under the direction of Clay I. Peterson, Kirt Wood, Blaine Beckstrom, Harry Mangus, Henry Jensen and Mirs. Dawn Duzette, Sixth grade teachers. Lt. George Nielson, County Sheriffs Office Youth Bureau will give a special talk on what work is being carried on by the Youth Bureau which will be of interest to all patrans of the school. They will hold elections of next year's officers for the PTA. Those running for election are: President: Mrs. Kenneth Kearns and Mrs. William Tomson; Vice President: Mrs. Dewey Whipple and Mrs. James Workman; Secretary: Mrs. Glen Sel-l- y and Mrs. Owen Parks; Treasurer: Mrs. James Jamieson and Mrs. Lynn Mellor. The public is urged to attend this very important meeting. The Granite Youth Symphony has been invited to present a concert at the Utah State University in Logan on Thursday, April 4th. They will stay in the dormatories on campus Thursday night. Friday morning they will travel to Ogden where they will present two concerts at the Ben Lomond High School. Nforth Jordan High Council and Stake Presidency will hold their dinner party at the Hunter Ward. Jay Madsen is in charge of all ar- rangements. 4- - Mr. Howard Cook, a cousin of Lawrence Doxcy, suffered a heart attack Friday morning. Mr. Cook is a temple worker, and only Thursday was a visitor at the Doxey home. Over 100 ladies attended the Hunter Relief Society birthday party and dinner. The musical presented by Miriam Farnsworth and Larsene Morris, was outstanding in performance. The ladies were more than paid for their attendance and set spellbound during the entire program. Miriam displayed talent in many ways. Her beautiful singing was only by her speaking and and portraying the several different characters in My Fair Lady. Each character was brought to life and we, the audience, could visualize each individual in their own role as though we were a part of them. Thanks to Miriam and Larsene for sirch a pleasant time. His talk was on How to avoid Juvenile Delinquency, and the Improvement of Youth Behavior. sis The Hunter Boy Scouts Court of Honor was held April 2. Both Bob Fackrell and Charles Schuab received their Life merit badges. Kathy Cooper has returned home from BYU and will resume her class of teaching the guitar. Sj! President and Mrs. William Martin are spending several days visiting relatives at Idaho Falls, Idaho. si. Father Spellen announced Girls Club will receive Group Communion Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Coffee and rolls will be served following each Mass Sunday. YELL time again. Everyone in Its the Taylorsville area who wants to Club become a member of a should contact Supervisor Marguerite Carroll at 3069 W. 4700 South or Phone New leaders are needed. If you would like to learn more about work and become a leader, please contact Mrs. Car-rol- l. Keep your youngster busy and out of trouble by encouraging him to participate in 4-- work. The program is an outstanding thing for youngsters from the age of nine up. n This year, the Clubs of area are sponsoring a community project. Their aim is to build a beautiful drinking fountain in the Taylorsville Community Park. Its up to you to support the activities in your community, You should be signed up before April 1 5th. Hurry!. Hurray! The J. C. Penny and the Fair the Store in Magna will held at be to Show, Spring Style the Church Hall by Our Lady of Lourds Society, April 27. Tickets are $1.25. There will be prizes also. The newest in spring clothing will be modeled. The Lions Club will hold their dinner meeting at Harmons Cafe April 10, 8 p.m. The Lady Lions will be guests. Babe The Ruth league and little league ball players, will receive their additional suits in the next few days, according to John Hickman of Magna. The two age group boys will not start regular practicing before the latter part of April. Mr. Hickman If the league starts too states, intereferes with the boys it early, school work. co-spons- or Magna-Granger-Hunt- er v v i.A K S. ' " ? XV -- l c u 3 H 4-- H 4-- H Taylors-ville-Bennio- p.m. - . ' 'X t V K i A J r rf'K -- s Cxi. 'i- ' ;&-- " V" -J X At- - kKAS ri ! 4" Craig Gardner, Gary Abbott, Jimmy Humphreys, Arthur Bird, William C. Kirk, and Chris Unthank (left to right), received awards at a Court of Honor held April 2. Kearns Troop 214 Boosts 38 Members merit Boy Scout Troop 214, sponsored Craig Dahl, scholarship by Kearns 3rd Ward, has 38 badge; Craig Gardner, second class registered scouts at the present badge and coin collecting merit time. Personnel in charge of the troop are as follows: Robert L. 0 1 i v e r s o n, inst. representative; Charley H. White, committee chairman; Committee members: Ralph Bulkley, Kay Smith, Glenn Huff-ake- r, Jerry Pearson, Monty North and Leroy Bird. Scoutmaster is Don Poulsen, assistant scoutmasters are: Ray Willahan, Dan Patton and Gale Kresser, and Jerry Berg is junior assistant scoutmaster. Almost a complete change of personnel has taken place recently and much enthusiasm w'as shown in this Court of Honor and those planned for the future. 'At the Court of Honor, held April 2, the following awards were given: Gary Abbott, marksmanship badge; Arthur Bird, second .class badge; Mrs. Max Garrison was elected March 31. She will serve as chairman of the special activities committee. A communion service will be held at the church building at 3636 So. 5600 West at 8 p.m. on Maundy Thursday, April 11. Tickets for the 2nd annual Mens Seminar sponsored by the Salt Lake Counsel of Churches can be obtained from Henry Smit, CY The meeting will be held Sunday, April 11 at 3 p.m. in the Prudential Federal Auditorium. It is the plans of the troop to hold boards of review on the last Tuesday of each month and a Court of Honor the first Tuesday of each month, to work harder with the boys and instill in them the desire to advance in scouting. Plans Convention The annual convention for District 8, of the American Legion, will be held April 20 at Dugway, according to Boyd Mott, publicity chairman. Activities for the day will begin with the registration of delegates from 8 to 10 a.m. A tour of Dug- way by bus will begin at 9 a.m., followed by meetings during the day and a banquet and a dance in the evening. 'John Dvis, district commander, urges all Posts to have delegations at the convention to assist in the election of district officers. Quarters will be available for those who wish to stay overnight. Reservations must be made to your post commander by April 13. The cost will be $3 per person for a room and $3 per person for the banquet, or $12 per couple for both. CHECK-U- P INSPECTION TIME IS HERE! RUPP GARAGE South Redwood Road VEAL CUTLETS Phone i $1.25 i AM 2-25- 79 ; American Legion EARLY and AVOID THE RUSH STEAK STEAK badge; Jimmy Humphreys, second class badge and firemanship merit badge; William C. Kirk, merit badges in citizenship in the home, home repairs, marksmanship, and; scholarship; and Chris Unthank, marksmanship merit badge. Have Your SPRING CHICKEN FRIED STEAK ME 1 ,4 New Manager Your Choice T-OO- f H COUNTER SERVICE 4.-- H ' - DON'T WAIT TIL LAST MINUTE 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. BREADED ' to the steering committee of the Westvale Presbyterian Church, at a Congregational meeting Sunday, RED CARPET DRIVE INN HAMBURGER a a f ' It wras announced here today by the Copperhills District Roundtable Commissioner, Robert A. Phil-po- t, that the next Cub Scout Roundtable will be held April 5, 1963, at the Academy Park School, at 7:30 of H ..f- c V 29S-758- 0. 4-- y J i S' Si... fj. ', - r - ' r r, v-v- f $ Church News WASHBURN H '4 ' v ft fa Scout Roundtable H 4-- , f s A I?? 7A : He t 4-- the and Meet In i t i'lKSi, si The theme for this Roundtable is Cub Scout Circus. The program is as follows: Preopening by Harry Hiatt, Pack 399, Flag and Award Ceremany Merrill Hansen Pack 105, The nominating committee of Songfest Belva Jones Pack 101, Den Cyprus High School PTA met Tues- Hothers Meeting Mrs. Cowdell day evening to make final prepara- Pack 497, Pack Leaders Meeting tions for the nomination of officers Grant Ivie Pack 337, Pack Meeting at the next PTA meeting. Ideas Larry Clark Pack 244, Special Features Charlie Henderson, and North Jordan 3rd Ward held the Closing by Fred Griffith. Come - "" f A 'tr & t , h: x By Nora & Brake and Muffler Inspection With this Coupon FREE ! j |