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Show ssoainti Salt Lake County, Utah, Thursday, April 4, 1963 $ t j ' f 3 'v " ' 'V '& N rVX .? s- vsy - ;y, V' M. -' -- - ' . JoAnn Karon Andrews, Curley, and Sharon An- - drews are three of the 13 lovely girls who will vie 's, "I'TS for ; the Kearns title of Miss on April 27. leaiity Contest Entries Kearns Jaycees-ar: 13 happy to e an- nounce that young ladies are Miss Kearns the registered for !This contest to date: outstanding tournout, together with the cooperation of local' merchants acting, as sponsors, and the ambitious plans of Chairmen; Mel Orton and Dave Rodrigues,' assure , this contest to be the- most1: outstanding yet held in Kearns.. The contest will be held Friday, April 26, at Kearns Junior High, 8 pm. Further registrations are encouraged, Latest registrants in the contest are as follows: Nancy Acord, daughter of Mr. - ; : s - ; . - ! - and Mrs. Keith E. Acord, 4401 West of Granger High. She is employed at Mountain States Telephone Company and attends the University of Utah. Nancy is a ballet- dancer. ' : Dixie Keech, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence M. Kech, 4S10 South 4680 West. An excellent seamstres s, Dixie is a recent graduate' of Granger High. She is presently employed at Trane Company as p stenographer. 'She has brown hair and blue eyes. . . -- Joann Curley, daughter of lajor Mrs. Edward. J. Curley, 4661 and 5100 South. Nancy, wlro has RadclifL Joann, who has brown and blue eyes, is a graduate hair-anhazel eyes, attends Granger High and is 18 years old. She GrcngorTcJDnt is talented in dramatic reading: : auburn-hai- r . Rates High Again Twins Karen and Sharon AnFor the second eek in a row was drews, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. talent from the Granger-areRussell S. Andrews, 4843 South high in the voting for talent in the 4620 West. Karen has dark brown Granger-Hunte- r Chamber, of Comhair hazel and while Sharon eyes, merce sponsored Talent Show. has hair brown and ' brown light Case over KCPX Channel 4. The Continentals, a dance band eyes. Both girls attend Granger from Granger High School, pulled High. They are 17 and plan to give more votes than the other four con- readings in the contest. testants. Leader erf the Continentals Linda daughter of Mr, is Lyn Chandler, who won the and Mrs. Higley, Don E. Higley, 5151 South previous week with the most votes 4420 West, age 19. Linda graduated cast for any winner to date. from Granger High last year. She 7-Second place was taken by y has been by a branch of ear-ol-d Wendi Dean. The little girl Safeway employed the during past year and played the theme song from Exodos has attended modeling courses at and did a remarkable job. Wendi Michelles. Linda has brown hair learned the piece by ear and for and brown eyes and is a talented any age was terrific. Her mother, dramatist. Mrs. Dean, is one of the finals in the Mrs. America Contest. Cheryl Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Snyder, 5060 each seen is Case Show Talent South 4620 West. A senior at over 2 2:30 from to p.m. Sunday and KCPX. Listen to the program Granger High, Cheryl is employed either vote by phone Sundays or evenings at Thrift City. She has vote by card to 'P.O. Box 10013 blue eyes and light, auburn hair. Granger-Hunte- r Cheryl has danced in school propostoffice. grams at Granger High. Kearns Town Council At last Monday, April 18th, meeting Dave Jamison, chairman of the Civic Improvement committee reported that the Town Council is sponsoring a spring Clean-u- p campaign between April 13th and 28th. There will be two County trucks available during that time to pick up refuse in Kearns. Bob Bullough, chairman, asked that citizens place refuse on the curbing during that time so that it can be picked up. Jerrol Hickman, Recreation chairman, reported that Salt Lake County is planning to enlarge the concrete deck of the Kearns swimming pool and to black top the west side of the pool for parking. Grass will be planted on the East side of the pool. The citizens of Kearns should be happy to note that. Senate Bill 185 has been, signed by the Governor. This bill provided that those citizens of Kearns who do not pay for their sidewalks before the deadline, but who do pay for them before the 10 years is up will pay only earned interest. The previous law provided for the citizen to pay a full TO year interest when ever it was paid after the due date. Here is one of the many ways your Town Council helps you and 'at the same time tries to save you ' money Some of the citizens in Kearns may save as much as $100 on this bill . which the Town.. Council helped to put through. ... The Council is still , asking for donations, from the. citizens of Kearns. If you have not been contacted or would like to donate any amount, you can contact Bill or; Bob Bullough.- If you would like; you' can send a check in care of.Mr.'Petuskey, 4471 West 5135 South; Kearns Hown CounciL The Town Council .would like to urge all of you to attend the second clinic . being held in the KO Polio Campaign on April 20th and 21st. FLASH Voters in the Granite School District approved the bond issue by an overwhelming 15 to 1 margin. The bonds, by law, can only be used for the construction of schools and the purchase of school sites. Number 20 The Granger Lions Club will sponsor a talent night at the Granger High School tonight, Thursday, at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of selecting several acts to appear on the television program Talent Show Case over KCPX Channel 4, Sundays from 2 to 2:30 p.m. Talent Show Case is sponsored Chamber of by the Granger-Hunte- r Commerce and the merchants of the area. Gene Jelesnik handles the show and four of the sixteen shows to be presented have been shown. According to Ivan Woodburry, chairman of the Lions Club committee, it was felt there is much talent in this area and by conducting a show, a selection could be made to appear on the television program. The junior high, senior high, and elementary schools and churches in Granger, Hunter and Kearns have been contacted and requested to ask any talent to appear Thursday night. Two weeks ago Lyn Chandler of Granger was the winner and will appear on the final show ith Ted Mack in July. Last weeks winners were also from Granger. The Continentals, a dance band led by Lyn Chandler, took first place. With Mr. Woodburry stated, be this gind of talent there-mus- t much more in our area. He added, We will offer a good show and the public is invited to attend and there will be no charge for ad-missio- n. The Valley Jr. High School will be represented by the Ray Canni-fa- x Combo. Dale Preese, dance number; John Arenac, piano and Pennie Porter, baton twirler. Kearns Jr. High will be represented by Tom Porter, who sings and plays the guitar. Ramona Smith will represent Cyprus High with a vocal number. Miss Smith took the lead in the Cyprus school play and Michelle Bennett, the second lead in this play will also give a vocal selection. According to !Mr. Woodburry, from fifteen to twenty acts will be presented. Several have signified their intentions to compete, but will not know definitely until : . Jaycees Support Council . Fund Drive Kearns Jaycees are cooperating with the Town .Council in their fund drive. A contingent of Jaycees has been assigned to cover an area of Kearns in an effort to obtain a donation of $3.00 from each family to help the Council fight for and to fill other comneeds. munity . Pe-tusk- ey the candidacy of. Jerry Lindhardt for national director. The meeting was held at Price in the National Guard Armory with Jaycee clubs from all over the State of Utah in attendance. The Kearns club wore striking: new Eton blazers in red, white and blue stripes, topped , by imitation straw- - hats and bow ties.. The announcement of Lindhardts .candiOfficers New Jaycee dacy was made by Orin Hunter. Mr. Lindhardt .was home in bed' at to be Nominated Candidates to lead the Kearns Kearns with the flu. will be nomJaycees for 1963-6a inated at membership meeting, to Jaycee Board Meeting Tonight at 11. It A board meeting of the Kearns be held April appears present that there will be three Jaycees will be held tonight, April contenders for the office of presi- 4, at the home of President Ed dent LaVar Allred, George Slack Castillo. and Orin Hunter. - . ! : - . 4 . a h Kearns Town Granger Lions Club to Council News Sponsor Talent Shot the m Wr: Vv ? The Fastest Growing Community in Utah Serving Kearns, Granger, Hunger, Magna, Taylorsville Volume X EfS Messiah Fund Drive Extended The Kearns Fine Arts Foundation have extended its drive for Messiah Funds for one more week. Help is badly needed to continue this fine play. When members of the Foundation contact you, please help. Jaycees Demonstrate for Lindhardt Elections , Kearns Jaycees and Jaycee-ette- s presented a demonstration at the State Travel Trophy of the Utah Jaycees on March 30, to support . J SHOPPING CENTER PURCHASED Announcement was made last property and planned expansion week of the purchase of the Grang- program will run over 1 million er Shopping Center by the Saraha six hundred thousand dollars. Plans Land Development Co., of Mesa, call for an extension to the south Arizona and the Galaxie Realty Co. of the area, occupied by the Merc of Granger. Department Store, of 40,000 sq. ft. Mr. Jimmie Jamieson, of Galaxie to be occupied by the Merc. This Realty, advised the transaction was will be the first phase of the reconsummated through the efforts of Mr. Estel Wright, of American modeling. Albertsons will remodel and ex- Housing Co., the listing broker and area occupied by Hercules Other entrants, who were de- himself. The property was sold by enc j Powder Co., approximately 8,000 scribed in last weeks paper, are Albertsons, Inc. Tt. Mr. Gene Loretta ODell, S. Linton Clear-- ! s4 Sherry Hiatt, Whittle, Gayla e bowl- ge and Kenneth Geitz of the In addition to this a Christensen, Judy Shakespear, Saraha Land Development Co. and ing lane will be constructed in the Carolyn Gasebolt, and Shirley im Jamieson and Glen Selly of area of the Walker Bank ami Trust Snowball. Galaxie Realty, and Investment Co. Co. branch office. This will include Which one of these girls will be are the new owners. a snack bar, tavern, pool and bilJ Miss Kearns for 1963-64- ? According to Mr. Jamieson, the liard room and day nursery. i J4 - j j 24-lan- Marilyn and Jerry Kalm sport the new jackets which will be worn by the Kearns Jaycees to the State Convention in Vernal on May 17, 18, and 19, wliere they will support Jerry Lindhardt for national director. The colorful jackets of red, white, blue and gold were chosen to stand out Tn conventions and Jaycee meetings. Other clubs have similar jackets- - but the Kearns Jaycees have outdone them all. . ; |