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Show Thursday, April 4J06J THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 2 PACKARD nack Bap (jpanfet i-- SERVICE RADIATOR Anything Goes 2506 WEST 3500 SOUTH Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy, Proprietors ACROSS FROM GRANGER HIGH SCHOOL 3663 South 3600 West ONION RINGS FISH & CHIPS 6 Delicious HAMBURGERS By ROLF W. KAY SHRIMP RADIATOR or CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Fi BRAKE SERVICE (Cones or Bulk) TAKE OUT ORDERS - CALL CY Call 8-88- PICK-U- 11 298-196- 2 and DELIVERY P VALLEY VIEW NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place your Want Ads by calling CY or mail them with your P. Box O. Kearns to remittance 18, Utah 513, IS DEADLINE MONDAY at 8:30 p.m. Classified Advertising: 15c per line, with a minimum of 45c per insertion 32 1038 - 4 Door CHET. SEDAN, Clean. FOR RENT Drapes, Storage. BY FOR RENT WITH OPTION TO EUY- -3 bedroom, family, room, Mi bath, fenced yard and patio. See after 6:00 p.m. 4830 South 4015 West. HELP 200.00 down tc'al move-icost. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, carport, carpet and drapes. n Complete fenced yard with covered patio. Very clean. $110 per month on contract. See at 5186 Charlotte Ave., Kearns. Phone WANTED 298-638- 1. HELP for Dry Plant. Good Wages. Call CY Cleaning EXPERIENCED for appointment. REAL ESTATE If LESSONS Very Good Condition, New Tires. Priced to Sell. AM FOR SALE BY OWNER MAGNA. BRAND NEW 2 Bedroom Duplex. you are looking for a new home, or want to trade into a better home, in the Granger-Hunte- r area call CY Dean Baker. Cond. PIANO Instruction, latest technique, modern methods, beginners specialty. Miss Frances Collins, near Granger Medical Center. COMPETENT 298-022- 6. FOSTER HAS an opening for 8 more piano students. Also if you have piano music you don't want, please donate it to her music library. CY MRS. Service T-- V Brimley ALL MAKES REPAIRED '60 2 BEDROOM HOME in Kearns. White Split Fast Service - Fair Prices Rock Exterior 100 plus Storm Windows and Doors, Awning on front, completely DIAL CY fenced and gated, Landscaped, 12x30 ft. Patio. Carpeted thruout, Drapes & Verti-cl- e Have the convenience of automatic washBlinds. Bedrooms and Living Room ing in your home. Rent a washer for $50.00 REWARD for any sewing machine Wall Texed. All Trim recently painted, $3.00 per week and matching dryer for 1 can't All makes and model. repair. F.H.A. Clean. both inside and out. Very $5.00 per week. Western Auto in Kearns Work Guaranteed. Erneat Jackaon, 4534 4300 West CY or V.A. $11,950. CY W. 5615 So. CY 298-196- 00 5780 South. Newly carpeted, drapes, new paint, landscaped and other extras. Well kept. 4566 West 4985 South. CY Terms can be arranged. FOR SALE CHOICE HOME WE NEED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS. 2 Offices to Serve You. 4080 West 5415 4845 South 4775 West, South, CY MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FOR SALE Boys 26 in. bicycle, 2 black iron dinette tables with 6 chairs each, new garbage disposal, car top carrier, living room occasional chair, gas rotary lawnmower, 2 GUARANTEED SERVICE. Radio $ T.V. Service, Auto Radio Reoairing. Valley T.V., 3995 W. 5400 So. CY IRONING DONE. Call CY girls tap shoes, 2 end tables, coftee table, 2 lamps, Phone pairs of 298-765- Westridge Realty. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED IN YOUR KEARNS RESIDENTS, Want A New Home FOR SALE LIKE NEW NORGE REFRIGER-TOR- . HOME. REASONABLE. R. R. BARKER. BY CALL CY In Granger or Magna? We take Keama or CY Homes on Trade Several Models to i HAVE HOMES IN THE KEARNS AND Choose From. Reed Davis Inc. CY GRANGER AREA FOR SALE OR TRADE. GUARANTEED SERVICE Radio & T.V. Service. Auto Radio Repairing. Valley Call CY Dean Baker. Galaxl "Settle In The Modem West" T.V. 5450 South 4220 West CY Home Realty. CY SUNDOWN HOMES Dont Buy A New Home Before You Sea the Beautiful Maintenance Free Sundown Home 3ENNETTS Western PAINTS Auto. CY 2 GOOD USED WASHING Ma- chines. Call Western Auto. CY YOUR SMALLER HOME on a TRASH BURNERS from Heavy Drums. Only choice of Large 3 or 4 Bedroom Homes $2.95. 5856 South Redwood Road. Landscaping, Carpeting, Drapes, USED WASHERS, Dryers, T.V.'s and Stoves Fenced, Garage Terric values Western Auto in Kearns. WESTRIDGE REALTY CY CY or CY TRADE $150.00 down, $90.00 month. Three bed- FOR SALE WASHER, also Twin Tubs room with basement. Carport. 5100 Cape-har- t. Make Offer. See at 4104 W. 4855 So. Vacant. $11,950.00 by owner. EL all CY after 6:30 P.M. EM CARS CTOod condition 58 FORD, '57 PONTIAC, new paint, gd. cond. '56 FORD Hd. Tp. good cond '54 CHEV. Hd. Tp., good cond 3532 South 2950 West CY $650 $525 $450 $250 '62 FORD Ranch Wagon, Excellent Condition. Must see to appreciate. Make offer. CY CHEV. Sta Wgn "2" Sharp CHEV. Stick "8" Air Cond MERCURY, 2 dr. Hd Tp CHEV. 4 dr. "6" Stick '61 FORD, Fairlane 500 Stick '57 '57 '58 60 GEORGE'S 1962 795.00 795.00 1095.00 1195.00 AND PERSONAL TAX RETURNS KEARNS-GRANGEAND VICINITY. Mr. Johnson CY or AM 4594 W. 5255 South. SERVICES GODWIN T.V. WILL TEND Child or children in my home. Granger area. Mrs. L Davis. AM LEAKY FAUCETS repaired. $1.25, labor and materials included. Call EL MOUNTAIN SOIL or fertilized top soil. Special price. Located west of Redwood Road. CHRIS RUSHTON Phone CY 75 CLIFF WOODALL, 46S1 West 5100 South, LAWN MOWER SHARPENING SERVICE. Free Pickup and Delivery in the Kearns and Granger area. Call CY 4933 W. REPAIR 3500 So, MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHES POLES, Swings, Porch Columns, Mail Box Stands, Basket Ball Standards, Ornaments, Railing FREE ESTIMATE & Phone OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted- - Contact Leore Dovaftoln Kearns Medical Centtr Phone CY 06 CARPETS with our Carpet Shampooers with the purchase of Blue Lustre Shampoo. Western Auto, Kearns. use of our Carpet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre Shampoo, Western Auto, Kearns. 2700 West 3500 South TEACHING BAND AND ORCHESTRA New 8 Joints BARBER 74 20 8-61- 43 53 sterc-phonic- : WESTERN AUTa Kearns Carries a Complete Line of BENNETT'S Colorizer PAINTS SHOP Valley Shopping Center Used Band Instrument 298-851- Sales 1 KEARNS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Northeast Corner of Kearns 5446 SOUTH 4270 WEST 2 Behind Kearns Regal Gas Station EXPERT TRANSMISSION Master Barbers to Serve You JOHN MUIR, Prop. KEARNS HUNTER - GRANGER - MAGNA Dutch, CY CALLS Ray's BARBER SHOP 8-22- 09 - $3.00 5666 SOUTH 4540 WEST ALL MAKES T. V. and Hi FI WORK POWERGLIDE O FORDOMATIC CRUSOMATIC HYDROMATIC JET AW AY DYNAFLO TORQUE FLIGHT POWER FLIGHT Hours: 8 a.m. to 12 noon 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. PHONE CY 0 12 5460 So. 4220 W. Ray Peterson INSTRUMENTS JACK RUOF'S Located next to the Ca 51 G.E.M. Music Studio PHONE Valley Vku WeM JOSEPH L. SLOAN, Publisher Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah under the Act of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year; Single Copy 5 cents ESTABLISHED 1954 Published weekly by Valley Vew News Publishing Company at Salt Lake County, Utah Post Office Box 18513 - Kearns, Utah Circulation Manager 'William Carr, 29S-349-1 Keanu 4153 W. 4960 So. CY Joyce Stout 5842 So. Redwood Road Bennion AM Arieen 'Morrill 4534 So. 3200 West CY Donna Thiede Kearns So. 4015 West 4920 CY Jeaa Tracy... a Hunter-Magn6000 So. West B. 3965 CY Moss Nora phony sounds like its coming fro one place rather than having ha the instruments pity in one ear ar the rest of them in the other e. , For a recording to sound it has to be doctored make it sound unusual. If you in a spot that is equidistant fro both speakers, the music sounds l realistic and if yo move from th spot you can only hear one of t speakers anyway. 'For my money a good monora system has a stereophonic sysb beat any day. CY CLEAN CY GRANGER RADIATOR SERVICE, 4795 W. 3500 So. Cleaning, Recoring. All work guaranteed. Free pick up and delivery. CY that the orchestra sounds unrea istic. If you went to a symphon you certainly wouldnt want to s on the first row. You would ant sit back a few ros so that the syi Dr. T. Chlepas FREE RADIO ers. Then you sit theer and eagerly put on your test record which is invariably, a ping pong match Tlvm you turn your head back and forth while the speaker on your left gopj ping and the speaker on your right goes pong. Then a smile creeps over your face as vou are enthralled by it all. The smile dis appears only after you realize that, the amount of money you spent t' listen to a ping pong game. 'So you put on a recording of train and the thrill is beyond com Dare as you close your eyes am listen to the train as it seeming!' comes in thru one wall and out th other. But this recording seems t lose its flavor after it is played few times. So you put on a symphony am it is fantastic now you hear the via lins thru one speaker and the tron bones thru the other speaker. Th unfortunate part of it is howevc After 5:00 P.M. FREE DELIVERY. HONDA. Like new. 600 miles. Must see. Call CY Free Tube Testing. TOP SOIL - SAND - GRAVEL and FILL DIRT CYpress ....$ 865.00 REDWOOD SALES 3380 So. Redwood Road VERN 8-62- BUSINESS ster-eophonica- lly R V.E HAVE $14,100 to $19,400 4018 South 4800 West USED half guaranteed to drive the listener out of his mind. To him, a recording of a train along the track is much more interesting than a symphony. He would rather listen to a saw ripping thru wood than listen to an opera. He doesnt particularly want to listen to a band or a vocal quartet as long as he can listen to some weird sound that proves to himself Set is capable of rethat his Hi-producing almost anything that can be recorded. It goes without saying that the improvements made in recordings and phonograph systems has been improved greatly during the past few years. The monoraul sets of today are vastly better than they were even five years ago. I think that a few hundred dollars spent on a good compatible monoraul set is well worth the money and effort but when it comes to stereo Im afraid I cant be too enthusiastic. In order to reproduce sound you need two preamplifiers, two amplifiers, and at least two speakers. In other words, you actually need two monoraul systems. 'And this set up will cost about twice as much as a monoraul system of comparable quality. From then on, you pay a dollar extra for records. This should give you a due as to why the manufacturers of phonographs and records are pushing stereo. So lets assume that you have bought a stereo set. You now start moving the furniture around so you can get a speaker on either side of the room. Now you take a tape measure and find out wheer the best place is to sit or stand so that you get the benefit of both speak- Fi ton long wheel base Chev. Truck. Low mileage. Good tires. Reel good. $1375.00 Packard Radiator. Exc. Chances are that you number among your friends, an Audiophile, Hi-more commonly known as a Enthusiast. And chances also are that this guy is a little nuts. Hes are got a number of records that Wayne Hoobler Due to Outstanding Growth in Sa! es Reed Davis, Inc REALTOR Needs Your Listings If You Plan To Sell and Live, In the Kearns, Granger or Surrounding Area LIST WITH Reed Davis, Inc, REALTOR Phone 298-359- Evenings 29S-520- 1 2 . |