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Show V Page 10 Thursday, April 4, 1963 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS nnion Wens griefs from Kearns . . The Kearns Green Thumbers Garden Club will hold their annual dinner this month in place of the regular meeting. The dinner, which is an annual g event for the club, will be held April 12 at the Dairy. Everyone is invited. Entertainment will be presented along with a delicious dinner. Reservations may be made now by calling Draga Brown, CY Tickets are $1.25 for adults and 75c for children under 14. Group rates are available at $4.50 per family. The clubs nominating committee A hobo party was enjoyed by members of the sorority at the home of Helen Gass on Wednesday evening, March 27. The girls dressed like hobos, played games, and enjoyed a buffet supper. A nominating committee, composed of Shirley Buckley, Clair Pullum and Anna Sapp, will meet during the week to nominate candidates to run for office for the coming year. Elections will be held in May. is expected to make a report dur- ing the evening concerning nominations for next years officers. Elections will be held in May. fund-raisin- Hi-La- nd WE NEED BONNIES" IN KEARNS WILL TRADE and YOU A CUSTOM BUILT HOME OF YOUR CHOICE BUILD GALAXIE REALTY 3481 SOUTH 2700 WEST Phone 298-907- 6 or Jim Jamieson CY CY CY CY AM Glen Seel Dean Baker Larry Tuckett Carol Wilcox 70 97 07 81 05 We will Restore your OLD CLOCK to Working Condition Don't Throw It Away! O Steadman s Jewelry o A meeting of the Salt Lake County Fish and Game Association will be held on April 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the O q u i r r h Hills Elementary School. Guest speaker will be Mr. Gean Snow, state fly casting champion. He will discuss The Fishing Tackle and Its Uses, and Fun With The Kearns JCLs toured Kenne-cot- t Fishing. This will be followed by Tuesday morning, March 26, a question and answer period. with Jay Cook, employee, as guide. The public is invited to attend A pizza party was . enjoyed at this meeting. Luigis Thursday evening, March 28, by members of the club. Elections of officers will be the Many such excursions and parties number one order of business at are held often by the Junior Civic the regular meeting of the Ameri- League. If you are a girl in Kearns can Legion Post 132 Auxiliary, between 13 and 19, join the JCLs which will be held tonight, April now and get in on the next project. 4 at 8 p.m. in the post home. The Call Colleen Cook, CY or Auxiliary urges all members to Jill Anderson, CY attend to vote for the candidate of their choice. The meeting of the Kearns Chamber of Commerce was changed from The Alpha Kappa Chapter of last Monday to next Monday, April Epsilon Sigma Alpha, International, 8. The Chamber is making plans to had a coffee for their Rushees on go all out during the month ot Saturday, March 30, at 1:30 p.m. April on the Spring Clean-u- p at the home of Narc Reed. GRANGER HIGH STUDENTS TO ATTEND MUSIC CONFERENCE Seven outstanding musicians have been chosen from Granger High School to attend the Western Music Educators Conference to be held in Bakersfield, Calif., from April 7 through 10. Students who will leave Friday for the Conference are Judy Inkley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin (Ted) Inkley; Calvin Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ehelby Cook; Val Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C Todd, all of Taylorsville; La Mont Bawden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bawden; Larry Wadsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearcy Wadsworth, of Granger; Loretta Whittle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Whittle, and Jack Hales, son of Mr. and rMs. Richard M Hales, both of Kearns. Mr. Dean L. Hailstone choral director from Granger High School will also attend the Conference. These students feel very fortunate to have been chosen. They will be among 700 other students from the Western States including Hawaii They will stay at the homes of Bakersfield residents while there. Girl Scouts Sell Cookies Girl Scout Troop 78 of Kearn: wil Ihold a cokkie sale next Satur day, April 6, in the Kearns Shop ping Center. Noreen Bogucki is ii charge of the girls. If you wan some good cookies and want to helj a good cause BUY A COUPLE 01 BOXES. RALPH DIAMONDS JEWELRY - GIFTS CRANE'S SINCLAIR SERVICE 1950 WEST 3500 SOUTH EXPERT 4844 South State St. WATCH, CLOCK and TUNE-U- GET YOUR CAR INSPECTED P JEWELRY REPAIRING AM 6-54- by 72 VIRGIL STEADMAN 8 :15 P.M. Now.,. 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU 4080 W. 5415 South Kearns Shopping Center 4845 W. 4775 South WESTRIDGE REALTY We handle all your REAL ESTATE NEEDS OFFICE: CY 42 - Dorris CR Wendell CY Toby CY CY 68 51 64 Before The Rush APPOINTMENT R y I M B 15 Fern and Frank Robison are very happy to have with them this past week their daugher and her husband Luella and her husband have moved to Willard, Utah, but stopped off before going there. There will be a Scout Court of A party was held in honor of Honor to be held at the Bennion Ward House at 7:30 Monday eve- Barbara Poynor March 28th at the ning. This is he Bennion 2nd Ward. home of Faye Ross. A gift of appreciation was presented to her for Bennion Ward 2nd will hold the outstanding work she did as Choir Practice every Tuesday night a primary officer. at 9:00 p.m. Mrs. Bench would like Steve Bytheway left this week every seat filled. for his Mission in the Eastern Sates. The Huhphries girls returned Congratulations o the Bytheways home last week after a months va- for the outsanding missionary he cation, touring Europe. Kathreen will make. Steve talked for a few and Barbara met Marilyn at the minutes at Sacrament meeting bemission home and the three began fore he left. k a tour. They report they had a wonderful time. Marilyn had The combined classes of Merlin her Welcome Home last week at Mackay and John Taylor and the Sacrament meeting. Its good to Teachers Quorum under the direchave these girls home again, hey tion of John Vander Toolen made are the daughters of Ray and Char- a day of fun and frolic on March 23 at Mt. Solitude. The kids spent lotte Humphries. the day sleigh riding and having a On April 14th the Primary chil- real good time. dren will sing at the afternoon ses (Continued on page 11) five-wee- HEALTH HINTS If you have shortness of breath or chronic cough, you may have a Respiratory Disease. Dont take chances. See your doctor. That is the educational message that will be beamed to Utah citizens as the Utah Tuberculosis and Health Association joins in a nation-wid- e effort to alert people to two common symptoms of lung disease, often referred to as RD. Announcement of the 1963 RD Campaign was made by John D. Newton, Ogden, TB Association president. It is scheduled from May 1 to June 15. The campaign is not a drive for contrbutions, Dr. Newton explained. It is an educational service financed by Christmas Seal funds. Public education on chronic cough and shortness of breath is very important, Dr. Newton said, because they are common signs of hidden sicknesses of breathing. Too many people take them for granted. RD is, today, the nations fouth leading cause of death. Yet when found early much RD can be treated successfully. The symptoms of chronic lung ailments often go unnoticed as warning signals or may be dismissed as of no consequence. The objective of the 1963 RD Campaign is to get people to recognize two potentially serious symptoms and Daughters of Pioneers Schedule Convention National Society of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold their annual convention at the Hotel Utah April 6, 1963, commencing at 9:15 a.m. in the Lafayette Ballroom. The session will be under the direction of President Kate B. Carter. First item on the agenda will be The election of officers followed by reports of the treasurer and historian, various musical numbers, a report on Why We Buy and Sell Our Books by Catherine Thompson, and a presentation of a book, Rich Memories, by Mildred Hatch Thompson. Luncheon is scheduled at 12:15 p.m. in the Empire Room. Miles P. Romney of the Utah Mining Association will speak on Early Mining in Utah. A tour of the Kennecott Copper Mine will begin at 2:15 p.m. The evening session will be held in the Hotel Utah Motor Lodge Auditorium. All members of the DUP are urged to attend. seek medical advice concerning them. Physicians in Utah are now being alerted to the educational service by members of the Utah Thoracic Society under the direction of Dr. A. T. Renzetti, Salt Lake City, Dr. Newton said. 8:15 P.M. cs3 y ST. FRANCIS PARISH HALL .'m II ' . . ...U.V. . ... . . , ,. . . P. .v .t r SATURDAY, APRIL i JACK POT 200 Come Early! SOMETHING NEW 1st Game PROGRESSIVE 3 in - PLUS 1 BINGO - 54 Don CY We Need Your Listings sion of Conference. This should be an outstanding meeting. The chapel will be reserved for these children. War Renewed Against Cancer fi A rt y The Primary would like to announce their coming Spring Family Hour, to be held next week. Bennion Ward will hold theirs at 4:30 and the Bennion Ward 2nd at 6:30. All parents should have their children there 15 minutes early This is an outstanding program everyone is encouraged to attend. MEW NEW SURPRISE GAMES Mrs. n Tolley, American Cancer Society unit chairman for east Juab county, shows giant blow county of 1963 up mass distribution leaflet to Carl W. Buehner, Utah Cancer Crusade Director. Mrs. Tolley typifies the thousands of volunteers who will be fighting cancer during April 1963 all over the entire state of Utah. Jo-An- |