Show territorial appropriation MR bill be k i enacted by the governor and legislative assembly of the territory 0 of f utah that there be paid ou out of the territorial treasury out of any money not otherwise appropriated the following amounts viz to the adjutant general to defray the sea pes of his office and for services up to december 1853 four hundred aundre 4 dollars to the auditor bf public accounts for the expenses pe sea of his office and for services during the year 1853 three hundred dollars to george D watt for servi serviced ees as reporter to the legislative council during the session of 1852 3 and that of 1853 4 eighty days two hundred and forty dollars i to walter thompson for services as reporter to the house of representatives durin during th the 0 session of 1852 3 and that of 1853 4 e eighty i g ly days two hundred and forty dollars to william clayton recorder of marks and brands one hundred and fifty dollars I 1 approved jan 1854 the above is a true copy of the original act on file in my office A W BA BABBITT sely sel y of U T AS AN AVS ACT to amend an act in relation to marks and brands a approved march lt 1852 1952 sm sc I 1 be it enacted by bj the governor and legislative assembly of the territory of utah that the general gene recorder shall chall gratuitously furnish each probate judge county clerk sheriff Slie riff justice of the peace constable and pound keeper in this territory with a printed copy of all the marks and braude brands already recorded and printed and cl a copy of all future record brands so soon as practicable after they are printed and all said mw copies shall be deU delivered vered to the successors in office of the above named officers aad be free to the inspection spec tion of any person wishing it SEC 2 that the general recorder of marks marka and brands is entitled to a fee of one dollar tor for recording each mark mack or brand to be paid by the appl applicant cut and section 11 of said amended set act shall be read one dollar whore it now reads fifty cents I 1 approved jan letb 1854 the above is a true copy of the original act on an file in my office A W BABBITT see Seco of fUT U T resolution in relation lation Te to printing and distributing a certain number nuin ber of the lews law and journals Tow wals of the legislative assembly sze 1 be it resolved by the governor and legislative assembly of the territory of utah that one thousand copies of the laws resolutions ti 10 ns I 1 and M memorials 6 mo rials with w wal notes index j and contents and five eb copies in of the journals of the present session of hebe be printed ted in book form under the supervision of the caty secretary of tha th territory 1 I 1 sm 2 the secretary of the ferrite territory ry is i is I 1 hereby required to famish furdea li the Gove raft of each I 1 state and territa territory of the united states with one copy of said taws laws and journals and the gov j arnor of utah territory with fifty copies of each and each member of the present legislative As wi with two copies of the Law La sand one be copy y of the journals Jour nale and each officer of the legislative col af assembly with one copy of each and each civil officer of the territory with one copy of each and the die U utah library and the lib library of the university of deseret each with five copies pies 16 9 the aforesaid laws and journals journal and each public library is in the territory with two copies of an all the laws find and Jow approved jan 1854 the above is a true copy of the original reso i lation on file in my office A W BABBITT sec of V U T AS AN ACT defining the boundaries of carson county and providing for the organization thereof SEC 1 be it enacted by the governor and I 1 legislative assembly of the territory of utah that all that portion of country bou bounded eded north by desert county east by the of longitude degrees rees south by the boundary line of this territory and west eat by california is hereby included within the limit dimita of ef carson county and until organized is attached to millard county coun ty for election revenue and judicial purposes I 1 ft 0 the governor is hereby authorized to a appoint t a probate judge for sald mid county when he shall deem it expedient and said probate judge when appointed shall proceed to organize said county by by dividing the county into precincts I 1 and causing an election to be holck held according to law to fill thi the various county and product precinct offices and locate the county seat thereof approved jan 1854 the above is a artis copy of tho the on file in my office A W BABBITT see sec of oaut U T I 1 AN ACT ring relating to sheriffs and constables SEC 1 be it coasted by the governor and legislative assembly of the Tur territory rory of utah that at the next general election and every two years thereafter a sheriff shall be elected in each county whose term of office be two years and until his successor is qualified SEC 2 before entering upon the duties of his office the sheriff shall give bonds in at least five thousand dollars with approved security and take and subscribe an oath for the faithful performance of his duties said bonds and oath to be approved app rosed by the probate judge and filed in the office of the county clerk csc 3 the sheriff may appoint a deputy or deputies for whose acts he shall be responsible and who shall shaft qualify in the samp came manner as the sheriff except that the bonds may b be in the sura sum of two thousand dollars each sec 4 when a reasonable compensation i is tendered or satisfaction given that the costs of service will be seasonably paid it is the duty of sheriffs Sheri fra and constables to faithfully aud and diligently execute all orders processes and requirements K of a court under penalty of whatever costs davia damages and fine may be adjudged approved jan jait AA 1854 the above a true copy cop of th the original ri I 1 act ou on file in my office A V W BABBITT j sec of oaut U T AN ACT I 1 prescribing the official terms of certain officers elected by the begu legu I 1 a a assembly and providing for far vacancies Pa canties sze 1 I ile it enacted by the governor Co vernor and I 1 legislative A assembly of the territory of utah that an auditor of public accounts a treasurer era a territorial a surveyor gene ral raland and a notary public for each county shall be elected by the joint vote of the present legislative Asser assembly ably Wh oshall qualify y as prescribed by law and shall hold office for two years and until their are qualified S er 2 vacancies my may be filled by executive appointment ia the foregoing or any offices when the mode of supplying vacancies is not prescribed by law SEC 3 laws or parts thereof conalie conflicting tig with ith thie abw act are hereby ro repeated pealed approved january lath 1854 the above is a true copy of the original act on file I 1 in my office A W BABBITT see sec of U T resolution relating R lating to the representation of green river and great salt lake counties go be it resolved reso irrA I 1 by tos the governor and legislative 1 j As othe territory of utah that green river county be entitled to one representative in this legislative assembly and that great suit salt lake county ty elect one less than heretofore j approved jau jan lath 1854 j the above is a true copy of the ordinal liml reso lation on file in my ay office 1 A W BABBITT 1 see sec of U T I 1 AN ACT i specifying the time when ichen acts and resolutions begin to be in force and making makil ng them equally valid SEC 1 be it enacted by the governor and legislative assembly of the territory Tarri tory of utah that each act and resolution is lit in force from the date of afi publication in any public manner unless a certain time is specified and resolutions are equally valid with acts I 1 Approve dJan lath 1854 I 1 the above to is a true copy of the original act on file lu in office A W BABBITT I 1 1 Seco see of fUT U T AN AIT ACT Begu regulating lating herdsmen herding herd jsmrd grounds ground Sf and the driving af animals SEC 1 be it enacted by this Oo governor vernor and legislative assembly of the territory of utah that every person before engaging in the business of herding shall give bonds with security and take and subscribe an oath conditioned for we the faithful performance of his bis duty and for the indemnifying indemnify ing for all loss of time or animals through his neglect i said bonds and security to be given to the acceptance of the probate the county where the herd ground idio ia to be located and with the oath to be filed in his office ard aad may be altered or others given on the requirement of said judge and when said bonds and oath are accepted and filed the probate judge shall grant the applicant a license to herd for a period not exceeding exe eding one year next ensuing after the date of the location of he herd ground 3 when a license to herd hard is i presented to a county lacounty court said court sw shall give a certificate granting the holder of the license tb ohp right to em eca ploy a 4 surveyor to designate the boundaries of the desired hero herd ground and specifying the locality aad as near admay as may be tho the size she of said it lier herd ground a plot of which must he be made by the surveyor aud ad a copy thereof filed in the office of the county clerk as soon as practicable sm sec S no herd ground shall be so located as to interfere auy any previous rights nor with the he range necessary for the animals of any or at settlement sm SEC 4 AU herd herdsmen smon shall be responsible for the ow safe ode keeping and return of animals placed in their cm care and if any such much animal dies or is missing by neglect hect the owner thereof has claim on go ue 8 herdsmen s a for its value and for any damage thai t may may have accrued from ats love lorn sze SEC 5 improvements on herd grounds are am ah 81 pertaining ning to them which can be sold or tram transferred and no improvements shall shab be construed to imply any claim for herding hading after the expiration of the time specified in the we lilease lie ease SEC any gewn driving anime fudi b ba due diligence to prevent driving those ua notia a lh bw b aw and labe bunot prevent yo to he shall leave them ibm I 1 in n the first astray po iund I 1 or yard or enclosure for animal that he can obtain and ana notify the owner if known and if kot some resident vesi defit of the number kind and abda brief description of the animals which have hare mingled wm with h his and atud where he lias im left them sze 7 any person driving animals into this 1 6 territory shall on i arrival in the I 1 have them marked maed or breaded if they are an ook botand aud forthwith rop report A ht rk or brand aud and the number of hip ff number of each kind and as ar soon as possible PON ible report 6 over his signature said mid number and ana mark or trond brand to the clew clerk of the county court of toe the first organized county which he reaches SEC 8 any person baffi foiling ng to comply with the die requirements contained in this act is id liable for all cost and damage arising from his hie neglect and to be fined at the discretion of any court having ja ris diction SEC 9 all other laws or parts thereof on the subject of this act are hereby repealed approved jan irth 1854 11 the above is a true copy of the original act on file in my office A W BABBITT see sec of U T |