Show preservation of the eyes EDITORS an article in no 51 vol 8 scientific american having the above title interested me muck much as ag it is a subject that has occupied some of my attention in my researches on this subject I 1 have come to a different conclusion in in some respects from that which is left lefton on the mind by reading your art article cle while I 1 can subscribe to most that is here said I 1 have had some confidence in properly rubbing the closed eye balls if rubbed gently or rather pressed from the temples towards the nose in such a manner as shall have a tendency to keep up their roundness by pressing the eyeballs not on their surface which will only serve to flatten them and thereby injure the sight against the nose as much as possible but not so as to injure theta them by hard pressure the sight may de be preserved in this way to old age e it is said that this is the way that J W Q adams preserved his sight until he died having no BO need of glasses at atio alo io ray iny grandfather who died at the age of 93 could read in his bible all day without glasses having never used them ile he said that at fifty years of age his eyes began to fail him so that he be felt the need of glasses but hearing bearing of the above remedy applied it and soon found his eyesight eye sight improving so that at sixty he could see as well is as he ever could and never lost his big sight h t a again ai while hile he lived by severely taxing t the eyes by reading or writing a great deal b by candle or lawn lamp light the tendency is to gatten flatten the eyeball ejem eye eje M ball and weak weaken its power to adjust itself to distances anything that has a tendency to flatten the eyeball eye ball throws the focal distance further off rubbing the eyeballs eye balls as is usually the case with most people and especially those of weak or inflamed eves eyes is exceedingly aeed cee angly injurious if they rub them chem at all 0 let care be taken not to rub them on the pupils but buttress press them gently towards the nose so as not to flatten them but to preserve their roundness the reason why so many yount young people lose their eyesight eye sight I 1 think may be e attributable to two causes namely over taxing them which makes them pain full and then rubbing them if these evils M are guarded against I 1 f think there would not be such demand for g glasses 1 a sea I 1 would recommend corn commend mend those who a are e short h ort take balls eye cups and draw a piece of thin india rubber over one end instead of the i balls then tie it over the eye so as to press gently upon the eyeball eye ball and wear it 5 or 10 minutes before going to bed this will flatten the eyeball eye balf ball and thus len lengthen then the focal distance T V 8 I 1 elyria 0 0 sept 1853 |