Show from the N Y herald judge edmonds and his new hew christianity by reference to a another other part of this days paper will be f found bounta a report of a visit of one of our corps to judge edmonds edmonda in the very sanctuary of his hia new religion it is a full f all and complete account of one of the most moat curious interviews that ever took place in in this sublunary sab lunary sphere highly interesting to those who have not yet read the wonderful work of the judge as affording a complete and lucid synopsis of his views and equally interesting to those who have perused it as supplying a key to unravel its deepest mysteries and throw a flood of light on what I 1 might m lit otherwise appear inexplicable whenever whenever anything great is about to to come to light on the earth the world is thrown into ini confusion this is more particularly the case in in reference to a new religion at present the world both here and in the old country is convulsed with political agitation in the united states we have the great democratic party completely iced and tossed to and fro in in a state of confusion worse confounded it is rent into two or three factions e ich each waging a war of extermination against the other and clouds and darkness rest upon spoil the result the dry bones of the lately defunct whig arty part y are rattling as they are waked into life e while the antislavery anti slavery principle is hourly gathering strength and new combinations are formin forming from the chaotic mass of elements continually thrown to the surface in europe europa the great powers are embarked on a sea of diplomacy without a chart or compass to guide them and the air is rife with reports of wars and rumors of wars between russia and turkey which may involve all the other nations while at a t the same time the revolutionary elements are working g and up heaving like a volcano and 0 only I 1 y waiting ai ti rig f for or the general melee to vomit forth fort afla flames me a and nd cinders and ashes and death and the darkest conf confusion aaion what the end will be no one knows it is at this favorable juncture j that judge edmonds is about to introduce his new creed it was so at the christian era when the gospel was introduced into the ahe roman empire the greatest disorder and up of old cyst systems easan and d old ideas the new religion was sown in in the fallow of ages it grew and prospered and brought c forth fr fruit atit abundantly in the same way wa the great expounder of the latest system of religion expects it to extend all over the land small indeed in its beg beginnings begin linings ings like the grain of mustard nu seed sown in darkness but growing up by degrees into a great tree spreading in 9 out its ts branches in all directions affording f or in a shadow from the sun by day and shelter for the birds of tha air ly night judge edmonds estimates from actual observation atio that there are already in this city thirty thousand spiritualists and in the united states upwards of a million and those these are not merely the uneducated but the enlightened and the elevated men of high social political and professional standing not the poor plodding laborer and unpretentious tent ious me mechanic elianic but the wealthy the scholars the philosophers the divines the merchants the judges of the land the very first circles of fashionable society but not only in this country but in europe and asia as was predicted by the spirits to judge edmonds has the new idea been progressing it was making silent progress here but had not made any signal advance in public because no man of eminence or distinction had come out oat and avowed himself its champion but bat from the moment that judge edmonds who was at first opposed to it declared himself a convert a tremendous impetus was given to it the effect upon the of christianity produced by the miraculous conversion of saul of tarsus the persecutor into paul the apos tle tie of the same creed was not more remarkable than the effect produced on a spiritualism r by the conversion of judge edmonds d from bein being a sceptic into the great apostle of the ditl faith which is to supersede the new testament as the new testament superseded the old how will the momentum of the new idea be increased when the circles are all organized into churches with the jud judge e as the chief bishop and spiritual con centre tre from from which will radiate the light of the spheres in all directions there is another striking resemblance between the christian epoch and the present time which is equally favorable to the propagation ir 0 pa of the doctrines of judge ut edmonds d when the gos gospel OIL of the nazarene was propounded to the sews jewa there was nothing le left t of religion among them but its forms it is so now in the united states the jews attended regularly at the syn synagogue a worshiped constantly I 1 in the temple and were very particular in their ceremonies but the life of religion was wanting they made clean the outside of the cup and platter latter whilst inside these vessels were filled fed with impurities the founder of christianity denounced them as cited whited chres 5 1 with fair externals but within full of all cleanness they paid tithes punctually to their clergy but they neglected the weightier matters of the law truth justice and mercy the pagan religion was a till still more a religion ot mere formalisms it had ceremonies without end but it had no vi vitality it was a dead body without a soul at althis abis juncture christ and his apostles apostle proclaimed ro I 1 claimed the new religion which speedily FY revolutionized not only judea but the whole roman empire its most successful preacher was st paul it flourished and spread and came out victorious through t ten p persecutions at length its sublime simplicity became corrupted and it in turn became a religion of forms and disputes arose about mere words from which sprung and the greek church the church of rome and numerous i schisms sms the spirit of christianity wa was s almost lost the dark ages followed ceremonies were increased and multiplied but religion itself was nowhere to be found amidst this reign of ceremonies luther and the other reformers arose and preached a spiritual religion which had life and pith in it and was everywhere successful producing even civil revolutions revolution s throughout europe and upturning the existing order I 1 of things this wonderful erful effect was produced because the papal church chui ch had become the slave of forms and had lost its vital power in process of time the reformed I 1 churches retailed re lapped into formalism again when fox started Quakerism and wesley and whitfield established methodism both religions were more spiritual than the tha churches I 1 from which they emanated and from which they took so many converts their fou founders n ders despised forms and cultivated religion inthe soul the they y were successful in an eminent ein t degree in recent years however these protestant sects deot together I 1 with all others have become as aa formal as their predecessors and the people are sick of them out of twenty five millions of inhabitants in the united states judge Edmonds calculates that not more than four or five millions attend tiny any place of worship and out of the population of york city tour four hundred thousand never go to church while of the remainder who so do 0 go there is not one in every hundred that regard public worship in in any other light than as a matter of form hence it is that every religious novelty thrives for men are ready to give a trial to anything in g new in in the hope that it may prove better than the old it was thus that joe smith was successful in establishing mormonism and now judge edmonds who is an able and far more learned man and who seeks to establish a better religion will succeed to a far greater extent in point of legal and general erudition and knowledge of languages theJa the judge dge is equal to stpaul st paul there is another reason why th the labors of the mormon prophet are not crowned with more extensive success he did not make his io religion ligion mafli sufficiently cien i tl y a spiritual IT igual I 1 he permitted permitted ermit ted the exiA existence tence of po polygamy gamy and gis his followers to have wives at will judge edmonds on the contrary having lost his wife does not intend to take another and he is opposed to all licentiousness and indulgence indulgence dul dal gence of the flesh he believes that ev en in this life by abstinence abati nence the soul becomes purified rifled elevated and capable of second sight A time of luxury lamury is favorable for the reception of a spiritual religion the jews and romans were wallowing wing in i all sorts of voluptuousness when christianity tiani I 1 was int introduced rodde ed it was the same in the church when the fire of the reformation was kindled it was so in the established CE church 6 of england when arose it is ia ad so now in our own day when we find luxury and sensuality in every aha shape a e and f oiin form usurping the place of the aim simplicity i and frugality of our ancestors this therefore is the time for the new religion we kno knoer not yet what it may may be called judge ed edmands in ends calls it spiritualism we call it a new christianity all other sects may look out their days are numbered the new religion will absorb and swallow up methodism quakerism baptism congregationalism episcopalism socialism and all other isms iams embracing even woman comans rights g ml all will go except the religion of bish bishop hughes which is built upon a rock and therefore even the spirits whether they are black spirits white spirits spirit 8 or gray or their mediums including rev henry ward beecher and the fish girls 0 cannot an prevail against it I 1 |