Show is e BT EDITION OF SILVER SPOONS I 1 f I 1 A STAGE COACH 8 rory IT I 1 I 1 I 1 kh ahe e changes change that tha have taken place in this change I 1 d since I 1 bull the pleasure of making acquaint lah it the greatest is in in tra velling when I 1 was I 1 r I 1 remember my father who was mayor of balia the year 0 of f grace 97 setting betting out lor for dublin with iress I 1 as li lear for or the corporation of that loyal city of the U r of the day I 1 remember it as it were but yester id JW ay it was waa thought ut at that time to he a great jou journey wah illet leave taking of friends and relatives was not wili wi it it cleara tsars they took two days to reach limerick on the hw mi day they proceeded to Tul lamoore where they 4 and nd oaktive on the fourth taking ship in a canal boat they aved in the late nt it night but nowadays now a ii days bat between steam conches ches men go rha old gentl maii gave 4 sweep of his hand band aloin his fast t till he fie stretches it at arms length and then let it op by his side W how wonderful is ia the ence of ac ah n wolds wex V invented but to help it out I 1 have laviel n an n of ochia his fingers till his bis hd 0 looked jape a pine apple and shake it with a grim ahat would have done honor bonor tu to adape an ape I 1 have seen man elevate his should dere Ms billbe till he endangered ing his H I 1 I 1 i but t old moonshines Moon shines motion was altogether on a sealed lie it w was as magnificent fice it t rt it was natural buchas such as I 1 to suppose e ad adam nagi to b have av e made to eve when he h ell d her the world was all before them the very expression was grand it was incomplete it somewhat tome whal of infinity men bleu go said he be with of if his hand had be said to the ends of the earth 2 wild d have bavi been abeen nothing W ST ater a moments pause the narrator proceeded 1 I 11 ht t ver forget my first journey from Li mirick to duba day couch had been established which was con pa a marvel of celerity it left Swin burnes hotel n I 1 iiii the morning and contrived to accomplish half of i iwarney ey that lay day arriving at alb where the i ilera slept whence starting next morning after an breakfast reaka it entered the metropolis by the light of i id oil lanida upon the second you may inay yet see the I 1 baide inn a little outside out ide the town of mountrath Mount rath h 9 ii thigh tigh house retired a short way from the road I 1 e L U a sweep of graveled space before it and ado of windows butalla it is now iasi hi it and one never sees the bustling face of the tl waiter alter standing at the door or hears the 11 r of the whip as he I 1 lends out I 1 hia is posters i ad a i gentleman ig bill ail that is past and gone on the second day of ey we find aliw bled R drowsily dro in the parlor 1 I 1 T smelled istel I 1 ed vil lanou my M e preceding nights sup I 1 0 wod ad had sat down to berried breakfast by tho f I 1 kwe had half finished acar a car drove up to the tand and in a few moments after n a gentleman entered in W drab arab trav traveling e V in ov over c r coat rath with half it dozen capes n huge red shaw wound around ins his neck lie he doid a traveling case leisurely on the sida sideboard board and looked ked keenly around him the tha survey dia did not 9 to give him very much gratification the ers eggs had appeared feared and the cold beef was ave tp condition n however he sat do wn took on his coat I 1 ahall hat awl and add himself to thi theold old ine meat like a itty man the waiter made ins his I 1 list 3 i five minutes more gentlemen the hoisea aye a outi putto outto I 1 I 1 ike traveler looked n u L quietly he wis was not a man to pt fat out of his way he ordered eggs aggs and desired the her ar to make fresh tea ke in yo you going by the coach sire sir inquired the attend L ats certainly was the reply in an english accent k was a traveler from a london house but I 1 must L my breakfast first so be quick will you Q alle waiter left the room and immediately afterpe after we VS the fellow telling the guard to be expeditious i an 14 toto tion to which that worthy responded by a clam h blast of his bu horn born that made us till nil start from our tand ar hurry out of the room Is leaving iving the english g gen enand tan it alone to finish his breakfast break fait which to do him jt he seemed by no ili means keans disposed to neglect the tor meantime brought in the tea and retired but was toy ily ill summoned back by a vigorous ringing of the 8 poon please said the gentleman w 6 waiter advanced to the table to procure the article orbr I 1 for but to his li astonishment there w as nota spon een nay may even those which had been in the cups cupa yul gl hats ats disappeared become of all the spoons spool Is said the dis dismayed may va ailant ietta at just what I 1 want to know you blockhead ilithe the other 0 o dozen and da a half balf real silver cried tom I 1 want only one said the gentleman haventon Haven tou ou won in our establishment my man U cwi iwi made no reply but rushed distractedly ol 01 it of the and running u up to the conc coachman hman cried out stop apsey ps ey fur f or tile the love of heaven all 0 1 rig right t says dampsey with a twirl of his whip t bring 1 ing up p t the e reins and preparing to start for we had I 1 ta hen en our places I 1 aces r i all al I 1 right I 1 tell you tried cried tom are kf poona P ahat e arrah I 1 dont be bothering us its man awe five spoons minutes behind time joey hould shutoff that off wara to head bead till she goes 0 on n a bit ly y this time the master 0 f the inn had como come out to learn aill the hubb ill ib was about tom half blubbering hering with the fact that lug IUS IN Kf ellow fellow made him acquainted nr spoons hail had vanished the landlord cried out rob 1 maids aids screamed out I 1 murder and a va 1 the borsena housemaids house f if of other exa exclamations lations too dreadful to contemplate the inn keeper on I 1 tan it silence wai wa i restored 4 ping bring the coach U tilt if he ascertained if the report of tom ottrue true ere many momen moments is he be returned as pale as a t and said i r i nt lemen im in sorry trouble yuu you bui i ue att come do down wn till a search is made for my property P fc here will swear that oat there ther ewas was a spoon in every tup this morning as usual wont you tom is dad ill take my bewie bible oath af that same sure agh replied tonn tom land and sure I 1 swallow them the 1111 1 the rho passengers all indignantly refused Watib raft to iho cli proposed by the landlord an old lady inside atoff in hysterics when the innkeeper inn keeper opened the it and proposed to turn her pocket inside our there IMI officer with a wooden leg on the box seat who ae ie in the most awful manner at mat he aou would atun run ane a 1 t man through the body who attempted to toy lay hands on him by the way he a sword but he be forgot that in in his fury there was a justice of the peace for the county who protested that lie he would commit the host for contempt Lun tempt and a dublin attorney in the back seat ted lus resolution to indict toni tom who had laid hold of ins his log lei fui foran an assault and moreover to commence an action against his hia master for f at I 1 was hut a young ster then and the weaken of the party trie landlord chucked me down in in a twinkling and hauled me into t the he parlor half d ead dead with fright and thereupon the rest reat of the P asseng 1 ks including include agthe the wooden legged legged cap tain scrambled down and followed determined determine tomake to mike common cause causa and pr hect me with their lives if necessary and now noy we were all again in the breakfast room clamoring and remonstrating while to add to the dianthe guard kept up a continual brattle with his horn allicia all this time the english gentleman was steadily prosecuting hit his work upon the eggs and toast with a cup of tea before hiru him which lie was lei arely sipping quite at ease like what the deuce ill 16 the matter said lie he looking up cant you let a than roan take his breakfast in in the plate said eaid the master I 1 the silver spooned spoons cried the butler I 1 Robbery 11 3 shouted the mis mistress I 1 M murder ac c screamed the housemaids house maids every one debnan demanded ded the host hor it acom come let us begin with willi this young chap diving his hand nto into i my breeches pocket 1 11 I think said the english gentleman coolly I 1 atwould be as an well first to search se arch the premises ib the waiter long kaurs haq la 1 shrovetide and I 1 defy any man to lay as rifah mip as catbe the bigoff big hid nail to 11 my ay iy charge I 1 ulas by y this time the english g gettleman ehtle man had bad finished his breakfast t and wiping his mouth he commenced to search the room he opened every drawer of the si deboord then he be looked under the table ihen iben be hind the windi wina w shutter batall in in vain after that he be stopped a moment to reflect when a bright thought seem ed to cross his mind and he raised the lid of one of tale teapots but with v ith as little success as before never thele s he continued his examination of the teapots and when he came to the last what wh it do you think but he thrust in his hand and drew out first one spoon nano ini then another an ther till he laid a number of them on the balile tom rushed up lip and begin began to count two four six and so on till at leneth he be exclaimed I 1 may mi I 1 never see hee glory but the re all right ever every one the lurd lord between us and liann harin but this bangs banga all that I 1 ever evera I 1 seen I 1 ril ion tell you what my iny min man 1 haid the gentleman look ing sternly lynt it tile the a waiter 11 strongly suspect yolk have heen tricks upon nour our master A very nice haul anve had of it after the had gone away I 1 dont like the look of the fellow I 1 tell bouhe lie i continued addressing himself to the host land and if it for forthe the fortunate ort tort circumstances of mv coming in a little I 1 lute late and wanting a spoon you would havi have D lost 3 our i property bir sir you may count coant it a lucky any that icamen I 1 came to you i house the landl landard rd wits struck dumb with amazement even the mistress mia treas a woid to say sav though she looked CT wickedly at pow po n tom 1 om and the liou house so mains began to cra cr Gent gentlemen lonien 7 proceeded the Englis englishman binan 61 1 I hope you will overtook overlook the insult you hive have received j as all after nil all the landlord is not to be blamed aud and if he will insist on tins blackguard waiter making an ample apology I 1 will I 1 take upon me to say coriou for on nil all that you will not take any proceedings 1 aal all I 1 cheerfully expressed their assent sent to the proposition except the at torney diey who still muttered something amt about assault and defamation mation which so terrified 1 tom om that plot he moat m 0 at humbly entreated pardon of the whole company 14 though ough he still protested that he was as innocent of the c rime crime laid to ins his charge I 1 gammon said we the gentleman but as you have made proper submission and nothing has been lost I 1 shall ball make it a further condition with your our master r that he wont turn you adrift on the world with it abie f character cha but give you an opportunity of reforming keep a sharp e e un on him however sir I 1 advise you and now gentlemen I 1 think thina wed bettor better be moving I 1 we all hurried out and took our places the engli englishman B benalt elting on the sent seat behin 1 the c achman de debia e threw the silk into the horses the guard blew tin impatient blast on hirshorn hi ilia horn shorn and off we went atit a shipping pace the host bowing humbly to us until we were butof out of sight 1 im ind driving g on this road these ten years yearn said dempsey when he Inck ened his price pace up u a hill land and I 1 never knew such a thing as that to happen before very akely said the englishman quietly land and never will again cl 1 I atwara thought toro torn rielly w as is as honest a fellow in man arid and hoy boy as any in the parish tl 1 I ninke mute no doubt ht he is replied the other lie he has a very honest countenance 11 1 I thought sir air said the captain you said you like his loots I 1 claybe I 1 dm did any aay so BO was the reply and prey pray sir do you think it awaa as he who hid bid the azoona tins v not a bit of it then d 1 did 1 I did do kiili you think im aro green enough to travel so cold a morning althis without having a comfor tabi e well said dempkey Dem lahat is ia the buot inow ingest tr ick I 1 ever heard stift all ny my lile life chot no baal bad reputed ted the ge gentleman with great sangfroid sang froid 1 but it will not do to td be repeated when we arrived RL at Por the gentleman who by the way turned out to he a very pleasant tello ellow v and up to all ail sors ortice of life got off the co boich t e it and his velling travelling tra case to be taken into the i inn t 1 n do you stop atop here sn air asked tile the coachman yes for too the present I 1 have a little business to do here as aa well as at the gent gentleman gentled lem rk haeng given the usual gratuity to the guard and also of of paper to dempsey which he be directed 7 him to give to the host at al the moun truth passed into the lan inn the coach drove on and I 1 nev er saw him again demps having pocketed the ob shilling illing looted looked nt at the paper wl with bome s in which tu to say the truth we all shared there is is no harm in reading it as it is is open said the attane it from fram Deg Dein apsey they were a few lik lines kos written in in pencil on the leaf of a pocket bonks bona and the captain read them out I 1 remember them to this day this is is to t certia certify that tom reilly put nothing into the teapot tins this in mornine except hot water and sloe leave sand that the other ingredients the spoons were added by me for the pur purpose pime of giving the is composition some strength I 1 further certify tint that the aforesaid spoons are capital for making a stir tir given kinder my hand ELKANAH SMITHERS JUN you may be sire sure we nil all enjoyed this finish to the ic ofee ke and dempkey forwarded the paper by the down coach that poor to tom in reillys Be Re illys character fiig lihi hi be cleared with thole att possible delay tom was fully reinstated in the confidence of I 1 his s employers employ era buethe but the landlady had got suc such a fright that die a determined her silver spoons should never again he placed at the mercy of any traveller accordingly file fhe transferred p them to the private part of the establishment substituting for them in the public room a set of deiy very neat pewter articles there was no german silver or or such buch things in those days davs which when cleaned looked nearly as well as silver many a time I 1 stirred ny illy tea at bre breakfast arat with one of then them and thought jun |