Show TAKEN UP band BY Y the subscriber on big cottonwood a brindle and white aided cow 7 or 8 years old points ot of her horns sawn off no visible brands the owner is requested u estea to prove property oro perty pay charges and take her away WM M C RITTER janle 4 at read bead mark learn and digest I 1 AM preparing to print the seventh and eighth bib hundreds of brands there are ganv many ta anar ar ackers 1 in these two hundreds for which we ve have no type tile owners have made no arrangements for type consequently their brands cannot be printed until such arrangements are made or type furnished send on your type or the money to procure them and your brands will be printed about saturday the I 1 alth I 1 th of february I 1 shall be prepared to sell the brand sheets 8 in ber containing upwards of brands or on the following terms viz for single sheets 10 cents for a set of 8 sheets neatly put together with paper cover I 1 dollar tais anis barely covers the cost of printing but as their distribution is important to the community I 1 am determined they shall have no excuse office iu in the council house W CLAYTON 4 at recorder of brands TAKEN UP bbrown BY Y the subscriber on little cottonwood a brown heifer with some white spots over her body about two years old no mark or brand also one brown steer some white about his face and belly a crop off the left ear about two years old 4 lt SILAS RICHARDS UP IN TN little cottonwood ward and now in in my JL possession one yoke red oxen about six six yrs ars old branded W T on left horn a crop off each ear car and slit in the left also a dark red ox 7 years old branded H W on the ri right lit hi hip and n d a rope halter baiter on his head bead a crop off I 1 t the e atla left ear r an mid erbit off the light also a brindle and white ox 5 years jmj uld no wand or ear marks also alao a pale red cow with a little white on hr her back and tail about 9 years old branded I 1 P on the left hip no ear marks JOSEPH GRIFFITHS 4 at pound keeper CLOGS CLO CLOGS CLOGS BRING RING your old boots and shoes anti and have them clogged for yourselves and children and have bour your feet kept warm and your health preserved french clogs spring clogs and clog patterns made to order with dispatch by CHAS MILLER next door to God dards 4 at east temple street NOTICE r phe HE partnership CO now and hereto IF J tore fore existing in this city under the name and style of livingston KINKEAD expires by limitation on the second of april next all persons indebted to said firm finn are hereby notified that the books of the concern must he closed at that time and are earnestly requested to make settlement accordingly and all persons holding due bills or other demands against said firm are expected to present them for payment before the expiration of our articles of ner ship we trust that all interested will regard this not notice ce and avoid any further proceedings edinge either of the partners is authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation LIVINGS livingston XON KINKEAD 4 tf |