Show fl dialogue on physiology J continued 0 son father I 1 have been thinking since our last conversation that if the spiritual and intelligent f portion of man is a substantial and material substance when this body dies will not the spirit I 1 which you suppose to be matter also die just f 0 like the rest of the body father you might perhaps think so go owing to your ignorance of the office of death and the nature of spirit 0 now all spirit is strictly matter of more or less f refinement and that which is not matter is really nothing at all and dissolution does not annihilate late anything whatever but it separates and 0 decomposes for a season and after a time it re i turns to its former tabernacle what advantages are gained by this temporary separation we will not now inquire inqui rii but this orie one thing is certain that a reunion re union between the body and spirit will take place again the grosser body will be conformed to the designs and acts of the spiritual organization I 1 that controls it here if the brain or I 1 controlling power aims aim diligently to control all the acts and deeds of the body to pure and honorable burp purposes oses and ends then in such a case death will be a victory in favor of that power and the spirit or governing power will have a right in the resurrection to choose such a bodily organization as will conform to its wishes in other words if a m man a n with all his bis mind and might seeks to bring his whole body into subjection to the jaw of christee Chris Chrls the will ultimately and most assuredly have a body that will conform to his pure and exalted designs S do I 1 u understand you to say that such a man will ll 11 not h have the same ame body after death as before how then shall we know each other when such changes are effected F you must not urge me beyond what I 1 am able to tell you put I 1 will tell you that wo we shall be chang edif we keep the supreme law we know this from the transfiguration of jesus moses and elias upon the mount and the heavenly appearance of one of the prophets that visited the apostle john upon the isle of patmos in the office of an aa angel also we know that a man that is governed by the spirit of truth in all things for a long series of years from childhood to advanced life looks as widely different from the man that is gov arned by the spirit of disobedience during the same same period even as the acts of the one differ affer from the acts of the other now as either of them may sow BOW so may they reap he that sows bows to the holy and all wise spirit will of that spirit reap that beautiful and U noble n oble bodily organization and that high and mental endowment which it is the and promise of the holy oneto give S are there not many handsome persons sons male and female of much intelligence that continually work iniquity that will be still intelligent and comely in the resurrection 7 F you may depend upon it my son that t there here will be no handsome han diome persons in bellor hell or homely ill featured ones in heaven it is the living in g spirit in man that distinguishes the lineaments linea ments of his face and form from tile the lifeless image in wax or from the evil door doer the latter has no beauty compared with the former the spirit of disobedience has no good features or noble bearing and is in no way inviting or comely in the eyes of a pure spirit neither d does oes true intelligence p pertain ertain to such a spirit foolishness is written on the front lets and in the eyes of such a spirit whatever form it may assume and it cannot coni ceal its true hideousness and deformity from any one who is a partaker of the spirit of omniscience the tendency of disobedience is invariably to disfigure deform defile degrade and make wretched and vile all who cherish it and such as sow to this spirit will reap a fullness of that which they sow |