Show GENERAL ORDERS no 2 HEAD QUARTERS NAUVOO LEGION ADJUTANT GENERALS OFFICE G S L crry jan 21 54 5 1 I general orders nos I 1 and 2 of the alst ast and of july published in the deseret news of july 3 uly 1853 are hereby revoked 11 II the commandants of the several districts are required to furnish where they have not done so full and complete accounts with ace accompanying mcany vouchers of all damages and losses lease 5 s sustained usta ined by reason of indian hostilities III they will also make returns of all musters and delinquencies in accordance with law and continue to enroll in some company all new comers liable to military duty with tile the necessary arms ammunition and equipage for the their i r own defence each company is expected to be in readiness at all times to march on the shortest notice to any part of the territory IV they will preserve a good organization of their entire forces and fill up the minute companies for prompt and energetic action in accordance with general orders no 1 of nov nor 1853 and act on the defensive whenever it becomes necessary for the protection of their respective districts V it is wise in time of peace to prepare for war although peace can as yet scarcely be said to exist no time should be lost in ia preparing and completing the forts and defences defenses De fences in the various districts as we think it is well understood that our settlements must be based upon a permanent system of defence in enlarging the forts or locating ca ting new ones for the accommodation of the increasing population i great care and judgment should be exercised in selecting such places as are beyond the reach of covert and unless included beyond the rifle reach of ridges benches and mountains mountain sr and so as to command water for the use of the forts and as much of the surrounding country as possible VI the safety and future success of the set ments ments upon surprise or being deceived by pretended friendship at the same time exercising friendly relations with all cloth clothing ilig arid feeding them for their heir labor it I 1 is humane and ana politic to feed the strangers when they first come keeping a good look out for them and if they remain giving them work encouraging them by giving them fair wages for what they do and makin making them as comfortable as possible according to I 1 the circumstances circumstances of the posts when they evince a disposition to comply with reasonable requirements BRIGHAM YOUNG I 1 governor and ex officio tt of indian affairs and commander in clief of the militia I 1 DANIEL H WELLS general commanding nauvoo algion Lg ion |