Show fi summer K r g ams a S I 1 continue at oui store if you shave yourself now is is tb the le time to we THAT will SHAVE that we get a snap we have a RAZOR EAZOR guarantee to shave and give satisfaction or we will return the money and then the amount you are out while you are trying it is so small only y i f I 1 IN r rl 3 TY I 1 F I 1 N 7 E C GENTS just think of it a first class razor with our guarantee be hind it for the small sum of 95 cents then we have straps mugs soap powder bay rum witch hazel face cream and all 1 f 1 the other toilets necessaries required to ma make ke shaving a pleasure i alkes I 1 YOURS FOR A CLEAN FACE t at the eddy drug store WYNN VYNN L EDDY prescription druggist A ayi ii I 1 IF 1 IMA 1 I F I 1 or 0 V t sn SHOE OE SALE 44 41 A I 1 i i A we are clodin cl closing osin out some of our shoes a at t b aw I 1 PRICES P 4 POSITIVE BARGAINS IN FIRST CLASS GOODS 41 t NOTE THE FOLLOWING 4 10 4 JJ ladies oxfords was now 4 ladies was 2 25 now A A mens work shoes was now 1 boys work shoes was now 4 boys dress shoes was now 4 y boy Boys work shoes was now 1 1 f mens dress shoes was now f 4 4 V mens dress slices shoes was now 2 V 4 men s oxfords was now 4 V 40 mens oxfords was now 41 7 mens dress and work shoes was now 4 4 i misses shoes from to 11 was and now BARGAINS IN JALL ALL departments 4 4 A WE DO BUSINESS 01 A 4 t hanson mercantile CO coa 4 y BRIGHAM progressive department STORE 4 4 hijii wr 4 41 6 1 44 t ag k I 1 ua 1 your vacation Vaca fion needs no matter where you go when you go or how long you stay need to be provisioned properly with clothing and furnishings t to enjoy complete comfort this store is amply prepared to supply your every want in this connection with the essentials and also the lesser fixings and at prices consistent with good quality for instance i OUTING SUITS smart stylish things in genuine Homes puns blue and black serges and flannels superbly made ready to put on and wear and they will wear 10 to 15 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS A particularly extensive and choice assortment in all the new fabrics 50 cents up to 00 oo UNDERWEAR HOSIERY NECKWEAR HEADWEAR all sold at tempting prices tor for best grade goods your honest dollar will always find and honest bonest bargain here Rosen aft baums cash store THE POPULAR CLOTHIERS AND MENS outfitters OUT FITTERS brigham city utah J FOR FOK SALE CHEAP I 1 double surrey L 1 double buggy harness 1 al buggy tongue 1 cutler at methodist parsonage while its hot let kofold do 10 your baking josephn joseph X stohl Is prepared to write fire insurance on your grain crops N L hansens shoes are setter better 7 T K X L galisin i s shoes are letter better FOR SALE CHEAP one 0 3 inch wagon ago almost new henry kot cot 1 ter ler alg WE ARE NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS BUT WE WANT TO REMIND YOU THAT our big semi annual av JUL clearance clear clit sale sa oc is is now in full blast cc everything has been gone over prices have been reduced throughout the entire house everything is on the move not an item will be carried over if price reductions will move them join the big crowd and share in the great bargain event following are some of the extra specials mens and boys dept summer gross dress goods gift like prices on this seasons clothing and furnishing famishing at great price reductions ladies waists sales have been more than satisfactory here is your chance to secure at ladies and misses skirts about one half the regular price muslin underwear with us but now comes the newport organdies orlandies Org andies worth loc selling tine time when all mens boys and children price ac ladies parasols belts handbags hand bags fantana batiste worth hosiery laces embroidery s summer suits must go to make selling room for the new fall clothing soon price ac ladies misses and childrens oxford to arrive sac selling price shoes tissue luxuriant worth selling here are a few interesting price reductions price men s sumer underwear ties and duct ions silk jolienne Eo lienne worth selling price belts fancy vests hats etc etc c regular 20 suits sale price 1500 emb amb Lac laces worth esworth selling pre regular regular 16 18 suits suits sale sale price price 1350 1200 empire silk worth selling price this is i s not idle talk regular 15 suits sale price 1125 silk check novelties worth selling as we never advertise anything in the regular 14 suits sale price 1050 price paper that we do da not live up to in the regular 13 suits sale price these are but few of the many beau ticul fabrics we have store so when we tell you that this regular 12 suits sale price 00 0 the is a bargain clearance sale it saving on these goods now will means regular 10 suits sale price apay pay you you the biggest interest that just what the word implies BARGAINS 10 outing suits for 6 8 for 5 money ever bought remember that everything in every department has been reduced 25 to 50 per cent you can always fishba Fish bi 1 9 stores at brigham do best at I r IL 1 s and tremont ONE PRICE AND THAT THE lowest l here is in an offer that demands attention everybody should 4 patronize this sale it will be a record broking we now commence Comi nence a r i t 1 fk great closing out sale of all summer goods such as Dimi dimitries dimities ties taffetas Taff Eoll nes dimilte de soie boie voll duchesse linnens lawns and all white goods all mcolia underwear shire waists and s will be sold nt at a great sacrifice felt hats and the popular lion laon brand of childs boys aad youths suits also knee pants will go ga AT COST and one ne lot mens dress ehms at one third their value we offer dozens of other lines at I 1 less ess than halt half price we e have bave plenty of ac outings at ac an and moc loc outings at 3 ads for you can always do best with us ATTEND THIS SALE AND SAVE MONEY C HOLST ca SON remember member Ee the place 22 block south of tabernacle SPECIAL SP CIA PRIC PRICES S preserving kettles telly glasses fruit jars stone jars dad stone fruit jar rubbers E Ts ware ff f all kinds SPECIAL P RUCIE tie AMA christensen KNUDSON |