Show FOR MAKING ICE CREAM J E X N writes I 1 have been a reader of your paper for many years and several times I 1 have noticed where you have given rece receives ipes for and published articles on ice cream making in every case you claim that to make good lee ice cream it is necessary to use pure cream now I 1 am t telling elling you that you a are re mistaken there there are trade secrets and trade secrets but the following is a simon pure one it has never been published to my knowledge and the ice cream is as good from every point of view as that made from pure cream it is used hy by several large dealers the whites of the eggs being used for mak ing icing tor for cakes and for cake making well to proceed to every 1 quai quart t 0 of f milk use one 6 pound of granulated sugar and the holics yolks of five eggs and any flavor desired place the milk in an enameled dish and heat slowly stirring continually until it just comes to a boll then skim and add the sugar and remove from the fire stir with a wooden stick until the sugar is dissolved have the yolks of eggs in a dish well beaten up with a few quarts of warm not hot milk and now add these stirring the milk all the time place the milk can in a tub with broken ice around it and stir milk until it is cool add bour our flavor and aid it is ready to freeze it costs tar far less than pure cream and makes it if anything a tar far nicer article scientific american |