Show octogenarian HONORED birthday and baptism of patriarch peter A forsgren commemorated an interesting social meeting was held tn in the dalham dilham city first ward meeting house thursday evening in honor of the eightieth birthday of patriarch A forsgren and also in memory of the introduction of 0 the gospel I 1 in the he scandinavian countries the meeting was well attended and a good program consisting of songs and short speeches was carried out tile the hall was beautifully decorated decora terl with adwers flowers and potted plants bunting and the nags flags of the three scandinavian di din avian countree countr le with a large american flag in the back ground I 1 the gathering was under the direction of the presidency of the scandinavian organization of the dox box elder stake sake and in charge of president 0 N gstohl stohl peter A bors forsgren was born in geale sweden SO 80 years ago today he has tile the honor of being the fiat person baptised baptized sed hy by immersion by divine authority in the he scandinavian countries in this dispensation being baptized by his broE brother herr john K E forsgren on his birthday july 26 1850 this was about a month before erastus snow commenced to baptize in co pen hagen bagen denmark in the fall of 1852 lie left his native land and till all that thai was near and dear to him 1 in that country with tile the first regular company of saints from scandinavia under the leadership of his brother john who w 0 was as now returning to his loved i 0 onse ns e lu li t the ic west est they crossed the ocean in the ship forest monarch after a tempestuous sea of 10 weeks they arrived la in new orleans and proceeded to st louis and on to keokuk la ia here he married anna christena knudson may 8 1853 who with her parents was traveling along with the same company several companies were joined together and armed and equipped at this point and started out across the plains arriving in salt lake city sept 29 1851 who shortly afterward he removed to brigham city where he has aked ever since except the he bears 3 ears lie he has spent on missions I 1 elder forstien Fors gien has been trued true and faithful to the cause that lie he espo espoused tied 56 years ago was for many sears a I 1 counselor to bishop henry of the first ward at the scandinavian celebration in brigham chiy in july 1902 he was ordained a Patri patriarch arelt by president joseph F smith lie he Is the father of 10 children has 13 45 grandchildren living and 13 great grandchildren when seen walking about town at his usual lively galt gait and were his snowwhite snow white while hair and beard not noted he be would not be taken tor for an octogenarian lie he Is spending the evening of his life in its his cozy little cottage in the first ward where its his loving wife I 1 aunt elsie is doing all in her power to make him comfortable and happy 1 this item was handed us for publication li last week but through anad vertance was overlooked ed edl |