Show WESTERN mm BOX ELDER park valley and curlew valley enjoying unparallel prosperity S N lee concluded his work of checking up tithing accounts in tile the box elder stake last tuesday when tied hed had fial finished shed the work in park valley Snow snowville Ville and stone mr lee makes a very favorable report of that part of the county lie he says that dry laud land grain looks just as well as the irrigated crops the stalk Is large and thrifty stand ing in some places as high as five feet and the heads aie full and the li kernet kernels er plump in his opinion the yield will average at least thirty bushels to the acre there Is a large acreage this year and the farmers expect to harvest fully bushels of grain in the curlew valley the reservoir dam of the curlew irrigation and reservoir company washed out last winter but the damage ge sustained is not nearly so great as at first reported the break will be repaired this winter while the men have hare plenty of time to spend on it the people of are busy piping good fresh water into town for culinary purposes prescott spring about three miles away produces water of a superior quality about eighteen gallons to the minute there is ample evidence that this flow could be greatly increased by digging out the spring and this the people intend to do at the spring a three inch pipe Is used this is gradually decreased until for distributing purposes a three fourths inch pipe Is used in the town this is one of the finest things that ever happened to Snow snowville ville there seem to be a very great influx of population from other places but judging from the number of children growing up lip the supply in a lew few years will be fully equal to the demand the people seem to be living in harmony and working devotedly for the interests of their respective spec tive wards |