Show ladder to pick pole beans A of ladders rocking chairs and lawn seats drove his bis wagon up to the home ot of bile rogers in Byll byfield eld one morning in the fall of the year says a writer in the boston herald he hail had noticed the heavy crop of apples on mr rogers farm and was looking forward to a good sale of ladders mr air rogers inquired the price and was told that he could purchase a good ladder tor for 12 cents a foot well lie he said give me a couple of 0 feet the bedle who was in no mood to be jollied procured a saw from the barn sawed a couple of beet from one of his longest ladders and with a joyful look passed gassed it to mr rogers who dove into his wallet and passed a quarter to the stating as he did so that he had bad needed something of the sort for a long time to help him in picking his pole be beans ans |