Show A world of truth in a few words nearly all other othen cough cetres are constipating especially spec lallY those containing opiates kennedys Kenn edys laxative honey and tar kovei moves the bowels contains no opiates you can call get gei it at the Dri ghant city Phar pharmacy inacY FOR FOIL SALE SAIE CHE CHEAP coops wire netting incubators ine aci and brooders broaders bro oders ai r W apply to NORMAN LEI LEE tt MY hairls hair s J scraggly y do you like it then W why h y be contented content cd with it have e to be oh no just put on n ayers hair vigor and have e long thick hair soft even n hair but first of all stop P your hair from coming out save cave what you have ayer 3 hair vb visor or will not disappoint you ou it feeds the hair bulbs mikes makes weak heir hair strong th the best kind hind ot of a testimonial sold for lor over sesty years 1 I ad mado bf 1 aror co iowa A M alo alco am of Y sarsaparilla L A alye auen rs PILLS pa PECTORAL in self defense major hanim hamin editor and manager tot ol the constitutionalist eminence ky hy when he was fiercely att attacked licked four years agog ago by piles bought a box bos of buchien s arnica salve oi of which he says it cured me in ten dayt days and no trouble since quickest healer W of burns I 1 sores cuts and wounds at all druggists stomach troubles ani an reasonably hope for no one can when the bowels are arc go good od digestion sir mr chas abas baldwin of 0 con constipated sti Edwards edwardsville ville ill says bays 1 I suffered from chronic constipation 1 and stomach troubles troubled lei for several years but thanks to chamberlains chamberlain s stomach h and liver tablets am almost cured of these tablets and not get a package p price I 1 ce well r and stay ge get twell well c S I 1 for w sale 71 by theddy the eddy d drue run are 6 store LEGAL COLUMN t t SECOND BROOD SLUG spray for the second brood of slug they are now laying thir eggs on the leaves of the cherry and pear trees and will be much worse than th anthe the first brood there Is no fruit to interfere with spraying now at any aay time it if you do not spray you will lose a large percentage of your trees the state law makes spra spraying Xing compulsory and the county tree inspector has been lustra instructed acted to to strictly enforce the law W 0 KNUDSON tt tf county tree inspector TEACHERS examination teachers examination will be held in the central school building in brigham city utah august the aist and beginning at nine a in monday morning the this will be the last examination to the year applicants who failed in any subject or subjects in the june camin examination atlon may take examination in such subjects in august A E F JENSEN aig co supt bupt of schools in the justices court brigham brigl am nty ity county of box elder state of utah before win horsley justice ot of the peace david knoblauch plaintiff vs john zimmerman defendant allas alias summons the state of utah to defendant you are hereby sumi to appear before the above entitled court within ten days after this service upon you it If served within the county n which this action Is brought otherwise within twenty pays days after this service and defend the above entitled action brought against you to recover upon two cases of action one for for work and labor performed in therall the fall ol of 1902 the second cause was for the balance due as per agreement the transaction relating to the lease of the farm in 1903 you have sold the produce and failed to pay the plaintiff within of his share of the crops plaintiff asks for interest and costs dad and for attorneys fees in the first cause of action and in case of your failure to do so judgment will ee be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint WM WAL HORSLEY justice of the peace J A call atty for plaintiff probate and guardianship notices consult county cier or the respective signers for further information notice to io creditors estate of robert roberr henderson deceased creditor will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at perry box elder county state of utah on or before the day of november A D 1906 date of first publication july 12 I 1 A aad D 19 1906 0 G I 1 I 1 RICHARD ICHARD PETERS LS JENSON adra administrator Ini attorney for administrator jle aa LOTS FOR SALE notice is hereby given that brigham city a municipal corporation will sell at public sale sale the following described real estate on august the alth 1905 1906 at noon iu in front of t the city council chambers in brigham city utah L lols os one band 1 and two 2 in the block twenty two 22 plat C of brigham city survey by order of the city council C HOLST mayor THOMAS MCMASTER a 9 city recorder notice for bids notice Is hereby given that sealed bids for the erection of a one room addition to ib the e east garland school house in belr biear river district no 13 will be received by tile the trustees up to noon on friday august the for plans and specifications call at residence of peter if hansen elwood boxelder box elder county utah the trustees j reserve the right to reject any and all bids W D LEWIS MORONI S 1 SEX aljy jy 19 a 9 tru trustees slee s jk woj jil I 1 PRAISED CHECK CH ECKron FOR 72 CIS ct mr air C steffensen who lives just alist across the river northwest ol of dewey ville in this county wrote a check peach day am last month for the check y bears tile the endorsement of several well known names in this vicinity ae AT and when it was presented at the bank at Brig harn it read aso brigham am city anyone who would raise a check tor for L the sake of 72 cents certainly has very lax las morals E se to 12 why do docs Cs the sun turn burn why does a mo taos quito si stane ing why do we feel unhappy in the good old summer 13 1 time answer we dont we use dewitts witch hazel salve and 1906 these little ills dont bother us learn to look for the name on the box to iet get invite your friends to come and the genuine coldby the brigham Brig harrT enjoy a feast of peaches and pleasure city pharmacy A all arrangements in the hands of a competent committee special TO THE T program will be published later 0 J 0 S lr i low rates on all railroads MERCHANTS and FARMERS FACERS OF BOX ELDER COUNTY 17 ca ci i i i i A f we thank you for your past patrona aas 7 air and solicit age respectfully your A 4 chamberlains y T trade in the future we have I 1 a new 7 miller from minnesota the best colic cholera diarrhea remedy d we a 1 ever had and as we are completely almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or renovating renova ting our mill we guarantee diarrhea at some time during the year you flour and mill stuffs of the first this remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for quality many years and know its value it has received thousands of testimonials from n go grateful e P people eop e it has been pat prescribed re n ba e d by P physicians by results with the ae ma most st j satisfactory at ij atory it has often n saved life before ISTO TO waimir WAT medicine could have hav c been bee asea sent seat t for T jf or a physician s summoned boned C it only costs t ak 3 a quarter arter a CT can 91 you afford to r risk so in much ch for so 0 grist s can he be had night or dayian litlie BUY IT NOW 0 the old reliable honeyville mill i for sale at THE EDDY DRUG STORE mack hunsaker huns aaen WANTED AT ONCE wake up your liver cure soft clean rags must musi be oltia quite ite 4 A 19 ir Z poll your constipation get rid A urs i s of your biliousness sold large 4 r r T C 0 J A for 60 years BOX ELDER NEWS HEWS CO want your moustache or beard buckinghamm BUCKING HAMS DYE BYE abeau brown or rich black use urn v k A 7 ya OUNG mana ITT r th if your taste for good clothing leads mo I 1 aca you to be critical of style fit ana finish of your garments you will save yourself no end of trouble by looking into our store and examining the class of workmanship and 3 11 that we tum out A sayi loo ish top coat can be built for 25 A N q t good business suit for 22 ha C 0 christian searl tailor shop immediately south of etab na hotel 1 DYS P E P S A aft ur I 1 OR I 1 E DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT U 0 the bottle contains 2 times the trial aiza which sela for 50 cents ONLY AT THE laboratory OF C cowitt COMPANY CHICAGO ila SOLD BY THE BRIGHAM CITY PH |