Show A mystery solved how to keep off lodic attacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mystery that dr kings new life pills solved far me writes john N pleasant of 0 magnolia ind the only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money refunded only at all druggists galveston s sea wall makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands a W good too loc who resides on dutton st in waco tex needs no sea ea wall for safety lie he writes 1 I have used dr kings new discovery for consumption the past five years and it keeps me well and safe 13 lefore before that time I 1 had a cough which for years had been growing worse now its gone cures chronic coughs lagrippe croup whooping cough and id lir lor events pneumonia pleasant to take livery bottle guaranteed at all druggists price and loo trial bottle tree free THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP GYRUP KENNEDYS LAXATIVE lel clever blossom alhia sag aa jf bed on a dwig the end of the world of troubles that robbed E ff wolfe woke of dear bear glove la ia of all usefulness came when he began taking electric bitters lie he writes krites two years ago kidney trouble caused me great suffering which I 1 would never have survived had I 1 not taken electric bitters they also cured me of general debility sure cure for all stomach liver and kidney complaints blood diseases headaches dizziness and weakness or bodily decline price guaranteed by all druggists SHIP YOUR LIVE STOCK TO CLAY ROBISON COMPANY stock yar Y ar ds kansas city mo best service in ALL departments correct market prices Furnis furnished hd HOUSES AT kansas city denver st joseph omaha sioux city st paul chicago buffalo COUCH IN AND LUNGS WITH iMi dr kings sigs now liw Isso overy ON price mc FOR COLDS CUSand OU and frea trial buret bu ret and quickest curo cure fc all 11 I 1 and LUI f 0 T R ov or MOUSY 33 OZ kodol dyspepsia Bys pepsin gural curo digests what you eat ant i university of utah r THE HEAD OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF THE STATE the university of utah includes the school of arts and sciences cess the state normal school and the state school of mines SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STATE SCHOOL OF MINES the school of arts and sciences offers courses the school of mines offers courses in in I 1 mining engineering 1 general science 2 liberal liber al arts 2 electrical engineering 3 commercial industry 3 civil engineering 4 government and administration 4 mechanical engineering 5 journalism 6 teachers course 5 3 chemical engineering 7 medicine first two years study mining in a mining country STATE NORMAL SCHOOL preparatory SCHOOL the normal school offers 1 A five year normal course A preparatory school is maintained which 2 advanced normal course gives preparation for the courses in general 3 kindergarten courses science liberal arts engineering 09 medicine business graduates from the eight grades of the public etc one year of high school work is necessary schools are admitted to the normal school for admission to the preparatory school the greatest universities of america and europe are represented in the faculty the university library is the largest and best in the state the shops and laboratories are unsurpassed in the completeness of their equipment the proximity of great mines reduction work of various kinds and power houses for the generation of electricity afford excellent advantages for thorough and practical work in all the engineering courses the undergraduate work offered is as thorough and complete as can be obtained anywhere no tuition is charged but an annual registration fee of 10 is required registration b of students september and instruction begins september students are assisted in finding suitable boarding places the catalog is sent free upon request correspond Corre spon dence is invited university I 1 lal I 1 sar F Y OU UTAH U 1 9 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH in this state it is not necessary to serve a five days notice tor for ev eviction petion of a cold use the original laxative cough syrup 1 kennedys Kenn edys laxative honey and tar no opiates sold by the city pharmacy make hay while the sun shines there is a lesson in the ahe work ot of the thrifty farmer ile he knows that the bright sunshine may last but a lay day and lie he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow so it should be with every household dysentery diarrhoea and cholera borbus may attack some member of the home without wa warning riling chamberlains colic cholera and Dian hoea remedy which is the best known medicine for these diseases should always be kept hept at hand as immediate treatment is necessary and delay may piove giove fatal for sale uy by the eddy drug store jensen bros LIVERY and FEED STABLES t rig ar MI ATI houk 9 SW laFI Tack meets all Trains By ga 34 block north nonh first nall bank kennedys Kenn edys laxative honey and tar fares tar all coughs cough aud ad expel cold from no Y amov log the ih clearance clearance sale S abc in order to make room for our fall goods which have come in we must dispose of all our summer goods at a ail A big awls il U OW sacrifice YARDS VENETIAN was now 8 YARDS HOLLY BATISTE was now IV lie YARDS ARNOLD WOOL FINISH was c now wc YARDS TAFFETA was now lie ile YARDS GINGHAM was loc now 8 YARDS GINGHAM was now loc 1 DOZEN LADIES WAISTS WORTH now I 1 DOZEN LADIES WAISTS WORTH now I 1 DOZEN LADIES WAISTS WORTH now 11 1 OZEN DOZEN LADIES WAISTS WORTH now I 1 DOZEN LADIES WAISTS WORTH now embroidery WORTH per yard now 8 l ac LACES FOR ABOUT HALF PRICE STRAW GOODS AT COST SUGAR PER SACK ECONOMY AND MASON FRUIT JARS clearance sale commences comm friday august 3rd ard A 0 aw M NEL N P anderson andersen manager when you receive a copy of the box elder news marked SAMPLE I 1 CO COPY Y it is a respectful invitation to subscribe just cut out the attached coupon fill in your name and address forward to us with and we will send you the news for one year subscription COUPON publishers the box elder news gentlemen find for which please send roe me the box elder news for one year if ido not wish it continued after the expiration pi ration of the year I 1 will notify you yale NA 11 C if T 5 afi j t P 0 ADDRESS EDWARD B KIRK FARM LOANS OGDEN UTAH 2403 washington bell phones CALL ON OIX all the bear river valley loan and trust company fa FOR rv FEW FARM LOANS ahloe afee in room 21 SS first national dank cank CuIl dinge phone no 22 took LOOK AHEAD and prepare for the future some slight trouble with your eyes may develop into serious ailment it if neglected but CAREFULLY PITTED FITTED eyeglasses EYE GLASSES may entirely cure the trouble our specialty li Is testing eyes and fitting them with lenses suited tu to their special needs charges very moderate S F christensen EYE specialist with L C christensen Christen sep sons city bell express delivers freight and express af pf ess to all parts of the city orders order filled promptly charges Reason john punk funk W 0 proprietor OF livery and peed W stables 04 UP RIGS AT ALL HOURS hack meets all trains at depot I 1 brigham city utah LOCAL MAILS MAILS CLOSE northbound no 7 1245 p in northbound no 9 p in northbound aci cache valley no 11 5 4 0 1 p in no 8 7 3 0 p 1 in th southbound no 10 az 30 1 p in southbound local and cache valley no 12 9 95 a m no 31 malad valley p in HAILS ARRIVE from south no 7 la 12 1 ani p ni from south no a 9 a in frontu south local su cache I 1 valley no 11 II p in from north no 8 a m from north no 10 p ni from local cache valley no 12 10 1015 15 a m garland malad 1 15 am a in MALAD VALLEY K R K R MAIL CLOSES 0 o 13 north bound corinne Corl rr emont garland malad 8 4 0 a MAIL ARRIVES 0 0 14 south bound malad garland tremont corinne 5 15 p in P PO 0 opens sunday irom from 1000 to 1100 a in ce h hour ours from 8 a in to 6 p na m t B IF BOOTH B postmaster s |