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Show tutitnr YAZZIE YARNS News Of Intermountaln Indian School By Helen B. Hill The spirit of Halloween permeated the entire campus this week. Classes in each of the four schools: Special Navajo Junior high, program, over-age- , Intermediate , and elementary, held Halloween parties. Allschool parties were enjoyed last week-enand many dormitories also celebrated. Members of the staff as well entered Into the festive occasion. On Monday evening residents of Building five had a party. Rita Kieser, Laure Ricks and Jerry Casey planned the affair. The masked group particihunt pated in a scavenger which Involved many campus residents in a search for such items as 1950 newspapers, medicine droppers or iHopalong Cassidys favorte cereal. Cub Scout don No. four held a Halloween party last Friday. The cubs were anything but scouts in their wlerd costumes. d t , Mra. Bertha Bird, girls dormitory attendant, has a knack for getting the socks darned. Mrs. Bird held a darning party on .Monday evening whereupon this unpleasant task was by the cheerfully accomplished " students. Refreshments were served after the Jpb was finished. ' ril I Carr enterand tained at a venison dinner In their home Building No. 18-- on Mr. t MrS. Cecil 2 ' Monday evening. The deer, shot by Mr. Carr was shared with, the following 4 guests: Mrs, Bertha Bird, Mary Jane Aragon, Florence Garcia, Caroline Dashee, Nora Bicenti, Mrs. Margaret Lincoln. Mrs. Lucy T. Begay, Mrs. Dorothy Brawn, Mrs Betsy iFobb, Mrs. Carol Lincoln, Mrs. Peggy Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Skenandore,, Rose Begay, Mra. Eva Irene Russell, Mrs. Lorraine Yazzie, Mrs. Peshlakai, Mae LItzen, Mary Young, Sadie Roanhorse, Louise Roanhorse, Sammy' Silversmith, Dolores Shorty, Wilma and Elmer Lincoln, LaTry Diswood, Helen and Hazel Bird, Rena Mae Begay, Rpwena Russell, Harold Russell, Bernice. Encino and Agnes - !S t i t t Des-woo- d, En-cin- . Vlhllie Six, student, underwent an emergency appendectomy on Monday at the campus hospital. (Willies condition 'Is reported good. Mary Keeswood, student, Monday to the campus hospital from the ee hospital, Ogden," where Abdominal surgery was performed on her. She te reportedly in good condition. i The Student Council ' held Its election of officers last ThursFags Ten BOX ELDER NEWS day. Mary Alice King was elected president: Melvin T. Begay, Brigham City, Utah vice presdent; John Yazzie, sec- Wednesday, November 7, 1951 retary: and Felix Tsosie, 31. The students seemed proud to have their own newspaper. Elizabeth Oliver, head home economics, was on sick leave Patients in the campus hospithis week. tal enjoyed a Halloween party In the afternoon Wednesday Mary Lou Jeff of the girls ad- hospital waiting room. Mrs. Bernard Brandchaft, Mrs. visory staff was ill over the week-end- . Janet Hendrickson and Ramona Grtnnell were in charge of the The girls House Council held affair. a Halloween party Monday ever a vors and masks were made ning in the students recreation and presented to the patients by hall. student of the special Navajo Invited guests Included all program school. attendants and house leaders The patients seemed to apre-elat- e this gay change from reg(eight from each dormitory). Billie Holder, girls advisor, ular hospital outine. assisted the following on planning committees: Refreshments, inThe regular Ada Manygoats, Helen Ann Be' gay, Clarina Willy and Jean structional staff seminar was held In the employees Recreation Greymountains. afternoon with Nellie Roanhorse, hall Thursday Program, s Genevieve Davis, Mary Alice 110 teachers and decoraand Anna present. Jones; King Dr. George A. Boyce addresstions, Ada Tsosie, Mary Bltsuie, Marie Bia and Pauline McCabe; ed the group. His subject was invitations, Fannie Ann Chester, entitled Functional Education." Anise Jim and Mary Esther Frank Crowell, head of vocaBarton. There were games and danc- tional schools, was on sick leave ing and refreshments of cake, Friday. cocoa and apples. The hall was Lorraine Wyant,, daughter of decorated in Halloween motif. Mra. Dorothy Wyant, Is ill with Guy and Dee Smith, students, mumps. in Tremon-tospent the week-enwith their father, Albert Thirty students training as teachers at Weber college, visitSmith. . ed here Thursday. After an address by Superin'Jumbo was visited over .avid the week-enby- his brother, tendent George Boyce,oif the group was taken on a tour the plant Robert. 'Joe N. Begay and Cal Begay by Harold Buchanan. were visited last week-enby their grandfather from Ft. DeGroup 15 of the special Navafiance, Arizona. jo 'program school enjoyed the Box Eider-Sout- h Cache football Wilson Nez, Jr. was visited game Wednesday afternoon. last week by his father. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Landvat-te- r John and Arthur Willie were entertained Wednesday evevisited last week by their brothat a Halloween pot luck ning er, Leo Benally of Chlnle, party. Guests present Included: (Mr. and Mra. Joe Weight, Mr. and Henry Dixon was visited last Mrs. Bartel Van Oostendorp, Mr. week by his father, James and Mrs. George Voigtlander, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burrell, Mr., and Mrs. Grant Smith and Mr, Henry Bobby Lee received a and Mrs. DdLaun Sackett. visit from his father, Elwood J. The group enjoyed a treasure Lee, of Canada, Arizona. hunt and game- s- The Landvat-to- r home was gayly decorated His name may be (Evan East-ley- , in Halloween motif. but hes not easy to underThe Frank Landvatters restand. When Evans brother, ceived a letter last week from down with Lee, came mumps las week, it was as- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Delorme of Agency, South sumed that as far as communi- the Cheyenne cable diseases were concerned, Dakota. the favorite was mumps. Evafl , Mr. DeLorme, who was fortook a long shot and got chicken merly a teacher1 here at the pox. It paid off, he was really school is presently employed "as a shop teacher. The Delormes . loaded. . The boys are sons of Norma report that they are all well and and Lloyd Eastley and Noma happy in their new home. reports that although It hasn Curtis David, who was ill with been an easy week, the children pneumonia last week, is reare getting along line. ported to be in fine condition. Curtis is the son of Mr. and The first issue - of Smoke Mra. Kayah David. Mr. David is here at the Signals the school newspaper, a teacher-interpret' came out Wednesday, October school. kf , if18 BemdeiS f l ?day,Nov. CHAIR style plan ty.90 just-right-si- T,hs and for for d ? the pur that he in the co the clubs brk, She Walks! Her Hair 4 Can Be Shampooed! this at subjects of Interest, s to a quest i following (advent of tom Dressed Baby Doll NEW WONDER DOLL WILL DELIGHT ANY LITTLE GIRL! SOFT LATEX WITH MOVING ARMS AND LEGS, COOING VOICE! V but Not a wind-udoll, not electrically operated simply a weighted mechanism that permits your little girl to walk her, just as if she were a baby taking her first steps! Shes adorably dressed, and even washed! her hair can be brushed, curled Come see her at Penneys, now! JL p ss . -- 1 station Is ndid oppor af the esnti z acqt on, it nil be helc (county, if Detter goes PLASTIC TEA SET Such an adorable, dainty doll to tuck into Santas Youll thrill any little girls heart with her, pack! for shes beautifully dressed, has pretty baby features. Drop in to Penneys soon to see her! found, a membe ire of 930 there an from ev le j, and it i, ins Youll tell your little girl this is a complete service for two, in the gr- acious Blue Willow pa- ttern! Such a charming gift to tuck into Santas pack for a young hostess! make-believ- e nig narter y&hip rost which liter list will 7 ner Schl . wi offief, , Utah be B anginal club, it d the other clubs ;stk Hurry! fneighbc c the Hone twutbor c on tMo ft,Hotel HI , Gerhart nay, he w FURNISHED DOLL HOUSE SOFT, CUDDLY MECHANICAL FREIGHT TRAIN SET Complete with 41 pieces furniture! plastic Two-stor- Colonial-styl- e y doll house of colorful metal, with attached garage and patio. Hurry to Buy Penneys! for Christmas! 90 -- Lovable bears! Pandas! Elephants! Sad-- e y e d bloodhounds! lambs and sprightly terriers find them all at Penneys Toyland for just 98c each, and each in his own gay, pet shop box! , Darling $3shoots Mchstag NUSE" "PLAY because 1 COMPLETE KIT rings cludes locomotive, gondola, coal car, caboose, of plus ten sections straight and track! Hurry! Find it in Pennevs Tovland! curved made well a a? to Ame he trave s and Car wsands o tmdreds of effort, witl govern mer but as Locomotive ! sparks! Bell Here's a big value gift for Christmas it in- i vyi M o was plac e Complete with stethoscope, eye tester, otoscope, hypodermic, nurses armband and wristwatch even with a diploma for your young Florence Nightingale Hurry! Shop in Penmake-believ- neys Toy Department! 1454 FARM, ANIMALS, IMPLEMENTS complete set, only who 55.25 F You get a big 13 x 9 barn, plus 16 Motions of fence, 21 far animals including plast-- t and goats, cows, chicks, so on! Lots of equipment, too a harrow, wagon, scoop even a scarecrow and five farm people' Wonderful gift for your Christmas youngsters hurry! had Dr. - -- Seger lously val the story his and lal djtys ii a result, based o tunlty to its peop a new lan only Ini It a with as well, , 'knows hi ae after-- d initial dir urice Li snd Co 'wince ' pr jural dlnm ie backgr GUARANTEED INTEREST ',i ,H "m tbfcct zk for t i i P landing Tall, Prettily 4 their In it J wsr'55S3Sfsa' an 'or of k'i and making a c V 1 this, ! Fork inform! I the ladle unity to wei more 4ha Essentlall for 8 cubility .the No. A j for value' Table 20 x 16 x lfi'f high; chairs 17': high with 10 x 9 seats. Hur! rv! Buv! , UIGEJQB BDTUBCJG are e' this I A delegafio OS fit and well as to Elme nests your youngsters, and d for food id n on yom Savings saisr will SET .. H t fi r Good looking, sturdy solid oak table and chaiis Penney-price- lnd Kjuntain TABLE AND th n, i. 4 d the Bo. Is r of teacher-interpreter- d N Charter semi-monthl- Pn , flV! SEE HUNDREDS OF TOVS! ANIMALS r m (5GXIE -i- nvest in 2Vi SAVINGS All the advantages are in your favor when you invest jnv SECURITY-WASAVINGS CERTIFICATES. For here ypu receive the highest possible bank interest rate and the safety of your deposit is insured to $10,000. There is no limit on the total amount ' as little as $100 starts your program. - ; you can invest Y ... HUMJ WHIM jvtVOils FOR EXAMPLE: SEE HOW $1,000 GROWS WHEN INVESTED IN SAVINGS CERTIFICAtES mo, after date at 2 1 year after date at 2 2 years after date at 2 3 years after date at 2 4 years after date at 2 5 years after date at 2 6 - Bonus interest if held five years 214 Total interest equivalent to 214 for five years $10.00 Member federal Reserve Sytieen 'i of fun for, the youngsters to play with! Beil rings as the number is dialed! Almost regular size telephone in red or c come buy now! Tuck one in Santas pack! ivory-plasti- -- " 35'r high ' Big wide blackboard two-side- d, r break-resi- X ,es BLOCKS SET ALPHABET 49 19 4" with st ant masonite writing surface . , such a prac-- . tical Christmas gift for your youngster! Educational, too! Come shop at Penneys, now! 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 12S.00 . ' Front scoop loads and dumps into truck body! Heres a clever, colorful toy to give your young junior engineer4- -' t o r Christmas . . . and look! Penneys price is low! .bright-colore- d fun Come buy several these sets now, Christmas giving of for theyre thrifty-priced- D t the con the pre ton's offi Velocipedes blocks are educational as well as lots of for youngsters! ROAD BUILDERS' DUMP TRUCK $2.49 STEEL-FRAME- ! 5(3.90 Sturdy, tubular ' h steel- framed velocipede with 10 front wheel, 6 rear wheels, adjustable seat lots of quality features! Pius a Penney-loprice! w Will irado Martella .BUILD-A-L0- G STATION 63 pieces, only $31.39 grease rack, cars, gas pumps, parking area on roof, elevator, .crew of mechanics and all! Come fchop at Penneys for this colorfui lithographed steel service station. Ele pan CABIN SET with lb, by 'd Kid it SERVICE Complete Planni Rolsteir ik Smooth-finishe- d 10.00 20.00 for future security, invest regutarly in Savings Certificates Lots 30 Monday where h lesontative STURDY BLACKBOARD RINGING TOY TELEPHONE CERTIFICATES La c Lots of fun for yovuj sters Bari Ba dWar ons An and educatioo' too! 63 logs in differ sizes, so your 7 s builder can set up for ihe roof, square for pillars, and so They interlock, , ing can be moved. Christm. for Buy ry! j wer tos in last Tu Seated Secoi will t Friday ward cl 'tod will M8lPsapr at b fi by ,iU rJl lfted A |