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Show -- killing Time While On " Alert 1," .. Jet Pilot V.-- 1 Lt. Leo J. Lee of Willard relaxes with a Crew11 y"f O Leaaf Notices ' a NOTICE Brlfham City, City Court of Box Elder. Stoto of Utoa. County of MERRJEJLLS INCORPORATED. Is tb - d-JOLLEY. Jolley Construction Co., ALBERT KRAUS H VERNA and KRAUSE, hie wife; LEWIS J HAMSON. al-- o known at JESSIE HAM-SOJAY HAMSON. and WILLARD The P.T.A. CarniSEChit wife. FIRST DOE, Defendanta. OND DOE. val program .was given In the Notice it hereby irlven to all auditorium Wednesday holding or claiming Hone under school the proviaiona of Chapter I. Title 52, evening, Oct. 31, 1931. lt wa 1943, relating Utah Code Annotated. to mechenioa liana upon the follow- under- the direction of Mr. and ing described land In Box Elder Coun- Mrs. (Forest J. Meservy. ty, Utah, towit Beginning at a point 26 21 chain Vocal solo, . - Mrs. . Thelma South of the North ea at corner of Barnes; girls double trio 6ang of Sec 2, Townthe Northwest ship 9 North, Range 2, West SLM, Make Believe. The members thence North 15 ft, hence North were Betty Braegger,' Patricia West 277.6 ft. 56 deg 35 min. more or lees, to the highway, thia Simonsen, Gaye Cook, Sheryl line being 6 ft. North of the North thence Larkin, Nola May Nebeker and line of concrete building, 7 143 Southwesterly along Highway Bonnie Nay accompanied by ft , thence South 63 deg. 50 min. Varlene Cook. East 5 25 chains more or less, to the beginning skits . including (Halloween to be and appear before aaid Brigham Crty Court on November 14, 1951, at songs and dances. The followthe hour of 10 00 A M In its Court ing people Patriparticipated: Room in the City Hall, Brigham City. Jean Checketts, Loretta Utah, and then and there exhibit proof cia of their liena, Ward, Shanna Warren, Kay LarDated thia 22nd day of October, durihg a tour of duty on the alert crew at a Far East Air Force base in northern Japan. He is a member of the 35th 1 Wing, an 4 unit, whose mission is the aerial . defense of the Japanese islands in the event of an F-9- 1951. J. CALL. Attorney for Plaintiff. Published in the Box Elder News, Brigham City, Utah, October 24, 31, and November 7, 1951. . 7 Oct. OMER air attack by r air- craft. (Air f 4 Force photo). & BOX ELDER V NEWS Wednesday, November 7, Brigham City, Utah 1951 & f rAfte NOTICE OF NOMINATION AND ELECTION 7 , 4 r fv &&( 9 At Att Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of December, 1951, an election will fee held Order your stationery, office and for the purpose of electing a business forms, envelopes, etc., commissioner for District 3 of the Willard Precinct Cemetery l. today at the Maintenance District, said commissioner so elected to hold office for a term of four years. Polls shall be opened for the purpose of said election from 1:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. of said day. The place of election shall 'be at City Hall News-Journa- DONT FORGET MR. MOTH LIGNITE Notice atuned PROTECTS YOUR J GARMENTS If youre like millions of housewives who have had 195a. their valuable garments wont forget. Play safe! At no extra cost, we give you 1 '1 -- V n plus Monite Insured Moth- proofing. Thia means that " -your garments are insured against moth damage for six months, by one of the largest insurance companies in America, Keep your ' 3 clothes Fresh, Smart and Safe. Call us today. v.: v'' WILLARD PRECINCT TERY MAINTENANCE TRICT, By Geo. W. Facer, PHONE . , 54-- M f , CEMEDIS- Commissioner Dist. No. L By Gus Perry, Commissioner, Dist. No. 2. By Delbert E. Cook, i Commissioner, Dist. No. 3. Attest: , 'Hannah B. Nicholas, Secretary Treasurer. , . ch FDNIEI3 CUEANIEBS : , x Lichtenstein's ! that x our fine cleaning service, $ further given District No. 3 begins at and Including James Keyes .residence, thence south on the east side of highway 91 to boundary Weber-BoElder county line, then beginning at and including Clive Wells residence, thence south on west side of highway 91 to the Weber-BoElder line. Of this the public will please take notice and govern- - themselves accordingly. , ruined by Mr. Moth, you I Is any person residing in District 3 may become, a nominee for the office of commissioner by filing a petition signed by 5 electors within his district which nominate him petition shall for said position. All certificates of nomination shall be filed with the Secretary-Treasure- r of said district, Hannah B. Nichols, at her residence in Willard, Utah, on or before November 28, MOTHPROOFING ELDE H DANIEL game of chess hostile page Plaintiff. . Toombs, Barbara Jane Cook, Velda Kunzler, Oyler, Bobby Wood, Ralph Dalton, Russel Simonsen, Ida Ktinzler, . Joy Marsh, Robert Sehroeder, Kay Malgard, Annie Marie Molgard, Kaylene Keyes, Carol Baddley, Gail Talbot and Ruth Bison. Plano solo, Byron Chadwick. The Gieen Eyed Dragon," musical skit toy Willard Kunzler assisted by Wayne Checketts. iLions club male quartet sang The Bearded Lady. The members of the quartet were Vaughn Wassom, Max Brunker, Jens' L. Simonsen and Forest Meservy. n .Two vocal solos by Mrs. BeJudy of Roy, Utah, cause and Sweethearts. Mixed quartet consisting of Vaughn Wassom, Jens Simonsen, Iris Wood and Iris K. Meservy sang "When the Frost is on the Pumpkin. An Old Fashioned Skit, Walk by Val Woodland, Gary and Braegger. Marvin Graser Harvey Facer accompanied by " Athleen Toombs. Before the program supper was served, candy, popcorn balls, gum and othe edibles were sold. Dean Baddley is on a furlough visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baddley, and his many friends until Nov. 25, when ho is expected to embark for parts unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baddley and family of Salt Lake City have moved to Willard to make their home for the winter. The Willard ward Relief society held their ward conference Pres. Gladys Sunday evening. B. White presiding and cojhducf-ing- . A feature or the program was the singing of Relief Society chorus conducted by Gladys B. Woodyatt, who 6ang n three numbers. Elizabeth of Relief Society stake board, was the visitor. ' Glen Deeps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Deem who was struck by an automobile last week at South Willard, is kin, Kathy Co-lee- n niw jfljwatoi' 1 aln jjtfth TyuB-1- 95 tr ftZgtruck Plymouth i Jisedan. C llatt Motor GARAGES wl lew. before Tou- r- met klondiki U sure it (Bid DOt i U jpodlato de your own pi La-ver- Chris-tofferso- 5 ? I V' THAN COMPETITIVE STATION WAGONS FULL-SIZ- E i 1 k A 4 -- AND O i:- - HURRICANE Engine with g the 7.4 to 1. O Easier maneuverability in traffic and parking plus roomy comfort for six in its spacious body. O Tall, MS i mileage-stretchin- WILLYS GIVES YOU: highest compression in its field u V- The ONLY wide cargo space with big, strong, floor-lev- el 98 cu. ft. in size, tailgate. n rv Top foibb-k- j Vz-t- on capacity STATION WAGON - nmunuGco sub oo mas ohawk Pets ho 550 South Main Street v tr Mm j .if Phone 272 Brigham City, Utah " ti Pert fcin i |