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Show 5 IQ fag Tour BOX ELDER NEWS , Wwlsetdar, November 7, 1851 (UP- )- Ernest Jones didnt believe he could consider himself the winner in a brush with a robber. But neith INDIANAPOLIS Cancer Drive With Damon Runyon Dance Legal Notices Box Elder Aerie No, 2909 F.f; Broboto and Guardianship No tteM. Consult Clerk oi District O. E.s drive to raise funds In City, and In the nearby vicinity, 'Damon Runyan Cancer fund Court Brigham City, Utah, ox respective signers lor informa- - support A the Damon Runyan contribution Jars were placed l tiotL locaMemorial Fund for cancer re In numeipus convenient from donations to tions, accept brought NI let TO CRUmORS hpnrch, wa officially 'Utut of Alic M Johnson, Decanted the the during general public, close successful to a Saturday, with will prNent claim t CrwJHoi' period of the campaign., voucher , to Uh uwlfrslRnrd at 138 November 3. Xetit 2nd North St., Brifrham City, The campaign closed with a R. M. Kaiser, committee chair Jtah, on or before the loth day of and assis- Damon Runyan Cancer fund the .aid with Jocamber, A 0 , 1951. man, EPHRAIM M JOHNSON, j tance of Dean Keller, carefully dance, held at the Dance Bowl Administrator of batata of , Brigham City. Alice M. Johnson, Deceased. and spearheaded in The engineered Data of hret publication October 17, music for this special ocfunds. this lor V D., 1951. was furnished by Danny casion loof Diner J. Call, Through the cooperation Attorney for Administrator In Brigham Rosss orchestra, well known to Oct. 17 243lNov. 7 cal businessmen the people of this area." The spectacular climax of the campaign was reached during the intermission, when Master IS COAL BEEHIVE of Ceremonies, Dean Keller, an. nounced a personal appearance of Miss Utah and Mr. Utah, who accepted the invitation of Box Elder Aerie to appear together on this special occasion in support of Damon Runyan Cancer Fund campaign. F. O. E. Ladies Auxiliary drill team members acted as official escorts for the honored couple at this event. STEAM OR DRY Mi6s Utah, Miss Bunny Reese, was escorted by Mrs. Madge D Johnson and Mrs. Lois Baty. Mr. Utah, Mr. Max Grunig, was esf corted by Mrs. Helen Jorgensen aUKTO PUSH AROUNd and Mrs. Marie Bywater. The crowd applauded as Miss Utah and Mr. Utah iwere officially introduced by Mr, Keller. Miss Utah acting In behalf of the Damon Runyan Cancer fund, proudly presented R. M. Kaiser a certificate of appreciation, for Aeries support of Damon Runyan Cancer fund in 1960. Dean Christensen was scheduled to officially accept this certificate on behalf of the wool Aerie, In recognition for his services as chairman, of the entertainment committee during the past year, but was not avail- - 1 er could the thief, Jon anM held onto a $10 bill the tried to grab. Each tuez the bill until it tore ia ? the thief fled with hla piec Losers All Brigham City, Utah . 0 Fraternal Order Of Eagles Conclude y Climaxing The Damon Runyon Cancer Fund Drive 'NOW IS THE TIME! , 61 , " s the DEnOMSTRATING Install Your Concrete Irrigation System This Fall. Avoid delay and terruption of work next Spring! in The installation of concrete pipe can save as much as 357. of your irrigation water. That amount, according to the U. S. Deptt. of Agriculture figures, is the average lost to seepage and evaporation in open ditches. As an conservation practice, it is recommend. ed by the Production and Marketing HEW Adminis-tration- Contact W. White R. Co. today . . our representative be happy to call on you to will di- scuss your Irrigation needs GKHCBIHI Miss Utah, Bunny Reese, Presents Certificates from the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fund, to Rudolph Kaiser, who accepts it in behalf of the Box Elder Eagles. Left to right: Mrs. Eugene L. Jorgensen and Mrs. Jim Bywater, escorts; Mr. Utah, Max Grunig; Miss Utah, Bunny Reese; Kaiser, Mrs. Seth Baty and Mrs. Dewey Johnson. . rJIlASTTECil 'i Pipe ... of appreciation aSTEAMorD bi Following the presentation of the, award to Box Elder Aerie, the master of ceremonies, Mr. Keller, presented to Miss Utah and Mr. Utah, a gift, in appreciation for their appearance in support of the campaign, on behalf of the Aerie. Mr. Vicker,,a very talented and accomplisher musician from Las Vegas, Nevada, entertained the crowd during intermission, with several piano mumbens. Mr. Should Soon Be In Use By Corinne Vickers ability is worthy of recognition, for he is handicapped with blindness. . Box Elder Aerie expressed their appreciation to Miss Utah and Mr, Utah, and to all the people of this community and surrounding vicinity, who made possible the success of this campaign, by their generous support and goodwill in contributing to this great humanitarian enddavor. az:s rr as 332 E JSL. JS. -- SL. 00000 BqO STOREWIDE SAVINGS ON HOB! L, D. S. SPECAL OFFER DURING THIS SALE ONLY!! f pw-ot- a Si :l v v , A t jLtfASUMrt siofWW Mr. , ; a- - , i v . , wure 4 8 ffQJ 68 North Main Poster Panel Bed. drawer Double Dresser Framed Mirror, r s ft- - y $45,000 Addition To Corinne Chapel r ; if, which is now neaHng completion, i Principal room of the structure will be a recrea- tion hall 4$ by 70 feel; in size, also have a Relief. Society room, kitchen and shower,; f -l .' dustproof construction with center drawer guides. Nite Stand. , Plus 2 Boudoir Lamps at no extra cost. 4 Osey Jenson Grandson Improving After Burns ' PRICE REDUCED TO ONLY .... 157. Down, $11 Per Month Addition To Corinne Ward Chapel Will Mr. and Mrs. Osey Jenson have received word that their Soon Be Costing $45,000 grandsbn, Scott Jenson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Vear Jenson, of Salt Lake City, has returned to The beautiful addition to the fust of the year. his home following being con- Corinne ward chapel, Church of It is being constructed of cinfined to the LD.S. hospital in Jesus Christ of Latter-Dader block with brick and Salt Lake City since Halloween. Saints is rapidly nearing com- its overall dimensionsfacing are 91 was The badScott pletion. only thing that feet by 43 feet. his clothes might hinder the progress would ly burned when The principal room will be caught on fire from the flame be insufficient money, Bishop the recreational hall, 43 feet by of a Jack o lantern while he J. H. Norman says. 70. .This room has a particular was playing trick or treat is structure The $45,000 hoped that will enable it with neighborhood youngsters. to be ready for use around the construction to be used for basketball as well as for dancing, stage productions and other community Complete; Seven-year-ol- BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE I Mahogany POSTER BED SET oxsue , ) THIS VALUE! Beautiful A Tbeentirfcly new easy way to senj i iron! .The water for steam is supplied from your bottle of distilled j ( watery outside 'the iron and be comes strata the instant it enters the ' ,i iron. No water weight t lift. You M i' I P,u8 io for, steam, just as jn 20 SRCO OOS j you do the current. No filling or emptying required. You can switch from steam to dry ironing, and back again, by simply turning the water control. All the . marvelous advantages of the regular Sunbeam Ironmaster plus STEAM, with no additional size or weight.' Phone ONE AT LOOK t' 4- - ; WORTH DOLLARS MORE lust as qou do tor current 57 57 r with each bedroom set at No Extra Cost ! 4 d activities. The Boy Scout xoom will be underneath the stage. The other rooms in the new addition will be a Relief Society room, a kit- chen and a shower. The supervisor, Gordon John from Brigham City, thinks that if the good rate of building can continue, that if the money, materials dnd skilled men are available when needed there isnt any reason why the building cant be finished as sched- f uled. According to Bishop Norman, the old recreational hall will have to be mbved although It is of historical value. The old hall is for sale. This building is reported to have been built at the same time as the old Salt Lake theater. When this Salt Lake theater was torn down that left the building here in Corinne the oldest theater in the state. Crop Copped Ind. (UP) Gardening is proper and harvesting the natural result, police agree, but not quite the way two men did it here. They were jailed because their crop was marijuana. GARY, warm CERTIFIED Al RE-FL- O HEATING PIECE BEMQOM SET Reduced To Move! 3, PIECE IN BLEACHED WALNUT-IncludeVanity, Vanity Bench, Full Sized Panel Bed. High fashion at a price that saves you money. PLUS: 2 BOUDOIR LAMPS AT NO EXTRA DRESSER SET In Stunning Lime Oak Finish 6 DRAWER DRESSER with large beveled edge mirror. 2 DRAWER NITE TABLE FULL SIZE PANEL BED All these pieces go at the unbelievably low price COST! SALE PRICE 157. DOWN, $5 Upholstered headboard in embossed plastic with metal bed frames. TWIN SIZE FULL SIZE , la 79110 DEALER Lay Away Now SEASHORES for Christmas PER MONTH HOLLYWOOD BEDS - 157. DOWN," $9 PER MONTH s V $2095 $2275 31 NORTH MAIN |