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Show PAGE TWO BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 7, 1951 tablithed In weekly newapeper, publlahad at Brigham City. Utah Cbaa W, Claybaugh, Publisher Robt. M. Crompton, Managing Editor Cladya johnaon, Advertising Manager Published every Wednesday at Brigham City, Utah, and entered aa Second Close Mail Matter at the post office in Brig bam City, Utah, under the act of March A 3, 167,9. Subscription rate In Box Elder county, $2.2$ per year, payable in advance; in combination with the Box Eider Journal, $4.00 (published Fridays) per year; $2.00 for 6 months; single copy $ cints. Outside Box Elder coun ty, $3.00 per year; combination rata $5.00. Alan Freeman Has 5th Birthday Anniversary Freeman celebrated his fifth birthday anniversary on Saturday afternoon, October 27. The youngsters played games and Halloween party hats and favohs were presented to each present. Those enjoying birthday refreshments and presenting the guest of honor many gifts were: Judy Christensen, Marva Marble, .Bruce Pohl, Kathy Nielsen, Margie Bower, Denise Orchard, Tamara Brown, Jimmy Garrett, Ladd ' Hoi I Lit, Ray Forsgren, Marilee and Karen Walker, Craig Johnson, Renny Bott, Scott ' ' and Bert Freeman. Young Alan is the son of Captain and Mrs. Dean Freeman. Alan TODAY &THURS: attractive Pehrson, Mr. and Mrs. Swen L. Pehrson, 672 South First east, Brigham City, became-- , the fall bride of Llpwellyn H. (Lew) Thomas, son of Mr, and Mrs. Guy 0.' Thomas, 'A quiet home ceremony was perfoimed by Bishop Richard G. Hansen of Brigham City Sixth ward on October 27 at the home of the bridegrooms parents, 677 south Fourth east. A reception and dance honored the couple following the reciting of, wedding vows. The newlyweds received relatives and friends at the Fourth ward. The receiving line stood before double seven branch candelabra decorated with satin leaves and wedding bells. The bride was beautiful in a white satin wedding gown. It was fashioned with high net yoke, fitted bodice with peplum, satin covered buttons and long pointed sleeves. From a bonnet of satin fell her fingertip veil of brides illusion. She carried a bouquet of cymbidium orchids. Mrs. Jay Rigby gowned in blue was matron of honor. The bridesmaids were: Deon S. Sutton in turquoise; Mary Fae Anderson in yellow and Susie Petersen in yellow. All carried beautiful nosegays. Melvin J. Whitaker was best man. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Pehrson wore a lavender afternoon dress with corsage of rose buds. Mrs. Thomas corsage was also of rosebuds. Her afternoon frock was beige. Hostess greeting guests at the reception was Mrs. John Coombe, aunt of the bride. Janet Whitaker and La Ree Snow werg in charge of the guest book at the iLadine daughter of . door. . , 5th Ward MIA Maids Fete Mothers Tuesday of the Brigham held their ward "Mothers Information evening on Tuesday, October 30, during regular mutual activities. Seventeen girls were present with the following mothers on hand to hear of the L.D.S. MIA Maid program: Mrs. Glen Reeves, Mrs. Eugene Laney, Mrs. George Ridd, Mrs. Ben Knudson, Mrs. Cyrus Jensen, Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Mrs. Francis Robbins, Mrs. Pearl Parker, Mrs. Howard Petersen, Mrs. (Ray Ottley, Mrs. Grant Wixom - and Mrs. Jack Hunsaker, . . The girls presented a brief the program which included group singing "Moonlight and Roses and a skit prepared and presented by Portia Reeves and Carol Laney. After the program dainty ' refreshments were served by the group leaders: Mrs. Clara Tracy, Miss Rosa Larsen and Mrs. Amy L. Hansen. MIA Maids , mi i,y Saturday Night Club Enjoy Pinochle At Reese Baty Home and Margrefa Standee Combe Fifth City Laura Fillmore, Carol Combe, LUa Armstrong, Glen.ia Gilbert and Esther Drewes ass'sted with the gifts. Saturday night pinochle club During the evening the wed- met Saturday evening, Novemding cake, a three tiered affair ber 3, at the home of Mr. and topped with a miniature bride Mrs. Reese Baty. A delicious was luncheon and groom, was displayed. ,, Master of , ceremonies, Lynn served to the following memthe follow- bers present: Mr., and Mrs. ClarJensen, announced ing program:1 songs, Always ence Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Because by Wayne Hun Hazeldine, Mr. and Mrs. Larue saker; piano selection, Carol Nelsen, Mr and Mrs. Doug Or Oeaij Combe; "My Hero" and chard and Mr. and Mrs. Arden The Loveliest Night of the ;C, Balls. Mens high score went to Lee Year," sung by Max Grunig. The couple then , danced the Hazeldine, ladies high . score brides waltz followed by brief was won by Mrs. Arden C. Balls. Mr. Hazeldine also won remarks by the newlyweds, , i Following a )b jl gf Jh one ym oon travelling prize. In Utah the young couple plan to leave for Boston, Mass, Large Group Hear v where they will make their home for the next ' several "Moses" Reviewed .. t months. .. . A large group of Civic ImThe groom at present is serv- provement clubladies and ing with the U S. navy In Bos- guests enjoyed Moses bv Sho ton. (He is a graduate of Box lem Asch, reviewed by Miss La Elder high school and .. semi- Preal Wight, Thursday after nary. ; , noon,' November 1 at the War The bride is a former em- Memorial home. ployee at the Roxy theater and Literary chairman for, the day Hill . Air Force base. She too, was Mrs. Earl Madsen who inis a graduate of the high school troduced the guest reviewer. Mrs. Orson Christensen, presiand seminary. A personal shower honored dent of the club, made brief the bride recently at the home announcements. It was also anof Mrs. Janet Whitaker. During nounced that the next literary the evening a brides book was section meeting will be held In made followed by delicious re - January. ; a 'inoiiiiit Warner Bros. ctuc StARRINQ n FARLEY RUTH 1 This label tolls you uhaft you goff Do you know of any other beer whose label proudly tells you what that beer is made of ? Mr. The baby daughters and Mrs. Don Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Armour Jensen were In blessed and given names regular fast Sunday services in the First ward. Fast meeting was conducted Bishop by Andrew Carruthers. Raymond Payne ipresided. Opening prayer was offered by Worth Jensen. Visitors from the high council of South Box Elder stake were: President Glen Bennion, Joseph Carr, Oswald Andersen and Heber J. Sessions. Reed Call and Tom Collings presided over the sacramental table. Tiny Carolee Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Armour Jensen was blessed and given a name by Charles Keller.- - De-vr- a Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson, was blessed and named by her father, Don Nelson. Biief remarks were made by concerning Andrew Carruthers The remainder of the fasting. time was spent in testimony bearing. During which time 25 testimonies were borne. Renny Demars offered the bendiction. bridal shower honoring Mrs. announce the arrival Glen Woodyatt, the former Carol son. The youngster Ann Yates, was held recently at Wder Mrs. Glen Woodyatt Cm A the homo. of Miss Ferl Barker. Miss BarkeT and Miss Rose Mafor rie Lomax were the evening. Brides games were played by the following guests present; Mary Call, Bobby Ann Stewart, Hansen, Donna Facer, Janice Beth Poison, Phillips, Carolyn Lela Mae Nelsen and Mrs. Fred Woodyatt. Many lovely gifts were presented the guest of honor. were refreshments Dainty ' ' served. S j,V v Mr. And Mrs. Llewellyn H. (Lew) Thomas . . . young couple recited wedding vows at home of bridegrooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy 0. Thomas, on October 27. Bride is the former Ladine pehrson, daughter of . , Mr. and Mrs. Swen L. Pehrson. , Relief Society conference was held in the Sixth ward Sunday Alice evening with President Jensen presiding and 1st counselor Cloe Sheffield conducting. The prelude was played by Ilene Forsgren on the violin and Roma Thorsen accompanied. The congregation sang the opening song, and the invocation was by Elva Vale. Singing mothers then sang Invocation.1" Officers were sustained by Secretary Neola Armstrong. Greetings were given by President Alice Jensen and Jane Bergstrom gave a talk, Why The Relief Society Magazine Should Be In Every Home. Evelyn Johnson gave the theme of the night. The singing mothers sang Praise Ye The Father. Jane Bergstrom read several passages of scripture and Erma a mother, Hansen, young The Needs gavp a talk, and For' Spiritual Strength Guidance. Jane Bergstrom read some more scriptures. Emma Johnson, a grandmother, gave a talk. The Lessons Learned In A Long Life.- - Mabel Burr recited he 23rd Psalm. The closing song was by the Relief Society mothers and the prayer was given by Ethel Johnson. . Two Babies Blessed Approaching Marriage Of Delore Jensen In Sixth Ward Sunday Sacrament meeting was held in the Sixth ward chapel immediately following Sunday school with Arthur Steffen in charge. Opening song was by the congregation and the prayer was given by Lloyd Eastley. The sacrament song was 'by the conThe, sacrament was gregation. taken care of by Arden Jensen and Larry Anderson assisted . by the deacons.' a Jane daughLoveland, .Mary ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loveland, was confirmed a member of the church by her father. Judy Ann Redelings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Redelings, was confirmed a member of the church by Elmo Tingey. , given the name of Dee Allen by his father. A baby daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Wheeler was blessed by her father and' given the name of Janice Lee. , 'Garth Baird and Wayne Hunsaker yere given a vote of approval by the congregation in being advanced to the office of a .priest. Martha Jensen was sustained assistant secretary in the Junior Sunday school. Jennie Jones, of the Mutual stake board, presented Arronia Harding, Carol Ann Barlow and Martha Jensen with M.I.A, pins. The remainder of the time wds turned over to testimony bearing with sixteen participating. The closing song was by the congregation with the prayer being offered by Joseph Van Leeween. Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Delore Jensen of Brigham City announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sharlene, to Clifton D. Ottley. Mr. Ottley is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ottley of Elba, Idaho. The young couple have chosen November 28 for, their marriage which will be solemnized in the Logan L.D.S. temple. A reception in the 5th ward will honor the young couple the same evening. Kindergarten Club To Hear Splendid Program Ace Hi Meet For have a special treat in store for them in regular monthly meet- Pinochle On Thursday Mrs. Einar J. Larsen was hosing to be held Thursday afternoon, November 8, at 4 p. m. in tess to members of Jhe Ace Hi the War Memorial home. pinochle club on Thursday, Miss LaPreal Wight will re- November 1, at her home followview "Presidents Lady," by Ir- ing the serving of dinner at ving Stone. Piano selections Matties Cafe.' will also be presented by Por- Fall flowers, chrysanthemums, tia Reeves, daughter of Mr. and. decorated the room. Pinochle was Mrs. Glen Reeves. the diversion of the evening Literary chairman, Mrs. Royal with Mrs. Ruth Jensen winning Reeves, has arranged for this high, Mrs. Sadie Jensen drawing and all cut, program splendid going to Mrs. members are cordially invited to. Lena travelling Merrill and low to Mrs. attend. La Prele Ridd. 7 The Reading Circle will meet at the home of Leona Bunderson, Wednesday, November 14, it was learned today. LaPreal Wight will give a book review. m 11 ounces. pounds Elated over the arrival new playmate is young juT "big sister, fifteen Terry Lynn. Master Let What Christian Vcelehr Scien anniversa . twelve - re , Special Bridge Guests At Robert H. Fishers Can Mean toYi and Mrs. Harriet Schneider were special evebridge guests on Thursday ning, November 1, at the home of Mrs. Robert H. Fisher. In The evening was spent score playing bridge with high going to Mrs. Miriam Jensen and Mrs. Pearse drawing out. Chrysanthemums adorned the rooms and delicious dessert luncheon was served. Mrs. Gloria Pearse To men and women in jfl walks of life, Christiao Science has come as the answer to sincere pray To any honest seeker k shows the sure way to the healing of physical disease, and to release as well froni other besetting feats and limitations. The deep conviction chat God, the primal cause and source of all being, is ever at hand to help and heal, Christian Science supports by invincible proof. Countless thousands are proving B u ittendan birthday u attraction t were t , so del llttb each Lj were si M ser HapP) a close day-u- i tea: J Cj Sunday ind i Mrs. D The oec: ann rfiday Toung. ji the home hard Plxton Pi jrol Jean ell them t with i with her g Jo id Mrs. .gliters, Joan (Monday n Nebraska l few ' wd today, step by step in a plain and practical way, the . healing efficacy of Christaa Science. - SCIENCE AND DEALT; WITH KEY TO THE SCBIWUIB NEXT TO YOUR DOCTOR . you need an experienced pharmacist when illness strikes. Count on for carefully filled prescriptions promptly delivered when the need . . by Mary Baker Eddy contains die full explain, don of Christian Science and its healing method. arises. to For Promptness and Always Efficiency Bring Your Pre-' scriptions To Glens RexaU Drug. It may be read, borrowed or purchased at Christian Amos and Listen To ..The ReXa.ll Andy .. Show every Sunday over CBS. 5:30 P. M. KSL. 1 GLENS , MODERN DRUG start 'jtrmiely i niboveisi Science READING ROOM 323 Kietel Bufldin , Reading Circle Plans Meeting Next Wed. ; J October 24 and weighed OCMN , or send $i and a copy in the blue doth Library Edition wjiljse mailed postpaid.. You are invi(e4 to make full iut( the above end other public Rod ing Rooms (list in your unabbet-hoosent on request) . Infonnsooa concerning free public lectura, church services snd Sunday Sckcc! is also available in these Room. Wp 'ton Starting isdieMlen thii'wa; fcpi on ti .a the pump IfrvolatileCi into p (oei t ait up. Hare Mow zero Waticefot jkmudtani wdChevioi it weather, Wglad to It primer p and, C y - U Hospital Notes Mrs. Karma Korth of North Brigham City has returned to her home following a 'major operation performed at Cooley Memorial hospitaL Can't Get Rebate TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (UP) Ernest divorced Goings, 53, three times, was turned down by the county clerk when he tried to turn back his fourth marriage license for a refund. Here V the Budweiser warranty. choicest hops, rice and best barley malt . . . brewed into Americas finest genuine lager beer. Aged much, much longer than average . . . Budweiser has a distinctive taste that has made it the worlds most famous beer. . . ' Bridal Shower Fetes 6th Ward Relief Society Holds Conferente Sun. . amt Youngsters Named In 1st Ward Fast Services of fresh ments. Many lovely gifts were presented. Susie Petersen and Mary Fae at Andersen were a kitchen shower in her honor. Close friends and family members attended. A brides book was made. Ribbons were tied in the brides hair by Miss Petersen and Miss Anderson following presentation of many useful gifts. Guest list included: Lila Armstrong, Esther Drewes, Janet F. Whitaker, Marilyn Rigby, Darlene Simonsen, Doris Simonson, Glenna Gilbert, Mrs. Guy O. Thomas, Mrs. Swen Pehrson and Mrs. Lola Anderson. , Those in charge of serving were: Janyce Joan Lindsay, . United In Home Ceremony Ladine Pehrson Fall Bride Of Llewellyn (Lew) Thomas In Home Ceremony Oct. 27 , yOUXANTPAYIMOREj Beet Growers should know these facts about labor! 'PICK O' THE PICTURES' BUUT0U CANT BUY BETTER AT TOUR HUSKY SERVICE LAST Tune in EACH WEEK on our SHOW. Consult your local papers for time and station. TUI vision : TIMES TONIGHT JANE POWELL in KIN MURRAY RICH, YOUNG and PRETTY Thursday Friday -- Saturday -- DOUBLE S BILL Every year that the nation has had plenty of jot open in defense plants, many farmers who would othefr wise like to grow sugar beets dont plant the acreage they want because they fear a farm labor shortage However, as past experiences reveal, the sugar M industry has not suffered for want of labor to any tel " tive extent like many other agricultural industries thofs because the sugar lohof company has procured and shouldered the responsibility of seeing thot growers are able to have sufficient help with their bn Growers of other crops benefit , toe Sur scared hell out al that t train engineer. It doesnt pay to take chances on your car servicing either. Lubrication with us is a spe- '' ' cialized T ' SOMETHING MORE THAN BEER Dm Standard of Browing Quality x'!t , service. C7 iUbiUW We check the battery at the same time. Get the HABIT of driving in ETHEL u.' W1 0)1 0 HUSKY ANHEUSER-BUSC- i H, MAURICE S , , I INC, , - ST, LOUIS AXGEIi liNSBlIRY SERVICE "Husky Gets You There 403 No. Main Ph. 125-- J 4 PLUS CARTOONS SHORTS with IN BOTTLES. ..IN CANS... ON D2AUGKT , Stlrri" 8ARRYM8RE-EVAN- ICO -- i KEENAN WYKX NEWS u The sugar industry is about the only agricultural tbs in dustry youi; area where the processing firm takes lead in procuring labor. Much of this labor is also used and other by farmers for harvesting their potatoes, fruits, crops. Many farmers depend upon sugar company P tod cured labor for seasonal woik after planting beets during harvest of other crops. Don t let the fear of labor otto shortage keep your ge of sugar beets below your desired leveL Well 0 tinue to render this valuable service of lab procuring to help you! wv--t jW |