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Show '"w, V Helen Speierman Honeyville Ward Slate 2nd " Fun Night" Sat. Receives Bronze Medal Dancing Award c Rich, Young And Pretty Ar-thu- Reed Jerry P'yMt. and Mrs. New-!h- f his first Jversary October -- relatives and Attendance. The tra-- s was the Wrthday cake mov-attraction and as the taken were i dellgently. little gift. 1 h men in jn Christian Birthday" Happy close little Jerrys ; as the 01 seeker it vay to tin cal disease, u and that heal, e supporis of. Count, re proving P in a plain way, the The Young home Young being occasion anniversary of day ell foung. They also of Mr. and j, the home hard Plxton in Salt Lake return-- t jean Pixton Sral them to spend a her grandparents. , Joseph Sebek M Mrs. ?5ters, Joan and Susan, cause and ng. is ever ' day. iMl8. Isaac A. C Sunday at the . , Mrs. Loweir well from fears and Action and the served Were A) with te with Texas-Siz- Field e Tex. (UP) An morning for advertisement appearing in the .Nebraska where they Hamilton Herald-New- s listed for lad with sale a small town in oil field few weeks of West Texas. HAMILTON, Monday iiealt; scturrvut 11 explain, an Science Reynolds V. Reeder By j method. fast weather ini start engines I, borrowed 'jtrwiely cold ROOM )ufldin d rpomp designed l Starting Fluid Edition uy xrstpaid. to inject into gap-i-l foundation of our local business 1 Starting Fluid Ban-Ic- e our neighbor atc'jlad to fill . - , t fc your order primer pump for your JBctt and, of course, see A Standard Oil Caavaq i CuUsraiu Rradapi Jane Powell Has Two Ardent Listeners " of Fernando Lamas and Vic Damone, as she sings one of the flock of song hits in the new Technicolor musical Rich, Young and Pretty. It will be at the Capitol theater last times tonight. PARK VALLEY NEWS ARE FACTS PARK VALLEY The big news in Park Valley this week is the From ... in the person Junior and Junior Gleaners of the Brigham CLty Fifth ward held a social Saturday evening, November 3, in the amusement hall. The evening was spent in playing games and dancing. Prizes were awarded to prize winners -of the games. The Junior ear River City were in charge of refreshments for the leader evening. Junior Is Ben Grant. Junior Gleaner BEAR RIVER CITY Relief soleaders assisting with the party ciety conference was held Sunwere: Mrs. Stephen Bunnell and day evening, under the direction Mrs. Earl Bird. of President Gertrude Jensen. Preliminary music, Nola Neas-ler- ; Mrs. Lewis Olsen prayer, Zina Jensen; the songs were by the Relief socieBridge Club Hostess ty chorus; talks were given toy Gertrude Jensen, Lilas Bywater, Mrs. Lewis Olsen was bridge Pearl Jensen Ada Stander. club hostess on Thursday eve- Stake board and Sisters members, ning, November 1. Guests were Bolt and Walker, made a few Mrs. Murray Mason and Mrs. remarks. Closing prayer, Bishop Albert Stoner. Vernon Johnsen. council-- ' Luncheon was served at Mat- men Kotter and High Packer were ties Cafe followed by bridge at also in attendance. A very inthe Olsen home. was presenteresting program Prize winners were Mrs. Mur- ted to a large crowd. ray Mason, high; Mrs. Wesley dinner guests of Mr. Birthday Shirts, draw, and Mrs. George and Mrs. Alvin Jensen, Sunday Williams, .travel. included the following Members present were: Mrs. evening, out of town people: Mr. and Asel Robinette, Mrs. George Wil- Mrs. Sam Vernious of Evanston! liams, Mrs. Wesley Shirts, Mrs. Wyoming; Mr. and Mrs. (Louis Ronald Packer and Mrs. Charles Street of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Claybaugh. Mark Udy of Fielding; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hunsaker and Mr, Sunflower Camp D.U.P. and Mrs. Laloy Boothe of Honeyville and Mrs. .Emma Pa ice. It Reminded Of Meeting was Mrs. Jensens birthday. A good program has been Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huggins Hallo--weeplanned for regular monthly entertained at a meeting of the Sunflower camp party Saturday evening. Daughters of Utah (Pioneers. The Guests came dressed in costume,' meeting will be held Thursday which created a lot of merrievening; November 8, at 7:30 ment. Dinner was served at p. m. at the home of Mrs. Ora small tables and cards ' were Andersen, 157 south Fourth east. played. Prizes were awarded at All members are reminded to each table. attend. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burt en- B n "ton V. REEDER Telephone 1588 City Doodling on Knees Four RALEIGH, Tenn. (UP) boys huddled on their knees at a picnic aroused William Bull-fin- s curiosity. He found they were hunting doodlebugs. ill's been building ears I jU W ro On, America's eostflast cars ara switching to Nn rs learning that this typo of angina just cant hr and fuel savings. But why pay t-whan Ford offers you ona of tha finest for ha than most sixes And benefit from Ford's you nearly 12 million other makers eeabieodJ m Mperlence a or! In building 's n tertained at a party at the home of her parents, Mr. no-ho- Distributed by REYNOLDS non vW's.y.Ai No-ho- it Ice formation in your" km and tanks, we also A scathe, t). Informsoos ibhc Itetnm, Sunday Scbco! ihesc Room Fluid all season. We em- (ipei into the engine and v it up. Ha w started engines ... rMowzero!' take full turd public Ini Ban-Ic- e engines. this way: as the open-iitep- i on the starter, he 'tlhe pump with his hand. jijTolatileChevron copy in the that you have plenty of Chevron Starting Fluid and Chevron phasize service because it is the i above is a Science .fcrSMhAs, n f Christian n Eddy some You can Our city council- - deer hunt. The hills are full of men who are enjoying a few days of camping out and hunting. The weather has been unusually cold but many claim that the hunt has been quite successful. Lawrence G. Carter has been in bed this week with the mumps. He is feeling much better and will scon toe around again. (Jay Cutler, state road foreman of Snowville, has been asi si.sting the local state road men, Parley Carter and Durward G. Palmer to cut the brush back from the sides of the road and other work in preparation- - for winter. The annual Road show given by the ward M. I. A. organizations of Bear River stake will be presented on November 7 and 8. On Nov. 7 it will be shown at Howell, Snowville and Park Valley, and on Nov. 8, to Beaver Dam, Fielding, East Garland, Riverside, Plymouth and Garland First and Second. Park Valley school students sold hot coffee, chili, pie and hot dogs to the deer hunters. The' money from the sale is to be 'used ' for , additional library .boofcs . sfnd. other school ' equipment, Work has begun on the new LDE. chapel. Chester W, Boss of Garlahd is the contractor Mrs. Amber Aamodt of Murray, Utah, visited with relatives and friends over the week-end- . The Primary officers and teachers entertained the children with a HaUoween party on Tuesday' afternoon. Halloween favors and candy was given to the children. Guest speaker at sacrament meeting on Sunday was Jerry Rose of Snowville who recently returned from a mission In and Mrs. Rasmussen of Honeyville Thursday evening. The rooms were colorful with Halloween decorations and fall flowers. Each guest came dressed in costume, which added to the fun. A two course luncheon was served and games played. Mr. and Mrs. .Vay Jensen were England. host and hostess to a lovely Dee hospital. Halloween party Satuday Schof-fiel- d Mr. and Mrs. Roland and motored to family A group of women met at the Sunday, where they home of Mrs. Kula Check etts on Kaysville were guests of his mother, Mrs. Friday afternoon, and under the Schoffield. direction of Miss Bessie Hanson, The childrens Halloween made dress forms. dance given Friday evening, unthe Pioof Utah Daughters der the direction of the ward neers held their meeting at the was attended. Primary home of Andrea Huggins, Fri- The children largely, came in costume afternoon. Adeline Anderday and were son read a history of Janet Jen- sold. apples and popcorn sen gave the lesson. A delicious Mrs. (Lavela Matteson and lunch was served by Carrie Mrs. Wanda Johnsen attended a Christensen, Lavela Matteson, polio meeting at Brigham City Mae Cornwall and Andrea HugFriday. r gins. Jerry Munns, the three year Rex Batchelor of Stockton, old son of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Calif., wds a guest of his sis- Munns contracted the dread Mr. Mrs. and Alvin Jensen polio Sunday and Was ter, rushed several days last week. to the St. Benedict hospital in Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holman of Ogden, another child of the Provo were week-enguests of Munns, Carolyn was stricken a Mrs. Mary Holman. Mr. and week ago with it Mrs. Courtley Holman and Mr. Mrs. Huggins and son, and Mrs. Harry Holman of Bur- Stephen Emery and Mrs. Chaster Chriswere Calif, also bank, ' visiting tensen and son Bobbie, motored her. to Logan Tuesday. Miss Bonnie Turnef of Mr. and Mrs. Don Iverson of was a week-enguest Portland, Oregon, are guests of of Miss Patsy Huggins. her mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Ralph Peterson left Friday for Gardner. Camp Gordon, Ga., after spendMr, and Mrs. Leon Jensen ing a pleasant 10 day furlough visited relatives in Montpelier, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Idaho, one day last week. Rast Peterson and other Mrs. Wanda Johnsen Of the Relief Society stke board VisitMr. ahff-M- rsr tOTf - Mateson ed ' Relief society conference at visited Mrs. Orville lversen at Honeyville, Sunday evening news to everyone in Corinne. Halloween was a big day for the youngsters of Corinne. To begin their festivities the Co- rinne Primary gave a party. Goodies were served to about 193 children. Games and dancing was also provided and according to Mrs, Olive Fillmore, president, it was a successful undertaking because all the teachers and others who helped did a little more than they were asked to do. Mrs. Alice Marble and Mrs. Joyce Fillmore helped with the refreshments and Mrs. Cleone Nicholas and Mrs. Allie Roche had the dancing in charge.' Mrs. Jean Nelson and Priscilla Wells had the dancing and singing games in charge. Everything done, and the decorations done by Mrs. Pauline Jensen had a Halloween atmosphere. (For the third successive year, the Halloween Carnival sponsor- ed by the Parent-Teache- but you cant buy belter I sixth birthday guests. with ,14 little 'From the reports of his ' a - . understand. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller, Bill Blended whiikey. 86 and DelRay Miller are celebrat- proof 70 gnua neutral ing the arrival of a new little (pirit. Hiram Walker ft boy at their house. We all ex- Soot Ioc, Peoria, 11L tend them congratulations! r PAIH7IUG BAYS S I ! i loo rural to Advanced ' WONDER DRIES any ph teet aad d tu! hht at out YU co Bg hoi labor ame tone. quick, easy "T? Zd!lt e xtn change withe RIDE AUTOMATIC FORDOMATIC Brin the CONTROt DRJV1 Mf nnc. Phone 56 SERVICE 935-93C3S-074- 17 ! 1 1? i Olen, temS-gl- o r flat waS finishes In 223 beautiful tone b Devee' library ef Color. Adi far Oavoe Velaus. "wear ordinary unrnisbe. Stepladder, Brushes, Thinnori, Putty, Spackle, Sandpaper, Gkm, Putty Knife. , 6 Q far float ar wood work, tone la 4 hour la a bard, lustrous surface that Dent forget. . . 51 FBBB DAYTIME CALL SUNDAYS NIGHTS One eoctt covert 'mast any surface Including wallpaper. Wear wonnsb-e- d derfully. Can be after 30 day. ) t Nr the etmt In wear end wash ability In kitchen end bath, use MIMtOiAC. Perce. lafn-lik- e finish, me darn mien, WilECIlEn ASY TO USE f i . sisrj'S-TO- Clean and fresh, free from painty odor. Give a smooth and lustrous finish. Exceptionally easy to oppiy. r 1 Equipment, occwsorles notice. Test , NO PAINT ODOR New Starting. Comi in and ' TONES 4 Hew l0w you that power Isnt the only av 10 y convinced that you 'on fr- - Youll experience the safe, smooth Rouble-SeKing-Siz- e Brakes. Youll feel the Autemat'c Posture Control. And youll be furd's Key-Tur- n FAST. Take, enly 20 minute te dry. Pqlnt in the morning, move back In the automatic miieagi make 2 9t j Bring Refreshing Beauty to Every Room of Your Home With d k -- successful party, too. Mrs. Ruth Drake and Dorothy Rae- from - Imlay, Nevada are with Mrs. Drake's sisvisiting ter, i Mrs. George , Davis at the Duck club. Mrs. Drake ilans on. Staying for sometime yet, or until the hunting season sort of dwindles dowm- w Miss Fonnie Wells celebrated her birthday this past week, a very important birthday in the life of any young lady, her eighteenth. After this the birthdays become, well, we ' ladies n othr old-tim- As- r exhausted mother this was ' md e For Hiram Walker, qualify sociation was a success. The was. crowded school building with children and parents and everyone was having a good time, because the well planned activities included everyone. The large dolls were won by Mrs. Glade Wells and Mrs. Wayne Anderson. The door prizes by Mr. Wayne Owen and Mrs. James Reed and Gary Barker and Jean Olsen. The guessing games by Reese Roundy and Maralyn Dunn. Yes, all in all, it was a successful Halloween. Billy Dee Young celebrated his d taken tb also used Os-bo- 1 pay more ... time. man tells me that this slough has been a troublesome spot all along as there seems to be some quality about the cattails that will defy even steel and cause it to rust. This new stretch of pipe will, the councilman tells me, do much to help the pressure. The work will begin in about three weeks or as soon as the pipe arrives. This bit of news should be good M-M- . giv- en the city water man, Walter Bosley, to purchase 1650 feet of cast iron pipe to replace the same amount of feet of steel pipe that crosses the slough northeast of Corinne. The steel pipe was put in to take the place of the wooden pipe and is reported to have been weak for iSl3nd malc wiH 1 theme for decorations with special accent on Hawaii. !Donna Rae lead-e- r Burt, s to charge ofactivity decorations. ine dance is under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. La Van Hunsaker and will be held in cooperation with the stake and Gleaner leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunsaker. ard ribbon presented to Third ward on the first "Fun Night will 'be there for the ward with the highest persen-tag- e of Mutual attenders present. There is no admission charge. Refreshments will be sold to cover dance expenses. - A girl was born November 5 to The following births are an- Richard and Maureen Coleman , nounced from Cooley Memorial Fryer of Brigham City William and Mema Carnahan hospital: Yost are the parents of George and Juanita Garrison Smith of a bom November 5. daughter No. RFD Petersen, 1, Brigham City, a boy on October 30. The baby was still born. CHIROPRACTIC Jack and Betty Yabutanl Suga, RFD No. 2 Brigham City, a girl Natures Way on October 30. John and Vaudis Baker Miller, Corinne, a boy on October 30. On October 31 a boy was born to Roland and Thelma Coombs Monson of Brigham City. Jesus and Ruth Knight Garza of Washington, are the parents of a baby boy bom November 2. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holmgren of Bear River announce the arrival of their second daughter born November 4. Mrs. Holmgren is the former Norene Rasmussen, Painless Treatment daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin Rasmussen. QUICK RESULTS! A boy was born on November day thousands are Every 4 to Lloyd and Eula Jacobsen how chirodiscovering Olsen of Brigham- City. return can help practic Ben and Mary Silvia Cardenas. to See us them health. are the of Brigham City parents for a consultation now. a girl born November 4. A boy was born Novmeber 4 to James and Anna Howard DR. C. R. JONES Wight of Tremonton, RFD 124 East 1st South 2. Phone 182 Robert and Arlene Merrell report that authorization has been oe the Saturday Social Held By Jr. M Men And Gleaners BIRTHS . am most happy to I d f Hutchinson announce the arrival I j Lal.y da ugh er born November 5. This is the first grandchild for Dr. and Mrs. W. R. MerreU , 1 JMMLN1S Marijane Morris r Speierman, along with a group from Ogden, have been receiving dancing instruction at the Arthur Murray fetudlo in Ogden She was one of 12 . to receive medals in the Saturday examination conducted by an examiner from Santa Monica, California. Certificates and pennants will also be presented. To compete for the bronze medal it is necessary to know seven different type dances, 60 dance steps with a partner and also be able to dance the steps individually, a series of medals including bronze, silver and gold are presented. While In New York City recently Miss Speierman witnessed medal tests in Arthur Murray national, studio. She also took a lesson in the studio in New York City. Saturday evening, October 27, she also participaed in a floor show presentation at the 13th ward in Salt Lake City. -- By iNl8ht" or Jleien Speierman," daughter of WnpTi,n Elder 8tflke wards Mrs. Ole Speierman, was recipl-ene- t wmA0?held Saturlay, Novem- of a bronze medal award on hiline at ln the ewm0, L30 p Saturday, October 27, at the A Night To studio Murray in Salt Lake nlnT theme tof the eve For the past 10 months Miss Hon-.wr- ORINNE GO G 0 o h ? |