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Show Cl For Sale 1 For Rent or Lens For Rent or Lease I apart-meFOR BENT Furnished Just FOR RENT Strictly modern Used saddle. B. C. Hot and cold water. apt Automatic heat $30. toen agor, right for and hot water. Adults only. 112 Frig. Reasonable. 94 north Williams. Phone 6. 02441 ch East Forest Second west Ph. 375-J- . FOrTaLE White Pekin ducks. MONEY TO LOAN on watches, Grade A Pasteurized Dan Davis. Phone 0180-J- 2 furnished guns and diamonds. Brigham FOR RENT 2 room pd . h MILK & CREAM For Sale Loon Company. 38 E. First So. apt Phone 448. Phone DELIVERED Wanted Helo Ten bet FOR SALE- -. Apples. 2 room furnished RENT FOR ; . thev are Delicious. , Phene CARPENTERS WANTED Tor Wll 0382-6A. P. Dalton. APARTMENT apt Phone 2264.bedroom unfurwork on new senior high FURNISHED lard. Suitable for couple, heat and FOR RENT school at Ogden. Apply at nished apt Heat hot and cold furnished. Phone 1049-- J water SUPERIOR DAIRY and A. Whitmeyer George watert electrie range and re 026-tf-c- h FOR SALE Soft shelled Eng Sons, 2759 Grant avenue. Ph. Phone 1540 Peach irlgerator furnished. hsh walnuts. 3 lbs for SI. 00. 9062, Ogden, Utah. 026-tf-c- h 723-J- . room house. RENT Two FOR Phone City Apts. James Romer, 54 north First Inquire 113 north .First east, east. Phone 366. FURNACE CLEANING pd Vacuum, Clean and Repair We Lost and Found GUABANTEED used Singer and All Makes of Furnace PIN BOYS FOR RENT Modem housekeep at White sewing machines COAL & APPLIANCE ing and sleeping rooms. Close THE POLICE department .have BEEHIVE Phone Bates Sewing Service, 55 So. "ONE in. 128 south First west WANTED two (2) in their possession Second west N7-9-p- d unclaimed bicycles. If not WILL PICK and draw ducks Si Must Be Over 14 claimed within 10 days they my home. Mrs. William FOR RENT Five room partly 595 north Second oast Police Depart-mewill bo sold. furnished house. $25 a month. . h Phone 937-d Good Wages Brigham City. Phone 811.J. FOR fur-nlsh- SALE nt Ml IK -- N7-9-- nine PAGE For Sate elder news BOX ? For Sale loy, INTERNATIONAL hat 011 7ustoWestinghouse end TRADE-IN- 'vas 5 535511950 ij-to- n 1 on,y pick-wfcixl- special. SI 195. Tur Real good buy used Massey Harris 33 H. P. Tractor. Good condition $550.00 Klondike (It aura its a end not Just a cover), 'mediate delivery. Erection now. jeur own property A NELSON G. closeouWat, Phone FOR . SALE Delicious apples. Scott Williams, South Brig, ham City. Phone 0280-R, PHONE 300 , 024-2- ' 6 HELP WANTED Zenith Washing Machine WAITRESS and COOK Brand New $98.00 Apply In Person Large Size Pressure Cooker This Is Your Brigham City f . Only $21.50 Jessie's Fine Foods . BUSINESS EMRECTOTV ' A handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions. Furniture Moving tyliances Stok-,nPRODUCTS, Furnaces, Radios, Washers, SiGIDAIRE Co. Appliance Coal Phone Phonograph Records long distance moving of household effects, phone 79-- J for free estimate Mav A Snn 1. Furn. Repair, Rug Clean. Ranges, FreezVacues, Refrigerators. Hoover um Cleaners. North Main EXPERT RUG CLEANING, furniture repairing and calbinet furniture Co. Phone 250. work. Call D. C. Cornia, 506 south Second west. Ph. 530. Auto Repairs Radio, jHflLCO AUTO 2IGHAM Jewelers CO. SUPPLY service. J5 years friendly Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto t body and fendBurts Body Shop, KEEPSAKE lir 9 GIFT SHOP outfitting from Aets needle work, threads. Complete to .teens. 37 and yarns ENGRAVING DIAMONDS , So. Main Ph. 23' Ladies Owners Ready-To-We- ar SMART STYLES In Coats, Suits, Elite Shop, 56 Dresses, Hats. RELIABLE CLEANERS South Main. Phone Specialize in Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. LADIES JEEVES READY-TO-WEA- Phone 86. Dealers In Utahs finoiled stoker slack, , lump and stove. OfflER YOUR SUPPLY COAL Now! WightPhone 110. Lumber & Hardware OF KING Coal Co., Highest prices paid for wttle and carp. Call us Lmme-uiatel- y Knights Coal on all EARLS FOOD FARE. Open a. m. to 10 p. m. Fresh Fruits Vegetablea-Grocer- Cus- ies. tom Cut Meats. ' - 84 ynoce Cleaning QUALITY vacuum clean all makes and equipment. Imservice. Phone 420. deP' Larsen Sheet Metal t heating mediate hriliture 1 Printing PACKER O Good Printing MOTOR COMPANY 75 So. Main Blocks, service and fair pricfa- -Men. the Friendly Store for NEWS-JOURN- 1000, AL Repair Service STOKERS, Furnaces, Refrigerators, Small Appliances. Beehive Coal & Appliance. I Phone L . WASHERS, Sales Books - Tickets , RESTAURANT checks, , manifold books, salesbooks of all kinds, Adding TYPEWRITERS and tickets.. We can save tags Cash Registers inoc and Order from the money. you REPAIRED. bought, sold and Phone 1000, ! Office. The Reminder 250. h Co. MADE DRAPES, Vene- Blinds made to order. T'WIng and linoleum to' Hadfield Furniture. Coverings and GULISTAN office forms needs. News-Journa- C'0M beautiful electric range and refrigerator (Just like new) all stay with the place, in addition to the very attractive draw drapes. No steps to climb aU on one floor. Office Supplies COMPLETE LINE of restaurant checks, ttlonally Advertised Horn SALES SLIPS, ledger sheets, books, manifold In Box Elder Coun-Nortand all Print Furniture , SUPER DE LUKE Is. in our opinion, the best words to describe this very modem brick home. This place was built by the own-e- r for his abode for the next half century, however, circumstance has changed all this. The owner, due to his employment, is now required to leave Brigham. The total price for this place is $17,000, and is a buy. especially when you consider that all floors are covered with beautiful new carpets of course the kitchen, bath, and utility room are covered with rubber tile. Water soltner, disposal, printing needs FHONE Ph. l, Orchard Supplies afHwedquXut materials. spraying Produce Co. 1000 . Anderson ' Paints And Glass Car-n- d Gold Seal, ?im nd Rugs. Lino Armstrong General pintt Tile. Free estimate Gls North ber tile floors. Br gham JrPrt installation. - Fh. 696. MainWorth Furniture Co. Ph. 250. Paint, 85 Service Stations n Mark Brightenburg's CHtn tote fetararo Better Service Ph. 81 Sale - Real Estate News-Journa- Host SSd , of SHEFFIELD I. G. A. The S.ore Groceries. and Quality Meats Radio Repair Frozen Foods. Fresh Vegeta120 bles. Every day low prices, South Main. Phone 69. RADIO REPAIR Phone 649 J for Prompt and ExWear Men & Boys pert Radio Service. T. Howard Smith, 107 E. 6th N. MERCHANDISE Good eitenbeker electricS. Main Jj'ed. s Ph. 696 85 No. Main , Markets makes of "Miters, vacuums, irons, rf- We fix anything. Just them in or phone us. Driven Just 200 Miles Fluid Drive 4 Speed Transmission 6 Ply Tires Air Condition Heating System f Electric Windshield ' ' Wipers Come in and drive this unit before you buy that truck. for aU your SERVICE JhlngsMain E Vi TON TRljCK; BRIGHAM GLASS and PAINT SHOP Spring Canyon Benjamin - Moore Pamts and Varnishes , Norge Electrical Appliances Service P19ne 1190 1951-DODG- Pittsburgh Plate Pennvemon Window Glass Mirrors For Every Purpose Kawneer Store Front Metals Pc. Glass Blocks Auto Glass f Replaced While You Walt Work or Shop. Hardware John Deere Farm Implements horses, after death of animal tnd receive more monpy. KITE'S TROUT FARM. Ph. Hynan No. 1, or 2215 Logan. Ffon , O Reasonable Cost Lumber DEAD OIR AILIVE Skciricat with all attachment!; Universal electric mixer with all at tachmenis; Admiral radio with record player; Mermaid steam iron for wet or dry ironing. All in excellent i condition. 2 piece dining room set table and buffet. 23 south Second west O Better Service Merrells, Inc. Animal Collectors ANTED Kenmore. cabinet modeL electric sewing machine with all attachments; vacuum cleaner Electrolux ALL WAYS 180 So. Main Phonp 55 Nice location. This place is shown by appointment only. DUPLEX , This older home has been Into two apartments. Furnace and Stoker installed only last year. Priced at S6500, this place Is a very good Invest-meLocated one block from High School. nice i CLEANERS SALE FOR R MESERVY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. Phone 62. COAL & APPLIANCE Phone L est coal, W . Laundry & Dry Cleaners jCoa 6 430-W- Washable dresses and blouses, lingerie and guaranteed full fashioned hosiery. House coats and robes. Mode O Day, 86 South Main. Your CLEANERS. Key 'to Finer Cleaning." Texturize Cleaning. Fur Storage. MODERN hut, Brighams Record Center MT. STATES , , EEHIVE ! $7.00 per 100 ft. Records A LITTLE EXTRA GLASS MEANS A LOT OF EXTRA CHARM DIAMONDS DIAMOND MAN TO WORK FOR DRY CLEANING PLANT EXCELLENT WAGES For Right Man Good working conditions. Experience not necessary RELIABLE REEVES Two Romex 14 SILVERWARE SETTING Art DECCA CAPITOL "You, Diamond Housa" Wrens Clothing WANTED at $21.50 Just 33c ea. RCA Paints And Glass WATCHES and Phone 0380J1 r Electric Wall Boxes ! PALMER JEWELRY work. North Main. KM of Q 1 phonograph RECORDS RPM ' - I ELECTRIC MtloMlIy rcoqmztf Hum R epak And Body 1150 PAINTING, er All yfytb&uutwdy Repairs. hto Paint SHOTGUN A Steal Complete Lina 45 Perry, Utah Iver Johnson (single shot) fOR LOCAL or , Beehive Appliances. Small Now $6.49 nt J 1, J FARMS . We have been fortunate enough to Ust two good irrigated farms. If you are interested contact us at once as the tall plowing should be done soon. C.B. Williams South Main PHONE 6 140 Pont you be r the Millionth Man S , General Electric Room Heaters I DANCE-BOW- L $147.00 Mrs. Dredge. ' AT THE s used refrigerator. 1 270-W- See Ross Norr Packard Bell Radio Phono. Combination. Plays all speeds. South Main FOR SALE nt N7-9'C- N7-9-p- MOUNTAIN STATES ELECTRIC to 51 IMPLEMENT CO. Brigham City so. Main HI & NlMPi MILLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BRIGHAM TRUCK 741-- PHONE and talk $50.00 1 GARAGE KLONDIKE These modern automobiles are powerful. Theyll take you anywhere, even over the GREAT DIVIDE. Is that too fax for you? Then drive carefully. How about your insurance? Are you fully protected? It you're in doubt ring 1040 now ft. 11 Refrigerator FOg SALE r, before winter sets in. let IWCt used Coronado 1 trt 031-N-2-7- THE GREAT DIVIDE $275.00 Elec. Refrigerator. Exc. Condition $125.00 1 used Coldspot 6 ft. Sw a International Harvest Home Freezer S, Plymouth Special Deluxe now $1045. North rLr GARAGES used ri-li- S in prices. 3006 and one 3030 used e One 12 gauge shotgun and one 22 bolt action rifle. Rea sonably priced at Bee Sport Shop. p 05-if-c- 450-W- FOR SALE Mercury outboard 10 H. P. motor and Johnson 16 H. P. motor. One Si?kard City. Utah Hovwnbw 7, 1951 grighmn Service? PHONE 31 Wonted SALVAGE Cars and Trucks. Best price for 37 or trucks. later. Any pick-u- p Guaranteed parts cheap. A A Parts and Service, RD No. 3. Ogden, Phone 25768, Ogden. 1 pd WANT 024-26-3- ( or s , the. one who kills him ) Americas millionth traffic fatality will occur this December, the National Safety Council says. If it possible to postpone that millionth death? Are there any steps yom can take to avoid being the victim or the unwilling killer? Yts! Remember these simple safety rules. Put them the time. into practice laws! Speeding drivers are involved la 1 Obey speed out of 3 fatal traffic accidents. If you like to speed, better slow down before it costs you your life. Watch out for childronl Lest year, 120,000 children were Involved in accidents. Be extra cautious when driving near schools, playgrounds, or in residential areas. Safoty-choc- k your carl Bad brakes, tires or lights can put you and your family in the hospital, or in the cemetery. Keep your car in perfect running condition. Bo doubly alert at night! Over half of all traffic fatalities occur at night. Walking or driving, you need a doable order of caution to make up for reduced visibility. Four simple rules. Follow them. ...M rr |