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Show VERY HEAVY VOTE REGISTERED THE. IN will head the .1 Stratford campaign Scouting for Brigham City open in JI the main objectives .Sue to recruit manpower funds to carry on , the M was scouting program, ursced this week. miiiiKtion meeting of a will be of 73 volunteers on the tabernacle offices u i 10 PAGES BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1951 BLOOD-TYPE- Using The Old Range The Last Time IN D . . . They Hope! Best Program In Record Of Weber Medical Society Is Estimate Of Medical Director Civil-Defen- se blood-typin- o briefed on the drive at will be of meeting. campaign lay d but the the this year is it making Friends for said in , Stratford We plan of the drive. sell scouting and .the program, with ra Ising a secondary goal, If we scout-jut over the story of feel certain that the to carry it on will be is more inland were looking for who are interested in sgT er - - ly lin Culmsee Cross. Marians Mrs. Olivia Petersen Jensen funeral tomorrow , , . . Funeral Tomorrow Rotarians were their regular Tuesday joa schedule this week after jcial night meetings in as Mrs. I weeks, with Dr. Carlton X dean of arts and sconce 4 State Agricultural col- Funeral services for Mrs. a guest speaker. Olivia Petersen Jensen' 78, who i Culmsee spoke ' on the died (Monday at 5:30 a. m. at Self Reliance and urg- - the family home in Brigham listeners to fight fear by City, will be held Thursday at 'I informed., Heirecom-- i 1 oclock in the afternoon in the I well balanced reading First ward chapel with Bishop Jensen For an, articles that selecting is welL.rlas,.ihoa? e tb?t k with the individuals be- 1 rw-- s the opening-period- a t Denver, Colo., r past. three years.' - Lorenzo-Bott on ;ei on Sported' the fifir She. was born January 19, Rulon 1873 in Mantua, a daughter of recent visit Peter and Mafen club, and Christen' Olsen Petersen. toasted Alf was educated in Mantua. , , i Raymond1 Payne'conducting. LxfTS. Jensen ha'd Ueerfnii his birthday i , L She jwas married to Lorenzo pfejlqua meetings of 'Jensen, September 5, 1899, in lub included a ladies night the Logan LJD.S. - temple. Mr. een l .party at- - the em-scl- Jensen 10, 1917. of the Intermountain for sevMantua A of resident ii school- on October 24 and eral years she was active in L. tercity meeting in the same D. S. church activities. She starton October 30 attended wrhen 14 a hundred Rotarians ed her church work in the as old organist years Brigham City, Ogden and Mantua ward. She had served hUe. Primary organist, counselor torge Boyce was program as of the Primary association and at the intercity meet- Y.W.MJ.A., president of the Represented pupils and lief society and member of other 01 the schopl m a varied which included Indian groups. In Brigham City her' church bid dances. ,- work included being counselor in the Relief, society, block director teacher, ward welfare in the First ward. She had also served ,as captain of the Sunflower camp of the D.UJP. Surviving are sons and daugh ters: Mrs. Ernest (Lola ) Jensen, 'annual banquet of 'the Mantua;, Norma Jensen, - Brigward Elders Weldon Jeppson, Ma-laquorum ham City;' And held Mrs. J. R. (Ethel) Idaho Friday,. November TMng-htY-su Austin, Hollister, Calif.; 10 p lfned- today from Owen grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren; two sisters and one brother: Elvira P. Hess and f2ne is invited, P. Marsh, Brigham City, ' "and they Eliza Alonzo H. Petersen, Salt lng their knives, 'forks, and i ,and glasses. Lake City. addition to the dinner Friends may call at the family has been home Wednesday and Thursday Enudson said. until time of services. Proceeds will be added to Burial will be in Mantua cem"fionary fund. etery under the direction of the $1.50 a plate will Harold B. Felt Funeral home. ,aiIahle at the, door. fwo died-Apri- - Inut Double, mirror, i twer in-:o- rs reatly iy - jWardElders I0NTH i Banquet - Knud-bnphasize- ,3,t ce 8 o - Le-la- Knife, Fork Club Organizing; Plan Dinner Friday For Addition To Chapel First Program To raise funds for a new addiward LDS cIass rooms- a kltchen. to - i, Asel Robinette, FSEr-- Si IS Sridav , - , I Clarence . F. Sylvester Course Radar Completes four-wee- , Vernon H. Kotter . . . called on mission . rest room, cry , priesthood and a remodeled furnace r0om- - Besides the present chap- el will be completely renovated, cogt about $40 work rooms, By And Bradford Named In Mantua Corinnes Choice Larsen and Lynn Hailing were elected . trustees foe the Mantua In the Corinne city election board In the Tuesday, November Thomas Bosley, Laren G. Ander- 6, 000, election, it was learned late seson were Sam and Bradford, Fund raising activities for the last night. In planned construction began as lected to help govern city affairs larrr before the .war, .and as 4 yeacouncUinen Tuesday, farjjack pa ,bear Lynn HaUlr treaa-thIs j Hazel Hewlett the soon after fruit city will finally 34. Ths loserf wtjft AntrlJ & 4. Friday event when construo- - urer. son. 27 votes; and Alston Arition begins. The warc jtas been ' ... w 3L sen, . ,' 56 Ander-votes, gained very active1 ln! raising funds 'the sonBosley 62 and Bradford, 57, and Mrs. past two years, . Hewlett,' 78. The losers were 'Marion FredTickets will be , sold at the ,r MANTUA-- Newell ar - - e - : door. ,.r For children of Perry an out- standing feature of the affair will be the sale of "Merry . Joy, a rag doll who has served the -- Primary there faithfully the past few years In rasing funds for the Childrens hospital. Merry Joy, who has had her pockets filled over and over with birthday pennies, will be sold to the high- rickson, 29 votes; L. V. Mills, 50 and Jenny Adney, 43, and for city treasurer, Donna Hansen with 20 Willard City Names Three In Election Stauf-Wayn- e Nelson, Wagstaff. The bishopric includes Rulon Hirschi, bishop; Eugene Bott, first counselor; Douglas Oyler, second counselor and Elmer Matthews, clerk. American Legion Will Meet Thurs. Brigham City Citizens Tuesday rivgi j Iverson, Jansen Named In B.R.C: votes. est bidder. Citizens of Willard, one of the On the Perry ward building five third class cities In Box El- committee are Harper Billings, er county, selected Clair Arthur Nielson, presiding. The program as arranged will include special numbers by Kot The American Legion will ters immediate family. President Vernal Willie willIlfli at the meeting at be the main speaker. War Memorial home, according This will be Kotters second to Herb Adamson,' commander. mission. In 1927-3- 0 he served 28 National guardsmens wives months in the Northern States mission. Active in church work, and mothers and the Legion he has served as a member of auxiliary will show two films, the high council under President "Power Behind The Nation and S. Norman Lee, Hervin Bunder-son- , 'The Crime of Korea, as a part John P. Lillywhite and Ver- of their flag city bond drive. George Hodges, district comnal Willie. , will give a short reHe married Mary Welling in mander, port On his recent trip to the 1933. They have six daughters: Miami, Florida national conMarilyn, Joan, Willetta, Dorothy, vention. Sharon, Marjorie and one son, All Legion members and wives Frederick Vernon. and the public are Invited and He is the son of Mis. Ella J. requested to attend, Adamson Kotter of Brigham City. ; said. Chosen fer Roland Mackey, and Lewis Barns to 6erve them the next four years as councilmen, in a fight V0t6 TUG$d.fiiy Taking largest number votes was Stauffer, with 72, followed closely toy Mackey with 68. Councilman Barns was put into In a very light Vote Bear River City citizens named Glen Iverson and Carlos L. Jenson 4 year trustees in the Tuesday, November 6, election, according to late: , , reports last night In the final Carlos L. Jenson was high with 57 votes, and Iverson second with 36. 7 Losers were Clair ' Andersen with 27 votes and Delbert Holm-- , gren with 26. J - - - Tremonton Peoples , 1 V sti Party Takes All office with 60 votes. Defeated were Robert North, 55 votes; Angus Ward, 49 votes; The Peoples ticket 'made--- a Jens L. Simonsen, 44 votes. clean sweep of the November 6 Named city treasurer by virtue election with all of their can- of 94 votes was Audra Call. . didates winning city offices, in a:.--' 3 Tremonton, Tuesday. were Howard Frelss, Winning 267 votes; Edward Quinney, 240 votes; Lynn Thomas, 269, all fouT-yea- r city councilmen and C. Melvin Foxley, 204, treasurer. In a close election in Honey(Losers were- - LaMain E. Cowville, Oral J. Hunsaker and Wil134; Reed Giles, lift; Harry ley, liam E. Hunsaker won posts on the towns board Of trustees. Harrison Miller, 118, all coun173, Both men will serve four year cilmen, and Lynn Iverson, , ( Honeyville Elects TI Two Hunsakers treasurer. terms. Oral J. Hunsaker was popular with 75 votes. His new fellow trustee, William E. Hunsaker Garland Votes One tallied 66 votes. Ticket In Tuesday : Close on W. E. Hunsakers tail were Ray Boothe, 65 votes (Garland citizens had little and Alton Hunsaker, 52 votes. trouble selecting their three councilmen and city treasurer, Tuesday, with only one set of candidates on the ballot Elected for' councilmen were Andy Campbell, Charles W. Cutler, J. L. Pierce. (Retained as treasurer' was -- ar Rhodla Christopher. . Bazaar And Food Sale Scheduled By 3rd Ward Third ward Relief society will bold a bazaar and food sale on Saturday, November 10, from Ml noon until 7 p. m. at the fim station. Rugs,' aprons, dish towels, dolls and other article for Christmas gifts will be on MPA' vocal- e - Bosley, Anderson Larsen And Hailing; J!KSr radar Clarence F. Silvester, man seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Silvester of com Riverside Utah, recently k course in pleted the operational radar at the U. S. Naval Combat Information Team Training Center, Boston Mass. Personnel attending Combat' Information Center schools must have a background of mathe matics, physics and electronics, Is 'Sheriff Mack Wade of Weber at Mr Wade has recently work county will be guest speaker ed extensively with the young a special fireside sponsored by people of the county in connec Young stake the South Box Elder of with the -music Kotter Vernon tion widespread hinettd will return Womens Mutual Improvement . November Sunday, s DI,eo association, SnbSrtoday by H is a member of the bishopric 18 it was reported Wothe Pleasant, View ward, and in Blanche Hendricks, Young ' your news to 1000 has filled a mission to Germany. mens' stake president. The Young (Womens stake board feels there is a definite Young Will Represent General need for the young people and rarities At Soufh B.E. Stake Conference their parents to know the facts - in regard to this dope menace, Young, a6,1ftatbe in attendance at this meet- so Twel they can be on the alert in Apostles: ing. their respective homes. They the of featureauthority at the Outstanding every parent to be in aturge Elder first pub.... stake quarterly conference will be the itheir children. with tendance installbe held Sunday, lic hearing of the newly The fireside will b held in the Thougn to organ. Glen ed 1,000 pipe according at 9 p. m. This hour ,nnin, president of the not all of the decoration of the tabernacle set so the outlying been has toe of all organ is yet complete, installed. wards will be able to attend, Cal sessions will be held plaving mechanism is following their sacrament meetm- The South Box Elder staxe iw1, nd atwill7:00beP held of ing. From 8 to 9 p. m. Frank direction, the choir, under meeting Cott will render selections Van will supply the afternoonr All Harold B. Felt, VhoS oii the new-piporgan. - leaders are for conference. to urged tion - . nd Perry Ward Will Hold Fund Raising Bldg.'Fund Dinner . , Ladies Of The Perry L.' D. S. Ward for theward supper which will be held in the recreation hall they prepare next Friday evening, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Left to right: Mrs.Royal Petersen, Mrs Andrews, Mrs. Merlin Nelson, Mrs. Ru Ion Hirschi, and Mrs. Harper Billings. Ward Plans: t' 1 ' Kjynw, Robinette, son of Mrs, . Q , , . as the Perry Organization Of the Box Elder charel a turkey dinner, followbva Drogram will be held in Knife and Fork Club is rapidly hallof nearing completion and the according membership of 160 is nearly evening, committee. learned was it reached, today,' , tp the building j Evenings festivities will begin A roster of the first members to pay their dues was mailed to at 6:30 p. m. when turkey dinall members as a ballot to elect ners with all of the trimmins directors , or, th ..organization, 5giU foe. served. Immediately .ioK Nveek. . lowing it there will be an outfh& Eighth with much a While it. is not yet definite, standing program talent. it is believed the first speaker outstanding The new addition to the chapel will bp 4n Brigham City, Friday, November 16. Tentatively sched- will make room for additional uled to appear here is Gerhart The Brigham" City Eighth H. newsSeger, distinguished has ward building committee formed German H. scheduled a banquet to raise paperman and who will ' talk on funds itoward the erection of a legislator, What Makes America Tick. new chapel, on Friday evening, Elmer Schloutz, Denver, ColoNovember 30, beginning at 7:30 On Mission rado, organizer of the local Called m. Pto will return club, Brigham Tic be Price will $10 per plate. Vernon H. Kotter, Brigham kets will be sold by the com City this week to make final mittee and the different organ arrangements. City, has been called to serve a There are still some member- six month LDS mission to the izations of the ward. Save up your change, said ships available and may be se- Western states with headquarter the committee, and join us at cured. It was pointed out the Char- in Denver, Colorado. dinner. It will be held at the Indian school cafeteria, build ter memberships will be about ' He entered the LDS mission 160, after which the customary home in Salt Lake City last ing 7. On ithe building committee are waiting list will be Monday, November 5. Before Ernest Freeman, Chairman; Herleaving on his mission he will return to attend a North Box Elman Hotter, Orson Earth, Ruby der stake social for the Aaronlc Hansen and Moroni Bott. Will Serve Church The bishopric consists of Era priesthood, Saturday, November 10. est Hansen, bishop; - Howard A farewell testimonial In his Kelly, first counselor; Max Bott, second counselor and Morris honor will ibe held In the Fourth . , ward chapel, Sunday, November Glover, clerk, 11, at 7 p.m. with Bishop George - M M 'P - , , Information on the number of each type of blood analyzed is not yet available. : ' In addition to the "blood typing the Rh factor of each person was taken.- - A check with a Brigham City doctor revealed that, trouble ip having children because of the Rh factor is extremely rare. When it does occur" it is when the wifes factor is negative and husbands pos itive. Then it is usually the third or fourth child which is effected. Those in charge of the pro gram expressed their apprecia tion to the many clubs and individuals who .assisted, particu larly the Weber Medical socie ty. Narcotic Use By Youth At Fireside Navy Duty M (A Weber County Sheriff Will Discuss Robinette On YFrom Brigham City Election Results By Precincts , ram. ;ham City l. of 1123 people were blood-typeand tattooed with their type, to set the record for the service. Over 60 percent of those processed were yomen. It took the program a week to get rolling. The first week 208 were typed. On the second 441 were processed and on the third and last week there were 474 to be typed. Much of the success of the program was credited to the ideal facilities at Central school and that the blood' typing unit was the best in the United States" which was used here, according to Dr, R. L. Drapen, medical director of- - the Red posi-L,t- g st Speaker Democrats Win Three Of Four Open Posts; Each Candidate Had "His Day" In Voting r vote for In a heavy the evening. ,4 Brigham City the Democratic ing Burt and Glen Packer, Boyd won four of three the posts party for councilopen in the City government, two both. Democrats led of the way. four-yea- r and the man practically all councllmen scored highest of any Packer treasurer. city councilmen candidate with 1047 votes and Elected four-yea- r were Morris W. Glover, incum- Burt followed with 1046. Morris ' his bent; Glen Burt, incumbent; and Glover, Republican, wonnarrow a councilman post by Boyd M. Packer. Connie M. Peters received a margin with 973 votes over Arvote of confidence when re- thur G. Steffen, 933 votes, David elected to the city treasurer post E. Hellberg, 929 votes and Shir. with 1020 votes over Republican ley W. Wight, 793 votes. u Mrs. Purdett S. Farmer, who had Each of the candidates showed 901 votes. strength in their own precincts, The election was as good as a in an election that appeared . horse race Tuesday evening . ; largely the vote tabulations poured Into With about 2100 registered the News & Journal office. Each voters in Brigham City, this elecof the candidates for councilmen tion, there was a turn-ou- t of apshowed strength at one time dur proximately 2,000. CIVIL DEFENSE PROGRAM HERE night of t Box Elder stakes. No has been set ELECTION R off-yea- 1123 PEOPLE Box Elder g . this week at m program held Brigham City the past three weeks on Tuesday evening announ-lXlock, Stratford was acclaimed the best the Weber Medical set the date of the drive Society has held so far, said Jay W. Oldroy, president of the Box Elder county writ out plans. Friends for Scouting" council of coordinating health services. fund gn is the annual S' drive for the North and On the three evenings a total Dies Monday ujy OFF-YEA- . . Connie Peters back to work Morris Glover . ed ' . . iYJ Boyd M. Packer heaviest vote . , . - Glen Burt the way . . led all , ; , , The food sale - will feature home-mad- e bread, rolls, pies and cakes. A fish pond will be conducted will by the Primary. They . sell doll cothes. ' |